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Trading Code: ______________________

Title Details
Trading Code:
Demat A/C No: 1301440004251647

To all whom these presents shall come.
I / We RAJA SEKHAR ALAPATI S/o, D/o, W/o _____________________________________________, residing at/Registered

I / We have a trading account having UCC No._______________________ and DP ID 1301440004251647 Karvy Stock Broking Ltd (KSBL-Member)
a) Karvy Stock Broking Limited is a trading member of NSE(CM), NSE(F&O),NSE(CDS), BSE(CM), BSE(F&O), MSEI (CM), MSEI- F&O and MSEI
CDS offering on-line and/or off-line trading facilities to its clients (hereinafter referred to “KSBL – Member”) and also a Depository Participant of
NSDL (IN300394, IN301557, IN301926, IN302470) and CDSL (13014400) (hereinafter referred to as KSBL – DP)
b) I/We, desire to invest and/or trade in shares, bonds, debentures and other securities, whether listed or unlisted, including units of mutual funds,
Government Securities, certificate of deposits, commercial papers, money market instruments (hereinafter referred to as the “Securities”) and/or
apply for IPOs /Public offers and follow up offers of various companies
c) For the purpose of holding securities purchased / investments were made, I / We have opened a depository account bearing ClientID
No.1301440004251647 (hereinafter referred to as the “designated demat Account”) with KSBL – DP. I/We have also mentioned my / our bank
account particulars in the designated Demat account which will be used by me / us for the purpose of payments towards the investments made
by me / us (hereinafter referred to as designated bank account).
d) I / We have confirmed to KSBL – Member that the designated demat account shall be utilized for the purpose of pay-in / pay out of securities
against trades done in the client account and for the purpose of receiving securities allotted in IPOs, rights offers, NFOs, etc applied through
KSBL in the client account. I/ We have also confirmed to KSBL – Member that securities held in the designated demat account can also be
transferred/ pledged/ hypothecated/ blocked or used otherwise for the purpose of meeting my/ our upfront, maintenance, mark-to-market loss and
other margin obligations.
e) For the purpose of availing the above mentioned facilities as well to facilitate proper execution, settlement and completion of all trade
transactions in securities made by KSBL - Member on my / our behalf, I / We individual / joint account holders, hereby appoint KSBL –Member as
my / our attorney and confer upon KSBL – Member the powers hereafter stated.
NOW THEREFORE THESE PRESENTS WITNESS THAT I / We as individual / joint account holders, for myself / ourselves and as the Client(s) of
KSBL DP do hereby nominate, constitute and appoint KSBL –Member, acting through any of its officers or employees or
anyduly authorized person or agent, to be my/our true and lawful constituted attorney (hereinafter called as “attorney” for the purpose of brevity,
which expression shall, unless repugnant to the meaning or context thereof be deemed to mean and include it successors) and authorize the said
Attorney in my/our name(s) and on my/our behalf from time to time, to do and exercise or cause to be done and exercised, all or any of the acts,
powers and authorities, deeds or things mentioned hereunder and if necessary shall be ratified by me/ us on instruction of KSBL-Member, that is to
1 To sign the delivery instruction slips and to transfer securities available in the electronic form in my / our demat account, on my / our behalf, in
order to meet my/our settlement and margin obligations for the transactions done in my/our Trading account
2 To block, hold, debit and/or create pledge, lien, hypothecation on securities available in my / our demat account on my/ our behalf, in its own favour
or in favour of a Clearing House/ Clearing Corporation / Exchange and / or any other entity to meet my settlement and / or margin obligations.
settlement and margin obligations for the transactions done in my/our Trading account
3 To give instructions for issuing fresh delivery instructions slips and receive the same on my / our behalf, as and when required
4 To debit and pay / transfer the necessary charges, from the credit balances available in my / our Client account with KSBL – Member towards
payment of various charges, account maintenance fees, etc. payable by me / us to KSBL DP pertaining to transactions done, postage, and
maintenance of my / our designated demat account.
5 To transfer necessary quantity of shares from my / our designated demat account, on my / our behalf, to any of the demat account(s) of KSBL –
Member mentioned in Schedule – 1 for meeting any margin requirement in respect of transactions executed by me / us through my/our client Trading
account with KSBL – Member

_________________________________________ X_________________________________________ X_________________________________________
(Signature of Sole/1st Holder) Signature of Sole/2st Holder) Signature of Sole/3st Holder)


6 To apply in IPOs / NFOs / Public offers / follow up public offer of various companies, bonds, debentures and other securities, whether listed or
unlisted, other financial products like fixed deposits of banks, NBFCs and other companies and mutual funds and additional units in various Mutual
fund schemes, on my / our behalf, as per my / our consent, each time through the internet facility offered by KSBL – Member. Further, KSBL
–Member is authorized to apply the said issues of companies, financial products or mutual fund schemes by signing the relevant forms and other
relevant documents as may be required for this purpose, on my/our behalf.
7 To give instructions to Asset Management Companies / their Authorised Registrars for converting my/our offline folios to online folios and to sign on
my/our behalf on the documents necessary for such conversion as required by the Asset Management Companies / their Authorised Registrars.
8 To debit my / our client account with an equivalent amount required for applying in the IPO / Mutual Fund schemes, bonds, debentures and other
securities/financial products and ensure that the payment is made in the name of the issuer company / mutual fund through pay order/ demand
draft issued in their favour or through any other alternate mode, on my/our behalf with the application form against my / our instructions given
through the internet trading facility or any other mode offered by KSBL – Member.
9 To return the securities or funds that KSBL – Member might receive erroneously or those KSBL – Member was not entitled to receive, to my / our
designated demat / bank account
10 In case of death, disability, insolvency, winding up or liquidation of any one or more of us or of the joint holder/s and the surviving joint holders and
heirs, nominees, executors, administrators, successors and legal representatives of the account holder who has died, disabled, dissolved, been
adjudged insolvent, wound up or liquidated shall forthwith inform the Attorney and the KSBL – DP of the same in writing. In such an event, the Power
of Attorney and the instructions contained herein shall be revoked forthwith
11 The Power of Attorney with authority and powers as stated herein has been given for the specific purpose of the above mentioned services and can
be revoked without prior notice but under intimation to KSBL – Member subject to my / our fulfilling of the Margin / Settlement and /or other obligation
for the transactions undertaken in my/ our client account with KSBL – Member. I/We authorize KSBL (DP), on receipt of notice of revocation of this
POA, to seek details of trades pending for settlement from KSBL – Member and to revoke POA only after receiving confirmation of completion of
pending settlement from KSBL(Member). The KSBL DP shall not be liable for any consequences arising from delay in revocation of this POA or
non-revocation of this POA awaiting confirmation from KSBL(Member) as detailed above.
All disputes arising out of this Power of Attorney shall be subject to the jurisdiction of the City civil Courts situated at Hyderabad. IN WITNESS
WHERE OF I / We, hereunto set and subscribe my / our hands and signed at on this________________day of 20______.

Signature of the First Holder X (RAJA SEKHAR ALAPATI) We, hereby agree to exercise the powers conferred upon us in terms of
2 the clauses mentioned hereinabove.
Signature of the Second Holder X Authorised Signatory X
Signature of the Third Holder X
In the presence of In the presence of
Name and Address of Witness: Name and Address of Witness:
Signature Signature X

Schedule 1 – List of Demat Accounts

Demat Account No. Exchange/ Segment Name/ Type

IN300394/10000158 (CMBPID:IN551999) NSE CM Pool Account
IN300394/14499568 (CMBPID:IN609175) BSE CM Pool Account
IN300394/12691085,19502787 NSE Margin Account
IN300394/10014644/19502795 BSE Margin Account
IN300394/11832204/19502818 NSE F&O Margin Account
IN300394/18570215/19502800 MSEI CM Margin Account
IN300394/16485569/19502867 MSEI Currency Margin Account
IN300394/17050279/19502834 NSE Currency Margin Account
CDSL Demat Accounts
1301440000000066 NSE Pool Account
1301440000035226 BSE Pool Account
1301440000562945 BSE Beneficiary Account
1301440000035230 BSE Principal Account
1301440000717912 MSEI Pool Account
1301440000717887,19502842 MSEI F&O Beneficiary Account
1301440000717908 MSEI Beneficiary Account
1301440000717891,19502859 BSE F&O Beneficiary Account
1301440000859903,19502826 BSE Currency Margin Account

In case of any change in these account numbers, KSBL – Member is authorized to transfer the securities to the new account numbers with prior
intimation to me / us regarding such change.

I/We the sole holder / Joint holders / Guardian (in case of minor) hereby declare that:
☑ I/We do not wish to nominate any one for this demat account [Strike out what is not applicable] [Signatures of all account holders should be obtained
on this form]
☐ I/We Nominate the following person/s who is entitled to receive security balances lying in my/our account, particulars whereof are given below, in the
event of the death of the sole holder or the death of all the Joint Holders.

DP ID Client ID
Name of the Sole /First Holder Name of Second Holder
Name of Third Holder
Nomination Details Nominee 1 Nominee 2 Nominee 3
Nominee Name
*First Name null
*Middle Name null
*Last Name null
Address : null, null, null
* City null
*PIN null
Telephone No.
Email ID
*Relationship with the BO
Date of Birth (mandatory if Nominee is a minor)Name of the
Guardian of Nominee
(If the nominee is minor)
*First Name null
Middle Name null
*Last Name null
*Address of the Guardian of nominee null
* City
Age null
Fax No.
Email ID
*Rel e null
* Percentage of allocation of Securities

Note : Residual securities : In case of multiple nominees, please choose any one nominee who will be credited with residual securities remaining after
distribution of securities as per percentage of allocation. If you fail to choose one such nominee, then the first nominee will be maked as nominee
entitled for residual shares, if any, *Marked is mandatory field.
This nomination shall supersede any prior nomination made by me / us and also any testamentary document executed by me / us.

Place : GUNTUR Date : 2/07/2019 Details of the Witness

First / Sole Holder Second Holder Third Holder Names of Witness

Name RAJA SEKHAR ALAPATI Address of Witness
Signature 3 Signature of Witness

Note : One witness shall attest signature(s) / Thumb impression(s).

(To be filled by DP)
Nomination Form accepted and registered wide Registration No. ____________________________________ dated _____________________
For Depository Participant
(Authorised Signatory)
-----------------------------------------------------(Please Tear Here) -------------------------------------------
Acknowledgement Receipt
Received nomination from :
DPID : Client ID
Nomination in favor of First-
Second - Nominee
Third - Nominee
No Nomination ☐ Does not wish to nominate
Registration No.

Depository Participant Seal and Signature

1. I hereby confirm that the details provided by me during EKYC process are true and correct to the best of my knowledge.
2. I further confirm that I have provided the undertakings/ consents only after reading and understanding the contents of the documents.
3. I hereby further confirm the following about my Trading and Demat account opened with Karvy Stock Broking Ltd.

Trading Code:
Demat Account No.:
Bank Account Details: 074100050207692
ISFC Code :TMBL0000074
Trading Preferences:nsecash,nsefando,nsecurrency,nsemf,bsecash,bsefando,bsecurrency,bsemf,mseicash,mseifando,mseicurrency
Contract Notes Preference:Electronic
Mobile No :9849209062

4. I hereby confirm the tariff charges agreed during E-KYC process.

5. I have received the Rights and Obligation in Soft Copy/ Hard Copy as per my provided preference.
6. I have received the General Terms and Conditions Governing the services provided by KSBL. (Incase, I don’t concur with any of the mentioned
optional terms and conditions, then the same will be intimated accordingly to KSBL)
7. I confirm to maintain my accounts for funds and securities on running accounts basis and KSBL may settle the accounts as per my provided
settlement preference. Further authorize KSBL to retain upto Rupee Ten Thousand Only or any other sum as permitted by SEBI/ Exchange from
time to time along with funds and securities as may be permitted by SEBI/ Exchange towards other unbilled services and/ or changes applicable on
my account, while settling the accounts. (Unencumbered balance in client account can be withdrawn by payout request).

Date :
Place :

Note: Above mentioned Point 6 and Point 7 are voluntary in nature, however essential for smooth function of your account. Any of the above mentioned
details can be updated/ modified as per the preference of the client any time by submitting requisite form and supporting documents.


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