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Mathematic II Vector Function and Motion 2nd Year

Vector Function and Motion

Vector Function and Motion :-

The most important vector function is the radius vector

Where ̅ (t):- is the position vector from the origion to the point P[x(t),y(t),z(t)].

That gives the position at time of a particle moving through space.

The Derivative of a Vector Function :-

If are functions of variable ,

Is a vector function of , ̅ (t) may be position vector of a moving body.

And ̅̀

Is called the derivative of ̅ with respect to

Example:- Find at if ̅̀


t) k

( )

Example:- ̅ , is the position vector of the

projectile, find the velocity vector of projectile.


̅ ̅ = velocity vector of projectile

̅ –

Mathematic II Vector Function and Motion 2nd Year

Position , Velocity, Speed ,and Acceleration:-

If ,is the position vector of a body in space,

Definition :- Position

Velocity ̅

Speed | ̅|

| ̅|


Example:- If ̅ (t) = (3cos t)I+(3 sin t)j + k, is the position vector , find the speed and
direction when t=2. At what times, if any , are the body's velocity and acceleration

Solution:- We have


Speed : | ̅ | =√ =5

Direction: |̅ |

When ̅ and ̅ are Orthagonal , , ̅ . ̅ =0

Derivatives of Dot products and cross product:-

If ̅(t) and ̅ (t) are differentiable vector function ,then the product ̅. ̅ and ̅X ̅ are as
̅ ̅
( ̅. ̅ )= ̅ ̅

Mathematic II Vector Function and Motion 2nd Year

̅ ̅
And ̅ ̅ ̅ ̅

[First ̅ then ̅ at the left &right other wise the signs will be wrong]

Derivative of Vectors of Constant Length:-

If ̅ is a differentiable function of t whose length is constant then

̅ . ̅ = | ̅ | | ̅ | cos 0 = | ̅ | 2 = constant

By differentiatation both side

̅ ̅ ̅ ̅
̅. + . ̅ =0 ̅ .. ̅.

The derivative of a vector of constant length is always a vector orthogonal to it.

Example:- Show that

Has a constant length and is orthogonal to its derivative.

Solution:- We have

| ̅ | = =2

̀̅ –

̅ ̅ –

Example:- The acceleration of a particle in the plane is

Find the particle's position as a function of t if ̅ ̅ .

Solution:- We integrate the acceleration twice , applying the initial conditions to

determine the constants of integration as we go along. The first integration gives:-


Mathematic II Vector Function and Motion 2nd Year

Where is a vector, the condition ̅ ̅

Hence, ̅ ̅

Second integration gives

The condition is gives

The particle's position vector is therefore

Directed Distance a long Curve:-

The curve , is the curve traced by the tip of Vector ).
We choose a base point on the Curve , the length of the curve is defined as a limit of
∑√ *

∑√ *
Where , is natural parameter for describing a moving body's velocity and acceleration.

S=∫ √
Where , is a directed distance , Which it is the natural parameter for studing a curve's

Since | ̅ | √ = =speed

Where | ̅ | is the velocity Vector

S=∫ | ̅ | = directed distance along curve from

Example:- Find the length of one turn of the helix

Solution:- First graph the curve

When ̅

Initial point , since and have period 2 ,the helix makes one Full turn as t
runs from 0 to 2

Mathematic II Vector Function and Motion 2nd Year

S =∫ | ̅ | ∫ √ dt

=∫ =2

Example:- Show that if ̅ is a unit vector,then the directed distance

Along the line , ,

From the base point , ) to the point

is .

Solution:- The vector equation for the line is ̅

Hence , ̅ (t)= ̅= unit vector

| ̅ | | ̅|

The distance from to is

S=∫ | ̅|

The Unit Tangent Vector T:-

Suppose that the position vector

gives the directed distance along the curve traced by the tip of (t), measured from
some preselected base point p( ).

Since is required to be nonzero = (speed)=| |

And the derivative of inverse function is ⁄ | |

, and

This make a differentiable function of , Whose derivative can be calculated from the
Chain Rule to be

= =| |

| |
From this eq. we see that | | | |

Together, eqs. (4) & (5) say that ̅⁄ is a unit vector that points in the direction of . We
call ⁄ the unit tangent vector of the curve traced by the tip of and denote it by

DEFINITION:- Unit Tangent Vector

̅ ̅⁄
⁄ | |

Mathematic II Vector Function and Motion 2nd Year

Example:- Find for the helix (t)=(

Solution:- =(-

| | =

= k
| |

Example:- Find for the plane curve ,t


| | =| | , =| |

Example:- Find ̅ for the counter clock wise motion around the unit circle.

Solution:- ̅

̅ (t)= , | ̅| =1

̅= ̅ , so ̅ = ̅
| ̅|

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