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Past Papers

Technical Portion
1. Vertex is also called=Node
2. When the current in the light bulb decreases by 2%, its power decreases by =4%
3. What is transformer part Primary coil secondary coil & = Core
4. Electric lines of force about negative point charge are =radial inwards
5. Which is Semiconductor Switch = Thyristor
6. How Thyristor is turned off= Forced Commutation
7. Protection relay used are =Instantaneous and Time Over current
8. Current transformer is used with Protection device for measuring = Current
9. Which is not Part of Steam Turbine? Moderator, Economizer, Precipitator
10. Diode Operation voltage = 0-0.7v
11. Power Plants run on Natural Gas, Steam coal, etc. are =Fossil Fuel Plants
12. Which Plant do not used Heat Exchangers or turbines= Geothermal
13. steam power plant flow chart or something how many steps=4
14. In a generator of 60 HZ and 10 Pole what will be N Speed = 120*60/10=720
15. In a Substation where no transformer is? Switching Substation
16. high frequency application we use --Air core Transformer
17. Sin wave is characterized by? Amplitude, Frequency & Phase
18. Dynamic Disturbance Recorders (DDRs), which record incidents that portray power
system behavior during dynamic events such as low-frequency = (0.1 Hz - 3 Hz)
oscillations and abnormal frequency or voltage excursions
19. Induction motor rotor are Squirrel cage and Wound type = Squirrel Cage (Both)
20. A sinusoid is represented by = Phasor
21. If there are less than 4 free electron then its =Conductor
22. Which is Not a substation = Line Substation
23. Which is not at type of Thyristor? = inverter Grade
24. Efficiency of thermal plant =33-48%
25. What is basic principle behind motor operation? =electromagnetism
26. Induction motor is similar to=asynchronous
27. Synchronous generators are used, because they offer precise control of voltage,
frequency, VARS, watts.
28. Voltage Regulation in generation voltage?
29. SEIMENS is unit of = Conductance
30. System protection devices which includes? A)Reliability, B) selectivity, C) cost, D) Speed,
E) Simplicity
31. 2 types of Exciters? 1. Rotating 2. Static
32. Which transformer is used in arc welding???? Leakage
33. When admittance increases current increases or Decrease? Increase
34. Power switch is characterized into how many groups? 3
35. Stator core is made of many thin metal sheets called? lamination
36. Most squirrel cage rotor is made by die casting of? Aluminum conductor bars
37. All process system consists of three main factor or term? Variable, control variable
and uncontrolled
38. The sensitivity of measurement is a measure of the change in the instrument output,
which occurs when the quantity being measured changes by a given amount.
39. The sensitivity of measurement is a measure of the change in the instrument output,
which occurs when the quantity being measured changes by a given amount.
40. Substation transforms voltage from high to low And reverse and perform many of the
several important functions
41. The input for a distribution substation is typically at least two transmission or sub
transmission lines
42. Generators are cooled by? Air-water cooled , Fins
43. A process control system consists of process, measurement control: = Analysis
44. Generator voltage is determined from excitation is? island operation
45. The matrix obtained by deleting the column corresponding to the reference node in the
element node incidence matrix A is called bus incidence matrix A
46. Stainer is used to prevent foreign particles to reach turbine along with steam.
47. __________is used for emergency stop of steam along? throttle valve
48. Complex quantities in power system are represented by? Phasor
49. When a small resistance or impedance is accidentally or intentionally inserted b/w two
points of different potential, it is called short circuit
50. The loss in a T/F due to reversal of direction of current is called? Hysteresis loss
51. The frequency of generator depends on? speed and no of poles
52. Higher efficiency can be obtained at higher temperature, this is dictated by? Carnot
53. The boiler in which tubes are placed in a horizontal cylinder is called? horizontal, fin
54. Reactive power at load determine by.......? field current heating
55. Magnetic density circuit is increased by? increasing no of turns
56. A circuit breaker which can be separated from the circuit without interruption in the
circuit because of additional contacts is called? (Removable/Separable CB/Disconnector)
57. The study of disturbances on power system during abnormal operating conditions is
called? Load Flow Analysis
58. Equipment with capacity to work within range? circuit breaker making capacity
59. Intercepting contacts of circuit breaker is a set of contacts which enable circuit breaker to
be removed? a) Withdrawal b) discontinue c) plug in d) current limiting e) Moulded case
60. Sinusoidal voltage and current at constant frequency is characterized by 2 parameters, a
max value and --------? a) angle b) value of load angle c) R value d) load angle
61. Which one is not a transformer? 1) Laminated 2) resonance 3) single instrument
transformer 4) ferrite circuit transformer 5) caste iron transformer.

1. Low resistance measuring device is Kelvin Bridge.
2. The shunt winding of motor has a resistance of 85 ohm at 22 degree when the motor
runs at full load, its resistance increases to 100 ohm. The resistance temperature
coefficient of winding per 0 degree is 0.004. The rising temperature of winding will be?
Answer is 70 degree.
3. A 100V bulb has a resistance of 500 ohm. The number of hours it can work per every
KWh of energy consumed will be? 50 hours.
4. Main feature of crystal oscillator is stability.
5. In class A, conduction angle is 360 degree.
6. For pre amplification, which Power amplifiers are used for linearity purpose? Class A,
Class B, Class C, Class A-B.
7. In metals, electrons revolve in the metal because of (constant V, sinusoidal, square,
triangular, non-periodic).
8. Moderator used in Nuclear is Graphite.
9. In alternator, if power factor load is unity, then armature flux will be? Cross
magnetizing, demagnetizing, reduce to zero, square waveform
10. State variables are used in which models? All of above.
11. LTI system can be completely recognized by impulse response of the system.
(Impulse, Step, ramp)
12. Stray Voltage is small voltage (less than 10) which can be measured between two
13. Stepper motor, speed depends upon frequency.
14. There are two types of overload protection: Instantaneous over current and Time over
15. In motor which O.L protection is used? Thermal O.L relay.
16. Vrms*Irms=Apparent Power
17. Power against Inductance is reactive power.
18. Power against resistance is active power.
19. If all conductors are grounded to the same grounding system, what is the probability of
shock? Minimum
20. CMMR = Differential Gain to Common Mode
21. CMMR should be (low, maximum, high, and zero) for better OPAM operation.
22. Uranium-235 is an isotope of uranium making up about 0.72% of natural uranium
23. Thermal to K.E is converted in the Rocket.
24. Moving iron type Ammeter has few turns of thick wire so that its resistance is less.
25. The advantage of permanent magnet ammeter is all of above. (Effective eddy
current damping, low hysteresis loss, low power consumption, uniform
scale, very sensitive to current.)
26.If height of transmission tower is increased, Capacitance will decrease and
inductance remains same.
27. For current amplification, CC is used.
28. VI characteristics of UJT are similar to?
(a) CE with linear & saturation region, (b) FET with linear & pinch off, (c) Tunnel
(d) PN-junction diode
29. CB is similar to Common gate of FET.
30. TRIAC is bidirectional device.
31. Solid grounding is used below 660V. (above 220 kV, above 11 kV, below 660 V,
below 115 V)
32. In submarine power is transmitter through which cables: HVDC
33. In which power plant availability of power is least reliable? Wind
34. High gain DC-DC convertor used in which system? All of above, Solar system, Battery
35. Which principle is used to analyzing the fault? (Thevenin, Norton, Superposition,
36. Q-point operating point of transistor model analysis.
37. Negative resistance is of Tunnel diode.
38. Inverse/Opposite of power factor is Q factor.
39. Roll off rate of operational amplifier is usually is -20 dB decades.
40. Channel is in b/w Drain and Source of JFET.
41. Which current flows due to minority charge carriers? (Hole current, reverse leakage
current, forward leakage current, all of the above.)
42. Transformer rating is given in KVA instead of KW why? (Customary, loss depends upon
V&I, power factor is not known, all of above).
43. In Transformer ratio 20:1 means 20 number of primary turns to 1 secondary coil
44. Stator appears to be stationary and rotor freely moves which is rotating transformer is
equivalent to induction motor.
45. Transformer has maximum efficiency when Cu losses become equal to Fe losses.
46. In transformer leakage flux is proportional to current which indicates?
47. Transformer has different no. of primary & secondary turns.
48. Which op-amp converts high impedance to low impedance (inverting, non-inverting,
follower, summing point)
49. On reverse biasing of FET, what happens? Channel resistance increase, Or capacitance
50. SCR goes into saturation when? gate to cathode voltage forward biased
51. CE amplifies (V, I, P, all of above)
52. DC motor has high torque.
53. Accumulative motor adds up the series and shunt magneto motive force.
54. Control system is used for?
a) Remote control, b) power application, c) disturbance control, d) all of above
55. OPAM optimum operating voltages are ( +_18, +_15, etc)
56. LC Tuned oscillator stability is dependent upon (Q factor, L, C, transistor).
57. Light is produced in electric discharge lamp due to (heating effect, magnetic effect,
ionization in a gas / vapor).
58. What is produced by superconductor (V, temp, Press, magnetic field)
59. In superconductors what happens ( repulsion of magnetic, absorbing of magnetic
field, absorbing of electric field, repulsion of electric field)
60. Which engine has highest air fuel ratio? Gas Turbine, Petrol, Gas ,Diesel, Hydro turbine
61. Diode is used for rectification.(or Device that converts ac into dc)
62. Diode limiters are used for limiting positive and negative cycles both.
63. In Bridge, ripple frequency of output wave is twice of input.
64. Lead acid batteries are storage batteries
65. Output variables are (Dependent, independent so, so) Dependent.
66. Current leads by 90 and voltage lags by 90 to current is in ©
67. If poles lie in left half plane? system is stable
68. Which power system requires 4 wires? (star, delta, interconnected, none of above)
69. Current in transmission lines is …….? 3 phase
70. DC two wire systems require least conductor material.
71. 3 phase 4 wire system has two types of voltages
72. State space equations used for? a) Linear, b) Nonlinear, c) Time variant, d) Time
invariant, e) All
73. Current leads in which circuit? Capacitive
74. What is zero in resonance circuit? Reactance
75. What is max in resonance circuit? Power

1. Power factor? Answer: true power/apparent power
2. To reduce cost of power generation? Answer: Load factor (higher/increase)
+Diversity factor (higher increase)
3. An Ideal voltage source has internal resistance? Answer: 0Ω Resistance
4. An Ideal current source has internal resistance? Answer: ∞Ω Resistance
5. ____ is defined as the measure of instrument by which it is error free
A) Accuracy, B) Precision, C) Resolution
6. Electrical lines of force about a negative charge are
A. Circular, anticlockwise, B. Circular, clockwise, C. Radial, inward, D. Radial, out
7. A _____ meter is used a null detector in Wheatstone bridge
A) Ammeter, B) Voltmeter, C) Galvanometer
8. A moving iron ammeter coil has few turns of thick wire in order to have:
A) Low resistance, B) High sensitivity, C) Effective damping, D) Large scale
9. A permanent magnet coil meter has which features?
A) Low power consumption, B) No hysteresis loss, C) reduced eddy current
D) reduced damping, E) all
10. A digital signal is what in? A) Discrete, B) Discrete in time, C) Discrete in amplitude
D) Discrete in neither time nor amplitude, E) Discrete in both amplitude and time
11. The EM field and current are concentrated close to the surface of the conductor. The
phenomenon is called? Answer: Skin Effect
12. The wavelength of an EM wave after reflection at an angle on a surface
Answer: Increases in the actual direction of propagation
13. When electric field is parallel to the plane of incidence, the electromagnetic wave is said
to be
Answer: Parallel polarized
14. Δ x H = J + D is Maxwell equation
15. Buchholz relay is used in Transformer Protection
16. Gates between following range referred by MSI
17. The MSI (Medium Scale Integration) technique, the number of transistors on the single
IC package can be fabricated are? a) less than 10, b) 10 to 100, c) 100 to 1000, d) 1000
to 10000
18. Gates between following range referred by LSI
19. The LSI (Large Scale Integration) technique, the numbers of transistors which can be
fabricated on the single IC are? a) 10 to 100, b) 1000 to 10000, c) 100 to 1000, d)
greater than 10000
20. Which type of system is referred by pneumatic system? A) Pressure, B) Hydraulic, C)
21. Cross over distortion is? Answer: Class B
22. Due to velocity saturation, MOSFET reaches saturation? A)Before Pinch off, b) After
pinch off,
c) At Q point, d) Before Q point, e) After Q point
23. If ROC (Region of Convergence) does not include unit circle then?
a) Fourier transform converges, b) Z-transform converges, c) Harley transform
d) Does not converges
24. Transfer function is? A) Mathematical model, B) System with no physical structure,
C) Can be calculated through differential equations
25. Which of the following is correct about continuous & discrete LTI system:
a) convolution sum is approximation of convolution integral
b) convolution integral is approximation of convolution sum
c) Both are explicit realization, d) all of the above
26. LTI system is stable when? a) Zero is inside a unit circle, b) Poles are inside a unit
c) Zero at origin, d) Poles at origin
27. Which bulb operates on lowest power? A. Night bulb, B. Neon bulb, C. GLS bulb, D.
Torch lamp
28. If R1 is the resistance of a coil of copper at t oC and RT is the resistance at T oC and also
the resistance temperature coefficient of copper per degree centigrade at 0oC is 1/234.45,
then Rt/RT
(A) (1+t) / (1+T)
(B) (1+ 234.45t) / (1+234.45 T)
(C) (234.45 + t) / (234.45 + T)
(D) (234.45 + t2 ) / (234.45 + T 2)
29. If Z transform lies in ROC then? A) System is stable; B) Inverse of system is stable
C) Both system and its inverse are unstable, D) Both system and its inverse are
30. Continuous signal in the time domain in frequency domain
31. Superposition theorem relates to? Linear Network
32. Kilowatt hour is the unit of? Answer: Energy
33. In Z transform cos pi/4 is the period is equal to? N=8
34. What will be the sampling frequency that reveals the same sampled signal
35. Which transistors are used in TTL (Transistor - Transistor Logic)? Bipolar
36. Which statement is false for switching regulators?
37. To decrease the power in control system we use?
38. Resolution of ADC is defined as the no of bits in? Answer: Output
39. Horizontal line in the s plane is represents? Constant Peak Time and that of vertical
line represents Constant Settling time.
40. Recharge able batteries are called? Secondary batteries
41. The batteries which are charged and discharged continuously? Secondary batteries
42. Which system needs more stability? (Automatic washing machine, Traffic signal system,
Home heating system, Motor with position control)
43. Natural frequency in the control system represents? a) nature of transient, b) overshoot
c) oscillation, d) speed of response
44. Hay Bridge is used for the measurement of? Answer: Inductance
45. ____ Bridge used for the measurement of resistance? Answer: Wheatstone bridge
46. _____ Acts as voltage controlled variable capacitor? Answer: Varactor
47. By which a meter after checking with no current returns to its previous state? Answer:
Controlling Torque
48. By connecting a shunt of higher value in ammeter what will decrease? Answer: Current
sensitivity decreases
49. Ampere’s law is comparable to ________ in electrostatics? Biot Savart law, Gauss
law, Faraday’s law, Lenz’s law
50. The internal part of machine is protected from environment by?
(A) Housing (B) casing (C) frame (D) enclosure

1. Mathematical equation that allows us to predict the value of dependent variable from
known values of one or more independent variable is called?
a) Correlation equation, b) distributive equation, c) Variance equation, d) Regression
e) Prediction equation
2. Z transform is used when signal is not?
a) Absolute sum able b) square sum able c) converge d) diverges e) a, b, c
3. Any constant of t domain is an impulse in f domain with
a) Infinite height, infinite width, infinite area, b) Infinite height, infinite width, unit
c) Infinite height, zero width, infinite area, d) Infinite height, zero width, unit
4. Polarization of plane wave describes the time varying behavior of
a) electrical field, b) magnetic field, c) EM field, d) electric flux
5. The period of moon is according to Kepler’s law where c= 1/100
a) 1 month, b) 2 month, c)1 year, d) 2 year
6. Which analysis deals with the effect of disturbances on power system?
a) Fault trend analysis, b) sinusoidal analysis c) stability analysis d) line power analysis
e) Load flow analysis
7. Power system______ is a word used in connection with AC current power system
a) Range b) loop c) gain d) conservation stability.
8. The terminal of an element is called ------?
a) Edge, b)limit, c) zero, d) node, d) rims
9. lower voltages like 66kv and 33kv are consider to be
a)distribution V, b)sub-transmission V, c)flutter V d)minor transmission V
10. Oscilloscope measures? 1) Current, 2) voltage,3) capacitance o
11. Delta service is less expensive why? No neutral wire
12. Active device is one which? a) store energy, b) absorb energy, c)absorb and convert one
to another form, d)store and convert from one form to another form
13. AERODERIVATIVE turbine doesn’t have? a) stator b) compressor c)fuel intake system
d) fans
14. Symmetrical faults on power system are 5% or 10%? 5 %
15. Which of the following is not a purpose of disturbances monitoring equipment?
A) Model validation, B) Disturbance investigation, C) Incorrect protection settling
D) Assessment of system protection
16. like a 3 phase gives constant power? A)HVDC, B)split phase, C)two phase,
D)single phase
17. Commercial digital/analog convertor modules are available with precision ranging
from 6 bit to............? A) 10, B) 12, C) 32, D) 18, E) 24
18. In superposition theorem all v-sources are replaced by.........
A) Open circuit, B) closed circuit, C) short circuit, D) open circuit with parallel
19. Optical power depends..........associated with the optical fiber receiver?
A.) Quantum, B) Dark current, C) Thermal, D) All
20. If potential of point A & B is Va and Vb then to find Vab, we take _____ as a
a) Va, b) Vb, c) Both Va & Vb, d) none
21. RC snubber circuit use to limit the rate of..... In its off state?
a) Rise in current in SCR, b) Rise in v in SCR, c) Conduction period, d) All of above
22. Voltage difference b/w two points? a) Electric pressure, b) Lorentz pressure, c)
magnetic pressure
23. Transmission line voltage? a) 110kv, b) 130kv, c) 150kv, d) 170kv
24. For the protection of over current require...............Transformer? Current
25. DIAC is a ................... layer device? 4 layer
26. Lighting storm caused what kind of fault? a) Line to line, b) line to ground, c) double
line to ground
27. Ideal transformers have? no resistance in windings , no core losses, All of the above
28. All conductors having equipotential then shock will be.....? zero
29. Which cannot be used for DC? Induction type
30. When fault occur to the line CB become...? close, open
31. If shunt resistance is increased? Current sensitivity decreases
32. Fundamental property used in single node pair circuit analyzer is that ...........across all
elements is same? A) current B) Voltage, C) Resistance
33. Source which supplies constant voltage no matter how much current is drawn from it
a) Ideal Voltage source, b) Ideal Current source, c) ideal voltage and current source
d) real voltage and current source
34. Requirement of variable speed can meet by? a) Induction motor, b) Shunt motor, c)
Variable d) Wound rotor
35. Transmission lines use voltage and--------- alternating current? a) Single phase, b)Two
phase, c)Neutral phase d)three phase
36. 32. Under damped response have? a) damping ratio>1, b) 0>damping ratio<1
3)damping ratio =1, 4)damping ratio =0
37. Fastest achievable Response without overshooting?
1) under damped, 2) overdamped, 3) critically damped
38. Norton theorem is applied to a resistive circuit having ______ in parallel with single
resistor for non reactive circuits for ideal impedance. a) Single voltage source b) singe
current source c) single voltage and current source d) double voltage source
39. the minimum value of delta f that can be used for orthogonal design is
a) 1T, b) ½, c) T2T
40. Circuit Element which sense and initiate trip when fault is detected
1 Circuit breaker, 2. Protective relays
41. Which of the following has super linear rate of convergence?
a. Bisection , b. Newton, c. Secant, d. False position , e. Boyclans
42. The modulation technique in which carrier is switched B/W 2 different carrier level
0&1 is called?
a. Amplitude shift keying, b. On off keying, c. Frequency modulation, d. Phase
43. What is Collector current?
a) Drift current b) Diffusion current c) Base current

1. Which is not the basic part of T/F? A) Corey B)Primary Winding C) Secondary winding
D) Mutual Flux
2. Fourier series representation of continuous signal require ___________ no: of
harmonically complex exponents: a) N b) n+N c) 1 d) Infinite
3. In a part of control unit? A) ROM. B) Instruction registers. C) Ram.
D) Op-code
4. Oscillator whose frequency can be changed by variable DC control voltage?
a) Triangular wave oscillator, b) Wien bridge oscillator, c) Crystal oscillator, d) Voltage
controlled oscillator
5. Circuit produce output wave form without external signal source? a) Filter, b) Amplifier
c) Oscillator, d) None
6. Difference between JFET and MOSFET? PN junction
7. The part which gives instruction of Microprocessor, what to do is?
a) RAM, b) RAM, c) Op code, d) On code
8. The parameter hfe corresponds to? a)Bdc its beta(dc), b)Bac (beta ac), c) r'e, d) r’c
9. Diode limiters are used to? a) Limit +ve portion, b) Limit -ve portion, c) Constant dc
d) Level to 0.7 e) Both A and B
10. FIR filters can be designed to achieve? A) linear phase B) Inverting phase
11. In 8085, the content of the instruction register are splits in to ---------------nibble? a) 4,
b) 2
12. State during which nothing has happened indicated by which instruction.....NOP (?)
13. FIR filters do not
14. Due to velocity saturation region a) at pinch off b) before pinch off c) after pinch off,
15. Z transform is centered at.........? Origin
16. Optical power depends a) quantum b) dark currect, etc. or d) all?
17. Which source provides constant voltage a) ideal current source b) ideal voltage source c)
both ideal current and voltage source d) both real voltage and current source
18. JFET advantages? Small size, low noise, high power gain, etc. All
19. JFET drawback......? low gain width product
20. If emitter junction is forward biased, collector junction reversed biased, amplifier is in a)
active mode b) saturation, etc.
21. Which transformed used to convert signals from time to frequency domain? a) Laplace
b) Fourier, etc.
22. ROC converges if poles and zeros lies inside? 1) origin, 2) Z=1
23. RLC at low frequencies has more Z because of? a) Xc is large, b) Xl is large, c) Xc is
d) Xl is small
24. In RLC complex system, analyzed by resistance, inductance and?
Current, Inductance, Voltage , capacitance
25. Sum of voltage drop in a loop is Zero
26. In BJT Vce is important because it can be used to check whether?
a) working in saturation, b)working in cut off, c)defective, d) All
27. 28. The dc operating point of an amplifier specified by voltage and current value?
a) gain, b) q point, c) load line, d) none

1. Loss that occurs in magnetic core of a transformer is? a) Copper loss b) iron loss c)
Stray loss D) Dielectric loss
2. A Circuit of zero lagging power factor behaves as? a) An inductive circuit b) A
capacitive circuit c) R-L circuit d) R-C circuit
3. Which among the following happens in a low power factor?
A) Large kVA rating of the equipment, b) Greater conductor size, C) Reduced handling
capacity of the system, D) All of the above
4. What is the main disadvantage of phase advancers?
A) Cannot be used for motors below 200 H.P, B) Produces noise C) Can be used
where synchronous motor is un admissible, D) None of these
5. The most suitable location for the power factor improvement device is? a) Near the
electrical appliance which is responsible for the poor power factor, b) At the sending end
c) At the receiving end in case of transmission lines, d) Both (a) and (c)
6. Under what condition is D.C supply applied safely to the primary of a transformer?
a) We can connect directly to DC, b) No condition required we can’t connect to DC
Supply, c) A High resistance should be connect in series with primary, but
circuit will be useless, d)The above statement is wrong
7. When the power factor in the transmission line is leading, which device is employed at
substation to reduce the power factor? a) CVT b) Reactor c) Synchronous condenser d)
None of the above
8. In a Transformer, The primary flux is always _________ the secondary (flux)
a) Greater than, b) Smaller then, c) Equal, d) Equal in both step up and Step down
9. Breaking capacity of a circuit breaker is usually expressed in terms of(A) Amperes(B)
Volts(C) MW (D) MVA
10. The fuse current in amperes is related with fuse wire diameter D as?
(A) I ∞ I/D (B) I ∞ D (C) I ∞ D3/2 (D) I ∞ D2
11. For motor circuit breakers, the time of closing the cycle is?
(A) 0.001 sec, (B) 0.01 sec, (C) 0.10 sec, (D) 0.003 sec
12. In modem EHV circuit breakers, the operating time between instant of receiving trip
signal and final contact separation is, of the order of(A) 0.001 sec(B) 0.015 sec(C) 0.003
sec (D) 0.03 sec
13. The normal frequency rms voltage that appears across the breaker poles after final arc
extinction has occurred, is?
(A) Recovery voltage, (B) re striking voltage, (C) supply voltage, (D) peak voltage
14. The number of cycles in which a high speed circuit breaker can complete its operation is?
(A) 3 to 8, (B) 10 to 18, (C) 20 to 30, (D) 40 to 50
15. In a circuit breaker the current which exists at the instant of contact separation is known
(A) Re striking current (B) surge current (C) breaking current (D) recovery current
16. For a high speed circuit breaker the total clearing time is nearly?
(A) 1 to 2 cycles (B) 5 to 10 cycles(C) 10 to 15 cycles (D) Less than 50 cycles
17. The most common method of cooling employed in power transformer is?
a) Oil natural b) Natural cooling c) Air cooling d) Air-blast cooling
18. The value of flux in the emf equation of a transformer is?
(a) Rms, (b) Average, (c) Maximum, (d) Integral wave cycle
19. In Three Phase Transformer, The load Current is 139.1A, and Secondary Voltage is 415V.
The Rating of the Transformer would be __________? (a) 50kVA (b) 57.72kVA (c)
100kVA (d)173kVA
20. The friction losses in Real Transformers are _________? 0% 5% 25% 50%
21. If a conductor is passing through a metallic case with ground potential which kind of
protection is provided?
22. TO reduce cost we must? Increase KVA
23. KVAR is equal to? Reactive power
24. Power factor of Alternator? depends on load
25. Power factor of transformer? depends on load
26. Sound of transformer is due to? Vibration in lamination
27. CB without resistance?
28. Which winding will have smaller cross sectional area? HV side
29. Admittance is?
30. The Resistance between primary and secondary of transformer should be? Infinite
31. The voltage at no load leads the Current? by 90 degree, less than 90
32. Voltage lags behind the current when load is connected to the transformer by what
33. Laminations are done to reduce? the eddy current losses
34. Fuse protection is used for current ratings up to(A) 10 A(B) 20 A(C) 50 A (D) 100 A

1. What is the zero sequence current if fault current is 90A? 30A
2. Increase directivity of antenna depends on? a) high gain high bandwidth, b)low gain low
bandwidth, c) high gain low bandwidth, d) low gain high bandwidth
3. GSM uses? TDMA, FDMA
4. Orthogonal means two line perpendicular to each other
5. AMPS uses? FM, FSK, PSK
6. Which modulation has higher data rates? FM, AM, QAM, QPSK
7. Flyback converter for? dc/dc, ac/dc, dc/ac, ac/ac conversion
8. Large phase mercury rectifier advantage?
9. Series capacitance in transmission line for? steady state stability, protection
10. shunt reactors used for limit short circuit current
11. In a transfer function k=0 root loci roots are? poles of open loop transfer function
12. For System stability roots must be __? right half of s plane, left half of s plane, jw axis
13. TDMA uses?
14. Output occurring due to only input with zero initial conditions called?
15. The maximum loads attached to a device called fan in, fan out.
16. Calculate voltage of toaster with joules=7500, i=13.64A, t=5, v? 110Volt
17. Differential amplifier amplifies?
18. Link layer design also called?
19. TCP/IP address 32 bits
20. Multiply two 16 bit numbers result is 4 bytes
21. Differential amplifier coupling transistors coupling?
22. 2 BJTs replaced with Darlington pair what happens?
23. Fault current 1500A zero sequence current 500A
24. Induction motor torque? proportional to slip, inversely to slip, square of slip current,
25. Waves reach at the antenna which modulated digital, modulated analog, aligned waves
26. Dc motor pole tip chamfered to reduce armature reaction effect
27. Primary and secondary voltages in transformer are in 180 out of phase
28. Definition of Electrical flux density, magnetic flux density, magnetic induction
29. Why Impedance matching performed for signal transferring? to reduce noise, reduce
30. At no load losses occurring in transformer are due to?
31. At no load transformer the applied voltage _ leads by 90/lags by 90/lags somewhat by
90 to current
32. Laplace transform of unit step function 1/s
33. For 8 pole generator how much Hz responds to one revolution?
34. Why hollow conductors are used in transmission line
Reduction of the corona
35. What limits design of long transmission line thermal considerations/conductor
36. How load is modeled in load flow analysis? a) Constant power, b) Constant
impedance, c) constant load, d) variable load
37. Waves reach at antenna? a)modulated digital, b)modulated analog, c)aligned waves

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