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Merge immigration, drug enforcement, alcohol tobacco and
firearms, labor with global employment requiting into a single

The Office of management of the budget and the Internal
Revenue Service will merge.


All taxing bodies will use the same and only tax, the liquid
receipts tax. Liquid receipts are any form of payment any
corporation, company, organization, or individual receives that
can be readily used to pay debts. Such as but not limited to
cash, checks, and file transfers.

The tax will be collected at the tine of receipt, with no
adjustments at year-end.

There will be no tax-exempt organization or individuals.

All debts between taxing body departments will be canceled,
and any money in accrual accounts will be transferred to the
general fund, and all bills will be paid out of the general fund.

All asset sales will be taxed on the sale price less the asset
acquisition cost and upkeep costs.

For individual’s wages, pensions, unemployment, lawsuit
settlements etc. will be taxed as income.

All laws against use, position, or sale of all recreational drugs
to adults will be eliminated and all sentences currently being
served for these offenses will be vacated.

All laws for voluntary prostitution involving adults will be
eliminated, and all sentences being served for these offences
will be vacated.

Sale of recreational drugs will be confined to within licensed
establishments. The Food and Drug Administration will
monitor product production.

All prostitution activity will take place within licensed
establishments, and monitored by Health department to verify
that all employees and customers have clean monthly sexually
transmitted decease tests.

Inheritances will only be taxable if they are liquid assets, or
non-liquid assets that are sold.

All liquid assets received by any current tax-exempt
organization or individual will be subject to taxation.

The merged office of budget management and the IRS will
manage the administration of the budget. They will enter the
budget requests into the budget work file database and collect

The fields in the work file record will be: item ID number,
prime and sub account, record type, short description, sponsor,
cost, tax base effect, and tax percentage. The tax percentage
will be calculated by dividing the cost by the adjusted tax base,
not entered.

The record types are 01 base record, 02 web site address, 03
extended description, 04 video files, and 05 power point

The first record to be entered into the database will be the estimate
of the calculation base figure for the year. This figure will be
adjusted as needed,

The next entry will be a debit or credit entry depending on whether
the previous fiscal year had a deficit or a surplus.

Budget entries will continue to be entered until six months before
the beginning of the fiscal year is to start.

At that time congress will start debating the budget entries.

If by two months before the fiscal year is to start, congress has not
passed the budget the budget for the previous year will be adopted
with the tax rate adjusted by the amount of the deficit or surplus of
that budget.

Thus will give 2 months for the new tax rate to be implemented.

The president will have line item veto power subject to
congressional override.


All current undocumented residents will be given resident
worker status as long as they are paying taxes, have no felony
convictions and less than three misdemeanor convictions.

The resident worker permit allows legal hiring, applying for
driver license, enter into contracts, start the citizenship
process and ability to vote.

Work with all countries where violence and poverty are
driving their people to flee seeking a better life.

Expand asylum review staffing, and verification procedures at
our embassies and on the board to handle the load.

Create enough housing to house all individuals and families
undergoing asylum review.

Once the asylum review infrastructure is adequate, anyone
bypassing legal entry points will be immediately deported and
refused asylum for five years.

Merge immigration, drug enforcement, alcohol tobacco and
firearms, labor with global employment requiting into a single

All current immigration laws will be vacated except for laws
covering the vetting process.

Employment centers will be setup in all countries and linked
through the Internet.

These centers will connect employees with employers, arrange
transportation if necessary, and collect taxes for day laborers.

Border security will be managed by land based and satellite
surveillance and manned patrols.

No new fencing will be installed and eventually existing will be

Anyone caught entering the country illegally will be barred
from legal entry for five years.

The path to citizenship will be streamlined.
The ultimate goal is to make crossing national borders the
same as crossing state borders in the United States of America.


All existing election laws will be evaluated for legality.

The Electoral College will be abolished, and presidents will be
elected on the basis of popular vote only.

Nationwide voter registration laws will be created.

Political candidates, parties, and action committees may
receive as much money as they can get from anyone who is
willing to give.

All political donations are taxable and donor information be
entered into a publicly accessible database.

Primary elections will be open, held on the same day in all
states, with all candidates on the same ballot.


Shall be divided into three divisions: police, prosecution, and

Each division will have equal resources, and will work

Police foot patrols will contain one police officer and one
community representative.

Citizens, police personnel and community leaders will be
trained in a we instead of a them and us attitude.

Courts will be setup with four exits.: not guilty, guilty with fine,
guilty with jail sentence, and guilty with execution. ( to be
carried out within 30 days)

It will be a felony to interfere with the purchase of the
necessary lethal injection drugs.


All nations that are currently persecuting religious or other
minorities must be forced to stop.

All nations must join in a World War II level effort to fight

A state of Palestine should be created based on the borders of
the west bank and the Gaza strip.

All property and people within these borders would become
part of the Palestinian state.

The area around Jerusalem would become a United Nations
territory, which both Israel and the Palestinian state could call
their capital.

All leaders of all religions would denounce terrorism, and all
followers would actively act to expose terrorists.

A plan would be setup to identify, locate, and destroy the
terrorists using all air, sea, and land forces needed.


When a firearm is manufactured the bullet and cartridge
markings and serial number will be entered into a database for
law enforcement to access.; if any modifications change these
markings the new markings will be entered.

Universal rules will be defined for firearms background check
including criminal and psychological background checks.

A procedure for temporary removal of firearms from
individuals who may be a danger to themselves or others.

A valid license will be required for any firearm transaction, and
an entry will be linked to the serial number or numbers the
license holder has.

To receive a license a background check, the passing of a
written test and passing a firing range test will be required.

Licenses must be renewed every five years, but only the
background check will be required.

The background check will check for firearm violation
convictions, psychiatric commitments, or assault convictions in
the last three years.

There will be three classes of license: class one for military, law
enforcement and armed security personnel, class two for all
other adults, and class three for juveniles.

A class three license requires a class one or two license holder
to be present.

The ban on the study weapon violence will be lifted.


Eliminate the Security Council and have all decisions be
decided by all member nations; with a simple majority for non-
monetary issues, a sixty percent for monetary issues, and a
seventy percent majority for military issues.

Merge the World Bank, World Trade Organization, and other
world organizations into the United Nations structure.

Create a small military force that would draw from member
nations armies and coordinate their actions when needed.


The law must be modified to allow for end of life option for the
terminally ill.

Medicare and Medicaid will be merged and expanded to cover
all residents in a one-payer system-covering medical, dental,
vision, prescriptions and psychiatric treatment.

Annual physical, vision and semi-annual dental exams will be
required to be covered.


Agenda for peace talks between China, Russia, North Korea,
and the United States.

1. All North Korean nuclear weapons, weapons grade
nuclear material, and ballistic missals will be sent to a
third country for disposal.
2. International inspectors will have unlimited access to
verify that all materials have been removed and no new
materials are being produced.
3. An official end to the Korean war will be formalized.
4. North Korea will enter into a mutual nonaggression treaty
with its neighbors and the United States.
5. Sanctions against North Korea will be lifted.
6. The United States, Russia and China will supply economic
aid to rebuild the North Korean economy.
7. The ultimate goal is the reunification of the two Koreas.


Rule one is perception is reality, rule two is reality is not
always perception.

If the universe exists, then it would have a beginning.
If it had a beginning an energy release would have initiated, the
If the energy release happened some action would have
released it.
In the English language religious tradition, the word assigned
to this action is god.

If life is sacred death would not exist.

If death did not exist life would not exist.

Words are collections of letters whose meanings are fluid.

Death is our reward for living.

Peace love joy tranquility.
Don’t worry be happy.
Let negative thoughts go.
I do exist be in reality.

Ask questions, listen to answers

Might is right unless it is wrong.

Don’t know what is right, do what is right.

Truth is in the mind of the beholder.

Thinking someone is out to get you is only paranoia if you
think it is personal and it is not.

Survival goes to the smartest, strongest or luckiest.

Happiness is the lack of negative stimulus.
The lack of negative stimulus is death.

Lazy pessimists are not suicidal.

God begins where answers end.

Religion begins when questions end.

Life is relevant, meaning of life is not.

Live for today, do not forget tomorrow.

Say what you mean, or don’t speak.

Love is fantasy, illusion and imagination.

Infinity is the horizon of perception.

God and the devil are aspects of the mind.
The interaction of these aspects determines monster, saint or

In poetry the destination is the journey.
In life the journey is the destination.

Organized religion is the second greatest threat to the survival
of the human race.
The human race itself is the greatest threat.

The soul is the electro-chemical reaction within the brain.

God exists but the pronouns he or she do not apply.

Merging multiple deities into one was supposed to create
harmony in humans. Unfortunately harmony is not part of
human nature.

RPZ + GXHPRS = 2016.

God exists but no person can know him anymore than bacteria
in the person can know the person.

Religion is the disappointment of life and the promise of death.

If Jews, Christians, Hindus and Muslims worship the same god,
why do they kill each other?

Is it because before organization religion searches for god, but
after organization think they are god?

I am what I was, I am what I am, I am what I will be, and I have
minimal control over all.

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