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The two sides are nominal allies in a Saudi-UAE-led military coalition battling the Houthi rebels

movement after the latter took over the capital, Sanaa, and most major cities in 2014.

But earlier this month the so-called Security Belt militia, of the pro-secession Southern
Transitional Council (STC), broke with the government and seized its temporary base of
Aden. The United Nations said at least 40 people were killed in several days of fighting in
Aden, which has functioned as the seat of President Abd-Rabbu Mansour Hadi's government.

Amid escalating tensions, the Security Belt on Tuesday overran a military camp belonging to the
government's special forces in Zinjibar, about 60km east of Aden in Abyan province, and
deployed across much of the city, unidentified officials and residents told The Associated Press
news agency. The clashes killed at least three civilians and wounded nine, AP reported.

Separately, Abyan Governor Abu Bakr Hussein told AFP news agency that the separatists had
also seized a nearby military camp at Al-Kawd, forcing out the 350 troops there.

At least four military personnel - two separatists and two government troops - were killed and 23
wounded in the fighting, Hussein said, adding that 1,100 troops had been stationed in Zinjibar.

'Unjustified escalation'
The United Arab Emirates (UAE) is Saudi Arabia's main partner in the military coalition against
the Houthis, but it has trained and equipped the separatists.

Analysts say the rising tensions between the separatists and the internationally recognised
government reflects a wider rift between Abu Dhabi and Riyadh and complicates UN peace
efforts in war-ravaged Yemen.

Yemen's Deputy Foreign Minister Mohammad al-Hadhrami said the latest flare-up in Abyan
would undermine peace talks.

"What Abyan governorate is witnessing is an unjustified escalation by the STC," the Yemeni
foreign ministry quoted him as saying.

"It is something that is rejected and unacceptable and will undermine mediation efforts by Saudi
Arabia," he added, referring to a delegation sent by Riyadh to Aden to discuss the new front in
the war.

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