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uot ergs oe ial Vast by Lean te, Sere ante: oer Pulse 185 34 Nai Me Tange mothers ees, large, black, shadowed by long lashes, gay and sparking Shen she was play, thoughtfl and deep otherwise. As child her bait Thus almost a her nose either aarp nor ar, gave her a clasc profile, bee mouth called he mother, smal and winsome, with cheefl dimples; Ferekin wav as fine wan onin's anda whie a cotton; anyway 0 std ber food elaions, who prfeted to find poof of Capitan Tiago paerity hee small wellshaped eas. Her Aune label acisuced the childs semi-Baropean Features © re= atl influence; she id she had often een Di iain the fis months of ter pregnancy weeping before the image ofS Anthony. Another cousin of Capitan Tago was ofthe ame opinion, bur she difered in the choice ofthe ‘proper sant; she gave the creer he Virgin or Se Michal. A cousin of Capa Tino, amour scala who had memoria Spanish philosophical ‘reais in es entrery, sought a exlantin in planetary infuence ‘Mart Clara everydy' dating grew up amid smiles and caress. Even chefs mde ch of he fo che eligions procesions they deed her tp in while, luted her rch cay bai wih flowers fixed cwo silver sad olden wings ober feck, and ted ewo whit doves ther hands with blue Tibboow, The child was so gs, he chatter so charming, chat Capitan Tiago, fave cnapore of peesal love, le ao oceasion co sing the prises of the sinc of Oban, svising all nd onde wo sdocn cheirhoures with mitable Jimages and works of Tn tropical coaneres « child of thireea or fourteen curns woman ‘overnight, a bad flowering suddenly. Foe this period of transition Mata ‘Gr, upon the advice ofthe parish pit of Biaondo, was purin the comveat | lf Se Clare o receive from is nn a sie eligious education. She sid tpodbye with cen in eres to Father Démaso, andto he only cildcod fiend, Cristom Tbsrs, who srerwards left for Europe I ce convent choo, where communication withthe ouside world could be bad only “hough a double gating, and even then only under the supervision of « ‘nuncenor, Maca Clara lived seven yeas. Then, ech forhisown rewons but tho becuse they were conscious of che mucual attraction berween the ‘hidren, Don Rafel aod Copitan Tiago made arangements, some yrars er the depacare ofthe younger Iba fr the betrochal ofthe ewe young people, each of whom, ar oposite corners the eth and in very differ artoundings, welcomed the news with jo. Lowe on 2 Balony me 7 # Lmeon a Balomny Tes Sg _MARIACLARA hy dct to mew nan Sw ie reer Al ip coir tain Spi tans wl lg neo Soo ‘Senin sta iy a rbd pied Tide noteonr id the pri efthsara ch end Mis a th Jog il ed ch Gt hn weed go om i lk ‘mits nope fe god tw ad ght ee Be osrundus Glpeerremn, Teka ald woman gga het fcr muretng nd coning any bth adenine wee sh wen mad ed a a soul foie Mar Cases He fnew de re pa hb of ong it et fer bree Macs ed ey hime ining sk pre, hie erane kop dere thc ge oh ey “itt a aw oe ey nearing ta pet mad eyo sme ogh Howe witcha ie areca ‘and rede oe dhe edi wr ba!” ‘Te going w hn, Mala dp Tage at hdr ‘gh Yash gc provinces ysl clr pp te any Stil do yo gn, Wha do oun Mabon Sn De? ara Clan Uae when thea se name Ta ee rem Cp age wes pps bad or ied bend ‘Walch ee wet bel dyed bec to then ad pc oe hing Yo ae gong bc nd you igh ‘ero my nde your ch ac hs gf hd ben hp in cowl ete ree epee eee “The Capon Tage weno, ro Br pra oom pt ni da eb ef Maa, Yr pice bane é pane ee eke Sen anes meal ee, cee oes Cle could are ied hersunt fri, bu then shebeard a caiage See eae et in Teter ee lect “ci eben oct ge oes eae eee anon aint eee nr mn dane Sher ara san ny sce at en eae ero Ce a gtr ae a paeoin ns any anemia se tree Se a a ne = caqeee eee ae sas et na ene i "a fo ta Sige aren ee ould go to San Diego; remarked here andi isalmost cme for Lomo Balony 37 fheraune:‘Ob ther you sr! ouch debe le meighbourkood ca kegpan eon! ‘Ae fin hey onl exchanged plein, Bucwene the sien of ain nd ah wa jal "Did you thin f me” she akc Alay? Die you ee fret me? “How could I fege you?’ Mes ae, fer tha ate, alo brothers of Cala, sod know how to lead werd. How coud 1 hessked, ooking nto her lack ej, eget en oth sacee ca?” He poke of che amy gh wen she bad Sua im weeping by hi smothef bier. She hed come up m him, pnt her hand on his shoulder, har ‘nan which ee sometime now bad eloays boc soeched away fom hiss, ad she had mid: You've lose your mothe, never had one’ Ad they bad wept mgether "You loved her Be remind ber sov. ‘An! she loved yu ike he own angheee” ‘Tha nigh cher ad been ui end ligheaing, bu, he ai, here was snusic in his eae and be coal have swor ie mother eile “Ifeay ty could te you now e rsd. Did she cemember, he aed, ‘hac be had elder head ad is mothers ded band, and bad sworn £9 love he, eo make er happy, whsteve: happened? “Theve never segeeeed dat promise a oow. Take aga, Hleewore nd she believed him, cat be hed never orgoren her during hi enaela, The Tian son ade ssened waemee then be mile the fields f Andalusia ao bighter than ber eyes, and, losing his way in the ‘Black Forest or beating down che Rhioe he hed remembered het in the romantic Geman legends ofthe Lele “There seen much ofthe weld w you have she laughed. Thaow valy Masia, Astpolo, and your home even. But I have eemembered you ‘oo, eer since we mid goodbye, and evea Uuugh Bether Confasoe vole ‘hat Fabouldat and made me do prose fx ‘She began tote hima abou cher ciichood game and quate. He od ea och chet, 0 uch as los ene ad aye waned ee leat ofeerthing. Once hey had zone ching is the ive th hiemether oti already seed schon! with Manila sad ad old her ae - Eee. " oneseemert mentee ares patient ceennartoe oon tance at eaten ces ope egret Baer geanaiaa ciao Semana aeieipwaneromo peters en ped lan pled oop eed ind vacate = i a iy em nn cana aetna as anes / eee i re ier, : Peer a entedge ttt jammer ote too ae him aa My kp chen wot i cera mes ee that | gs brand, aad waabing I sey will chang Teen ert eae Seeman enoooee oe cee aaeia eee ema se nnn tines eee Stace ecto itbtec tebe Benen ete ne Fe nce ed ym My fate fl cle, and afr fsa is fen soe elder and uid wit nati: ‘De’ yu think ou fae oe 7 ed yu dT ot ng sina we lat yur mar; epi ol Te Hire oie numa eener Merit 2 lina, eo bog T dnt ww wth api Bt | mast i of mr spotting our tar sr, mie coming a en ae ein for ayn form hee i iri or od, mine iin re wl Bayou 7, a are incl arificing th inti yor oom oad he ud of entry” My ftbr's ees fil wit er 1 el ‘oes frie, ease bi, ae is frome, nd aid wot ad lane ‘bare ha tered pale and was pacing up and dowa, visibly touched Maria Car stopped esding. "What se? Whav’s the mace wich ou? "You have ade me forget my duties. I mut lene for hoe sigh now. Vomosrow is Al sine’ Dy ‘Shoe sien, bld hin briefly with he great dreamy eyesand, plucking comme ower, sighet: You're eight. You mast go; shuns keep you. We alle eachother in few days. Pu these Nowers or we on their graves Shorly afterward the young Iara wet down thee, compan! yy pica Tago ad Aan abel. Maria Class eel up inthe cary Please cell Andeng, our housekeeper, to get the house rey for Marfa vod bel’ Capitan Tiago asked Ibert ete acer entered hs crag, ‘appr vorage” ater he told Maria Clare, who ele dstemught before a image of the ign “Come now igh cwo candles, he cwo-peto kind, one co St Roch vl che other to Se Raphael they are che patron stint of traveller. And oe forget wo lghe the lamp before Our Lady of Peace aad Happy Voyage "eee many bandits about. Bete spend four pass on candles ad six ipa worth fel oow chan pay 8 hesryeansom late” 8 © Memories IBARRA sode off cowards dhe square of San Gabel, nd was 1000 sing on ofthe busiest dsretsof Manila. Whet had depressed im the he before, now a all dapligh, made hie amie spice of hime The hut nd bute everywhere 0 many catiges and cae at dash, wopet, Chines, ad ase, ach dratd afer eeiromn thin, fit Vacs, messengers, porters scrpped co che west, foodshops, ian, ‘oars, shops, crs pulled by philosophical cabot, che note, the

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