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Going Back


I had been looking forward to going to my 15th birthday to New York City where
approximately all my family has been living over there for 55 years or more.

They came during some periods to Colombia to visit us; after that, I had the plan t
know the big apple.

In the days after my 15th birthday, I was so nervous because for the first time I would
be traveling to another country; I went in December and was different because I went
alone. I remembered that I arrived in the morning and when I passed the customs
my family had been waiting for me for about an hour; my family welcomed me with a
lot of hugs and kisses That made me felt so loved by them.

The next days I had been feeling a cozy house with so many uncles, aunts, and
cousins, that circumstance was astonishing and different because I'm the only child,
was funny to me. I remember for December 8th my family had been driving for 40
minutes from Queens to Central Park, and they took me to the memorial of my
favorite singer, John Lennon, in front of my eyes I found the memorial, many people
singing and the most beautiful that I can remember was when started to snow. From
Thanksgiving they were so excited to show me the parade near to time square, I was
so excited because It was my first time experiencing the American culture.

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