Changes in Graduate Management Education and New B

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Changes in Graduate Management Education and New Business School

Strategies for the 21st Century

Article  in  Academy of Management Learning and Education, The · September 2003

DOI: 10.5465/AMLE.2003.10932123

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3 authors, including:

Richard A. Bettis
University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill


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姝 Academy of Management Learning and Education, 2003, Vol. 2, No. 3, 233–249.


Changes in Graduate
Management Education and
New Business School Strategies
for the 21st Century
Indiana University

The University of North Carolina

University of California—San Diego

We examine strategic options for business schools, noting that within the next 10 –20
years, major changes in the demand and supply of education are likely. Management
educators need to develop careful strategies that consider the drivers of change such as
globalization, disruptive technologies, demographic shifts, and deregulation. We compare
industry transformations in healthcare, financial services, and the airlines with the
developing situation in management education; suggest changes to strategic elements of
management education industry, such as its primary markets, products, and partnerships;
and discuss the implications of such changes.

“Thirty years from now the big university cam- tion institutions spend a combined $2.2 trillion on
puses will be relics. Universities won’t survive.” management education and training worldwide,
—Peter Drucker (1997) with nearly $885 billion invested in the United
States alone (Merrill Lynch, 2000). In addition to the
Given this dire prediction, Peter Drucker has set financial aspects, business education has tremen-
the stage for discussions on the future of institu- dous societal impact through the efforts of profes-
tions of higher education. Many share this view of sionally trained leaders, managers, and specialists.
universities’ impending doom in the 21st century We identify strategic options for 21st century
unless drastic changes to their strategies and business schools at the MBA level of analysis. The
structures are made to accommodate the needs of MBA is by no means the only focus we could have
a changing world. Business schools, one of the taken. Bachelor’s degrees far outnumber MBAs—
areas of greatest growth in universities over the over two to one (Association to Advance Collegiate
past 50 years, are not insolated from the pressures Schools of Business, 1999; Statistical Abstract for
for change affecting universities in general. Given the United States, 2000). Bachelor’s degree educa-
the relationship between management education tion, doctoral education, and executive education
and the business world, market forces such as programs are all undergoing fundamental and
globalization, technological change, and new closely related changes in business schools. Sim-
workplace requirements may affect business edu- ilarly, the broader activities of colleges and uni-
cation more than any other branch of academia. versities are changing rapidly. For example, un-
And the stakes are huge. Corporations and educa- dergraduate business degrees have increased
from 14% of all undergraduate degrees in 1971 to
19% in 1997. At the MBA level the figures are 11%
The authors thank Roy Lewicki and two anonymous reviewers and 23%, respectively, of masters degrees during
for their helpful comments and suggestions on earlier drafts. the same time period (Statistical Abstract for the
234 Academy of Management Learning and Education September

United States, 2000). Furthermore, higher education programs, corporate programs, and continuing
is increasingly expanding beyond the traditional business education in general. We focus on the
university and college base. As it was necessary to role of the business school in this process; the
start somewhere, the MBA seemed to be logical primary population of our study is U.S.-based
place for a first analysis of article length. To focus schools. Although dominant now, over the next
more broadly seemed daunting, more narrowly in decade, U.S. business schools are likely to share
risk of missing too much. MBA programs have at- the spotlight with strong international schools. In
tracted considerable societal interest over the last this section, we use the value chain to examine the
couple of decades and have become, right- or past 50 years of management education.
wrongly, the focus of numerous rating systems and Companies achieve competitive advantage
huge investment. We hope this article provides a through the effective coordination of diverse func-
base to build on in understanding the changes tional activities. The value chain analysis is a tool
taking place across higher education. designed to evaluate that functional coordination
We begin by examining the history of manage- (M. Porter, 1987). It has also proven to be a useful
ment education and business school strategies. tool in analyzing industries and developing appro-
Next, we discuss the powerful forces for change
priate strategies. The tool is designed to take a
that we (and others) believe will transform the way
macro view of an industry by identifying key pro-
business education is produced and delivered.
cesses and value-creating activities. For our pur-
These same forces caused complete shifts in the
poses here, we use the value chain analysis to
value chains of industries with characteristics sim-
understand the dynamics of the overall industry
ilar to management education. By analyzing the
and to derive specific business school strategies.
outcome of other industries’ transformations and
studying the underlying structure of management We define the value chain for management educa-
education, we hypothesize as to the potential tion as the creation, assimilation, and dissemina-
changes in store for the business schools in the tion of knowledge about business management.
new millennium. The article concludes with a pro- The creation of knowledge is the development and
active strategy link: How could business schools codification of new ideas related to business man-
adjust their strategies given the changes in the agement. Assimilation is the act of gathering and
business school environment? storing such knowledge for future use. The final
component, distribution, represents the transfer of
knowledge to the practicing and academic worlds
LOOKING BACK: MANAGEMENT EDUCATION by educating individuals and publishing research.
OVER THE PAST 50 YEARS Although the general value chain of business
Our discussion begins with a brief historical schools has remained relatively unchanged over
review of management education. Our inquiry of the past 50 years, business schools have some
the graduate management education industry in- unique characteristics in their value chains that
cludes traditional masters of business administra- have molded their strategies over time. Table 1
tion (MBA) programs, as well as part-time MBA presents a macro view of the changes in manage-

Overview of the Management Education Value Chain

Corporate Based Faculty Based Student Based

(Pre-1950s) (1950–1999) (2000 & Beyond)

Creation ● Business lessons ● Theoretical/empirical ● Modular units

● Professionals ● PhD faculty ● Mixed faculty
Assimilation ● Limited physical libraries ● Expanded mgmt. ● Digital libraries
Geographic Distribution ● Local ● Regional/national ● Global

Key Events

● Ford Foundation ● Media rankings ● Internet proliferation

● Industrial Revolution ● Electronic databases ● Knowledge revolution
2003 Friga, Bettis, and Sullivan 235

ment education’s value chain over time, which we on knowledge creation and assimilation. There
will discuss in more detail below. was little change in distribution methods, and the
We begin with a closer look at management overall structure of the programs did not change
education circa 1950. Higher education in business significantly.
closely resembled undergraduate business train- After the media first introduced ranking systems
ing with its very functional and practical ap- for business schools in 1988 (Schmotter, 1998;
proach. This paradigm was fairly consistent since Segev, Raveh, & Farjoun, 1999), business schools
the first MBA program began in 1900 at Dartmouth appeared more proactive in making changes,
College’s Tuck School of Business. Most business although they focused primarily on product tinker-
professors were practicing or retired corporate ing, packaging, and marketing. The popularity of
managers who focused primarily on the sharing of MBAs rose in the 1980s. Although academic pro-
lessons learned in the workplace. The United grams were fairly similar, the ranking system
States had approximately 150 business schools at pushed business schools to invest much more in
this time, and students generally attended busi- tailored marketing programs and to pursue new
ness schools close to where they lived and worked target markets— especially abroad. The orienta-
(Schlossman, Sedlak, & Wechsler, 1998), thus mak- tion during this period, however, continued to be
ing local distribution an important issue. Because on the faculty with an emphasis on basic manage-
the corporations and their current and retired em- ment research. Accordingly, we refer to this era as
ployees contributed so much to setting the MBA the “Faculty-Based Era.”
agenda, we refer to this period as the “Corporate- Also in 1988, a significant report on the status of
Based Era.” management education came out. This report iden-
A massive reform effort, sponsored largely by tified a lack of significant changes and business
the Ford Foundation, took place in 1954. This school complacency regarding strategy shifts in
campaign aimed to make business schools more the future (Porter & McKibbin, 1988). This large-
academic, research based, and analytical—in scale study was based on primary and secondary
essence, more like other academic programs at data gathered from over 60 academic institutions
universities (Schmotter, 1998). The Ford Foundation and 50 companies. Although the quality of the MBA
dedicated $35 million (approximately $232 million students coming out of business schools was found
in 2001 dollars1) to this industrial transformation to be acceptable overall, concerns surfaced related
effort. The strategic program set out specific goals, to the cooperation of businesses and business
identified leaders (deans and key faculty), and de- schools, integrated curricula, the relevance of re-
veloped incentive programs to ensure successful search, and soft-skill development. The study was
implementation. By 1958, the reform effort was well commissioned to examine the future issues for
underway and business schools began to shift management education, but it did not identify spe-
their strategies to be more research focused and cific recommendations for change. Issues identi-
less vocational (Schlossman et al., 1998). fied as requiring strategic attention included the
The next round of changes came during the planning process itself, coordination with busi-
1970s, under the auspices of the Carnegie Commis- nesses, and lifelong learning (Porter & McKibbin,
sion. Studies reported a significant need for 1988).
changes in higher education and signalled a “cri- In sum, although the strategies and structures
sis” situation (Rowley, Lujan, & Dolence, 1998; of business schools today are fairly similar to
Wheeler, 1998). The commission’s specific concerns those set out in the 1950s, there have been some
included a lack of relevance in the topics under changes—particularly related to strategic empha-
research, overly quantitative course content, and a sis, marketing objectives, and curriculum. In Table
lack of preparation for entrepreneurial careers 1, we summarize the key strategic elements of each
(Schlossman et al., 1998). As a result, business era, along with some points related to the future.
schools began modifying their class offerings to Note that the importance of the underlying compo-
include more organizational behavior and team- nents of the value chain may shift over time. En-
work topics, and new entrepreneurial tracks arose. ablers, such as technology, can result in new ways
Overall, however, business schools maintained a of doing business. Although the creation of knowl-
generally faculty-driven perspective with a focus edge will always be an important mission for busi-
ness schools, other organizations are developing
more formal knowledge management programs
Calculated using the Federal Reserve Bank of Minneapolis
CPI Index Calculator on the Internet: Base year is chained; and “creating knowledge”; this may cause a shift
1982–1984 ⫽ 100; in strategy as schools become more focused on
cpihome.html. gathering and sharing, rather than on creating
236 Academy of Management Learning and Education September

knowledge. Perhaps we will even see an increase

in the once popular corporate-based/university-
hosted research centers designed to gather and
disseminate data on current business trends. It is
important to recognize that knowledge creation
takes place not only in ivory towers, but also in
corporate boardrooms. The key for improvement in
the educational value chain is to identify the dif-
ferent options for increasing overall knowledge
“production,” such as more clearly recognizing re-
spective roles of all parties involved and more
effectively coordinating knowledge transfers or
“conversations” (Huff, 2000).
We can learn valuable lessons from the histori-
cal context and previous change efforts in man-
agement education. For example, rather than
abandoning progress made in business school pro-
cesses over the past 50 years and returning com-
pletely to the “Corporate-Based Era,” we suggest FIGURE 1
moving to the “Student-Based Era.” Business Growth in MBA Degrees Awarded in the
school strategies under this model would be fo- United States (AACSB International; Linden,
cused on delivering the most important content in 1992; Mason, 2000)
the most efficient manner and at the lowest cost.
The value chain analysis surfaced some interest-
ing questions. For example, is there an increasing has become the stamp of approval for hundreds of
importance of strategies for the distribution of thousands of managers in the United States and
knowledge given the widespread progress made abroad and is big business for universities—with
in knowledge assimilation with the aid of elec- over 660 U.S. academic institutions and 183 non-
tronic databases? Will corporations and other or- U.S. academic institutions recognized by the Asso-
ganizations play a larger role in knowledge cre- ciation to Advance Collegiate Schools of Business
ation? Will modular education replace traditional International (AACSB International, 1999). Of the
MBA programs? Before moving to a discussion on U.S. academic institutions, 399 are accredited
details of new business school strategies, we ex- schools, passing extensive reviews by AACSB In-
amine the current environment and the underlying ternational, and another 99 are currently under
assumptions that may lead to change in the man- accreditation review (AACSB International Web-
agement education landscape. site as of March 2003). These schools offer an im-
portant revenue and profit stream for most of their
Perhaps our most disturbing finding was the institutions, often operating at a 10 –20% positive
general absence of concern for, or even ex- operating margin (O’Reilly, 1994). In fact, with such
pressions of, looming changes in the environ- positive financial contributions, MBA programs
ment in which business schools will be oper- and business schools in general are often cash
ating in the next 10 –20 years (Porter & cows for universities, especially public institu-
McKibbin, 1988: 311). tions. Note, however, that there is often a lack of
direct benefit to public business schools as they
sometimes share their positive cash flow with
other, less-funded programs.
As described above, the essence of the full-time
Business schools and their primary product, full- MBA program has remained the same for a long
time MBAs, have become extremely popular over time, although there have been certain changes in
the past 50 years; they now constitute over 23% of curriculum (e.g., more behavioral based), process
all graduate degrees granted (Statistical Abstract (e.g., team learning), and marketing (e.g., flashy
for the United States, 2000). Consider the growth brochures and Websites). Most programs follow
trajectory of the MBA degree in the United States the same structure as in the past— especially re-
alone: 5,000 in 1961, 61,000 in 1981, 75,000 in 1992, lating to academic calendars, business function
and over 100,000 in 2000 (Figure 1; AACSB Interna- orientation, seat-time, semester courses, and
tional, 1999; Linden, 1992; Mason, 2000). The MBA grade point average evaluation (Leavitt, 2000). This
2003 Friga, Bettis, and Sullivan 237

is not to say that our business school education stadt, 1997–1998). Other common dimensions in-
system is without critics who are demanding clude service of a common good, redundant cost
change. In fact, many of the ailments of higher systems with opportunity for scale economics per-
education in business have been documented in formance improvement, and previous “cottage” in-
the literature, especially during times of economic dustry orientation with geographic segmentation
downturn. Studies identified many problems; con- of the market and local operations. And all of the
sistent themes include cost (Dulek & Fielden, 1992); industries have been through, or are susceptible
research relevance (Mowday, 1997; Wheeler, 1998); to, massive transformation.
and faculty development (Schlossman et al., 1998). What is causing such significant changes in
The overall consensus is that change is going to once stable and predictable industrial environ-
come slowly, if at all, given the massive infrastruc- ments? There are four primary forces behind these
ture and current incentive programs in place industrial transformations that will have a similar
(Oviatt & Miller, 1989). Institutional inertia theory effect on management education.
suggests that organizations will be slow to change 1. Globalization. The world is becoming smaller
given internal politics and past success (Hannan & every day. Globalization requires the recognition
Freeman, 1977). Some deans stress the staying that today’s economy is truly worldwide and that
power of academic institutions, witnessed by the national borders are less important than has his-
fact that of the 26 institutions still surviving since torically been the case. Airlines implemented a
the 15th century, 22 of them are universities (Ives & clear global expansion strategy over the past 2
Jarvenpaa, 1996). Contrary views, however, sug- decades by seeking new international routes and
gest that this debate is far from over. partners. The globalization strategies of business
schools have focused on developing high-tech
The comfortable (in a relative sense) period links with non-U.S. business schools, overseas
for higher education and business schools study tours, foreign language requirements, fac-
since the end of World War II is likely over. ulty and student exchange programs, and interna-
Almost none of the casual practices, proce- tional course material (Mangan, 1997). Other
dures, and assumptions about what we progress includes recruiting higher percentages of
should be doing and how we should be pro- foreign students, with most programs hovering
viding education are likely to survive in the around 20 –30%. Some niche players have dramat-
next couple of decades (Lyman Porter, 2000: 29). ically increased their non-U.S. student popula-
tions, such as Thunderbird (the American Gradu-
Let’s turn to the underlying forces influencing ate School of International Management in
change in the education and other industries. The Arizona) which has a non-U.S. student population
eighties and nineties in the United States saw of over 77% (Hankins, 2001). As a whole business
overall economic growth and massive changes schools are in the early stages of aggressive inter-
within and between industries. But what happens national strategies. In sharp contrast to the corpo-
in times of economic turmoil and increased pres- rate world where such global expansion strategies
sure for change? The education industry may be have been in place for over 20 years, U.S. business
one of the only industries not yet subjected to com- schools, led by the more elite and well-funded pro-
plete value chain overhaul. Even today, news of grams, have only recently begun experimenting on
continued sweeping changes in industries once a large scale with establishing overseas opera-
structured similarly to education in terms of gov- tions. We anticipate much more widespread adop-
ernment intervention, scale economies, and public tion of global strategies in the future, the details of
impact dominate the media. Specific industries which will be discussed below.
that have experienced massive change over the 2. Disruptive technologies. Conventional wisdom
past 20 years include healthcare, financial ser- holds that economies of scale often lead to domi-
vices, and airlines. There are obvious differences nance in industries by entrenched major players.
between these industries and management educa- Clayton Christensen (1997) championed the term dis-
tion—such as for-profit orientation and the number ruptive technology, which describes a new technol-
of competitors; however, there are important simi- ogy application that leads to a disruption in an in-
larities between the underlying industrial struc- dustrial value chain. The proposition states that
ture of these industries and management educa- smaller, lower margin companies can go higher end
tion. For example, each industry just as the with next-generation technology and better serve ex-
academic industry, has benefited from previously isting demand while even creating new market
monopolistic conditions and advantages due to ge- space. Examples of industries experiencing value
ography and regulation or certification (Duder- chain shifting with the disruptive technologies in
238 Academy of Management Learning and Education September

parentheses, include steel (minimills), computers Women continue to increase their presence in
(PC), sailing ships (steamships), telegram (tele- the business world, but the percentage of women
phone), and retail (discounters; Christensen, 1997). in MBA programs remains only 30% over the past
Additional examples may include airlines (com- 10 years (Reingold, 2000). The percentage of women
puterized reservations and e-ticketing), financial studying business as a percentage of all master’s
services/banking (ATM), healthcare (patient medi- programs has risen dramatically over the past 25
cal cards), and recorded music (CDs). Education is years, from 3.9% in 1971 to 38.9% in 1997 (Statistical
a prime target for disruption given advances in Abstract of the United States, 2000). Meanwhile,
computer technology, communications platforms, law and medical schools manage a much more
and the Internet, which are not currently in wide- balanced student portfolio, with approximately
spread use for baseline programs, but are becom- 50% women (Reingold, 2000). Demographers pre-
ing more common by existing universities. dict that by 2010, the current Caucasian majority in
These technologies are core elements of new, the United States will become a minority (Rowley
often for-profit, educational institutions. The spe- et al., 1998), yet many schools have not shifted
cific technology applications are particularly hard recruiting efforts accordingly.
to track and easy to ignore given their intangible The third change is a new workplace. Changing
nature (Ives & Jarvenpaa, 1996). Duderstadt (1999) business landscapes have resulted in a major shift
raises an interesting observation in his comment in job type from manufacturing to service, and
on the role of technological change in educational technology has begun to automate many previous
reform: What about the similar impact that was positions of blue-collar workers. The need for edu-
hypothesized with the advent of television and cation, especially in business, will continue to
VCRs? As television and VCR technology devel- grow (Finegold, 1994). The pay gap between those
oped, many believed that widespread adoption possessing a college degree versus those who do
would completely alter the traditional models of
not has risen from 50% in 1980 to over 111% today
education delivery. The current situation (Internet
(Merrill Lynch, 1999). It is estimated that by 2010,
and computer-based technology) is even more
30 – 40% of all U.S. jobs will require a college level
likely to cause change given advancements made
education (Rowley et al., 1998). Corporations have
in general connectivity through the Internet, in-
recognized this need and have already begun to
creased transaction speed, and enhanced interac-
make sizable investments in workforce training. In
tivity. As interactive communication software and
fact, as of 1999, corporations spend more on busi-
other applications continue to develop, basic as-
ness education than do all business schools (Huff,
sumptions regarding education’s value chain, spe-
cifically the distribution of knowledge, will require 2000).
reassessment. Finally, there will be an overall shift in the com-
3. Demographic shifts. Four key demographic fort and familiarity with technology in the learning
shifts will affect the future of business school ed- process. The net effect of these changes will be
ucation. The first is population growth. The United increased demand for service- and knowledge-
States and the world continue to grow, and when trained workers, and business schools will play a
combined with economic growth and expansion of role in that movement.
business, the number of business leadership posi- 4. Deregulation. Although the management edu-
tions as well as those in need of basic business cation industry is not fully regulated, the govern-
education will continue to grow as well. We look to ment plays a role in oversight through the restric-
the healthcare industry as a source of insight in tions it places on publicly generated funds. Public
how it continues to adapt to increased demand institutions and federally funded research pro-
based on population growth. For example, rather grams face the most government intervention. Pri-
than just expand the size of hospitals, the goal of vately funded entrants in this industry and pres-
much health care reform is more efficient opera- sure from the public may lead to a decrease in
tions and the elimination of poor performance and government funding and control. Deregulation had
redundancy. dramatic effects in the financial services, airlines,
The second demographic shift is diversity, espe- and telecommunications industries. We have in-
cially of those individuals requiring business ed- cluded it as a driving force because of the increas-
ucation. The typical student of tomorrow will be ing pressure on the government to at least consider
quite different from today’s student—particularly this as an option. We are beginning to see exper-
with regard to age (e.g., older); gender (e.g., more imentation in K–12 education with charter schools
females); race and nationalities (e.g., more diver- and voucher programs and expect the trend for a
sity; Merrill Lynch, 1999). decrease in public funding for higher education in
2003 Friga, Bettis, and Sullivan 239

many school systems to continue (Duderstadt, such as Southwest, Midwest Express, and JetBlue,
1999). which are growing into national players. Twenty
Accreditation issues become even more impor- five years ago, Dell and Microsoft were certainly
tant as the rules of the game and its players are not household names in the computer industry.
changing; the quality of offerings is critical for New entrants come in search of profits, and with
comparison. AACSB International and the Gradu- companies paying over an average of $126,000 for
ate Management Admission Council (GMAC) have graduates from the top-30 business schools (Mer-
been working diligently to redefine their roles in ritt, 2000b), the demand is there. A number of new
this ever-changing environment (Finegold, 1994). entrants have surfaced in the business of manage-
For example, AACSB’s accreditation standards of ment education, although they are still not seri-
the mid-to-late part of this century greatly influ- ously considered competitors by some traditional
enced the curriculum development and functional universities, despite their rapid growth, deep pock-
orientation so prevalent in today’s business ets, and ambitious goals. Some believe that these
schools. Today, they are adopting more flexible new entrants will be the leaders of the transforma-
standards and moving away from rigid program tion, because the current industry leaders will not
specifications—in their own words, “providing push for massive change (Davis & Botkin, 1994; Ives
global leadership in advancing management edu- & Jarvenpaa, 1996). We see five groups of new
cation through accreditation and by fostering in- entrants playing a critical role in the reshaping of
ternational interchanges, key business linkages, business school education: private education
sharing of best practices, professional develop- firms, technology firms, other major corporations,
ment, and other member services” (AACSB Web- consulting firms, and non-U.S. business schools.
site). The accreditation process allows flexibility in The number of private education firms has ex-
schools’ missions, but requires strict adherence to ploded over the past 5–10 years; it is estimated that
quality planning—a necessity in the increasingly they now account for $3.5 billion in training ser-
crowded educational landscape. vices a year (Blustain, Goldstein, & Lozier, 1999).
Now that we have discussed the past and Several of the private education firms, such as the
present of management education and identified University of Phoenix and Knowledge Universe,
certain relevant forces that are pushing for are focusing significant resources on graduate
change, we apply the lessons learned to the future business education (Padilla, 1999; Selingo, 1998).
of management education. Specifically, our goal is Technology firms, including software, media, com-
to identify ways in which other industries have puter, and publishing houses are making a play
changed and consider how such changes could for this market. New companies, such as UNext,
play out in graduate management education in the can be seen in the Wall Street Journal and other
future. periodicals on a regular basis. UNext is a private
education firm that provides advanced business
education, including MBAs, through a variety of
mediums, primarily online. Their strategy involves
partnerships with top business schools for content
We now discuss the consistent changes in supply (Columbia, Stanford, Chicago, Carnegie Mellon,
and demand of transformed industries and de- and the London School of Economics) and ad-
scribe their potential application to business vanced distribution technology-based tools (UNext
schools with illustrative examples where avail- Website). UNext distributes its content through two
able. This section concludes with our list of critical electronic companies, Thompson Publishing and
success factors for business schools in the 21st Knowledge Universe (Mangan, 2002). Thompson
century. and Knowledge Universe also each own 20% of
UNext; the participating business schools own an-
other 20% (Bradshaw, 2001). Consulting firms, such
Changes in Supply
as A.D. Little and McKinsey and Company, have
1. Entry of new players. Our starting point in dis- been in the knowledge business for years and are
cussing supply issues in management education venturing into increasingly more internal and ex-
begins with a common catalyst to industry change: ternal management training (Moore, 1997). For
the entry of new players. Industry transformation, example, McKinsey has teamed up with North-
especially those transformations complemented western’s Kellogg School of Management and
with the advent of disruptive technologies, often Pennsylvania’s Wharton School of Business to cre-
bring new players into the competitive landscape. ate a new business school in India, with an ambi-
For airlines, it was the low-cost regional carriers, tious goal of becoming a top-10 player within 5
240 Academy of Management Learning and Education September

years (Dolven, 2000). Corporations have greatly ex- funding and philanthropy. Three particular areas
panded their internal training facilities: Over 1,600 where costs could be driven down include redun-
possess formal “corporate universities” that train dant course development (if basic courses were
not only their own employees, but also those from standardized and offered through the Internet), ex-
other corporations (Stuart, 1999), which compares cess faculty costs (if universities shared resources
with 1,200 U.S. educational institutions (Van de through distance learning), and unproductive re-
Ven, 2001). Finally, non-U.S. business schools have search efforts (if faculty roles were reassigned
made dramatic strides in management education based on performance to include shifts toward ap-
and continue to grow at a phenomenal pace. Pow- plied research or teaching). Note that the impact of
erful European business schools, such as INSEAD, these efforts may result in a decrease in the num-
IMD, and the London Business School, are estab- ber of faculty needed, as efficiency increases and
lishing global names in management education. student-to-faculty ratios increase. Such changes
Nine of the top-50 business schools in the world may be met with resistance by certain faculty
ranked by the Wall Street Journal were outside the members, especially given the power of their
United States (Richter, 2001). European recruiters unions, the tenure system, and groups such as the
rank European business schools ahead of United American Association of University Professors
States schools overall, citing cultural, lingual, and (AAUP).
immediate impact advantages (Richter, 1999). An- The question then becomes “Which institutions
other survey ranked 11 non-U.S. schools in the will exit?” The answer will likely depend upon a
top-30 executive education programs in the world combination of lowest barriers to exit, amount of
(, 2000). One of the strongest of unique content offering, and adoptability of dis-
the 100 or so European schools offering MBA de- tance technologies. Most vulnerable will be lesser
grees is INSEAD, which recently announced known schools with outdated technology plat-
growth in its endowment from $2.5 million to over
forms, although this certainly does not preclude
$36.6 million over the past 5 years (Schneider, 2002).
the exit of major research universities that refuse
In Russia and Eastern Europe, over 1,000 new busi-
to adapt new strategies. Public subsidizers, who
ness schools have sprung up over the past 7 years
up until now have had few options from which to
(Bollag, 1997). In China, there are 21 MBA degree
choose, may largely determine the pace and direc-
programs run jointly with U.S. partners and 40 run
tion of change. Changes in provider options could
by Chinese universities alone (Roberts, 2002). The
result in more pressure for the stepped up exit of
Hong Kong University of Science and Technology
old players.
has surfaced as a major new MBA program pro-
vider. These players may have additional power 3. Industry consolidation. The recent financial
for industrial change as political constraints, leg- services and healthcare transformations and mas-
acy systems, and organizational inertia (Davis & sive consolidations led to some of the biggest
Botkin, 1994; Ives & Jarvenpaa, 1996) become less mergers of all time. Consolidation is again a result
cumbersome. of the end of certain monopolistic conditions and
2. Exit of old players. When supported industries offers a viable strategy for firms needing addi-
lose their status as monopolies or quasimonopo- tional resources or management capabilities.
lies, organizational fallout is inevitable, especially Although difficult to imagine, it may be logical
if the old system subsidized excess costs (Katz, for certain business schools to merge, especially if
1999). This fallout was certainly the case in airlines they are particularly synergistic due to market po-
as TWA, Eastern, and Pan Am all folded after de- sitioning or accumulated resources. An example
regulation. Events took a similar turn in the finan- from another discipline would be the merger be-
cial services with thrift institutions. The same tween the medical schools of Stanford and the
transformation could happen to educational insti- University of California (Rowley et al., 1998). Al-
tutions, but this is, perhaps, one of the hardest though the merger was dissolved 2 years later
propositions to accept, especially given the public (Jaklevic, 2001), it was perhaps a sign that such
service role of universities. There are clearly sig- experimentation is coming. Stanford has also an-
nificant barriers to exit, but once they fall, look for nounced a partnership with Harvard in the deliv-
major changes in the landscape of providers. Eco- ery of executive education programs that indicates
nomic principles plainly dictate that capitalist sys- some momentum in this direction. Many alumni,
tems reward efficiency, and competition increases trustees, and students may resist consolidation
in the presence of profit. It is easy to imagine the proposals given loyalty to a particular school,
excess costs built into our business schools and thereby creating a brand-based barrier. Mergers
universities, currently subsidized by government certainly took place in our comparison industries
2003 Friga, Bettis, and Sullivan 241

of airlines, healthcare, and financial institutions likely to continue to produce large numbers of
and may become an option in education, as well. business-minded, twenty-something, ambitious
4. Interfirm alliances. A more likely shift in strat- students for traditional business schools. The num-
egies is movement toward interbusiness school ber of college-age students will rise by an ex-
alliances— especially those of a global nature. pected 30% over the next 20 years (Duderstadt,
Airlines represent the best example of global 1999). Likely as well is continued growth in num-
alliances in that almost every U.S. airline is in al- bers of non-U.S. students, who currently constitute
liance with another U.S. airline or a global partner. up to 20% of many MBA programs, as other coun-
Alliances have increasingly become a strategic tries’ demand for U.S.-based business school edu-
alternative to mergers, because they are more flex- cation increases, and costs of air travel continue to
ible and typically less risky. decline. Some business school strategies seem
Administrators of business schools are spending aligned with this anticipated need, given recent
more time understanding their environment and investments in new facilities. GMAT testing, often
adopting more interdependent approaches versus an indicator of future MBA program demand, con-
the traditional independent philosophy. Many tinues to rise; in the third quarter of 2001, there
business schools in close proximity allow students were 19% more U.S. takers than the previous year
to transfer credits and jointly attend classes and and 26% more non-U.S. takers (Alsop, 2001).
events (e.g., MIT and Harvard; the University of The demand for full-time MBA programs seems
North Carolina and Duke). Another example of an to follow a countereconomic cycle pattern, as ap-
interfirm alliance is the Oregon Executive MBA plications to the top-20 business schools were
Program, jointly sponsored by the University of down 7% when other job options were more plen-
Oregon, Oregon State University, and Portland tiful in 2000 (Di Meglio & Conlin, 2000). Placement,
State University. We anticipate that these alli- however, becomes more challenging in tough eco-
ances will dramatically grow in magnitude and for- nomic times as evidenced by dramatic drops in
mality, a topic we discuss more extensively below. recruiting efforts by companies in 2001–2002. The
5. Geographic expansion. In financial institu- delicate balance and strategic options will be dis-
tions, expansion has resulted in the availability of cussed in more detail below.
additional branches and ATM locations. Airlines 2. Increase in new markets. This demand shift
measure expansion by numbers of additional hubs will cause major changes in strategies for many
and landing routes. Business schools are likely to business schools. Three major opportunities that
follow suit as such geographic expansion offers may eventually outpace demand for the traditional
enhanced brand identification, more revenue, and MBA program exist: corporate training, interna-
an opportunity to learn more about foreign markets tional programs, and modular learning by the gen-
(Leonhardt, 2000). One mechanism for such expan- eral public. A brief description of these programs
sion will be satellite campuses throughout the follows.
world. Harvard Business School established exec- Corporate training is estimated to be a $60 bil-
utive education and research centers in Hong lion market in the United States, $98 billion if one
Kong, Tokyo, and Singapore (Teo, 1997). Other ex- includes government training (Merrill Lynch, 1999)
amples include the opening of satellite campuses and has already become a critical part of most
by Duke in Frankfurt, the University of Chicago in major business schools’ target markets because it
Spain, and INSEAD in Singapore. On a national offers lucrative financial rewards, fills excess fac-
level, the University of Southern California estab- ulty capacity, and improves relations with the cor-
lished a satellite campus in Orange County, and porate world. These programs, often referred to as
the University of Pennsylvania created a “Wharton executive education, have grown substantially
West” in San Francisco. This geographic expan- over time and have even assumed separate auton-
sion will allow universities to better compete in the omous standing in some schools.
global environment and offer an outstanding ap- International opportunities include corporate
plication of new technologies through distance training, new U.S.-run facilities, and alliances with
learning that will increase productivity of existing home universities. Each offers unique challenges,
faculty by increasing student-to-faculty ratios tre- and the primary thrust thus far by U.S. business
mendously. schools seems to be in corporate training and in-
ternational alliances.
Modular learning represents a departure from
Changes in Demand
traditional business education. It is primarily con-
1. Increase in existing markets. Baby Boom II (the ducted online through the Internet or on CD-ROM,
children of the near-retirement Baby Boomers) is and allows students to pick and choose specific
242 Academy of Management Learning and Education September

topics and learn at their own pace. Conceivably, University); human resources (Rotterdam School of
packages of these modules could eventually con- Management); and system design and manage-
stitute a degree. Modular learning could be viewed ment (MIT-Sloan; Schneider, 2002).
as a technological refinement of correspondence 4. Price pressure. In airlines, healthcare, and fi-
courses of the past. Universities have a golden nancial institutions, prices decreased dramati-
opportunity to provide the content for such pro- cally after the industry transformation. New mod-
grams, and many will partner with technology and els of doing business often resulted in increased
marketing firms for assistance in distribution. The competitiveness and reallocations of costs.
demand is estimated to grow dramatically. For Given the earlier discussion of the excess costs
example, the number of Internet users in the currently in the educational system, it is reason-
United States is expected to be more than 206 mil- able to expect that prices will come down as com-
lion in the United States and 765 million worldwide petition increases, especially if supply increases
by 2005 (Mason, 2000). By 2002, over 2 million stu- in line with or faster than demand.2 Note that with
dents are expected to enroll in online courses, increased specialization, there will likely be vari-
which is up from 710,000 in 1998, a compound an- ous price points, with some increases in the more
nual growth rate (CAGR) of 33% (Merrill Lynch, exclusive, brand-important sectors.
2000). We see continued growth in new markets There is one interesting phenomenon that, while
moving forward. beyond the scope of a thorough analysis here, is
3. Specialization. Industry transformation often worthy of mention. Support for public colleges and
leads to increased specialization and segmenta- universities is declining, while faculty salaries in
tion (Collis, 1999). Airlines offer an example of business schools have been increasing at a sub-
industrial specialization with the split between stantial rate in recent years. This price– cost
full-service and no-frills segments; in healthcare squeeze may have significant implications for
the specialization occurred as general hospitals business schools within public institutions if it
shared markets with specialized clinics and phy- continues.
sician groups.
Currently in business education most business
New Critical Success Factors
schools are “full-service” providers (more general
educational offerings and not as specialized). With Based upon the previously described potential
the potential unbundling of the industry, certain changes in supply and demand, corresponding
schools may become increasingly specialized, per- changes in critical success factors should be con-
haps in academic disciplines or functional areas, sidered by business school leaders in setting their
and faculty could conceivably form faculty groups strategies for the future. We anticipate the follow-
that serve multiple universities. Some faculty ing factors to be particularly important in 21st cen-
groups could even specialize further into research- tury business school education: capacity, conve-
ers, content providers, or teachers. Overall, this nience, geographic reach, and brand.
could lead to a massive segmentation of the man- The traditional business school strategy amounted
agement education industry into multiple indus- to controlling capacity, in the belief that exclusiv-
tries, each with unique requirements and players. ity aids in developing reputation. New economic
The segmentation could occur by function, disci- models could lead to a preference for high volume–
pline, company, quality, funding (private vs. pub- low margin versus low volume-high margin strat-
lic), and end product (such as degree vs. non- egies, which is more in line with traditional state
degree). One proposition is that schools choose a school strategies. In fact, given the estimated
dominant orientation and pursue appropriate increases in demand on a global basis and the
strategies, such as basic research or applied re- technology advancements to better serve them,
search agendas (L. Porter, 2000). Another approach business schools will need to rethink their teacher-
would be to pursue knowledge exploration through to-student ratios, which could increase dramati-
research or knowledge exploitation through in- cally. This could lead to higher volume capabili-
struction, as it is difficult to excel at both simulta- ties without increases in the faculty cost structure.
neously (Trieschmann, Dennis, Northcraft, & Niemi, Public school funding, which traditionally relies
2000). Some examples of specialization include
Babson College, a specialty stand-alone business
school with a world-renowned reputation in en- 2
Anticipated decreases in public funding for education may
trepreneurship, and schools offering specialty actually prove to provide pressure against price decreases.
masters programs in finance (London Business Education support peaked in the 1980s and has flattened or
School); electronic commerce (Carnegie Mellon declined since (Duderstadt, 1999).
2003 Friga, Bettis, and Sullivan 243

on the student count for allocations, could be the uncertain nature of the outcomes of future
greatly affected. events and the question as to which of the afore-
Convenience refers to the increased need for mentioned changes may actually come to fruition.
timely business education at a reasonable cost. We assume that the education industry is not in-
This implies a shift from “just-in-case” to “just- sulated against change and that certain driving
in-time” and “just-for-me” (Duderstadt, 1999: 4) and forces may eventually push for transformations
can alter distribution methods and student– similar to those experienced in our comparison
university relationships, which will become more industries.
lifelong rather than periodic. Geographic reach re- What follows below are the three most important
lates to the need to serve clients all around the elements of business school strategy that will re-
world without necessarily requiring students to quire new thinking for the future: primary markets,
travel to the home campus. products, and partnerships. Included as well are a
Brand will continue to be important, perhaps few of the leading-edge examples of business
even more so, as competition increases, product schools shifting their strategies accordingly.
offerings become more like commodities, and busi-
ness schools seek differentiation and avoid quality
Primary Markets
erosion. Brand power has increased in the modern
age of resources and media communications. The issue of whom business schools actually serve
It can be established much more quickly and will become increasingly important in the 21st cen-
can have significant impact on customer selec- tury. Between 1950 and 1980, the traditional market
tion— especially in new technological arenas. A consisted of students for the 2-year MBA program,
prime example of rapid brand development is although the profile of that student changed some-, which has become one of the most what over time to include older people, more
recognized brand names in the world in only 6 women, and more international representatives.
years. There is certainly a current level of brand Over the past 20 years, business schools have
identity in the management education industry, greatly increased their desire to serve corporate
primarily viewed as a “top-20 provider” versus all markets through executive education and special-
others (and all others may be split into accredited ized part-time programs.
and nonaccredited although that is not always the In the future, business schools need to consider
case). This brand positioning may change as evi- where the demand will be, especially in light of the
denced by the entrance of a new top-20 provider of widespread use of new technologies. In addition to
management education in a recent BusinessWeek new markets including global corporations, other
survey of corporations, The Center for Creative universities, and the general public, business
Leadership, notably not even a university (Rein- schools need to rethink the repurchase intentions
gold, 1999). Brand identity is important, and it can of such buyers, as there is a gradual paradigm
be leveraged or lost depending upon key decisions shift toward lifelong learning. In addition to serv-
by institutional leaders as described below. ing alumni, business schools should consider of-
fering more products to nonbusiness school stu-
dents and graduates from other programs in their
Putting It All Together: How Do We Get “There”
From Here?
Two major developments on the international
After reviewing the history of management educa- front offer consideration for business schools, both
tion and identifying possible changes in the com- now and in the future: the collapse of communism
petitive landscape, we move to the strategy phase. and the opening of Asian markets. Both markets
How do business school leaders formulate viable are large, together representing close to half the
strategies for success in the next century? The first world’s population and are in significant need of
element of the strategy is developing a vision of assistance in developing managerial capabilities.
the end result—setting specific goals for a partic- It is estimated that the collapse of communism has
ular institution. What will the educational provid- resulted in 2.5 billion people being thrust into the
ers of the future look like? As you might imagine, modern capitalistic era armed with little knowl-
there is a void in the literature on this topic; re- edge of markets and management (Schmotter,
searchers and deans have thoroughly investigated 1998). Currently, only 3% of the 18 –21-year-olds in
the situation, but many have not formulated or China have access to higher education, and this
communicated their specific goals (much less the figure is expected to grow to 20% by 2020, resulting
detailed strategic plans that will enable them to in a demand of 240 million in need of education
achieve those goals). This may be partially due to (Merrill Lynch, 2000). The Asian market for MBA
244 Academy of Management Learning and Education September

education will prove critically important, as cer- which has been offering formal accredited educa-
tain leading business schools have already realized. tional programs since 1989 (Moore, 1997).
Part-time MBAs are typically weekend or evening
programs that extend over 2– 4 years during which
participants continue in their full-time employ-
We anticipate a fundamental shift in business ment. These programs have grown rapidly; in 2001,
school product offerings away from traditional BusinessWeek ranked the programs for the first
MBA programs to more part-time programs and time and estimated that such programs bring in
education within corporations and in people’s more than $150 million at the top-25 business
homes. The disruptive technologies of computers schools alone (Merritt, 2001a, 2001b). AACSB esti-
and telecommunications (video conferencing and mates that over 15,000 students studied in such
voice-over-Internet) will enable this transition. As programs at 160 different U.S. schools in 2000 (Al-
diagramed in Figure 2, four particular programs sop, 2001a). Some schools, such as Harvard and
will gain importance in the business school prod- Stanford, resisted entry to this market over con-
uct portfolio, allowing for varying levels of focus cerns of quality, given less-focused contact hours
depending upon the respective schools’ brand po- (Alsop, 2001a). Over 5 years ago the Fuqua School
sitioning: executive education, corporate degrees, of Business at Duke University launched the first
the part-time MBA, and modular units. Each has global executive MBA program, combining dis-
unique requirements; therefore, business schools tance and on-site learning over a 19-month period
should weigh estimated returns versus the cost, (Celestino, 1999a). However, executive MBA pro-
both financially and as a potential resource dis- grams do not come without concerns, especially
traction. We anticipate a dramatic growth in pro- those related to quality of programs, cost, and
grams requiring little or no time on campus. placement (Dash, 2000). They typically take longer
Executive education is defined as program spe- to complete, and cost up to 20% more than full-time
cific, nonaccredited educational sessions and sem- programs. Additionally, corporations may cut
inars that are often customized to incorporate a funding in tough economic times. Nevertheless, ex-
particular organization’s issues. Corporate de- ecutive MBA programs represent a viable and prof-
grees are advanced, often specialized, programs itable product extension for business schools.
that are held completely within the confines of an Modular units represent the biggest departure
organizing corporation. Typically the program is from traditional programs in that they require no
run in conjunction with a major business school, time on campus and are typically nonaccredited.
although examples of programs that are com- They may, however, represent the greatest growth
pletely run in-house exist, such as A. D. Little, opportunity. These learning modules, which will
become increasingly sophisticated with new, in-
teractive, simulation-ready software may eventu-
ally lead to accreditation if certain proposals to
switch from “seat-time” to “capability” accrediting
take hold. This may become the domain of virtual
universities, of which over 50 organizations have
formally launched offerings or are in the process of
so doing (Rowley et al., 1998). Over 48 schools
currently offer online MBAs, 28 of which are ac-
credited by AACSB International, which greatly
increases the attractiveness of this option (USNews.
com). These programs may become the future of
MBA education. Enrollment in virtual MBA pro-
grams is anticipated to jump to 50,000 by 2002, up
from 5,000 in 2000 (Dash, 2000). Intellectual property
issues will become increasingly important, and
new rules will be established as more programs go
Just as service centers have become critical links
to continued relationships with automobile pur-
FIGURE 2 chasers, so might the university become important
Anticipated Shift in Primary Product Offerings by for longer relationships with students. Degrees are
Business Schools the dominant model now, but certification pro-
2003 Friga, Bettis, and Sullivan 245

grams may become more important in the future, strategies, whereby an organization identifies its
especially if certain competency-based programs competitive advantage and strategically builds
continue to gain momentum. The lifelong educa- around it through partnerships may become a
tion proposition offers opportunities for business more common strategy for business schools (Katz,
schools to establish long-term value propositions 1999). There are four critical organizational groups
with students. A life-cycle-based approach may with whom universities must establish strong part-
become more common. One proposed model calls nerships: technology firms, other universities, ma-
for three separate product offerings: basic man- jor corporations, and community colleges.
agement education to students in their late 20s (1 Technology firms provide a critical link to the
year), leadership and value-oriented developmen- need to develop advanced distance-learning ap-
tal education in the late 30s; and meaning-of-life plications. These firms often combine technical ex-
and retirement planning in the late 40s (Boyatzis & pertise in computer networking, software develop-
Kram, 1999). Such programs could be degree based ment, and interactive learning with the flash of
or certificate driven. marketing and packaging and a focus on the dis-
Massive change in infrastructure is difficult, es- tribution component of the value chain. Key exam-
pecially in public institutions, and certification ples of technology firm business school alliances
programs offer an easier option for change than include UNext (Columbia, Chicago, Carnegie Mel-
modifying degree offerings. This experimentation lon, and Stanford) and Caliber (Wharton and Johns
around the traditional core change approach has Hopkins; Schneider, 1999). Note that large technol-
been used successfully at the University of Michi- ogy firms are also considered corporations but are
gan, especially with its Millennium Project (Duder- analyzed separately herein.
stadt, 1999). Alliances and potential mergers with other uni-
Distance learning is becoming much more wide- versities are a departure from traditional strategy
spread in business education, so much so that but will be increasingly common in the future for
AACSB International recently issued a special re- several reasons. First is the critical success factor
port focused on the design and quality issues of of geographic reach. Alliances with international
such programs (AACSB, 1999). The overall conclu- business schools allow U.S. schools the opportu-
sion is that such programs with little or no time on nity to expand their reach without the significant
campus are becoming extremely popular, but that investment required for new facility construction.
they should be handled with care. This is a con- Second is the need to understand and play in
cern of the largest provider of online MBA and global markets. And finally, with increased com-
executive education, Henley Management College, petition and declining resources, certain schools
which serves over 6,000 students in 100 different will be forced to squeeze out redundancy from their
countries. Henley works continuously to ensure cost structures and focus on core competencies.
high-quality delivery through a franchise strategy This corresponds with the potential industry shift
using standardized procedures and carefully se- toward increased specialization, as all business
lected content from top faculty throughout the schools do not need to offer all programs, espe-
world (Wood, 2001). And, according to Gabriel cially with the advance of distance learning. These
Hawawini, dean of INSEAD, “The business school business school partnerships are not limited to
of the future will no longer be a place” (Glater, dual university domains, and there are additional
2001: 3). advantages to multibusiness school arrange-
ments, such as the development of International
Table 2 depicts a summary of some examples of
Business schools have operated fairly indepen- the interesting new primary market, product, and
dently since their inception, essentially as a cot- partnership strategies under development at this
tage industry focused on geographic physical site- writing. We expect to see much more activity re-
specific offerings. Granted, working relationships lating to these critical elements of business school
with vendors, other universities, and external con- strategies.
stituent groups of varying locations have existed, The final two potential partners remain rela-
but the core operations have traditionally been left tively untapped, but offer logical extensions for
to the schools themselves. We foresee a change on business school growth. This could be in the form
the horizon. of backward integration (corporations buying busi-
Deans and faculty leaders need to think care- ness schools); horizontal integration (universities
fully about formalizing relationships with various buying other universities or community colleges);
value-adding players in this industry. Niche or just formal alliances. Community colleges offer
246 Academy of Management Learning and Education September

Examples of New Business School Strategies in Action

New Primary Markets

International Expansion
● University of Chicago establishes new campus locations in Singapore and Barcelona (Celestino, 1999b)
● Harvard Business School creates research facilities in Hong Kong and Buenos Aires with plans for Europe (Celestino, 1999)
● Northwestern’s Kellogg School teams with Wharton in creation of new Indian School of Business in Hyderabad (Karp, 2000)
● Carlson School of Management launches a joint EMBA Program with Linghan College of Zhongshan University in China
(Anderson, 2001)
Domestic Expansion
● Wharton offers MBA program for executives in San Francisco, known as “Wharton West” (Glater, 2000)
● Harvard Business School opens California Research Center in San Jose (Glater, 2000)

New Products

International MBA
● OneMBA Program—The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill teams with four leading business schools across the
world to offer a unique executive MBA program on four continents (
● Duke MBA Global Executive and Cross-Continent Programs—pioneer—(
● Henley Management College MBA—delivered in over 100 countries (
Custom MBA
● Indiana University offers custom MBA within General Motors (Weidlich, 2001)
● University of Texas offers custom MBA to Texas Instruments (Weidlich, 2001)
● Arizona State University offers custom MBA program and other courses to Deere (Weidlich, 2001)
Online MBA
● Top research schools with online MBAs include: Indiana University (, University of Florida
(, and Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute (
● Private education firms with online MBAs include Capella University (; Jones International
University (; and the University of Phoenix
● See a list of over 48 schools offering online MBA programs (28 accredited by the AACSB) at mba.htm (as of November 2001)

New Partnerships

Business School–Business School

● Harvard and Stanford merge executive education programs (Merritt, 2001b)
● Columbia University and London Business School—joint MBA and non-degree programs (Leonhardt, 2000)
● Columbia University and University of California, Berkeley—bicoastal executive MBA program (Alsop, 2001a)
● NYU, HEC School of Management and London School of Economics—joint executive education program (Alsop, 2001a)
● Wharton and INSEAD—allow students in France and Singapore to study at either school (Glater, 2001)
Private Firm–Business School
● UNext—working with University of Chicago, Columbia, Stanford, Carnegie-Mellon and London School of Economics
(McGeehan, 1999)
● FT Knowledge (Pearson/Financial Times)—working with Wharton in content creation (Bradshaw, 2001)

Note that this material is presented as of the time of the writing (late 2001/early 2002) and given the dynamic changing environment
some of these programs and/or url information may change.

high access to students in need and are already they must be strategic about their selection and
geared toward lifelong learning (Rowley et al., timing. First mover advantages may affect the se-
1998). lection process, especially if certain players be-
There are indeed hurdles that make the imple- come exclusive.
mentation of partnerships difficult. Examples in-
clude faculty acceptance, governance structures,
and the definition of individual partner benefits.
Other issues related to equity that must be re- Our primary goal was to present strategic options
solved include profit sharing and overall partner- for business schools going into the 21st century,
ship arrangements. taking into consideration driving forces pushing
Business school strategies have multiple options for change and the existing structures of business
related to partnerships with firms that can add schools. In reviewing the value chain of the grad-
value to the distribution role in the industry, but uate management education industry, we identi-
2003 Friga, Bettis, and Sullivan 247

fied the increased importance of distribution strat- ers and consolidation of the market are conditions
egies over assimilation as we move forward. MIT’s that have surfaced during similar industrial trans-
recent decision to offer all of its course material to formation and may occur here. The timing of the
the public accentuates this point, and we continue changes is a critical part of this situation—major
to have access to top content by way of databases developments are underway as you read this
and the Internet (Goldberg, 2001). We identified the article.
forces based upon a review of similar industry Overall, massive change forces are in place, and
transformations (primarily healthcare, financial without proper adjustments to strategy and struc-
services, and airlines) and estimated the impact ture, many business schools may fall victim to the
those forces may have on the industry of manage- more macro dire prediction of universities made by
ment education. The key forces were globalization, Peter Drucker.
disruptive technologies, demographic shifts, and
deregulation. Shifts in supply and demand were
discussed both within our comparison industries REFERENCES
and management education. In this regard it is AACSB 1999. The International Association for Management
worthwhile to note that the huge growth in de- Education (now AACSB International—The Association to
mand for MBAs has created opportunities, but may Advance Collegiate Schools of Business). Quality Issues in
also generate dysfunctional resistance to change. Distance Learning, (July): Author.
Next we discussed strategy development. We iden- Alsop, R. 2001a. Your career matters: Business schools expand
tified and discussed three very important issues M.B.A.s for executives. Wall Street Journal, (September 11): B1.
that will prove critical in future business school Alsop, R. 2001b. Your career matters: M.B.A. applicants expected
strategies: primary markets, products, and partner- to rise. Wall Street Journal, (October 16): B1.
ships. Once business schools decide where they Anderson, L. 2001. News from campus: Five schools in interna-
want to play, with whom, and what they want to tional link. FT.Com—Financial Times, (October 29).
offer, they can be begin to design the structure Blustain, H., Goldstein, P., & Lozier, G. 1999. Assessing the com-
necessary for success in the new millennium. The petitive landscape. In R. N. Katz and Associates, (Eds.),
implementation effort will be heavily influenced Dancing with the devil—Information technology and the
by the amount of organizational inertia in the busi- new competition in higher education: 51–72. San Francisco,
CA: Jossey-Bass.
ness school. Note also that strategic options vary
by segment within the industry. High margin, lo- Bollag, B. 1997. Business schools flourish in post-communist
eastern Europe. The Chronicle of Higher Education, (Janu-
cation-oriented degree schools may adopt different
ary 17): A47–A48.
strategies than high volume certification pro-
grams, but the future may also include crossovers Boyatzis, R. E., & Kram, K. E. 1999. Reconstructing management
education as lifelong learning. Selections, 16(1): 17–27.
and unique combinations. In general, we expect
greater market segmentation going forward and Bradshaw, D. 2001. UNext looks for a better blend. The Financial
Times, (December 24): 10.
more specialized offerings.
In assessing strategic options for the future, Celestino, M. L. 1999a. Executive education: Business education
business school leaders must take into account follows business around the world. World Trade, 12(7): 84 – 85.
their institutions’ existing structure and ability to Celestino, M. L. 1999b. Graduate education programs with in-
change. Some educational leaders and faculty ternational vision: How graduate schools are transcending
borders. World Trade, 12(7): 86 –91.
lack full awareness or concern for the potential
changes. For example, in a survey of 934 faculty Christensen, C. M. 1997. The innovator’s dilemma—When new
members in 1997, the impact of distance technol- technologies cause great firms to fail. Boston, MA: Harvard
Business School Press.
ogy on business education was rated as the third-
lowest factor of concern out of 26 items (Pearce, Collis, D. 1999. When industries change: Scenarios for higher
education. Forum Futures: 14 –17.
1999). Additionally, the impact of information tech-
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Paul N. Friga completed his PhD and MBA at the Kenan-Flagler Business School at the
University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill. Dr. Friga is an assistant professor at the Kelley
School of Business, Indiana University in Bloomington, Indiana. He researches knowledge
acquisition and transfer at multiple levels of analysis.

Richard A. Bettis holds a PhD from the University of Michigan. Dr. Bettis is currently the Luther
H. Hodges Distinguished Professor at the Kenan-Flagler Business School of the University of
North Carolina, Chapel Hill. His research interests involve various areas within strategic

Robert S. Sullivan, formerly the dean of the Kenan-Flagler Business School at the University
of North Carolina, Chapel Hill and the Graduate School of Industrial Administration at
Carnegie Mellon University, is currently dean of the new graduate management school at the
University of California, San Diego. Dr. Sullivan received his PhD from Pennsylvania State
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