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VIBRÂhi-r. üIVERSE, Susrnlruq*rr


Daúed f«rr Reference: December 13,2Ü17 §eas*n: lf irrtcl" 2tll8

Prtgr*m §rmr"(s) \'Iininr urn Rcgistr':lÍi on \ I ;rx i nl r",r r* Ii*:glrtr;r ti<xr

Begirrn*r I;Lule l* i ti1.,TÜ) rt I
{rkuleie f'or lr"itis {6-lj veals) (1j96}J} I
lut*rnredirte I liulelc (l-i969) ;l 8

Confractor' s Contaet Informatiur

Instructor's name (irclude rompany flâme, if applicable): Yiaicius Linharss Da Silva

Address: 6307 Parkcrest Drive, Burnaby, BC" V5B 2Tt

Telephone: 7783191641 E-mail: vinnylinhareí

Program Coordinator: Matthew Delumpa Coordinator email:

Coordinator phone: 604 827 268l

The University Neigkbourhoods Association ("UNA'') and the above-named Contractor have agreed to úa terms and conditions set out
in this Contractor Agreement ("Agreement") under srhiclr the Cortraçtor will provide sen'ices âs &1 irstfl.r.Íúr ("Services") at Weshrook
or Old Bam Cornmunity Centrc Í'crr the specilic program(s) and its classes on the specified dates and times as detailed below-

1. Contractor's Feç for providing the Services:

(. lrntr"ilr:tlrt'' s tri*e
abcve named Contractor r'vill receive payment {"Fee") of S50lhorir of prugram instruction.
1st instailmenl --Fayment lor hours of instruc.tion until February 11 , PaymenÍ will be in the mail by the rveek of Iretrruary 19.
2nd insÍallment - within 2 weeks oftho prograrn completion, Íhe remaining balance ofthe Fee less anlr adjs5l6ents required (for
example, caroelled classes

The tINÀ will provide space in the O1d Bam or'Wesbrook Community Centre for the Contractor to instruct the classes for the
program on those dates and perir:rds of time as det*ilecl below. Ifthe progmm or any specific class requires speciai an'aogements for
the space. the Contractor will discuss that in advance with the Prrgram Coordinator and the Pn:gram Coordinatcr will consider
whether they cân bs âcÇoftmodated.

3. The Contractor represents and warrants that it has the necessary ski1l, qualiications and expertise lo provide the Services for the
pr{}gmm anct will provide qualiÍied personnel necessâry to perfcrrm the Sen'ices in a promp! compstenl professional md
r.vorkmanlike maílfler. The Contraçtor is responsible to pay al1 wages, holiday pay and all other related payrnents in respect of its
employees or other persomrel the Contractor retains to provide the Services, and the Contractor is responsible to make paymeilt or
assurânce of paynlent to the proper auúorities of al1 employrnent insuranoe premiums, Canada Pension Plan contribúions, rvorker
compensation p-rremiums and a1i olher similar employment related expsnses relating to those per§olis.

4. It is the Contractor's responsibility to detemine the content of the program and each clasE and the Contractor will have sole direction
of and responsibility for the manner and method in which the Serviçes are performed, subject only to the requiroments that (i) úe
instructor will be present and prepared to start the class at fhe çlass start time indicated below, (ii) where recluired by the IINA

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