Laboratory Total Available Carbohydrate

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i. To identify the percentage of total available carbohydrate in specific drinks by
Anthrone method.
ii. To compare the result of percentage of total available carbohydrate with the
nutritional information panel (NIP) of the drinks.
iii. To identify the errors and precautions that effects the determination of total available


Group Drink Sample Nutrit Total

weight Absorbance ional available
(g) at 630 nm Infor carbohyd
matio rate (%)
Blank Glucose Sample n
standard solution Panel
solution (%)
1 Cranberry 2.074 0.284 0.483 0.274 10.7 6.84
and apple
2 Cranberry 2.0616 0.396 0.428 0.209 10.7 5.92
and apple
3 Lychee 2.0392 0.221 0.312 0.444 10.5 17.44
4 Lychee 2.0034 0.285 0.290 0.469 10.5 20.18
5 Winter 2.0405 0.929 0.877 0.712 7.0 9.95
6 Winter 2.0040 0.112 0.502 0.153 7.0 3.80
7 Soya bean 2.0014 0.544 0.895 0.556 7.0 7.76
8 Soya bean 2.0013 0.299 0.820 0.459 7.0 6.99
9 Chrysanth 2.0014 0.578 1.226 0.387 4.5 3.94
10 Chyrsanth 2.0015 0.112 0.817 0.141 4.5 2.16

Total available carbohydrate (%) = 25 x b

a x w

w = sample weight (g)
a = reading of the glucose standard solution at 630 nm
b = reading of the sample at 630nm

a. Group 1 (cranberry and apple drink)

Total available carbohydrate (%) = 25 x 0.274

2.0740 x 0.483
= 6.84%

b. Group 2 (cranberry and apple drink)

Total available carbohydrate (%) = 25 x 0.209

2.0616 x 0.428
= 5.92%

c. Group 3(lychee drink)

Total available carbohydrate (%) = 25 x 0.444

2.0392 x 0.312
= 17.44%

d. Group 4 (lychee drink)

Total available carbohydrate (%) = 25 x 0.469

2.0034 x 0.290
= 20.18%

e. Group 5 ( winter melon drink)

Total available carbohydrate (%) = 25 x 0.712

2.0405 x 0.877
= 9.95%

f. Group 6 (winter melon drink)

Total available carbohydrate (%) = 25 x 0.153

2.0040 x 0.502
= 3.80%
g. Group 7 ( soya bean drink)

Total available carbohydrate (%) = 25 x 0.556

2.0014 x 0.895
= 7.76%

h. Group 8 (soya bean drink)

Total available carbohydrate (%) = 25 x 0.387

2.0013 x 0.820
= 6.99%

i. Group 9 ( chrysanthemum drink)

Total available carbohydrate (%) = 25 x 0.141

2.0014 x 1.226
= 3.94%

j. Group 10 ( chrysanthemum drink)

Total available carbohydrate (%) = 25 x 0.469

2.0015 x 0.817
= 2.16%

ii) Average percentage of total available carbohydrate

Average = 9.95% + 3.80%

= 6.88%

iii) Standard deviation of water content

Standard deviation = Based on Microsoft Excel 2010

= 4.35

iv) Percentage of coefficient variation (%)

CV (%) = Standard deviation x 100%

= 4.35x 100%
= 63 .23%

⸫ (6.88 ± 4.35%)

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