Preposition of Place

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- in the bag
- in the classroom espaço 3D
- in the box
- in London
- In Europe
- in the street território
- in Rio de Janeiro
- in the Alpes
- in the world
- in the car
- in a van
- in the sea
- in the river agua
- in the lake
- in the swimming pool
- in a book
- in a Picture material impresso
- in the newspaper

- at the door
- at the crossroads
- at the traffic light
- at the top of
- at the bottom
- at the end
- at a party
- at a concert atividades em grupo
- at a cinema
- at the movies
- at school
- at university locais específicos
- at church
- at home
- at work
- at the bakery estabelecimentos
- at a café
- at 35 Cardoso Moreira Avenue endereço completo
- at 49 Washington Street

- on the table
- on the carpet
- on the roof superficies
- on the sofá
- on the second floor andares
- on the right
- on the left
- on the train
- on the bus meios de transporte
- on a plane
- on the radio
- on TV
- on the internet midias
- on a website
- on Cardoso Moreira Avenue endereço sem numeração
- on Washington Street

- in December (meses do ano)
- in the Winter (estações do ano)
- in 2019 (ano)
- in 50’s (décadas)
- in 20th century (séculos)
- in ice age
- in the presente longos períodos
- in the past
- in the morning
- in the afternoon partes do dia
- in the evening

- at 5 o’clock
- at 10:30 horas do dia
- at noon
- at midnight
- at lunch
- at night
- at lunch refeições
- at breakfast
- at Christmas
- at Easter
- at bedtime
- at sunrise
- at sunset
- at the moment


- on time
- on Monday (dias da - on my birthday
semana) - on Christmas Day
- on Halloween - on Independence Day
- on 15th July (datas) - on our anniversary
- on New Years’s Eve

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