Nakamichi 600 Service Manual

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r RECEIVED = 5 APRIV76 be Nakamichi a eta Sacgphe of- Thanee Exvivanentl Conutancy PO, Box 1 ‘THAMES Ph. 07 8683079 —. Nakamichi 600 ay No wlaor : 43488 : 2Head Cassette Console Te Presto eee eee ~ . CONTENTS 1, Genoral ++ 2, Principle of Operation 2. 1, PB. Eq Amp, Circuit ~ 2. 2, 1AM. Suppressor 2. 3. Unattended Record or Playback, and Shutoff Circuit 2.9.1. Unattended Recor or Playieck 2.3.2, Shutoff Circuit ++ % Removal Procedures : 3.2, Front Pane) oss 3.3, Mechanism Ass'y 3. Record/Playbeck Head, Eras Heo ad Prosar Roller 3.4.1. Record/Playbeck Head. -- 3.4.2. Erase Head 3,4. 3, Pressure Roller 5. Cassette Case Ass'y 6 Cassette Lid Ass'y 2. Control Buxton + - 8 8. 0. . Counter Holder Ass'y «++ +++ 1. Rest Hub Ass'y (Supply, Take-un) Motor and Motor Governor Av BAL Flywheel === 22 312 Idler Pulley +++ 3.13. Front Control Ass'y 3.14. Main PCB, Assy 3.15, Dolby P.C.B, Ass'y 3.16. Record Link Ass'y: «= ~ 3.17, VAP.CB Assy 3.18, Meter Assy +e. 0s es 3.19, Power Supply P.C.B. Ass'y 3.20. Power Switch Ass'y . 4, Meaturement and Maintenance Instruments hea 4. Measurement Instruments sents 4. 2. Maintenance Instruments - vente 5. Mechanical Adiustments «+++ 6+ = verre 1 Take up Torn an Rewind Tore Athen ce ‘ane Speed Adjustment ecerd?Payback Head Height Adjustment ard ‘Azimuth Aligoment Head Base Stroke Adjustment, Pause Timing Adjustment «+=. +++ Belt Traveling Adjustment += - 020-0 eee e eee Flywheel Adjustment + - Brake Timing Adjustment +++ +++ ‘Mune SW. and Start SW. Timing Aetna Solenoid Position Adjustment - - Record Link Adjustment sete 5.12, Lubrication -- - ees 5.12, Tane Travelling Agjustment : 6 Electrical Adjustments and Measurements -- - 6. 1. Adjustment and Measurement Instructions 6. 2, Frequency Response Adjustment --- 6.2.1. Playback Frequency Response Adjustment 8 2.2. Record Current Frequency Response Adjustment 7. Parts Location for Electrical Adjustment - « See te uals 8, 5. & 5. 6. 5. 5 5 5. 5. 5. 4 ne 0. nn. 2 1B uw 6 16. F > jnting Diagrom & Parts List - +--+ = ee 1. Main P.C.8. Ass’y a ea 2. Dolby P.C.B. Assy 3. SW. P.CB. Ass'y 4 8 7 8 6. CAL POR. Ast'y VRP.CB. Assy - : DIN Pin Jack P.C.B. Ass'y + 7. Meter P.CB. Axs'y 3. Power Supply P.C.B, Ass'y , 9. Shutoff PCB. Ass’y . 10. MHX Governor P.C.B. Ass'y Mechanism Ass'y & Parts List -« 9. 1. Synthesis Ase'y (AQT 9. 2. Chassis Ass'y : 9.2.1, Chassis Ass'y (402-1) - 9.2.2. Chassis Ass'y 1802-2) 3. N600 Mechanism Ass'y (A03} 4. Front Control Ass’y (AOS) - 5. Record Link Ass'y (AOS) - 6. Push Button Ass'y (A06) 2. Power Trans. Ass'y (AQ7) - a 9, 0. 8. 5. sos enaeak 2 Power SW. Ass'y (A08) 1. Meter Ast'y (AOD) «+ es 600 Mechanism Sub Ass'y 10. 1. N600 Mechanism Sub Ass'y (801-1) 9. 10. 2. N600 Mechanism Sub Ass'y (BO1-2) Ui, Cassette Case Ass’y B02) +++ 12. Head Bate (B) Ass'y (B03) ++ --- 9. 13. Counter Holder Ass’y (B04) 14, Roe! Hub T (B) Ass'y (B05) 1.15. Reel HubS (B) Ass'y (B06) + -- 116, Flywhee! Holder {C) Ass'y (807) 1.17. MEX Motor Ass'y (BOB) «== 18, Record/Pteyback Heed As (808)- Wiring Diagram =. -« a, Amp, Frequency Response Tt. T, Playback Frequency Response 11. 2. Revord Curent Fraqueney Response Block Diagram +--+ +» Schematic Diagram (Amp.) + . Schematic Diagram (Mechanism) == Specifications . - Trouble Shooting + - 18. 1, Note 18. 2 Trouble Shooting 6. 3 Check method wien pars are replaced SSSSBRBSREEBREESRBEBRIRS eeseeeue be Beeesseasaare 4. GENERAL Nakamichi 600 control functions are shown with refer- ‘ence to the following explanations. For keeping the optimum performance of Nakamichi 600, maintenance such as clearning of head, capstan shaft and pressure roller, and demagnetization of heads, lubrication, ote. is required. Fig. 1.1 Ffont View 1. Cassette Lid 2. Record Buttor 3. Rewind Button 4. Stop/Eject Button 5. Playback Button 6. Fast Forward Button 7. Pause Button 8 Output Level Control 9. input Level Controls (L/R) 10. Input Level Control (Master) 11, Record Level Cal. Volume 12. LM. Suppress Cal. Volume 19, Bias Adj. Volume 14. Peak Level Meter 18. 16. W7, 18. 19. 21. 22. 23. 24, 2. 2B. Power Switch ILM, Suppress Switch Dolby NR Switch MPX Switch Tone Switch £q. Switch Tape Switch ‘Tape Start Memory Switch ‘Tape Counter Reset Button ‘Tape Counter Line Input Jacks DIN Socket Line Output Jacks Voltage Selector Fig. 1.2 Rear View Voltage Selector Change-over either to 100 ~ 120V or 220V ~ 240V. 9 B [220v-240V) NOUTAGE ra loov-izov 2dtv-daov 9 \ VOLTAGE LOCK PLATE VOLTAGE LOCK PLATE od (loov20v SIDE) a _(220V- 240 si0e Note 1: When cassette lid is opened, no control button operates, : When mechanism ass'y is reassambled, check to insure whether the record link ass'y (see Fig. 9,2.2) is fixed to ‘the correct position, i.e, whon record button is depressed (cassette is loaded), record link acts. : When memory counter indicates “000” to "010" memory rewind stop function (stops at “999") does nor ‘operate because of lacking in the electric charge for the capacitor (Shut-off P.C.B.) which wilf conduct to drive the solenoid. Note 4: Dolby NR under ticense from Dolby Laboratories Inc. The word “DOLBY NR" and the Double-D-Symbot are trademarks of Dolby Laboratories Ine. . PRINCIPLE OF OPERATION. 2.1. PLB. Eq, Amp. Circuit Fig 2.1.1 shows the playbeck equalizer circuit, and Fig. 2.1.2 is its system diagram. Fig. 2.1.3 shows the time constant of equalizer. The playback head is connected with circuit's input. Amplifier 1 (Q401 and 102) is an equalizer amplifior anid its time constant is illustrated in Fig. 2.1.3 BR, Land C compose a peaking circuit. This circuit com- ensates the ait gap loss of the playback head so that high-frequency response may be improved. Phase shifter acts to compensate the ohase delay char- ‘acteristics of the frequency response. Phase delay char- ‘acteristics are improved within 30 degrees up to 10KHz. ‘Therefore modulation for the complex wave will reduce. PB. Eq. Amp. gain is adjusted by semi-fixed volume VR101 (Amp. 2-0104, 105) to obtain 80m output level "when 400Hz P.B. Reference Tape (DA09005A) is being played back. LM. Suppressor. circuit {intermodulation Suppressor) is located between Amp 2 and Amp 3 (0106), and circuit is connected with front panel LM. Suppress “In” and disconnected feom “Out”? Refer to the item 2.2, 1M. ‘Suppressor circuit. Equalizer switch (70,/120p) is connected with Amp3. ‘Tho overall time constants in P.B. Eq, Amp, are as follows: Eq. SW. — 70us 3180u (50Hz) + 70u (2275H2) Eq. SW. ~ 120s 3180p (GOH2) + 1204 (1326H2) Shown below is the table for the position of tape switch and Eq, switch. Tape sw. | Eq. SW. Tape ‘K 70u | Nakamichi SX TOK SA ex 120u | Low-Noise High-Density (including EX, EX) Ou | Nakamichi EX, XW When 70, is selected at EX tape position, signal to noise ratio will be improved by 4.748 (WTD), VRION 1,0, Suppressor Fig. 2.1.2 P.8. Eq. Amp, System Diagram 8 fawn) j Input Level (¢8) cy ow Fig, 2.2.1. 1.M. Suppressor Input vs Output Characteristics 7 hi Fig. 2.1.3. P.B, Ea, Amp. Time Constant a. Heo 2 rare 2.2. 1M. Suppressor Fig. 2.2.1 shows the input vs. output characterst 40042 of Nekarnichi 600. White input level is small, output level is in proportion to input level. But when input level exceeds certain point. ‘output will nor be in proportion to input but has a tend: ancy to saturate (curve Aj because of disadvantages due to ‘the magnetic properties of tape. at .M. Suppressor (Intermodulation Suppressor), while play- 19 back playback amp. gain is compensated as shown by curve B so that overall characteristics becomes curve C. Cure C allows recording at higher levels than normslly possible by reducing the saturation and distortion. Fig 2.2.2 LM. Suppressor Circuit LLM, Suppressor circuit is shown in Fig-2.2.2.. Gireuit consists of resistors and diodes which are com- posed attenuater, and semi-fixed volume which deter- mines the 1.M. Suppressor action level. ‘The voltage (V1) is adjusted by semi-fixed volume to ‘obtain minimum reading of total harmonic distortion at 40H? OdB for the tape to be used. While input signal level is small, diodes 01 to 04 are On. and static operating point level of the output signal is \V1/2. When input signal exceeds V2/2, D1 and DS are cut, off. Accordingly attenuation decreases, i.e. gain increases, Im ease input signs! exceeds V1/2, D2 and D4 are also on oft Diodes D1 to D4 act as variable resistors until itis cut off, because it is used at small electric current. And resistance varies according 10 the value of the applied voltage to the diode. 2.3, Unattended Record or Playback, and Shutott icuit 2.3.1. Unattended Record or Playback (1) Depress the record button then deprass the play tutton (Depress only the play button for unet. ‘tended piaytiack}. (2) Depress the pause button. (3) Turn Off the external power source, (4) When extemal power turns On, anpraximately seconds after he transport will automatically release itself from the pause mode and beain to recard (or play). 2.3.2, Shutoff Circuit Fig. 2.3.1 and 2.3.2 shaw the shutoff circuit and timing chart, Fi, 2.3.3 shows the flow chart for the shut-off function. Fetlowing are explanations according to the order of the flow chart Nos. (1) External Power On When external power is turned On at attended record or playback mode, transistor O606 turns to On approxi mately 4 seconds tater. By the Q6DB On, siffesentianed Bositive pulse is added to the Q602 base through capacitor 607. ‘Then Q802 turns to On and Q6O1 base current flows. A601 turns 10 Ont andt base current of the 0602 is sup- lied through Q601. ‘Therefore Q602 and GGO1 construct memory circuit when trigger is added to the Q601 base, When Q601 turns 10 On solenoid is driven’ through the charge of C606 (2200uF'. As resistance of the solenoid is about 12 ohm, an electric charge of CBUG is distharand Quickly while C506 is charging through resistor REIS [470 ohm). And about 70 msec after the voltage of Q601 collector becarnes less than about 1.2V, then enough base current does not flow to the (602 and therefore C602 turns to Off and 601 ‘urns to OFF, £606 starts charging again preparing for the next solenoid ative, From the above, solenoid works as ¢ pulse motion. Solenoid action will release the pause button (2) Tape End ‘Ate tape end, magnet pulley which Js assembled with tape pounter stops and therefore reed switch On/Oft stops. ‘Therefore the discharge of the C604 through Q604 (syn: chronizing with the periodic reed switch On/Off} stops. White 0604 is kept to charge sbout by 4.6V, O63 turns 10 On and Q601 turns toOn. ‘The action of the solenoid is the same as item (1). Sole- noid acts to release the play, record, FF and REW buttons (theretore start swiceh with open). (3) Stop Button Depressing When stop button is depressed, play, record, FF and REW buttons are refeaseu! mechanically. (4) owas otf OC power sunply (+18V) will discharge by the power switch off. While the C606 time constant is great, A605 turns to On then C603 tums to Gr chen QED? curns to On, ‘Solenaid is driven and control buttons are released. In case pause button is depressing, solenoid does not work because (603 base is connected to ground through pause burton, and no controt bucion is released. (5) Memory Rewind When the tape counter reaches 299" counter switen closes, At memory switch On and rewind mode, the differentiated negative trigger pulse is added to the Q601 bbase and Q601 turns to On. And solenoid is driven. -o- ae eweeee & scare ov tele) » Pavse, Button 0606 Base 60 emteter 601 Cottector Solenotd Fig 2.3.1 Shutoff Circuit stare si, Tape End 1 at A601 Enieeer / wv 0603 tase (601 colTeeear solenoid von (tev) Fig. 2.3.2 Shutoff Timing Chart THe ex Fig. 2.3.3 Shut-off Flow Chart TL, & sede attr Playhack Record | aE canner ener beonceeeBeeccecsoose 3. REMOVAL PROCEDURES 3.1. Cabinet Refer to the Fig. 9.1 (A01) and remove (F01) {five spots). 32, Front Panel Refer to the Fig. 9.1 (AO) and remove (FO?) through (F06), 3.3, Mechanism Aav'y Remove the cabinet and front panel (3.1, 3.2). Refer to the Fig, 9.2.1 (A02-1) and remove (FO1) through (F03). 3.4, Reoord/Playback Head, Erase Head and Pressure Roller Remove the cabinet and front panel (3.1, 3.2). ‘Then depress the play button. Refer to the Fig. 3.1. 3.4.1, Record/Playback Head Remove (F02) through (F04). 3.4.2. Erase Hoad Remove (F05) through (F08). 3.4.3, Pressure Roller Remove (F01). Note: When record/playback head is replaced, twist the ‘signal wires {red and white) which are soldered to hhead terminals for reducing the influence of hum. 3.5. Cassette Case Ass'y Remove the mechanism ass'y (3.3). Refer to the Fig. 3.2 and remove (FO1) through (FO7) Remove (F04) and (FOS) by pincers with care. 26, Cassette Lid Ast'y Remove the cassette case ass'y (3.5). Refer to the Fig. 3.2 and remove (F08) through (F12). (F13), lid cover is bonded to.(F12). | FoI F02 F038 Fig 3.2 Ce 3.7. Control Button Remove the mechanism ass'y (3.3). Refer to the Fig. 3.3 and remove (F01) through (FO5). Note: Following are assembled in pair. FO6-FO7, FO8-FO9, F10-F11, FI3-F14, FIS-F16 3.8. Counter Holder Ass'y Remove the front panel (3.2). Refer to the Fig. 3.4 and remove (FO1), Remove (FO2) through (FO6) then counter ass'y and memory switch, and reed switch will be removed. Note: The reed switch terminal shall not be in contact with the chassis, 3.9. Reel Hub Assy (Supply, Take-up) Remove te casette case asty (2.5). Refer to the Fig. 35 and remove (FO1) and (F02). " Fig. 3.4 eI ULL] MMMM IMSS UU y 3.10, Motor and Motor Governor Ass'y Remove the mechanism ass'y (3.3). Refer to the Fig, 3.6 and remove (FO1) then move the solenoid. Remave (FO2) through {FG8) so that governor ass'y is removed. Remove (FO9) and lift the motor then remove (F 10) and (Fn. ‘Then loosen (F12) and remove (F13) so that motor is removed, Note: Readjustment of solenoid position, belt travelling, tape speed and wow/flutter will be required. 3.11, Flywheel Remove the mechanism ass'y (3.3). Refer to the Fig. 3,7 and remove (FO1) through (FO5) then remove the belt and flywheel (F06). Note: Readjust the clearance between flywheel and flywheel holder. Belt travelling, tape speed and wow/flutter check will be required. 3.12 Idler Pusey Remove the Flywheel (3.11). Refer to the Fig 3.7. and remove (FO7} through (FOS). Note: Readjust the brake timing, Belt travelling, tape speed and wow/flutter check will be required, Fig. 3.7 3.18 Front Control Ast'y Remove the cabinet and front panel (3.1, 3.2) Refer to the Fig. 9.2.1 (A02-1) and remove (FO5). 3.14, Main P.C.B, ass'y Remove the front control assy (3.13). Refer to the Fig. 9.2.2 (A02:2) and remove {F01) through (F04), Remove [FO5i, main P.C.B. assy. 3.1, Dolby P.C.B. Assy Remove the main P.C.B. ass'y (3.14), Unplug the Dolby P.C.8, (FO8) from the main P.C.8. 3.16. Record Link As‘y Remove the main P.C.B, ast'y (3.14), Refer to the Fig. 9.2.2 (A02-2) and remove (F12) and 13). 2.17, VAP.CB.As'y Remove the cabinet and front panel (3.1, 3.2). Refer to the Fig. 9.2.1 (A02-1) and remove (FO7) through (09). - 3.18, Meter Assy Remove the cabinet and front panel (3.1, 3.2), Refer to the Fig.9.22 (A022) and romove the (FO7) ‘and (FOB). 3.19. Power Supply P.CB. Ass'y Remove the cabinet (3.1). Refer to the Fig. 9.2.2 (A02.2) and remove (F21) through (F23). 3.20. Power Switch Asr'y Romove the main P.C.B. (3.14) eter to the Fig. 9.2.2 (A02-2) and remove (FO8) through (FN). 4 MEASUREMENT AND MAINTENANCE INSTRUMENTS 4.1, Measurement Instruments 2, Maintonance Instruments (1) Audio Generator (20H2 — 200K Hz) Refer to the Fig. 4.1 Extension Cord Connection. (2) AC Milivolt Meter (with dB measures) (1) Extension cord (10p) (part No. DA09020A) (3) Oscilloscope (DC — 5MHz) (2) Extension cord (14),(0A09016A) (4) Distortion Meter (3) Extension cord (38p) (04090264) (5) Speed & Wow/Flutter Meter (6) Frequency Counter (OC — 1MHz) (2) Ohm Meter (8) OC Volt Meter (9) AC Volt meter (10) Tape Travelling Cassette B (part No. DAQQ027A) (11) Torque Gauge (0409013) (12) 15KHz Azimuth Tape (DA09004A) (13) 3KHz Speed & Wow/Flutter Tape (DA09006A) (14) 1KH2 Track Alignment Tape (04090074) (151~400H2 Level Tape (0090054) (16) 20KHz P.B. Frequency Response Tape (DAog001A) (17) 18KHz P,B. Frequency Response Tape (DA09002A) (18) 10KHz P.B. Frequency Response Tape (DA0g0034) (19) Reference EXI! Tape (DA09021A) (20) Reference SX Tape (DAQ9025A) (21) Track Viewer (DA03012A) . (22) Tape Guide Adjuster {0009001} (23) Information Terminals, Mode! M-300 (Fort positioning of record/playback head) 7 B Note: Refer to the item 3 “Removal Procedures”. When a check is made on Amp. etc. by means of an extension cord, re-adjustment shall be made without fail (after final installation to the model chastis). The check without removal of an extension cord will cause inaccurate adjustments. {oosy PCB) (MAIN P.0.8) (LEVEL METER P.C.8)—__ ‘EXTENTION CORO (10P) ‘HHX, VERNER ee PERSPECTIVE VIEW Fig. 4 Extension Cord Connection a ee | | 600) 5. MECHANICAL ADJUSTMENTS 5.1, Takeup Torque and Rewind Torque Adjustment To adjust torque, move torque plate as shown in the Fig. 5.1. The take-up torque should be 45 + 10gem and. rewind torque should be 35 t0 60g-om. __REEL HUB TORQUE PLATE REEL HUB SPRING DECREASE eS) TNCREASE, Fig. 5.1 82. aw @) ‘Tape Spepd Adjustment Connect a frequency counter to the output jack, Load the 3KHz Speed Wow Flutter Tape (DA (090064) and play it back Adjust the tape speed adjust potentiometer. See Fig 6.2. @) 5.3. Record/Playback Hood Height Adjustment and Azimuth Alignm See Fi. 6.3, . (1) Load the Track Viwer (0A09012A) and check the Potitions of record/playback head. hock to insure thet the L-R center of head coin- cides in position with the middle point ‘between ‘wo lines (0.3mm distance) on the track viwer. If the L-R center deviates from the middle point over 0.2mm. Correct the deviation by adding ahead height spacer as illustrated in the item 9.18 (B08), Connect a VTVM to output jacks. LLood the 1KHz Track Alignment Tape (208007). Incert the Tape Guide Adjuster (OD08001A) into ach hole of the tape guide beside the head. Adjust ‘the jig for minimizing each output signal of the right and left channels. 2) @) ay (5) Load the 15KHz Azimuth Tape (04090044), Adjust the azimuth alignment screw for maximizing each output signal of the right and left channels. After completion of ‘the adjustment in this step, check the head height as directed in'Step (4). ‘AZIMUTH RECORD / PLAYBACK. ALIGNMENT EW HEAD SCREW TAPE HEIGHT ADJUSTMENT Fig. 5. 3 5.4, Hoad Base Stroke Adjustment (1) Remove the mechanism ass'y referring to the item 3.3, mechanism ass'y removal procedure. Adjust the height of head base stroke adjustment plate as illustrated in Fig, 6.4 (Height Adi.) Load the “INFORMATION TERMINALS 4-300" jig for positioning the record/playback head, pusir ing backward to eliminate the clearance between reference pin and ji Depress the play button and check to insure wheth- er the positioning of the head is within the specified tolerance. If not, adjust the head base stroke adjust: ment plate trom the bottom side at stop mode. See Fig. §.4 (Stroke Adj @ 3 whe HEIGHT ADJ. 6 55. Pause Timing Adjustment This adjustment is required for avoiding the tape spill or tape skip by the inaccurate pause timing. See Fig. 5.5. (1) Set to the playback mode without loading the cassette tape, (2) Depressing the pause button gradually, check to insure the gap between pressure roller and capstan shaft which will be approximately 0.1mm when take-up pulley stops rotation because of changing mode from playback to pause. (3) In cose above is not sufficient, remove the record link ass'y referring to the item 3.16, record link ‘ass'y removal procedure. And adjust the pressure roller as illustrated in the figure. Fig. 5.5 5.6, Belt Travelling Adjustment: Refer to the Fig, 5.6 and item 3,10, motor and motor ‘governor ass'y removal procedure, (1) Adjust the motor pulley position and check to ingure whether the drive belt is travelling along the correct position and the staying at the correct position, ie. the center part of motor pulley and the idler pulley without contacting the belt guide at the following modes: Playback, FF, REW, FF to Stop, REW to Stop (2) Incase motor pulley is tilting, insert spacers into the ‘A, B (when belt slips upward on the motor pulley) for C (when belt slips downward). 52. Flywheel Adjustment Refer to the Fig. 5.7 and item 3.1, cabinet removal Procedure. Adjust the flywheel clesrancet should be 0.05 to 0.1mm. After adjustment lock the Fock nut, THRUST SCREW “beck nur FLYWHEEL ———"~" HOLDER 7 0.05-0.1rmm FLYWHEEL, Fig. 5.7 5.8. Brake Timing Adjustment Remove the cassette case referring to the item 3.5, cas- sette case ass'y removal procedure. Refer to the Fig. 6.8. Loosen screw A, and adjust the contact point between idler pulley and brake to meet each other when control bbutton is depressed and mode is changed from FF to ‘Stop, REW to Stop and Play to Stop. Fasten screw A and check to insure the gap between idler ‘pulley and brake is approximately within 0.2mm. PROJECTION OF BRAKE 5.9, Mute SW. and Start SW. Timing Adjustment ‘See Fig, 5.9. Following are each stage of status trom stoP mode to play mode. Adjust (bend) each transfer to obtain, ‘accurate movernent. tam 6.4, head stroke adjustment has to be performed prior to this adjustment. (1) Stop Mute SW. transfer 1-2 is open and start SW. trans- fers be, Fg and de are open. Others are clase, {2) Play Button Depressing Start Mute SW. transfer 2-3 opens then start SW. trangfer a:b will open. (3) In the Course of Depressing Mute SW. transfer 1-2 closes then start SW. transfers band de will close, (4) Depressing End Mute SW. tansfer 5, 6 will open from 4 simul- ‘taneously. Check to insure the gap between 5, 6 and 4 is more than 0.8mm. (5) At stop mode, check to insure the mute SW. trans: fer 2.3 touches sufficiently, 4G) Depress the rewind button and check to insure start SW. \cansfers a+b, d-e and Fg touch sufficiently. If not, at stop mode bend the A in the figure and adjust the stroke. 5.10, Solenoid Position Adjustment (1) Remove the mechanism ats'y referring to the item 3.3, mechanism ass'y removal procedure. ‘See Fig. 6.10. (2) Loosen the screw a little and move the solenoid in the A direction. (3) Depress the play button, (4) Holding the solenoid as shown In the figure, slide the solenoid gradually by a flat screw driver in the B dicection, 15) Then play button will release, Move the solenoid approximately 0.1 to 0.3mm from the released ‘point in the B direction, Fasten the solenoid. 18) Assemble the mechanism ass'y and turn the power switch on, And check to insure whether the sole noid can be released at the Play, FF, REW and Pause modes. DEPRESS END Fig 5.9 "7 SI VID IY II Np 9 9D 5.12, Lubrication ‘After 600 hours of use apply a few drops of light machine cil (LAUNA No.40) between capstan and capstan bearing. Soe Fig. 6.12. ‘After 600 hours of use apply a few drops of light machine cil (LAUNA No. 40) to the pressure roller shaft. ‘Note: If the fubrication oil is applied also to the capstan shaft and other drive mechanisms, clean it off with an alcohol-dipped cloth. When flywheel or flywheel holder is replaced apply a few drops of grease to the flywheel holder. Fig. 5. 10 5.11, Record Link Adjustment Remove the cabinet referring to the item 3.1, cabinet removal procedure. Adjust the record link referring to the Fig, 5.11. rt CAPSTAN FLANGE EC, LIK EK To SURE THAT aoTH De THES UN) EC hn ae ecuRELY Inet enced, SUPPAGE MAY OoCUR IF THERE IS LODSENESS| OF RE NK ict eon ene a cn m5 FLYWHEEL Bae Cones ee tit FLY WHE THRUST SCREW Fig. 5.12 18 5.13, Tape Travelling Adjustment Losd the Tape Travelling Cassstte (DA09027A) snd check the following: (1) After more then 2 second when depressed play button, the tolerance of the tape travelling fluctu- ation on the record/playback head shall not be more than 0.11. (2) Tape is contact with head sufficiently, (3) Tape waving is small (on the head and pressure roller). If tape traveling is not good, re-allustment of 5. 1. “Toke-up Torque and Rewind Torque Adjustment”, 6.3. ““Reocrd/Playback Head Height Adjustment”, 5.4, “Head Base Stroke Adjustment” and others will be required. 9 uothay Aovonbary paging 9°19 84 jeMT BHAA G1 94 apd XA PLO HD meinen 19 voneiaieg wl 49% peedyatey AL 9 tl @]:088 sua p20) up sauangu Supp 0} _Heujon pee ox pei9pos eran (20m Pups sou RUBS a4 epson aEQAEISpIOD8! LOK 530 1 eres Cee cee ee oe pase T Amo iy pun 40 AUR WimumD LIND od SHOURFER NH ANI ee ‘Sy-er ANdLNO OL WALA dey ae aon wiry JO BaPUaAndig e aan Pee ae aaa ee Se eo ae ae vevinainon na ‘ cm otal eerie ote 7 are ee cies ; commenti ora pena seer snnoeinsis | au rasan (AONE | aatervaononin | Coe Bee eee | oe Ea Sih sk apie eS NON ai a ee amon Se : eee eer Ree terme iis ee ee eee “P9R2F 1d OF WALA 04 101 00% onesies aves z | acer | na ee Romava sa easy AXE ney | goummon ann | Lunaino sssmuog Anemones | _srysnniny pe x He u [ot paw “iwamsnray aan TNORSENNOD IRAN —| saunas 1WaDHs i wan im Sd ur snips : ” pons vemerowneem | at t ToS TAAIAe@ bu no mee ena Hy So, ween one cum |e sauneinoams moet ron 90h wan ranges cer uneni®) | peje sey om “ne 0 use! youd vate 8 mo 8 HPN pai eodURN AMAIA ep0r-) oie =" hat ame eu pean " 15.96 ww 10 9 CP 94) wy auINERMO-AmG mR BAUER 7 snes kn 0 61 eH NEY ieee eomeagvomnmome | 01 ee Thanaseeaw com pounon wore var a soi0aes WH Let 9 tig : soe g iH mene aven vor snd a0 eoomignons | oo rerum le ne aes ase se ana mH, wong | os vom ames Begeh | cyte afm mma em sna 98 moma | smentsnunngn sean nor woe | ow ele Po SeGGsnRE0n050 et ae Bayyeg by prooey ge 8S (2m) aovanbaus (30) v9 Peay woeqseiy “ev q sonjenb yoagheig 129 214 pases (LZH) OLY 29 (60H) BOL 5 weunsmipy aeundiy Aavanbors 2-9 se ansino vsoneo¥e) nn aman __ sn mo asm rng Lanai sagem aes | a aaa t drs uonenee 0 pou “e ‘om xnaNehNoee | Lanse auntie ey dat eaten ‘oer nant 0 008 oony anon a mag oe ‘mr ana 0 ame o 7, PARTS LOCATION FOR ELECTRICAL ADJUSTMENT Not For adjustment, removal of meter ass'y is required (see item 3.18 moter ass'y removal procedure). When readjustment of Dolby P.C.B. As'y is | equired, remove the main P.C.B. from chassis (soe item 314 main P.C.8. removal procedures). When a chack is made on Amp. ete. by means of ‘an extension cord, readjustment shall be made without fail (after final installation to the model chassis.) ‘The check without removal of an extension cord will cause inaccurate adjustments. (vere poe) Lf ‘REC. PEAMONG a: Ate a ywR202 | B ONGn vex rifer Co os 7 = 0 . Cl @)ve201 [uw Eo) vor ———, For 1@ Lye ae | pseauos tor mec vt "eno S Ls {safer Fa oF see. Eo)race vee \ Tin rca (cowroenr soe) (Car PRD FRONT VIEW Bias CURRENT ee |1.M, SUPPRESS x oe Bee (oy (os Ge Ge. Ce CH Oe OE Oe Cee cat Po (CmPCRENT SCE) FRONT VIEW ‘METER LEVEL TAPE SPEED vee v0 co R a @ nee (pr teh FER) irene) REAR VIEW Fig.7 24 733 (U) 556 27 * VELA, Keunns IK ELAM WK ELAM I IMELAX Me LRH Me ELRK J veLans DeLay MK ELRHS MELAS 5K ELRK I PELRAS OK ELA WK ELAKS reLAy J Mk ELA J OK ELA J aK ERs | ik ELAM I ELAS 2k ELAS ELAS MELA PK ELAS 2K ELAK J ELAM my 16v ap 50v 1 Svs am 16v mu ev ap Sov a S05 os aoee ou ize Proce mara woot Soot sevwang wore | wa2et080 vs0ee060 vecesce0 sommes | wesoneee aE coon 8 i ete Awy-ooauew 1 | ‘pieog noua panna 0 mova ap pe aout wesfep Bununoy 0 ASI7 SL€Va ® WWYDVIG ONILNNOW 7 - Sate [pane esroton Senate | pana Deerpion coo, 20e | oo0eesan |wviw cece o0%en SOV; oooesi2n | ciai, 25" | eeavlviconmior 22 T6V man Seowezon | Evan za [Secamctor se tov neat cwoserra | cian 203 |seewees ane Sev ero.ate | oaorscas [eect pit ary sev | enoeston | cta4.204 |avurcmeier ea SOV Gha.aie | Omowan {ec Gwecter 14 16V | caieoes ria ai3 | oponauon [emcvtvic cq 104 1evm (ms}| 301 enreoga | FET TSK YY C115, 215 | 08056534 | Myler Capacitor 1500P SOV J | Q302, 303) 0601910A | Transistor 28900 (E). 118,210 | abossson Jamar capesey Gamay SOV) | Dgpt’ | oeotsoun | steer inde StS Stir atr | Oaoretan fur comcne ——“to0or 93 | Ynaor | Goveron [Semis toume "3k ive 20 | ooossera Jun camrs: corey 80v| mgs’ | Gadaeran | Grime enor” Sc LR! 119,210 | Gbaeraan | cpr sor sov| rem | onoraran | Gun necnor — 2QK ELA Skea | Nov Sd 4) Ay mrs | ebnseeon | rnon menor 1e0c Le) {2s for L101,201) 08 | 08057768 | Carbon Restor == SIM ELA J tao | Sacienn \ereenteone — aceun a = Lie Ain, = ram | onnssaen |extonneoy SMe LRA ; fw | o00e500q | Greon meow; 220K EUR caver. 20 | anor2n {rier acess» | Rave | Onoatron | canon Reenter STKEUM ies a | onoeotan |Tersnc! Zc1z22(@)| att | opossora | Suter meaner aaeu) 109,200 | 6060194 | Transtar 28a729(L) | A312 | 0801780A | Coton Resstor SGD ELA J iva: ate | oooae ton | aur om | Rata | onoean |cxnen manor Bax eunis Uioa: aes | Ganesan | tx cot Sn | Rat | onorenan | cater Ror row eur nied 29 | aoeesta [cron Ror aaceunu| neve | Ghowansa [Guten nine 220A) fiat 204 | Oboeno7a | Guten resmer —_tameUmiJ| 993,007] oBovetZA | Etcrsircaastor 10s TOY fees | Sban700n | xeon Reser ox Eun] | “So las 2 | Qeoeeran (carne Sx eAmS| cana | 00067700 | wr camtor —O056u SOV « fier 7 | onossoon | caoonmesier Law eta )| ae 206] osoiea | tyr nectar Gay SOV Fie aa | Obosssn lemony 22x EURX | aw | OBDI7IEA | Crone Camctor 470" SOV ‘220 taro | onorinan | hevahc Goctor "yt Zev fis, 280 | ooasez7a | cxponsstor aroxnoxa| ane | oaoteraa | eincotvc actor 10 Z6V FISH 251 | Onostasn |crton ese’ TORR G fies 208 | eBoreztA |erbonesser 990K ELA) Gio. 220 | Emorasa | atone Ceschor ay T8V Stave | ceotowa [eecteee cantor 499 Sey | ago, aos Tear 2scots iz 227 | obese | war cancer” s00u Sov | aon Taseat an ca, 228 | causa |S cnc or "or ov | Une Ore con xan at | coomazta |S? cmt so +d D s 8.3. SW.P.CB As'y ae + ae BS Sane, bende: BA CALP.CB Any Fig 8.3 Fig 84 oo — ae ‘Sehomatic | pare No Description Ra Ne Description ‘BA0S7190 BA03775A | CAL PCR Ady (08076340 onoreasa | caL ec. 0807088 ‘vaor, 802 | 08015074 | Semitixed Volume 200K vagos, 04 | 08018124 | Sumitixed Volume 100K ‘08058030 33M AKI — | VRBOS, B06} OB01SE5A | Semifixed Volume 10K (08018770 GaK ELR%s |” 907,808 ‘oB05681A orp Sov | yraes, 810! geare0sA | emitted Volume 5K 08018044 3000p Sov) | gir,512 BAGIEEZA | 9P Connector Sub As’y (1 pce.) | a01,602 | oBOIERIA | Corbon Resistor 3.3K AK J 806, 806 1n903, 804 | oB0re56A | Carbon Restor IK AMI R807, 808} DBOEEYEA | Carbon. Resistor 22K RI e801, 302 | 0B01456A | Ceramic Capecitor _47P SOV 903,204 | 0B05652a | Myler Capacitor 4700P SOV J BG DIN Pin Jack P.C.B. Ass'y 8.5, VRP.CB Asy 3 d g i 2 3 Fig. 8.7 Fig 8.5 8.8, Power Supply P.C.B. Ass'y Fig. 8.8 Schamatie | part No. Descrintion Seer nat | PartNo. Description 0037208 | VAP.CBASy oaoreaa | vRP.cE. Asy 0027218 | Fone: Supply PCB. Assy var,2 | 08070890 | Vetume 100K (a) vrs’ | 08070810 | Volume 400K a) 07626 | Paver Suppy PC. vee | 08070300 | Volume “ox ab» | 401 | 98060138 | Trenestor 250739 (L) R294 | OBDIHS%A | Corponesstor IY | QA02 | aBOTET2A | Transistor 25C045 IL) oa0ar4on | SPPIug (ipced | 403,404 | oB01823A | Transistor 250255 (¥) ‘201 | 98060384 | Silicon Diode ste¢gR 037208 | DIN Pin Jock P.C.8. Am'y 402 | 98080370 | Silicon Dose 1si8e9 403 | aBo1s0%u | siieon Die vose os076264 | Wek rca. 140% | oBoG059A | Zener Diode x2.107 0900007 | deck Unit aos | opoeossa | Zener Diode. xZ-122 10406 | opora0aa | Sitcan Diooe asisss 7 BAGITIGA [Meter PCA Any aot | 02017898 | Carhon Rerstor SSD ELA J R02 | 0056708 | Corbon Renter 8M ELAN J Ba a neal ner Rat | Soper | Extent Sacsunes Tete neat | ognt3 | GrhonReitor FOR ELRA] grr | eoens4 |Z Dn vz fee | emoeees | ea eri gaan st eee ae te ere eee R407 98055114 | Carbon Resistor 820 ELR% J VA7O1. 702) OBOL47OA | Stenifined Volume Laat cao 98058304 | Electrolytic Capacitor 2204 SOV. pero 902 |e sem | came ese 12K ELAS | caoe 08058314 | Electrolytic Capacitor 2204 35V pivoa 708 eee 1, | eae ae ee C403 0801870 | Electrolytic Capacitor 10004 25V_ aera HAL | Careen Heeaor eRe caoa 08013914 | Electrolytic Capacitor 2204 25V err aa | ones ea, | avon eet ae C405 0801398 | Electrolytic Capacitor 2204 16V 709,710 | 08018334 |Carbon Resator TOK EUAY | Clog | GEOTSBBA | Elecrowvi Capecor 20H NEV A7i1,712 | 0601820A {Carbon Renstor 100K ELAM J pean cere fms RI3.74 | 0805767 |CumonResstor “12K ROK G eee eas fed) A715 | 080ss628 |Caon Resistor TOD ELRY J Semen evetne eines) 16701, 702 | 0805819A |Elecvolytie Capacitor 7p 18V m OMS} eb pannstaslten Gr02, 704 | 08088208 |lecvoiytc Capacitor 22U 16V m (MSI ocotea7a | Seow MO: 8 Php Pan Hand) 705,706 | 0801380 Elecvolytic Capacitor 4.74 16V 10 Philos Pan 707 0801674A | Electrolytic Capacitor 10/4 25V Denonoma | re 1 Pies Pan Hon 1-790 | 0B05799A |Coramic Capacitor 10P SOV 708, Seseieta: lar icae ary tepast E00507A | Nut Hex MI 4 pes. | = . >» : nad Oe pO 1 Hada & 7 | \ 5 la y & if = Note: Fig. 8.9, 2. (Serial No, 3811500) ew dD ede Fe a a ~ 8,10, MHX Governor P.C.B. Ass'y ‘Schematic ‘Schematic We Ret No. Goseription et Ne | Pato. Description BAOS722A | Shutolt PCB. Ady era | 0901877A | Carbon Restor BRK ELRKI ~ R615 | 08017920 | Carbon Resistor AOE I 00076398 | shutottP.c.3 Rev? | 0905598 | Carbon Resistor 120K ELAR J 501 | 08016964 | Transistor 258486 (01 622,624 | 98055978 | Carbon Resistor 6BDK ELAM J ~ ‘2602, 603 | 08018728 | Transietor 25945 IL) ez3 | osota2ia | Carbon Resistor 330K ELA) 608, 608 67 | oa0serga | Carbon Resistor = S.S ELA J ‘0605, 606 | 08060138 | Trantttor 250733 (LI Reze | 0808674 | Carbon Resistor 820K ELA J _ 607 623 | 02019208 | Carbon Resistor «100K ELA J zoeot_ | 08060634 | Zener Diode yzo40 602,611 | oT0#027A | Ceramic Capacitor 680° SOV eset 601 | 0806037U | Siticon Diode 151949 6601,603 | 05011738 | Electrolytic Capacitor 141 25V 1De02, 693 | 08019088 | Sticon Diode 181555 ‘805 604, 805 .¢604, 608 | 0805817 | Electrolytic Capacitor 3342 16V M i ‘A601, 604 | 0801781 | Carbon Resistor 1K ELRK (ws) 602 | B018GOA | Cerbon Resistor tak ELAK J | C606 op1835A | Electrolytic Capacitor 2200 18V eos | 0805669A | Carbon Resistor a7 ELA%J | C607 oaore7aa | Elearolytic Capacitor 10 25V a 605,609 | O801705A | Carbon Resistor 7K ELA, | C600 ‘oB5a15a | Electrolytic Capacitor 1.5u 25V M 620 (ws) R606, 607 | 08055624 | Corbon Resistor arc eLn%s | o610 (op01502A | Electrolytic Copacitor 390K 16V « ial ‘8608, 612 | 08018234 | Carbon Resistor TOK ELAS | C612 (0801609 | Myler Copacior GOT SOV K 621, 625 oaogoora | Tub (20cs.) R10, 619 | 0608605A | Carbon Resistor 1.5K ELAY J (oB08ts2A | 4P ck As'y2 (1 po) ett | 08086958 | Carbon Resistor «980K ELAM) ‘£00037A | Earth Lug 85 (1 poe A913, 616 | OB05E6TA | Carbon Resistor 22K ELAM ae ‘cA03250A | MHX Governor P.C.8. As'y 9 MECHANISM ASS’Y & PARTS LIST 9.1. Synthesis Ass'y (01) T ‘Schematic | oe vey | Sehamatic i ' mano, | Pete Description ary | Senemets | part No, escrintion ov “aor ‘Syaihss AY or | oaoostec | Foot 4 12} 04034078 | eurton Cover PLAY 1 oz | 0a032538 | Cabinet ' 13 | oH024068 | eutton Cover STOP 1 ‘oMa2619A | Gate Screen Plate 1 14 | onf034098 | sutton Cover REW. 1 ‘omo3339A | Caution Label 1 15 | 0034048 | gutton Cover REC. 1 03 | owes6raa 1 16 | onos402A | Ls Cover 1 4 | JA030868 1 | vot | oo06a¢A {Screw M3 x 8 Phitise Bind Head] 5 0s | Hao36284 1 (Gronze) 0 | Haos6320 2 | Loz | 0€00197A |washer 3mm (Bronzed 5 07 | ovoaseea - 12 | 403 | o€oo701A [ser na xi Pion Bigd Head) 4 og | Haoses1a | V.R. Cap 1B) Ass'y 1 {eonze) 09 | Ha036308 | V.R. Cap (A) Assy 2 | vos | o€002630 jwesner amm 4 10 | onose09e Button Cover PAUSE. 1 | tos | 0€007008 screw M5 x 16 Philips Pan Head] s1_| oni03¢008 | sutton Cover FF 4 2a) ee ee ee er eee st tt ¢ ® 8 » P » » » » a n 9.2. Chassis Ass'y 9.2.1. Chassis Ass'y (A02-1) ‘Screw M3 x 6 Philips Pan Head Gal Fig. 9.2.1 Schematic sarees | PartNo. Description ory 02-1 | saosossa Chemis Ary 1 or | Baog7208 | V.R.P.c.8. Asry 1 02 | 1A03055 | Main Chassis As'y 1 09 | 1a03053a | Front Contro! Ast 1 (04 | ca0s256q | mechanism ass'y 1 tor | o€o0606a 5 9.2.2, Chassis Ats'y (A022) Fig. 8.2.2 a ‘Schematic ene | PartNo. Description aw t 02-2 | snosoesa Chassis Assy 1 on 8A03721A | Power Supply P.C.B. Ass'y {a 92 | 14020684 | Record Link Aw'y \4 82 | Jao9061A | Poth Button Ay 1 ot | aeoraeze | Voroge Soi 1 5 | JA02088 | Pome Transformer Aas'y 1 03 | amaez7a | Voge Lock mae : a7 | bog007u | Core Buchia C t 3 | o8oa900u | Foner cord 1 | anoa726n | DIN Pindeck Asry 1 10} 4A02068A | Poner SY. Aer'y ; 11 | owoae2ia | Sotbyir. ice. Pat 1 1 1 1 2 i 2 2 12 | o10asi7a | Meter exuthoon 13, | Ja03067a | Meter As'y 14 | 82036704 | Dolby NR. P.C.B. As'y 15 | Baoa7isa | Main P.c8. Any 16 | oroc037A | earth Lugs 17 | 44030688 | eer Pan! Sub Att'y j scant 1a | 01032770 | Mew Seat Nut | or | cE00606A | Seren M3 x 6 Phils Pan Head ar to2 | ocoost2n | serena @paiiontan Hous | 2 ea tos | os0ososa | Screw M2 x pnt Counts | 2 = to | oeoorsza | Washer 2mm ctr 16 os | ooossan | Sco uae mins Pan vent | 42 (Bron 05 | ccoossen | Seren’ x® Pitpean vend | 4 toroncel or | ocoo07r8 | Waster mm eter 1 Uae | Oeonecon | Soe ax 2 pniios Pan Has | 4 Ba toe | c€oo8o7A | Sew na Phin: Pan Head | 2 Gal << 9.3, N600 Mechanism Ass'y (A03) 9.4. Front Control Ass'y (AGA) ss Deserption ow ‘ROS | GAOaREGA | NEDO Mechanism Rasy || or | ocosag2a | Button com (2) 02 | 00039980 | Button cam (C) + 93 | ocaseota | autton cam (A) (04 | 0c038948 | autton Fis 05 | 032608 | Deck Button S As'y 05 | CA03261A | Deck Button A Ass'y 07 | Gao3263a | rouse Lock Plate Ass'y og | s0naa060 | Lock Plate 09 | ocoss99a | Pause Lock Soring (8) 19 | 06038870 | Lock Piat Slide Spring 11 | ocossaaa | Eject Linkage Collar 12 | 0c039008 | eject arm Spring 43} DCOIRRZA | Lock Plee Side Lever 14 | 092574 | eject Bar Asr'y ts | 0C03881A | Front Hold Ptate 16 | 032628 | Button Stopper Assy x7 | 00030458 | Lock Pate Stopper re | CA03258A | Side Piete LAcry 19 | 9098864 | Lid Damper Rubber 20 | 00038848 | Lig adjust Plate 21 | 26039064 | Lever Collar 22 | c03804A | Eject Joint Bar 23 | 0C03857A | side Pine. Bon 24 | 00038784 | Button Guide 25 | 0c038808 | sutton Spring Holder 26 | 90038794 | sutton Spring 27} cansz65a | shutott Arm Assy 28 | c03006A | Solenoid Pin 29 | 8A03727A | Solenoid sub As'y 30 | 0c03907A | Shut-off Bar 31 | 0C03201A | Lock Shaft 32} aco3ease |evtton shaft 38 | CAO3256 |NG0O Mechanism SuD Ars'y 34 | ocox903a | id shatt 35 | ocos902A | Lig spring 36 | 00038898 | sige Piet R Goit 37) wcns8e8a |Site Plate Collar 38 | 0c03865A | side Pate L Collar 39 | 8R037228 | shutoff P.CB. Ay 40 | ca03259A | side Piste R Assy 41 [ 0c03800A | Ree Hold Pate 42 | cacazaay | caer Cae Asr'y 43. | 003698 | Passe Lost Spina tt | oooresia | top Pinscos Seer) Gana] waneien Pa tar | oc001214 [sew we x6 ios Pn Hand) 1 tJ to2 | ooezzen |Scewtassarnin Pon eos| 1 aoe | aacsossa | rromconworauy | + tts | ccooreia |era ann 2 Lot | 6006128 | ScramNta x6 PhiorPonwood | & | 01 | Baoariaa \caL.r.ce, ast 1 oar 2 |, eaosrioa |su.ec0: amy 1 ume | occoeoea | Fnine 25mm 2 | 03 [‘omseron | Sy. tous i tte | cecor2en |e rine sm 2 | a4 | snozoota | rt ean Aa 8 ta? f OECeEtOn | eran ¥ed% 12 Pigs Pen oud) 1 | ce | auaauonn | Sten Cover ' oy te | aiosstia | ca Cove ' vos | occoeosn | Seow us x6 miiostan vows | 7 | a7 | ohosisra | EAL Knot 2 tant te | owooczen | CAL Ltt ; toe | occoreen | serv xa cviniersind | 1 | 09 | OMuezen | scam : tio | o€0n2z20 | enim 2mm 8] cor | ortoenen | Ser 6 Phitos Pan Mead | 4 Cit | o€005008 | Sererind 8 Phos an ve | 2 ‘oar C12 | oecor72n | Waneramm Toowes ocx | 2 | vo | oeoostan |Seew Ma x6 Pros Pan Heat | 2 is] oetenzan [tome acs rhiiopontied | 2 tea ian) tas | oeooz28e | Sew M2814 Phips an Mand] 2 ur | osooea7n | tamer amen 2 38 ik 9.5, Record Link Ass'y (A05) 9.8. Power SW. Ass'y (A08) Fig. 9.8 Fig. 9.5. 9.6, Push Button Ass'y (A06) 9.9, Meter Ass’y (AGS) \% (ga) Schematic aa Schomate | pert No. Deserp ow aos | sa0s06¢a | Record Link As'y 1 ot | 04092964 | Record Link Cotter 1 02 | 01034208 | Recerd Link 1 03 | 01034224 | Record Link Spring 1 of | 01024194 | Record Arm Chassis 1 Lot | O€00607A | Serew M3%8 Phiipe Pen Head | 4 Bal ‘aos | JAO3061A | Push Bunwon Aawy 7 or | ov0s41aa | Push Button 1 2 | auoaer4a | Sw. Soring 1 83 | 91024124 | Push Button Flange 1 t 07 | JAg3058A | Power Trane. Asv'y 1 1 | 0806637U | Power Trans, 1 02 | osoa0sta | Trane. Shots Piste 1 03 | op03873U | spark Killer 1 04 | o808030U | 3P Terminal Inutstor (Al 1 05 | oBog0z4u | 3° Terminal Strip 1 06 | ovost22a | Trans. Holder ‘ uot | oe006068 | Serew M36 Philips Pan Head | 2 eal 02 | 06005108 | Screw M3 x8 Philips Pan Head | 2 ea) ee | snosoesa Power SW. As'y 1 or | 0807009U | Power SW. 1 02 | 03034088 | Power SW. Holder 1 101 | 000606 | Screw M3 x6 Philips Pan Hood | 2 (a) ‘Ag2 | sa03067a | meter aay t ot | o@g1s4a | Love Meter 2 £2 | aiosazen | meter Cushion 1 03 | quoa4t8A } Lame House 2 04 | JA030528 | Meter Holder Sub Ary 1 05 | oB08155A | Meter Lamp 2 05 | 8A03716A | Meter P.C.B. Assy 1 st | 0008028 | Serew M3x4 Philos Counter. | 2 work 102 | O€O060EA | Screw M9x8 Philips Pan Head | 2 9.10. N600 Mechanism Sub Ass’y 9.10.2. N600 Mechanism Sul Ass'y(B01-2) 9.10.1. 600 Mechanism Sub Ass'y (B01-1) Fig. 9. 10.2 Fig. 9.10.1 a Partie. Description carey | Sehermete | pareno. Description sesaseass REBSSszs ‘ca0a256a | we00Mecheniem Sub Aw’y | 1 | 07 | oE0022BA | Screw M26 x 6 Philips Pan Heed «n) Los | E0000 | Screw M2 x8 Cylinder Head 09 | o€00028a | Washer 2mm Spring L109 | o€002tBA | Screw M12 x 10 Cylinder Head LAT} o€00231A | Screw M2.6 x 8 Philos Pan Head en 112 | o€00008A | Screw M12.6 x8 Countersunk 1603266 | techanism Chasis (8) Aas'y CAOSIAOA | Brake Assy (00036948. | Base Return Spring (CA032698 | Head Base (B) Assy ocne7a30 |w-48-0.2F (0C03908A | Cassette Guide (D) (00036134 |Wochor 1.6mm Plstce ‘20032598 | Reel Hub T (6) Ax'y 13 | 0002238 | serew m2 x 10 Countersunk 14 | 0£00220A | serew M2.6 x 8 Philips Pan Head] 1s | 9€002108 | sew 2.6 x § Philips Pan Head] ‘0¢02651A | counter Belt (E) (¢A032714 | Counter Holder Ase'y (00038628 | Head Base Spocsr ‘E00186A | serew M2 x 4 Cylindor Hood OEOOIBIA | Ring 2mm (0£00226A | Sere M2.6x 4 Philips Pan Head OEDOTE5A |E Ring 1.2mm 1 1 2 1 3 2 3 1 ‘cA03268A | Reel Hub $(B) Ass'y 1 1 1 1 1 a 2 2 000219 | Serew 2.6.x 5 Phitipe Pan Head] 2 BRIBRRISe ‘caoa2s6A | NEO Mechaniem Sub Aw'y | 1 (0c03649 | Seesaw Arm Spring (00036476 | SeeSaw Arm ‘CANSISOA | Idler Ploy Ase'y oc0a646A |FRP Lover (6) (00000508 | Lever Spring (00096484 |SeeSaw Arm Pipe (9C03748A Side Piate Spring (0c037448 [Pause Slide Pie (0c03746C |Pause Bar 0c03668A [Driving Bett (¢A03225A |Fiyernee (8) Assy (61032268 | Flywheel Holzer (C) Assy 0c0a5918 | Cord Hote 0C08800A | Pause Switch Mylar 00087434 |Powe Switen 0003799E Bele Guide 06037748 |Base Cam Soring ‘00037730 | Base Carn (06937014 |Record Lock Spring (81 106036526. |Record Lock (8) (0C03775C |Base Cam Shatt ‘0c038058 |stud Coie (8) (CAOSTA1A |Mute Switeh As'y €A03231A |Seare Switeh (C) Ass'y (0¢02704A |Recard Sensor Linkage (8) 19003909 |Rscord Sensor (8) (0603846 |Record Lock Shaft (08030674 [Bing Holger (CAO3253A |MHx Motor As'y 0c02850A [shield Piste {0C03174A Washer 2.1mm Plastics (06038140 |Motor Sietd (GAO32508 [MIX Governor P.C.8. Assy (0€00226A |serew M2.6x 4 Philips Pan Head (0€00222A |e Ring Zim ‘9E00142A [Washer 2.6mm '0E00229A Screw M28 x 10 Philips Pan| | ‘QE00031A ether &rmm £00181A {é Ring 3mm 42 aD 9.11, Cassette Case Ast'y (B02) 9.13, Counter Holder Ass'y (B04) Fig. 9.11 9.12, Head Base (B) Ass'y (803) 9.14, Reel Hub T (B) Ass’y (B05) 9.15, Reel Hub S (B) Ass'y (B06) Fig 9.14 s WV jos jot os 9.16. Flywheel Holder (C) Ass'y (B07) Ol 02 03 Fig. 9.15 17, MHX Motor Ass'y (808) 0 9.18, Record/Playback Heed Ast'y (B09) isa 102 03 Fig. 9. 16 Fig 8.17 [eahomaee Schemas = Scmetic] pareNo. Oeseipion ary | Sem Tar No. Description low bal caressa] elon een'any. >| 805 | CaaRzaaR | Resi Hub T C8) Ay 7 01 | ocosez6e | caste Lis 1 or | ocas7866 | sprocket (8) 1 02 | CA032744 | SP. Base Plate An'y 1 02 | 0C03786B | Torque Plate 1 03 | ocoaszen | casete Stabilizer 2 a3 | ocaasava | Thu Beane 1 ‘04 | omoasaaa | siner Piet 600 7 0a | oonss200 | eat Hub Spring 2 os | caoa273e | coneteWell Assy 1 05 | ocasoaza | Putty (8 1 Lor | OE00699A | Screw M2x4 Cylinder Hood | 1 06 | 0¢03622A | Reel Hub Ring 1 07 | oonastae | Reet Huo Fete : B03 | CAD3267A | Head Base {B) Assy ’ nf eee eee ee 1 Boe | CA0ERSGA | Reel Hub S16) Ray T or | caosa70a | Prenire Roller (8) Aas'y | 4 G2 | acos7588 | Presse Rolle Soring @) | 1 or | ocos7esa | sprocket (8) 1 03 | OCO3691A | Cassette Retainer Spring R 1 92 | 00037888 | Torque Piste i 04 =| 0C03688A | Azimuth Adjust Rubber 1 03 | 0CO3521A | Thrust Bearing i 0 | ocaso420 | Base Angle 8) 1 04 | 06095200 | Rea Hub Spring 2 08 | CAGRe7GA } Head exe (8)Sub Aw'y | 1 05 | ocosatsa | puiey (8) 3 07 | ocoassta | cord Holder 2 08 | 0cn95220 | Reet Hub Ring \0 to | conseaza | Gran Heed 7 07 | oonssige | Reel Hub ele ja 09 | cA032018 | Record/Playback Head Ass'y/ 1 0 _| 06035168 | Pulley (Cl 1 10 | ocnas00n | Cate Retner Spring | 1 | 807 | GAOSZa5B | Piel Holier VARY | 1 11 | 00037670 | Base Stopper Rubber 1 Lot | e000K2A | E Ring 5mm ja 01 | ocnsas7a | Lock mur 1 Loz *| ocoore6a | Seren M2 x4 Cylinder Head | 1 02 | cags2ava | Thrust Seren Ax'y Loa | ocon2taa | Seren M2x 10 Cylinder Heed) 1 03__| cnoszaon | Firwhee! Holder () Sub As tod | 001490 | Washer 23mm 1 [has [enonassa | max tote ry Los | o£001a6A | Screw M2 x6 Grinder Head | 2 at tos | oeoa00za | Seren Ma x3 Cylinder Head | 2 ies iaosaaia (lua eceie iq Lo7 |) oGo0025A | Washer 2mm Soring 2 2 | ocoa712A | Motor Puley TC ja os | 06001200 | Soran max 3 Philip Pan Heed 3 cae oemarant’ ie haee 7 Loa | 6000908 | Wester mm Stet 2 | or | 08001208 | screw m2 x3 PhitipsPan Head] 2 to2 | o€oozzaa | Serow M23 Cone Point | 1 804 | £a03271A | Counter Holder Ass'y 1 eater { DoS | CAOGZOTE | RacordiPnyback Hewd Ay 1 01 | oc029a38 | counter Knob 1 | 02 | cans270n | Tape Counter An'y 4 or | caozo00. | P52 Recor/Ptybock Head } 1 23 | ocn2034a | Memory SW. Knob 1 22 | ocor1000 | Heed Hotd Saucer 1 04 | 09070518 | Memory SW. 4 03 | ogo1os9¢ | Head Holder (8) 1 05 | ocn20ata | Counter Holder a 05 | ospaszan | Test Pin | a] wor | oeo0002, | som mara cyindernied | 2 07 | oan7et0a | Read SW. P.C8. \4 Specer 08 | 8028038 | Reed eo | mcponese cnet eee cai : AMOINIBA | PH Spacer t=0.1 mm Lor} O€00166A | Screw M2 x 4 Cylinder Head | 2 eerraat line oe ices Loz | 08006128 | Screw M3 x an Head, eee pera eager = ‘Ano1it8a | PH Spacer ¢=0.25mm | norte | PH Soocer_¢= 0.3mm as 10. WIRING DIAGRAM 11, EQ, AMP. FREQUENCY RESPONSE 11.1, Playback Frequency Response of ll Td T 5 =~ CAIN (4B) | “s -10 ew! | rm a5 + L J 20 100 1K 10K 20K FREQUENCY (He) Fig 11.1 11,2. Record Current Frequency Response 5 - 10 zo 4 7 3 pe “5 slo 20 00 « tox 20K ! FREQUENCY (Hz) Fig 11.2 12, BLOCK DIAGRAM Anant 30 van Sra ova vovenrta/auoo34 * Fig. 12 14, SCHEMATIC DIAGRAM (MECHANISM) elo 18. SPECIFICATIONS PowerSource > + 100-117, 220—-240V 50/60H2 Power Consumption «+++. . +++ 15W Max. ‘Tape Speed « seseses P7/Bips. (4.76em/s0c.) £1% Wow and Flutter - +--+ +++ ++ Less than 0.12% WTD Peak Frequency Response --- +++. 40—18,000Hz £343 (SX, EX Tapes, 20d Rec. Level) Signal to Noise Ratio «- +++. Better than 60d8 400Hz, d8 WTD rms. (Dolby In, SX Tape, WTD) Bettor than 68dB 400Hz, 3% THD WTD mms. with IM Suppressor Total Harmonic Distortion +++ Less than 1.5% 400Hz 0dB Less than 0.6% 400Hz Od with IM Suppressor-In (SX, EX! Tapes) Better than 60dB below saturation fevel at 1KHz s+ Better than 3568, 1KHz, OdB se esse++ Better than 6008, 1KHz, OdB Bias Frequency «+--+» -+ +--+ TOBKHe Transistors . 87 Diodes «+++ a les « a toput 50K ohms, 60mV 7 + 5BOmV (400H2,0dB, Output Level at Max.) 16.75 (W) x 6.70 (H) x 9.33 (D) inches. 400 (W) x 170 (H) x 237 {D} m/m s+ 14.3 lbs. (6.8Kos) * Specifications and appearance design are subject to change for further improvement without notice. Approximate Weight 16. TROUBLE SHOOTING (5) Depress the pause button during Play or Fast: forward. The tape could be stopped but the motor is still rotating, Depress the pause button during rewind, and this 16.1. Now (1) Check to insure whether the outputs +18V, +11.5V and —0.7V (approximately) of the power supply are correct : time the motor and tape are always in row (2) Whon a chuck & made on Alita, te, by etre See et eee elt ea of an extension cord, readjustment shall be made (6) When _Fiywheel is replaced, clean the Cepstat without teil (after final installation to the model Terese Bet olde earns lane aioalienal chasis) cont ‘The check without removal of an extension cord will cause inaccurate adjustments, (3) When an adjustment is made on “8 KHz MPX. filter, Bias trap coll, Peaking coil and/or Bias frequency, 1 ooting remove Matec and Meter Holder before start of > Trouble Sh adjustment. 16.2.1. Mo rotate: (8) Either Nakamichi $x or EX Hl tape shall be used {hy Hotseive Moe while adjustment (particularly while adjustments of © (9) ; Peat Gino eran eh {2c Mot: Gove, Should another diffrent branded tape be used in (4) Detective Mute Switch Arey, its place, the machine shall previously be adjusted ig according to each of the actual tapes in use. However, if @ low quality tape should be used, Wire between Motor and Motor Governor is cut. (6) Wire berween Motor Governor and Start Switch : Ass'y is cut, ete. ‘optimum quality of machine will not be obtained i (fuch a Distortion, Sine! we Noi Fate Dyremie (77. *H7-SV {8 not being supplied to the Motor Gover Raango, etc. will be detarioratad), 1 2. No power transmission: (1) Defective Power Cord. (2) Defective Power Switch, (3) Defective Power Transformer. (4) Defective 0.C. Power Supply Circuit Bosrd. {5) Defective Voltage Select Switch. 16.2.3. Sound is distorted: (1) Incorrect adjustment of Bias against tape. (2) Record /Playback Head is dirty. (3) Incorrect adjustment of IM. suppressor. (4) Defective cassette tape. (5) Record/Playback Head is magnetized. (6) Weak Bias oscillation or does not oscillate (7) Detective Record/Playback Head. (8) Excessively high level at Record Playback. 16.2.4" High Frequoncy is deteriorated while playback: (1) Incorrect adjustment of Record/Playbeck Head azimuth, Record/Piaybeck Head is city. Record/Playback Heed is magnetized. Excessive Wow/Fluter. Inaccurate tape travel, Defective Record/Playback Head. 16.25. High Frequency is deteriorated while record/ playback: 12) incorrect adjustment of Bias against tape (excessive bias current to the record/playback head). (2) Defective cassette tape. (3) Defective Record /Playback Head 16.2.6, Does not playback: (1) Record /Playtsack Head is dirty, (2) Record/Playback Head is detective (open circuit ot short cireuit), (3) Defective Playback Amplifier, 774) Mute is not released, 2-18) Defective Mute Switch. (6) Detective Dolby N.A. Circuit Bosrd. (7) Defective Output Buffer Amplifier. (8) Defective Record Switch. (9) Defective Output Jack. (10) Wire between Record/Playback Head and Playback Amplifier is cut. 16.2.7. Dossnot record: aw (2 @) 1a) 5) 6) a ®) (9) 19) ay (12) Defective Bias Circuit. Defective Erare Hoad (open circuit or short circuit), Defective Record/Playback Head (open circuit or short circuit). Record/Playback Head is dirty. Defective Dolby N.R. Circuit Board. Mute is not released. Dofective Record Amplifier. Defective Recard Switch. Defective Record Link Ast'y. Wire between Record/Playback Head and Record Amplifier is cut, Defective Input Amplifier and/or Input Jack. Inaccurate tape travel, 16.2.8 Excessive Wow/Fluttor: aay (2 @) a (5) (6) a (8) (9) (19) ay (12) 16.2.9, a (2 @) “ 15) (6) 16.2.10. Auto Shut-off does not work at end of tape: Defective Auto Shut-off Detector. Defective Auto Shut-off Driver. Defective Solenoid Driver. Defective Deck Buttan {hard to operate), Wire between Solenoid and Driver is cut, Incorrect adjustment of Solenoid. a @) @ (4) (5) (6) Defective Flywheel Ass’y. Defective Motor, Defective Motor Governor. Defective Drive Beate. Defective Pressure Roller Ass'y. Defective Idler Pulley As'y. Slippage between Pressure Roller and tape. ‘No clearance between Flywheel Ass'y and Flywheel Holder Ass'y. Detective Cassette Tape (hard to rotate). Defective Tape Counter (hard to rotate or sticky, ete.) Excessive Back-tension. Irregular Take-up Torque. ‘Does not erase or incomplete eresuro: Grace Head is dirty. Defective Erase Head (open circuit or short circuit) Inaccurate tape travel, ‘Weak Bias oscillation or does not oscillate Excessively high frequency of Biss oscilator, ‘Wire between Erase Hoad and Bias osciliztor is cut. 16.211. Auto Shutoff activates at position other than tape end: (1) Defective Auto Shut-off Detector. (2) Defective Auto Shut-off Driver. (2) Defective Solenoid Driver. (@) Defective Countor. (5) Defective Counter Belt. (6) Defective Cassette Tape {hard to rotate). 16.212. Meters do not flutter: (1) Detective Meter (open circuit or short circuit). (2) Defective Matar Circuit, (3) Wire between Meter and Meter Circuit i cut. (4) Tape does not playback (playback mace). (5) Meter iead is shorted. 16) Detective Input Ampiitier. 16,2.13, Defective tape trav (1) Record/Playback Head is misaligned against Cap- stan, (2) Pressure Roller is misaligned against Capstan, (8) Excessive Take-up Toraue. 18) Pressure of Pressure Roller is weak. (6) Erase Head is misaligned against Capstan. 46) Defective Capstan (bent, etc.). (7) Defective Capstan Flange (bent, etc). (8) Reference Pin is bent. (9) Hoad Base is bent, (10) Incorrect adjustment of Record/Playback Head Position. Defective Erase Head, Defective Pressure Roller ay (ay 16.2.14, Pause button does not reloase: (1) Defective Shutoff Solenoid. (2) Detective Solenoid Driver, 19) Detective Solenoid Linkage. 16.2.15. Tape does not rotate: (1) Defective Motor. (2) Defective Motor Governor. (8) Detective Drive Bolt. (4) Drive Belt is out of place, 18) Defoctive Reet Hub. (6) Defective cassette tape {hard to rotate. (7) Incorrect loading of cassette tape. (8) Pressure Roller is not in contact with Capstan, 51 16.2.16. Drive Belt is out of place: (1) Motor is misaligned. (2) Idler Pulley Ass'y is misaligned. (8) Excessive clearance between Flywheel Ass'y and Ftywheel Haldec Ast'y. (4) Detective Drive Bett. 16.2.17. Signal to Noise Ratio is deteriorated: U1) Record/Playback Head is magnetized. 2) Excessive Bias Leakage, (3). Record/Playback Head is dirty. (4) Datective Racocd Playback Head, (5) Defective casserte tape. (6) Defective D.C. “Power Supply Board (excessive ripple). 17) Defective input Amplifier {noise is great). (8) Defective Output Amplifier (noise is great). (9) Incorreet adjustment of hum balance wire, 16.2.18. Channel seperation is deteriorated: (1) Incorrect tape travel, (2) Detective Record/Playback Head. 16.2.19. Tape speed is too fast or slow: (1) Defective Motor. (2) Detective Motor Governor, (3) Pressure Rolier is not in contact with Capstan, (4) Defective Mute Switch (contacting chassis) (5) Detective cassette tape (hard to rotate). 16.2.20. Does not Eject: (1) Defective Eject Linkage Arm. (2) Defective Stop/Eject Button. (8) Eject Linkage Arm is out of place, (4) Defective casserte tape, 46.2.2, Level variations: (1) Incorrect tape travel, (2) Record/Ptayback Head is dirty. (3) Detective Record/Playback Head. J (4) Record/Playback Head is misaligned. (5) Detective cassette tape. (6) Incorrect adjustment of Head Base stroke. 16.2,22, Bias does pot oscillate: (1) No voltage to Bias oscillation cireut, (2) Defective Bias oscillation circu (3) Defective Erase Head (open circuit or short circuit). SEeoeseCeCeeSCeEee Sees 16.3. Check method when parts ara replaced, When any part/part ass'y of the Nakamichi 600 is re- placed with new one, please check to insure the following, 16.3.1, When Motor is replaced: (1) Tape speed, (2) Wow/Flutter, (3) Drive Belt position (out of place), 16.3.2 When Drive Belt is replaced: (1) Drive Belt position (out of place). (2) Tape speed. (3) Wow/Flutter. 16.33. When Record/Ptayback Heed i replaced: (1) The inclination of» Record/Playback hea. (2) Azimuth/Height. (3) Tope Traveling {4) Playback output. [3 Playback frequency response, 16) Overall frequency response. (7) Distortion (8) Signal to Noise Rao. (9) Chanel sepration. 16.3.4. When Erase Head is replaced: (1) Tape travelling (2) Azimuth/Height (record/olayback head) (3) Bies trequeney. (4) Erasure. (5) Overall frequency response. 16.3.5. When Flywheel Assy is replaced: (1) Clearance between Flywheel and Flywheel Holder. (2) Tape travelling (3) Azimuth Height. (4) Tape speed. Reps. When Pressure Role replaced: 11) Tae eating, (2) Azimuth Height, 18) Tape speed. (4) Wow/Flutter, (8) Pressure Roller timing, an 16.3.7. When Tape Countar is replaced: (1) Tape speed. (2) Wow/Flutter. (3) Memory rewind operation, (4) Counter check (sticky, ete.) (5) Auto shutoff operation, 16.3.8. When Reet Hub Assy is replaced: (1) Torque check (take-up, fastforward and/or rewind), (2) Tape speed, (3) Wow/Flutter. 16.3.9. When Deck Button Ast'y is replaced: (1) Button operation, (2) Head base stroke, (3) Pause switch operation, (4) Record switch operation. (5) Mute switch operation, (6) Start switch operation, 16.3.10. When Idler Pulley Ast'y is replaced: (1). Drive Bett position (out of place). (2) Tape speed. (3) Wow/Flurer. (4) Rewind ti (5) Fastforward time. (6) Brake Timing. 16.3.11. When Motor Governor is replaced: (1) Tape speed. (2) Wow/Fluttar, 6.3.12, When Level Meter is replaced: (4) Meter level (2) Meter check (sticky, ete) 6.3.13. When Solenoid is replaced: (1). Solenoid position, 16.3.14. When Record Link Ass'y is replaced: (1) Record Link ass'y adjustment (height). Service Manual Nakamichi 600 NAKAMICHI RESEARCH INC, 4-469 Suzukichs, Kedaiys, Tokys Prone: (0423) 42-1911 Teiew: 2892610 (NAKRED 2) cable: NAKREI KKB, NAKAMICHI RESEARCH {U.S.A.) INC. West Cosst Office 2101 Colorado Avenue, Sante Monica, Calf. 040 Phone: (213) 451-5001 ‘Telex: 65269 {MAKRE! SNM) NAKAMICHI RESEARCH (U.S.A.) INC. Now York OFF 220 Westbury Avenue, Cane Pace, NAY. 11514 Phono: (516) 393-6440 Telex: 144513 (VAKRE! CAP)

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