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HOW TO SOLO RS7 without much trouble and damage but this strategy depends on roids

Lure them out of the destroyers area on a roid far from the planet with one ship and teleport
back safely on jump gate. Wait for the interceptor to act and attack you to eliminate
mistakes. Dive in on a roid with battery ship with emp and don't turn on shields until the last
second so you can heal him with small fry later. Dive in both dual laser ships just outside of
battery ship's emp area. Wait for the emp ship to get to the roid where enemies are and emp
them and then wait for both duals to get there. In the meantime get both your miner and
transporter with rocket to jump out and wait for duals to get in Cols hex and then fire rockets
so you can heal your ships with small fry and do a lot of damage to both Cols. If there is a
destroyer don't kill it right away. Just use emp battery ship to go to the planet and do 180
back to the roid when his emp wears off so destroyer's HP will be at 40% when you get out
of his range so you can kill him quickly later. By that time while battery does 180 one Col is
gonna be dead and use second dual ship to emp the remaining Col again so you can
minimize damage from his laser and kill it with battery and one dual. When you kill both Cols
send the dual laser which shield I have turned on when battery went out of both Cols range
in the beginning to kill the destroyer. He would have enough shield to not get damaged by
destroyer and wait for the kill before you send anything on the planet. Send all 4 20t ts while
you use miner to collect hydro and use remaining shields to clear surrounding hexes for
more hydro and again so you can heal ships for the next run. All this is done in under 10
minutes. Last task is go home and get in queue again and repeat that action.

To add one strategy to Stormguard's above:

Sometimes the asteroids are not in a good position for you to send a "luring" ship into the
sector because the enemies are clumped on your side of the sector, and if you send a ship
and wait for them all to start moving towards you, your ship will be dead by the time that

So one thing I do is to send a ship from an angle where it can cross the sector border being
attacked by as few enemies as possible. Then I will immediately emp after crossing the
border. What this does is freeze my ship at the border, but still lure all the enemies to
wherever my ship was headed. Then I can teleport my ship back to safety once all the
enemies start moving. Note that if you happen to emp any enemy ships as you cross the
border, it will still work because the enemy ships will still start to move toward your
destination when they are emp'd.

Another thing to think about when doing any kind of luring/emp tactic is to make sure that
wherever you plan on fighting is far enough away from any neighboring phoenixes that their
area shields won't cover your fighting area.

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