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How To Make A Girl Fall In Love With You (With The

4 Step IRAE® Model)
4-Step IRAE® Model)
June 25, 2018 / 15 Comments

How To Make A Woman Fall In Love With You –

Truly, Madly, Deeply!
erek, tell me,” asked Jeff, “how to make a girl fall in love with you?”
Jeff is a new client who just signed up for my Shogun Method coaching course a
couple months back.

Jeff is a clever jock type. He looks like a thinking man’s Channing Tatum – runs, lifts weights and
runs his own software business.

He just turned 44 but easily looks 35.

Jeff is successful by all measures. Money, nice cars and a beautiful waterfront mansion in

But there is something that is challenging him to his limits…

Enter Xenia.

Jeff and Xenia hit it off at a party of common friends. He asked her out on a boating date, and
she agreed.

He showed me her picture and frankly, she is stunning. A 29-year old Russian blonde with a
Ph.D. in Biology (!) and an hourglass, 36-18-36 gure.

I asked him: “Jeff, this chick is more than hot. How was your date?”

“Derek, unbelievable. She’s adventurous, smart…” Jeff answered, not nishing his sentence.

“And?” I pressed him.

Suddenly, Jeff grew very serious, with his smile gone.

“I called her a few days later and she told me she was too busy to meet again.”

“Too bad, Jeff. I guess you want to move on?” I tried testing the waters a little.

“Derek,” Jeff interrupted, “You don’t get it. This one’s a keeper! I want her to be my woman. I
want her to completely fall in love with me!”

Table of Contents [hide]

1 How To Make A Woman Fall In Love With You – Truly, Madly, Deeply!
2 “She’s The One.”
3 How To Make A Woman Fall In Love With You: 4-Step IRAE® Model
3.1 Step #1: Intrigue Her
3.2 Step #2: Build Rapport
3.3 Step #3: Generate Attraction
3.4 Step #4: Enslave Her
4 Watch The Fractionation Masterclass

“She’s The One.”

Of course, I understood immediately what Jeff meant.

Because for guys like Jeff it’s not about scoring tons of pussy anymore.

It’s about nding an amazing woman – and getting to keep her.

Maybe you’re also like Jeff… you’re done chasing tail, and you might be xated on one woman.

And like Jeff, you are probably looking for:

More meaningful relationships, free from drama and mind games, or…
Ways of getting closer to that special woman – quickly, or…
The woman you want to love you, crave you and never leave you.
If I am describing what you want, continue reading…

…because I’m about to reveal to you something that you may never have seen anywhere

This is entirely different from what you may have read in those cookie cutter
“Pickup Artist” or PUA blogs and forums.

Let’s not kid ourselves… “Pickup Artist” tricks are child’s play compared to
what I’m going to show you next.

Are you ready?


However, before we continue, I need you to ask something of you:

PROMISE me you will use this technique responsibly.

(When you’re done learning this knowledge, you’ll understand why.)

Because it is so powerful, it will change your life – permanently and for the
better. Just don’t abuse it!

By the way, this technique works on almost any woman that you’ll meet. Yes,
even married women. Or, your hot co-worker. Or, women with daddy issues.
Or, female sociopaths. The list is almost universal.

READ ALSO: How To Make A Woman Want You

How To Make A Woman Fall In Love With You: 4-

Step IRAE® Model
Step IRAE® Model
et’s start by examining the basics…
Here’s the most fundamental question about love and attraction:

What must happen for a woman to fall in love with a man?

The answer is that there are three Core Elements that make a woman fall in love:

1. The element of Intrigue

2. The element of Rapport
3. The element of Attraction

This is pretty important, so etch that permanently inside your mind.

There is the fourth Core Element, and it’s Enslavement.

While Intrigue, Rapport and Attraction are required to make a woman fall in love, Enslavement
is all about making a woman stay in love with you.

(All four Core Elements constitute the IRAE Model – Intrigue, Rapport, Attraction and

We’ll talk more about Enslavement later. For now, let’s talk a little more about the IRAE Model.
Very simply, the IRAE Model maps the entire process of making a girl fall in love with you from
start till nish.

Here’s the most important thing to understand:

The IRAE Model is sequential.

This means that in order to make a girl fall in love with you, you’ll need to follow the process,
step-by-step, and without skipping anything in between:

Step #1: Intrigue her.

Step #2: Build Rapport with her.
Step #3: Generate Attraction.
Step #4: Enslave her.

Makes sense?


Now, let’s move on to the rst step…

Step #1: Intrigue Her

First off, understand this –

Seduction begins and ends with the mental engagement

of a woman.

This means that by engage a woman long enough and she

will eventually yield to you. (It’s just a matter of time.)

And the key to engaging a woman is creating INTRIGUE.

Your goal in the Intrigue stage in the IRAE Model is simple – to capture and hold the target’s
The typical man to woman conversation is usually structured as the following:

“question / answer / question / answer / question / answer”

Guess what?

To a woman this is FUCKING BORING! There is no mystery, no edginess…just plain blaaah!

On the other hand, great rapport-building starts with the formidable “Intrigue Ping”.

The Intrigue Ping is simply a sentence starter that captures her attention and makes her FEEL.

(And you probably know by now that women are “feeling” creatures. They never think
rationally… especially when it comes to men.)

After the Intrigue Ping, the conversation will start to ow naturally.

You got her talking, and now the ball is in her court…

She will carry the weight of the conversation as much as you do.

You are letting her seduce herself to you. If you do this right, it will be quite effortless on your

Why? Because she’s HOOKED.

Now it’s time for you to move on to Step #2 in the IRAE Model…

READ ALSO: How To Seduce Women (Using Mind Control)

Step #2: Build Rapport

There’s one thing about Rapport that you must know, and it’s this:
Building rapport with a woman is like driving a Formula 1 car.

Yes, that’s right.

An F1 car is designed to go fast, with minimal intervention from the driver.

Similarly, a woman is designed (by nature) to “seduce” herself with minimal


In the Shogun Method, one of the most important Rapport building

techniques is Mirroring.

Make no mistake. Mirroring is a tremendously effective rapport building



Well, it’s because it is perceived outside the boundaries of conscious


Even better, it also requires minimal work from you.

This is how the Shogun Method’s version of Mirroring works.

You listen to a woman talk while you mimic her gestures, facial expressions,
You do it with a three-second delay to keep it undetected.

Of course, you must be genuinely interested in what she says (don’t pretend!).

And don’t only mirror her physical movements.

Match her speech patterns, like saying often “Aha” or “Oh yeah” while talking.

Feel in touch with her mood too

Feel in touch with her mood too.

If she’s upbeat, be happy with her.

If she is feeling low, empathize with her and be sensitive.

She will immediately feel closer to you and a very strong bond will form. And if you do this
correctly, you’ll never have the “Friend Zone Problem” which plagues most other guys.
Believe me.

You’re doing great! So let’s take it further.

It’s time for you to escalate to Step #3 in the IRAE Model…

Step #3: Generate Attraction

I’m going to say something very non-PC here. (If you’re getting offended, well, you shouldn’t
be reading this article in the rst place, right?)

In dating, you can either be an honest loser… or a successful manipulator.

Your choice.

That’s the reality. Your success or failure will depend on whether you embrace this truth.

This means that if you want to win, you’ve got be somewhat… manipulative.

(Sounds rather ugly, right? And yet, it’s true.)

Also, in order to attract women, you’ve got to be rather covert and under-the-radar about the
whole thing.


That’s because women naturally resist men wanting to openly seduce them.
And they naturally chase what runs away from them.

This is also why “Pickup Artists” fail so spectacularly. The moment they spout a pickup line,
women immediately know that they are getting hit on.

Defenses (bitch shields) spring up, fast.

Rejections then follow, furiously.

Don’t be a chump!

Here’s the RIGHT (i.e. Shogun Method) way to attract a woman is

through this technique called the ENTICE/REPEL cycle.

First, you ENTICE her.

How do you do that?

Easy: with a Mind Control device called “Implanted Commands”.

(Alternatively, you can also use Barnum Statements. But we will stick to Implanted Commands
in this article.)

How Implanted Commands work is pretty remarkable:

With it, you’ll “trick” her mind to BELIEVE that she has developed a deep emotional rapport
with you.

With Implanted Commands, you’ll talk to her the way she talks to herself. (And as she never
doubts her subconscious, she will begin to believe YOU.)

And once she does, you’ll quickly REPEL her. (That’s the second part of the ENTICE/REPEL
You do this with yet another Shogun Method / Mind Control technique – “Devalidation”.

You consciously push her away by offering her a positive emotion, followed by a negative one.

A few killer example “Devalidation” phrases:

“I kind of like you. But I’m really not sure…”

“You’re nice. But maybe a little too nice.”
“I’m impressed. So far, I mean.”

Awesome, right?

And guess what – the ENTICE/REPEL effect will drive her crazy…and her desire for you will

When this happens, you’re just one step away from winning the game in totality…

READ ALSO: Alpha Male Characteristics (Top Five Signs Of The Dominating Alpha

Step #4: Enslave Her

his is your victory. She is about to become yours…for good.
By enslaving her, you’ll get her to be emotionally addicted to you.

Once you’ve done this correctly, then she’ll need you to survive… just like water to drink and air
to breathe.

Inside Shogun Method, you’ll nd the Enslavement strategy mapped out for you in great detail.
However, here’s a taster on what you’ll need to do:

To enslave a woman to you emotionally, you’ll need a series of routines or scripts known as
“Shogun Sequences”
Shogun Sequences .

(The legendary Black Rose Sequence is an example of an Enslavement-focused Shogun

Sequence. You may have also seen the “lightweight” version of the Black Rose – namely the
October Man Sequence.)

Another Shogun Sequence which you can use to enslave a woman to you is known as

I’ll be frank here…

We are nearing the end of this article, and it is a bit too complex to
even start describing Fractionation here..

So, tell you what…

To date, I have taught more than 17,000+ men how to be

attractive to women with the Shogun Method.

And when it comes to making the woman of your dreams fall in

love with you, what I’ve shared with you so far is just the tip of the

So you can choose to stop here, and just use what you learned in this post.

It’s going to put you ahead of most men. You can be a little bit proud of yourself


You can choose to dig deeper and learn the most advanced Mind Control techniques to
take your dating to the next level.

Here’s how to do that –

Attend my free online Masterclass on how to use Fractionation (and a slew of other Mind
Attend my free online Masterclass on how to use Fractionation (and a slew of other Mind
Control techniques) to enslave women.

However, I only want you to do it if you are serious about it.

Fractionation will give you amazing results – only if you are fully committed.

Going for it? Great. Then click on this link below –

Watch The Fractionation Masterclass

See you on the other side,

P.S. By the way, want to know what happened to Jeff?

Well, Jeff got another go with Xenia and applied what he learned in the Fractionation

She is now under TOTALLY under his spell. He is smiling from ear to ear, happy as can be.

In his own words:

so o ds:

“Fractionation changed my life, Derek. I am a better man now, period.”

And he also con rmed his suspicions… Xenia is a bomb in the sack

P.P.S: Got any questions on how to use Mind Control to make a girl fall in love with you?
Post them below and I will answer personally.

Do You Want Power And Dominance Over

Pick your answer below, right now.

Show me how!

No, I want to be weak and submissive

About Derek Rake

Derek Rake is the founder of Shogun Method, the world's one and only dating
system based on authentic Mind Control technology. He is widely acknowledged
as the leading international authority on using Mind Control and extreme persuasion in dating
and relationships, and has been featured in publications as diverse as FHM, New York Times,
Globe & Mail and The Guardian.
John says
September 30, 2017 at 4:44 pm

Tried this technique and was gobsmacked. It worked. Never expected it to!


Times says
November 18, 2017 at 7:06 pm

Thank you, Derek. I’ve got the Shogun Method, and it’s awesome. ENSLAVEMENT NOT


Maen. says
June 18, 2018 at 1:28 am

Hi Derek,
I have most probably did everything wrong.
I told her very early that how I “feel” about her.
She is my co-worker, she’s different department , but too close to my desk.
Her response was I have a boyfriend and he is in US while , we are working in Mideast.
I consider myself an Alfa male , but I don’t know what happens to me when she is around.
I stop breathing and I become stupid …. simply ..
Now , I stopped talking to her and I feel that she likes me “OK maybe over con dence” Stupidity.
Irrespective of anything, still I want her ever if a war between me and the whole world , not only
her boyfriend.


Ricky says

July 12, 2018 at 1:18 am

Can you give me an action plan for practicing the shogun method and the IRAE model
so that in future i can become a master seducer like you.

By the way I still have anxiety when it comes to approaching a complete stranger.

Your Biggest FAN.



Derek Rake says

July 13, 2018 at 7:44 pm

Ricky: the action plan is simple – start at Intrigue stage and don’t move on to Rapport until
you’ve mastered it. Then, move to Rapport and do the same thing. Repeat until you get to


Biraj says
July 17, 2018 at 9:21 pm

How do you know when there’s enough intrigue to move on to the next step?

Derek Rake says
August 3, 2018 at 5:39 am

When you have captured her attention suf ciently.


Mike says
November 18, 2018 at 2:30 am

I tried the method,it seems to be working.but I need more detailed deep explanations of all
about the method..


Derek Rake says

December 22, 2018 at 12:25 pm

Shogun Method –


Letsabisa says
November 29, 2018 at 11:32 pm

There is this girl in my life we don’t know each other face to face ,but we chat on WhatsApp . I
got her numbers from her friend and she noticed that also seems to have no problem with the
situation , but she claims to have a boyfriend and on the other hand she does not us to meet and
hook . So how can you help me

Derek Rake says

December 22, 2018 at 12:22 pm

Take some initiative and nd out what Shogun Method is. Don’t just sit on your ass and
expect people to help you.


Amos says
December 16, 2018 at 5:57 pm

My question is simple. I have used shogun method to the ultimate end point(black rose) and
enslaved four beautiful women who are now veeeeery obedient to me. My question now is,
could any of them ever leave me if they ever discover that I am having intimate relationships
with the four of them? Thanks


Derek Rake says

December 22, 2018 at 12:18 pm

Depends the degree of which they are Enslaved to you. Some use Shogun Method to build
harems. Most are just happy with the one woman that they truly love.


James says
February 12 2019 at 1:43 am
February 12, 2019 at 1:43 am

Before I saw the Shogun Method, I made the mistake of being all wimpy around her and I regret
doing that so badly.

Here’s what happened: My “friend” told her that I like her. Under pressure, I made many
mistakes after that and probably ruined her opinion about me.

Can I somehow still use Shogun Method on her? I really love her. Is Shogun Method applicable
only on toxic girlfriends?


Derek Rake says

February 26, 2019 at 12:00 pm

Of course. Shogun Method is not only for toxic relationships.


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I am the founder of the Shogun Method™, the

world's rst and only seduction system based on
covert mind control technology.

Shogun Method™ has helped more than 17,000+

men around the world achieve tremendous success
in love and relationships. I also lead a team of 10
executive dating coaches who provide bespoke
training and consulting.

My portfolio of products (including my agship
Shogun Method™ program) can be found here.

To your success!


This is not a "Pickup Artist" site. In fact, we are

completely against the "Pickup Artist" or "PUA"
movement. Find out why - click here.


Rake Letter Subscribers: 248,000

Clients: 17,500+
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Derek Rake, Lead Instructor

Ron Steven, Senior Coach, ReSeduction
Benjamin Damien, Senior Coach, Boyfriend
Colin T. Simone, Instructor, Conversational
Shawn Rubin, Associate Instructor, Field Training
& Bootcamps
Aaron Allman, Lead Engineer, Alpha Male
Activator & CEO, ActivatorTech LLC
Carla Foster, Chief Operating Of cer
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