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Ayurvedic Pharmacopoeia of India Contact us

Ayurveda, being one of the oldest system of medicine, can be expected to

have a very rich and varied information about the drugs and their
therapeutic uses. It is said to have over 100 books containing more than 1
lakhs recipes. Reputed scholars have independently documented these
recipes in their published works. Besides these, there exists a much larger
number of unpublished recipes which are in use in every day practice in
different regions of this vast country. While this richness is to be taken
note of, it introduces the problem of scientific standardization and uniformity
as of very crucial importance for the growth of the system, and to protect
the interests of the consumers of these drugs and recipes. Pharmacopoeial
standards of 258 single plant drugs have been evolved by the scientists
working in Pharmacopoeial Laboratary of Indian Medicine (PLIM). These
are duly approved by the Ayurveda pharmacopoeia Committee and Govt. of
India. Three volumes of Ayurvedic Pharmacopoeia have been published by
Govt. of India. The work on remaining single drugs of plant, animal,
mineral/ metal and marine origin and multi-ingredients formulations is being
carried out in 30 laboratories of different institutions.

Materia Medica and Formulary of Ayurvedic Drugs:

The Materia Medica of Ayurveda consists of an extremely rich

armamentarium of natural drugs, derived from the plants , minerals,
animals and marine sources. These drugs are used singly or in simple
combinations or as compounds also otherwise referred as
polypharmaceuticals. The forms in which these are used are varied like
extracted juices, decoctions, infusions, distillates, powders, tablets, pills,
confections, syrups, fermented liquids, medicated oil, bhasmas (resultant of
incineration) and many more. Materia Medica of any medical system by
nature is very technical and complex. This is also a publication for common
people, which describes simple and safe proved remedies for common
ailments. Nothing can be more successful than involving the community in
community health and medicare. With the help of this popular publication
the community members or any member of the family can intelligently apply
the formulary for giving conditions with advantage without waiting till the
doctor comes. This, however, does not preclude seeking consultation of a
competent physician when required. Ayurvedic Formulary of India in
volumes I and II containing 444 and 192 formulations respectively has been
published by Govt. of India.


a) Single Drugs:-

Total number Single Drugs for Pharmacopoeia Study 600

Work done so far.


I Part-I, volume I 80 monograph (Published)

II Part-I, Volume II 78 monograph( Published)
III Part-I, Volume III 100 monograph (Ready for
Total 258 monograph

b) compound preparation:-


I Part-I, (English & Hindi version) 444 compound formulations

II Part-I, (Hindi version) 192 compound formulations)
III Part-II,(Eng. Version) 192 compound formulation ) (In
the Press)
Total 636 compound formulation

Work in progress

I 50 monographs for Ayurvedic Pharmacopoeia of India part-I, Volume IV is


preparation on various stages in APC/PLIM.

II 32 Laboratories/Institutions are engaged in developing phamacopoeial

standards of Ayurvedic, Unani and Siddha drugs under central scheme of
APC. Under this scheme 387 single, drugs of plant mineral/animal, origin of
Ayurvedic,Unani & Siddha were allocated to them. Out of which data on
196 drugs has been developed. The work will be scrutinise by Ayurvedic,
Siddha, Unani Pharmacopoeia Committees.

196 Ayurvedic compound formulations and 133 Unani compound

formulations were also allocated to these laboratories. Samples of these
compound formulations are being prepared by the Units of CCRAS,
CCRUM, IMPCL,NIA Jaipur, Gujarat Ayurveda University Jam Nagar, Arya
Vaidya sala Kottakkal, and Ausadhi pharmaceuticals corporation of Kerala.


Ayurvedic Pharmacopoeia Committee

Ayurvedic Pharmacopoeia Committee was constituted in 1963 with the

following objectives:-
1. To prepare an Ayurvedic Pharmacopoeia of India of single & Compound

2.To prescribe the working standards for compound Ayurvedic Formulations

including tests for identity, purity, and quality So as to ensure uniformity of
the finished formulations.

3. Keeping in view the time constraint, to identify such methods,

procedures and of plan of work enable the formulary and standards of all
commonly used drugs to be brought out in a phased manner.

4. To prepare remaining parts of the official formulary of compound

Preparations from the classical texts listed with 1st Schedule of the Drugs
& Cosmetics Act including standardised compositions, method of
preparations, dosage, toxicity and administrations with various anupanas of

5. The term of the Committee shall be for a period of 3 years from the date
of its first meeting and the members shall hold office for that period..

6.The Chairman of the Committee shall have the powers to form

Sub-Committee whenever required and to co-opt experts from Out side
such sub-committees.

7.The Committee will have the power to frame rules and procedures of


1. Dr. Sanjeeva Rao, 5-8-293 A, Mahesh Nagar, Chirag Ali Lane,

Hyderabad – 500001 –


1. The Director, Central Council for Research in Ayurveda and Siddha,

Anushandhan Bhawan, 61-65, Institutional Area, Opp-D-Block Janak
Puri, New Delhi.
2. The Director, Pharmacopoeial Laboratory for Indian Medicine,
C.G.O. Complex, Kamla Nehru Nagar, Ghaziabad, - 201002.
3. Managing Director Indian Medicine Pharmaceutical Corp. Ltd.,
Mohan, Via Ramnagar, Distt. Almorah, (U.P.)
4. Prof. S.S. Handa, F-7, Lajpat Nagar-III, New Delhi.
5. Miss Savita Satakopan, 4, Seventh Street, Nanganallur, Chennai –
600 001.
6. Vaid Devendra Triguna, 143, Sarai Kale Khan, New Delhi.
7. Vd. B. Vaidyanathan, No. 1, Ganapathy, Ist Street, Hawai Nagar,
Thiruvanmiyar, Chennai-600041.
8. Dr. D.B. Anantha Narayana, 262, Pocket-L, Sarita Vihar, New Delhi
– 110044.
9. Prof. D.S. Lucas, 324, 6 th Mani, 2 nd Cross, Vijaya Nagar,
10. Prof. V.V. Prasad, Head, Deptt. of Dravyaguna, Ayurvedic College,
Tirupati (A.P.)
11. Dr. C.K. Kaliyar, Dabur Research Foundation, 22, Site IV,
Sahibabad – 201010.
12. Dr. M.A. Iyengar, Prof. Of Pharmacognosy, College of
Pharmaceutical Sciences, Kasturba Medical College, Manipal –
13. Dr. M.K. Raina, 203, Rainbow Apartments, Raheja Vihar, Powali,
Bombay – 400 072.
14. Dr. Balaji Tambe, Chairman, Ahmasantulan, Village 6, P.O. KARLA,
Pune – 410405, Maharashtra.
15. Dr. M.S. Ansari, 454-E, Kaila, Behind Masjid, Ghaziabad (U.P.),
16. The Drug Controller General (India), New Delhi.
17. Dr. S.K. Sharma, Adviser Ayurveda, Dept. of ISM & H, Ministry of
Health & F.W., Govt. of India – Member Secretary.


Members of Ayurveda, Siddha and Unani Drug Technical Advisory


Advisory Body Under The Drugs & Cosmetic ACT


Dr. S.P. Aggarwal, General of Health Services, Government of India, New

Delhi –


1. The Drug Controller General (India), New Delhi.

2. Joint Secretary, (Indian Systems of Medicine and Homoeopathy),
Ministry of Health and Family Welfare,
3. The Director, Central Drugs Laboratory, Calcutta.
4. The Director, Pharmacopoeial Laboaratory for Indian Medicines,
Ghaziabad (U.P.)
5. Km. Savita Satakopan, 4, Seventh Street, Nanganallur, Chennai –
600 001.
6. Prof. S.S. Handa, F – 7, Lajpat Nagar – III, New Delhi.
7. Dr. Sanjeeva Rao, Sri Sai Krupa, 5-8-293/A, Mahesh Nagar, Chirag
Ali Lane, Hyderabad – 500001(A.P.)
8. Dr. D.B. Anantha Narayana, 262, Pocket-L, Sarita Vihar, New Delhi
– 110044.
9. Hakeem Sayed Khaleefatuallh, 49, Bharati Salai, Chennai – 600 005.
10. Dr. R. Kannan, Priya Nursing Home, Tennur, Trichirapalli – 620
017(Tamil Nadu).
11. Dr. V.K. Joshi, Reader, Deptt. of Dravyaguna, Banaras Hindu
University, Varanasi (U.P.)
12. Dr. S.M. Jafri, Reader, Ayurved & Unani Tibbia College, Karol Bagh,
New Delhi-110005.
13. Dr. Arunachalam, Government Siddha Medical College, Chennai –
600 106.
14. Dr. Gangadharan, Coimbatore Ayurvedic Pharmacy, Coimbatore,
15. Secretary, Indian Medical Practitioners Cooperative Pharmacy and
Stores, Thiruvanmiur, Chennai – 600041 (T.N.)
16. Managing Director, Hamdard, New Delhi (Unani Pharmaceuticals)
17. Vaid Devendra Triguna, 143, Sarai Kale Khan, New Delhi.
18. Dr. A.J. Khan, Reader, Ayurved and Unani Tibbia College, Karol
Bagh, New Delhi –110005.
19. Dr. G. Ganapati, Government Siddha Medical College, Chennai
20. Dr. S.K. Sharma, Adviser Ayurveda, Dept. of ISM & H, Ministry of
Health & F.W., Govt. of India – Member Secretary.



Essential Drugs List

Simple Remedies


Essential Ayurvedic Drugs For Dispenseries & Hospitals

Ayurvedic system of medicine holds numerous single and multi-ingredient

formulations made up of herbal, mineral and herbo-mineral combinations.
Their use by the Ayurvedic practitioners varies to a large extent. While
some formulations being so frequently prescribed in one part of the country
may not find place in the prescription of the other part. Region-wise
traditions of Ayurvedic practice is also one of the important causes of
popularity of certain medicines in one particular region. Interestingly, the
uses of Ayurvedic formulations are also so diverse that some times not only
the patients but doctors too get confused in situations where a medicine
not indicated in a specific disease condition is prescribed by the Ayurvedist
solely because of his own experience of treating that particular disease
condition with that very medicine. Though, it is rightly claimed hat the
medicines hahve certain limit of actions yet the physician with his judicious
approach can use one particular medicine for various clinically diverse
diseases or symptoms provided he is well versed with underlying
pathogenetic condition of the ailment and simultaneously has the
understanding of complete range of action and scope of the drug. Such
guidelines for varied uses of medicines are already described in the
classical texts of Ayurveda.

List of ASU medicines procured in various States differ so much and some
of the departments and institutions have restricted its number to too little to
cover the variety of disease condition.

In view of this and the administrative problems being faced for selection the
Adyurvedic drugs for a dispensary or a hospital, the need was felt to create
a standard list of optimally required medicines likely to be acceptable to the
practitioners all over the country, who would be able to prescribe the
enlisted medicines in a judicious way.

The Department of Indian Systems of Medicine & Homoeopathy, took

initiative in this direction and the concerted efforts of various experts of
Ayurveda and departmental technical staff members have resulted in
bringing out this document – "Essential Ayurveda Drugs for Dispensaries
and Hospitals". It is worthwhile to mention that Essential Ayurvedic Drugs
List is notably different from Essential Drugs List of Allopathic System of
Medicine. The former includes only those medicines which are essentially
required in any Ayurvedic dispensary or hospital whereas the latter one is
the list of essential drugs for the treatment of various clinical states of the

The bid to formulate Essential Ayurveda Drugs List got through with great
deal of interaction with various eminent Ayurvedic Physicians in
Government and private sectors in different parts of the country. Due care
was undertaken to include experts (Annexure-A) from all fronts of
Ayurveda, like institutionally & non-institutionally qualified Ayurvedists, old &
new Ayurvedic doctors, dispensary and hospital doctors, college and
pharmacy attached doctors, graduates and postgraduates. The response
from these experts was compiled, analysed and put in a systematic format.
Then a core group comprising technical officers of the department and a
renowned Ayurvedist as a private sector representative (Annexure-B)
discussed in details for final selection of essential drugs for Ayurvedic
dispensaries and hospitals, on the basis of availability, reliability,
cost-efficacy and therapeutic efficacy of the medicines. Due scrutiny was
done for short-listing. Ample care was taken to cover maximum disease
conditions treatable with Ayurvedic medicines. Classical Ayurvedic texts,
formulary of Ayurvedic drugs published by Govt. of India and personal
experience of the Vaidyas were considered for finalising the list.

The present publication aims at providing ready reference for selection or

procurement of Ayurvedic drugs for dispensaries and hospitals of various
levels. Its utility is much higher for the learners and practitioners of
Ayurveda as it will provide a window to peep into the wide range of
Ayurvedic medicines required for setting up their professional
establishments. The single drug preparations in the end of the list are
incorporated to fill the gaps left in the original list for different kinds of uses
of simple remedies in a cost effective manner.

Sl. NO. Name of the Drug (Please see Dose

Book Reference in

the index)

1:1 Navajwara (Acute fever)

Tribhuvan Kiriti Ras 125 to 250 mg.
Sanjivani Vati 125 to 250 mg.
Godanti Mishrana 125 to 250 mg.
1:2 Visamajwara (Malarial fever)
Ayush 64 500 mg. To 1 gm.
Saptaparna ghana Vati 250mg. To 500 mg.
Sudarshana Churna 3 to 6 gm.
1:3 Vat shlaishmika jwara (Viral fever)
Laksmi Vilas Ras 125 to 250 mg.
Samsamani Vati 500mg. to 1 gm.
1:4 Jirna jwara (Chronic fever)
Pratap Lankeshvar Ras 125 to 250 mg.
Mahasudarsana Churna 3 to 6 gm.
Amritarishta 20 to 30 ml.
1:5 Sannipatika jwara (Typhoid fever)
Nardiya luxmi Vilas Ras 250 to 500 mg.
Bhunimbadi Kwath 10 to 20 ml.

2:1 Kas (Cough)

Gojihvadi Kvath 20 to 40 ml.
Sitopaladi Churna 5 to 10 gm.
Kantakaryavaleha 5 to 10 ml.
2:2 Kapha nissarana (Expectorant)
Tankana Bhasma 500 mg. to 1 gm.
Talisadi Churna 3 to 5 gm.
Vasavaleha 5 to 10 gm.
2:3 Svasanika Soth (Bronchitis)
Laghu malini Vasanta 125 to 250 mg.
Lavangadi Churna 3 to 5 gm.
Chounsath prahari pipal 500 mg. to 2gm.
2:4 Rajyakshma
Raj Mrigank Rasa 125 to 250 mg.
Svarna Basant Malati Ras 125 to 250 mg.
Abhrak Bhasma Shatputi 0.75 to 125 mg.
Mukta Panchamrit 125 to 250 mg.
Shilajatwadi louha 250 to 500 mg.
2:5 Pratisyaya (Common cold)
Hinguleshwar Rasa 125 to 250 mg.
Panchakola Churna 2 to 5 gm.
2:6 Peenas (Sinusitis)
Shadbindu Tel 2 to 5 drops in nose
Dashmula Rasayanam 5 to 15 gm.
2:7 Tundikeri sotha (Tonsilitis)
Ksara Madhu Throat paint
Khadiradi Vati 2 to 4 tab.
Vyoshadi Vati 2 to 4 tab.
2:8 Shvasa (Asthma)
Dhanvantar Gutika 1 to 2 pills
Pushkarmula Churna 5 to 15 gm.
Shringyadi Churna 5 to 15 gm.
Kanakasava 10 to 30 ml.
Vasarishta 10 to 30 ml.

3:1 Hrid-Daurabalya (Cardiac weakness)

Nagarjunabhra Rasa 250 to 500 mg.
Muktapisti 125 to 250 mg.
Jwahar Mohra 125 to 250 mg.
Arjunarishta 10 to 30 ml.
3:2 Rakta Chap (Hypertension)
Yogendra Rasa 50 to 125 mg.
Sarpagandha Mishran 2-4 Pills
3:3 Raktabhar Alpta (Hypotension)
Makaradhvaja gutika 50 to 125 mg.
Kasturi bhairav Ras 50 to 125 mg.
3:4 Hritshoola (Angina)
Sringa Bhasma 125 to 250 mg.
Mahavat Raj Ras 75 to 125 mg.

4:1 Pandu Anemia

Punarnavadi Mandura ½ to 1 gm.
Lohasava 10 to 30 ml.
4:2 Raktpitta/Raktsrav Haemorrhagic Tendency and Bleeding
Trin Kantmani Pisti 250 to 500 mg.
Lakshadi Churna 5 to 10 gm.
Usheerasava 15 to 30 ml.
4.3 Rakta Dushti (Blood impurity)
Nimbadi Kvatha 20 TO 40 ml.
Panchanimba Churna 5 to 10 gm.
Manjisthadi Churna 5 to 15 gm.
Sarivadyasava 15 to 30 ml.
Khadirarishta 15 to 30 ml.

5.1Atisara (Diarrhoea)
Karpoora Rasa 50 to 125 mg
Jatiphaladya Churna 5 to 10 gm.
Karpoorasava 10 to 20 drops
Babbularishta 15 to 30 ml.
5:2 Pravahika (Dysentery)
Panchamrit Parpati 250 to 500 mg.
Bilwadi Churna 5 to 10 gm.
Bilwadi Kwath 20 to 40 ml.
Kutajarishta 15 to 30 ml.
5:3 Amlapitta (Hyperacidity)
Kamdudha Ras 125 to 250 mg.
Dhatri Rasayana 5 to 15 gm.
Madhuyastyadi Churna 5 to 10 gm.
Avipattikara Churna 5 to 10 gm.
5:4 Samgrahani (Colitis/Ulcerative Colitis)
Samkhodar Ras 75 to 150 mg.
Sutsekhar Ras 125 to 250 mg.
Bilwadi Avaleha 5 to 10 gm.
Mocharas Churna 3 to 5 gm.
5:5 Yakrit roga (Liver disorders)
Arogya Vardhini 500 mg. To 1 gm.
Navayas Louha 250 to 500 mg.
Phalatrikadi kwatha 15 to 30 ml.
Sarbat phalasa 30 to 50 ml.
Daruharidra phala churna 5 to 10 gm.
Rohitakarishta 15 to 30 ml.
5:6 Shoola (Abdominal colic)
Shankha bhasma 250 to 500 mg.
Shankha Vati 2 to 4 tab.
Lasunadi Vati 2 to 4 tab.
Hingu vachadi Churna 3 gm. to 5 gm.
Narikel lavana 250 to 500 mg.
5:7 Adhman (Flatulence)
Kankayan Vati 500 mg. to 1 gm.
Hingvastaka Churna 5 to 10 gm.
Ark Ajmod 5 to 15 ml.
Lavana Bhaskar Churna 5 to 10 gm.
5:8 Chhardi (Vomiting)
Mayur pichha bhasma 50 to 125 mg.
Bilvadi leham 1 to 3 gm. 2 hrly
Eladi Churna 2 to 5 gm.
5:9 Ajirna (Indigestion)
Yavani Sandhav Churna 5 to 10 gm.
Shivakshara pachana churna 3 to 5 gm.
Chitrakadi Vati 2 to 4 tab.
5:10 Agnimandya (Anorexia)
Agnitundi Vati 250 to 500 mg.
Vaishvanara Churna 3 to 5 gm.
Panchakola Churna 3 to 5 gm.
5:11 Vibandh (Constipation)
Ichhabhedi Ras 125 to 250 mg.
Panchasakara Churna 5 to 10 gm.
Svadista Virechana Churna 5 to 10 gm.
Abhayarishta 15 to 30 ml.
Isabgol Husk 10 to 20 gm.
Haritaki Churna 10 to 15 gm.
5:12 Arsha-Bhagander (Piles and Fistula-in-ano)
Shigru guggul 500 mg. to 1 gm..
Bol baddha ras 125 to 250 gm.
Pranada Vati 2 to 4 tab.
Rasanjana Vati ½ to 1 gm.
Kasisadi tel 2 to 5 ml.
Jaya Vati 250 to 500 mg.
Kshar Sutra & Kshar Varti Q.S. for Kriya
5:13 Krimi Rog (Helminthiasis)
Vidangadi louha ½ to 1 gm.
Palash beej churna 3 to 6 gm.
Kampillaka yog 2 to 4 gm.

6:1 Medhya (Brain Tonics for concentration, memory, sleep

Brahmi Vati 2 to 4 tab.
Tagaradi Churna 3 to 5 gm.
Brahmi Rasayana 5 to 10 gm.
Saraswatarishta 15 to 30 ml.
Brahami Ghrita 5 to 10 gm.
6:2 Nadi Dourbalya (Nervine Weakness)
Krishna Chaturmukh Ras 125 to 250 mg.
Dhanvantara tel Q.S. for body Application
Mahanarayana tel Q.S. for body Application
Eranda pak 5 to 15 gm.
Balarishta 10 to 30 ml.
6:3 Kampavat ( Parkinsonism)
Chaturbhuj Ras 125 to 250 mg.
Kaunch Churna 2 to 5 gm.
6:4 Sirasula (Migrain)
Sirah shooladi Vajra Ras 250 mg. to 1 gm.
Chandrakant Ras 125 to 250 mg.
Godanti praval yog 500 mg. to 1 gm.
Pathyadi kwath 10 to 20 ml.

7:1 Anidra (Insomnia)

Nidrodaya Ras 125 to 500 mg.
Jatamansi kwath 10 to 20 ml
Madananand Modak 5 to 15 gm.
Aswagandha Churna 5 to 10 gm.
Him sagar Tel Q.S. for Head
7:2 Akshepa (Convulsive Disorders)
Svarna bhasma 15 to 30 mg.
Panchagavya ghrita 5 to 15 ml.
Aptantrakari Vati 125 to 250 mg.
7:3 Unmad (Psychosis)
Unmad gajkesari Ras 125 to 250 mg.
Maha paishachik ghrita 5 to 15 gm.
Maha chaitasa ghrita 5 to 15 gm.
Manas mitra vatak 125 to 250 mg.
7:4 Vishad (Depression)
Jyotismati Tel 10 to 20 drops
Smriti Sagar Ras 125 to 250 mg.
Vacha Churna (shudh) 250 to 500 mg.

8:1 Amavat (Rheumatic/Rheumatoid Arthritis)

Amavatari Ras 125 to 250 mg.
Trayodashang guggulu ½ to 1 gm.
Kottamchukadi Tel Q.S. for application on body
8:2 Vat Rakta (Gout)
Kaishore guggulu ½ to 1 gm.
Maharasnadi kwath 5 to 15 ml.
Pinda Tel Q.S. for application on body
8:3 Sandhi Vat (Osteoarthritis)
Simhnad guggulu ½ to 1 gm.
Yograj guggulu ½ to 1 gm.
Panchaguna Tel Q.S. for application on joints
8:4 Sandhigat Vat (Arthralgia)
Vatari guggulu ½ to 1 gm.
Sameergaj keshari Ras 125 to 250 mg.
Maha vishgarbh Tel Q.S. for topical use

9:1 Alpa Mutrajanana (Oliguria/Anuria)

Punarnavastaka kwath 20 to 40 ml.
Panavirladi bhasma 5 to 20 gm.
Punarnavasava 15 to 30 ml.
9:2 Ashmari (Urolithiasis)
Pasan Bhedadi Kwath 20 to 40 ml.
Hajaral yahood bhasma 250 to 500 mg.
Kulathadi ghrita 10 to 20 ml.
9:3 Mutrastheela (prostatic hypertrophy)
Varunadi guggulu ½ to 1 gm.
Shilajtwadi Vati ½ to 1 gm.
Punarnavadi Guggulu ½ to 1 gm.
9:4 Mutravishmayata (Uraemia)
Sarbato Bhadra Ras 50 to 250 mg.
Veeratarvadi kwath 20 to 40 ml.
Trina panchmula kwath 20 to 40 ml.
Kanmad bhasma 500 mg. to 1.5 gm.
Vastyamayantaka ghrita 5 to 15 gm.
9:5 Mutra krichra (Dysurea)
Svarna Bang 125 to 250 mg.
Chandrakala Ras 250 to 500 mg.
Traikantakadi kwath 20 to 40 ml.

10:1 Kushtha (Dermatoses)

Ras Manikya 125 to 150 mg.
Gandhaka Rasayana 250 mg. to 500 mg.
Eladi Tel Q.S. for topical use
Kustha Rakshasa Tel Q.S. for topical use
10:2 Twak-Karshnya (Hyperpigmentation)
Kumkumadi Tel Q.S. for topical use
Dashanga Lepa Q.S. for topical use
10:3 Kandu (Pruritus)
Haridra Khand 5 to 15 gm.
Bilwadi gutika 1 to 2 pills for topical use
Nalpamaradi Tel Q.S. for topical use
Maha Marichyadi Tel Q.S. for topical use
10:4 Twak Vaivarnya (Skin Discolouration)
Chalmongra Tel Q.S. for topical use
Sidhmahara Lepa Q.S. for topical use
Markava Rasayanan 10 to 20 gm.
10:5 Keshya (Hair Tonic for Poor Hair Growth)
Bhringaraja Tel Q.S. for head & hair
10:6 Khalitya (Premature Hair fall)
Dhasturpatra Ker Tel Q.S. for head & hair
Durvadi Ker Tel Q.S. for head & hair
Kayyonyadi Ker Tal Q.S. for head & hair
10:7 Palitya (Premature greying of hair)
Neeli Bhringyadi Ker Tel Q.S. for head & hair
Kuntal Kanti Tel Q.S. for head & hair
10:8 Svitra (Vitiligo)
Kakodumbarikadi Kwath 10 to 40 ml.
Markava Rasayana 5 to 15 gm.
Avalgujadi Lepa Q.S. for topical use
Gomutrarishta 10 to 20 ml.
11:1 Asrigdara Menorrhagia-Metrorrhagia)
Pradarantak Ras 250 to 500 mg.
Patrangasav 10 to 30 ml.
Lodhrasava 10 to 30 ml.
Ashokarishta 10 to 30 ml.
11:2 Svet Pradara (Leucorrhoea)
202. Kukkutand Twak Bhasma 1 to 3 gm.
203. Pusyanug Churna 5 to 10 gm.
204. Supari Pak 5 to 15 gm.
205. Satavari gud 5 to 15 gm.
206. Panchavalkala kwath 10 to 30 for douche
11:3 Rajah Krichra (Dysmenorrhoea)
207. Rajah Pravartini Vati 250 to 500 mg.
208. Kumarika Vati 250 to 500 mg.
209. Kumaryasava 10 to 30 ml.
11:4 Yoni Vyapat (Vaginal Disorders)
210. Subhakari Vati ½ to 1 gm.
211. Somanath Ras 125 to 250 mg.
212. Soubhagya Vardhana Tel 5 to 10 drops for Tampon
11:5 Rajah Purva Tanav (Premenstrual Tension)
213. Yavakshara Yog 500 mg. To 1.5 gm.
214. Saptasaram Kasayam 10 to 20 ml.
11:6 Garbhapat (Habitual Abortion)
215. Garbhapal Ras 250 to 500 mg.
216. Garbh Raksini Gutika 2 to 4 tab.
11:7 Raktla Yoni (Dynfunctional Uterire Bleeding D.U.B.)
217. Kaharuva Pisti 250 to 500 mg.
218. Ashok Ghrita 5 to 15 gm.
219. Lakshmana Louha 500 mg. To 1 gm.
11:8 Stanya alpata (Hypo lactation)
220. Stanya janana kashaya 10 to 20 ml.
221. Shatavaryadi Churna 5 to 10 gm.
11:9 Sutika Roga (Postpartal Disorders)
222. Soubhagya Sunthi 5 TO 10 gm.
223. Dashmularishta 15 TO 30 ml.
11:10 Bandhyatva (Primary Sterlity)
224. Phala Kalyan Ghrita 5 to 15 gm.
225. Palash puspasava 15 to 30 ml.
226. Lakshmanarishta 15to 30 ml.
11:11 Stri Beej Pranali Dushti (Hypo-ovarianism/Poor ovarian
227. Puspa Dhanva Ras 250 to 500 mg.
11:12 Beej Kosh Puti (Ovarian Cyst)
228. Siggru Gugglu ½ to 1 gm.
229. Sobhanjanarishta 10 to 30 ml.
230. Punarnava Mandur 250 to 500 mg.
231. Manmath Rasa 125 to 250 mg.
232. Akarkarbhadi Gutika 1 to 2 tab
233. Asvagandhadi Leha 5 to 15 gm.
234. Sukrastambhana Rasayana 5 to 15 gm.
235. Srigopal Tel For topical use
236. Kamini Vidravana Ras 250 to 500 mg.
237. Brahm Rasayana 5 to 15 gm.
238. Chyavan Prasha Avaleha 5 to 15 gm.
239. Brinhani Gutika 1 to 2 tab.
240. Jatyadi Tel For topical use
241. Marma Gutika 250 to 500 mg.
242. Triphala Guggulu 250 to 500 mg.
243. Lakshadi Guggulu 250 to 500 mg.
244. Yashad Malhar Q.S. For topical use
245. Manjishtadi Tel Q.S. For topical use

15:1 Netra Roga (Opthalmic Disorders)

246. Saptamrit Louha 2 to 4 tab.
247. Maha triphala Ghrita 5 to 15 gm.
248. Chandrodaya Varti Q.S. For topical use
249. Elaneer kuzhampu 2 to 5 drops topical use
250. Shatpatryark (Gulab Arka) 2 to 5 drops topical use
15:2 Nasa Roga (Nasal Diseases)
251. Anu tel 2 to 5 drops as nassal drop
252. Nasika Churna ½ to 1 gm. topical use
253. Chitrak haritaki 5 to 15 gm.
254. Katphal Churna ½ to 1 gm. topical use
15:4 Galganda (Goitre)
257. Kanchanara Guggulu 500 mg. To 1 gm.
15:5 Mukh Rog (Oral Disorders)
258. Pitaka Churna Q.S. for gargle
259. Sudh Soubhagya Q.S. for paint
260. Irimedadi Tel Q.S. for paint
261. Brihatyadi Kwath Q.S. for gargle
15:6 Dant Roga (Dental Problems)
262. Dasana Samskar Churna Q.S. for local rubbing in
tooth & gum

16:1 Purush Prajanan Akshamta (Male sterility)

263. Jund Vadastar Vati 2 to 3 pill
264. Puspadhanva Ras 125 to 250 mg.
16:2 Stri Prajanan Akshamta (Female sterility)
265. Jiyapota Churna 5 to 15 gm.
266. Sivalingi Beej 3 seed daily for 28 days
16:3 Parivar Niyojana (Contraception)
267. Pipplyadi Yog 2 to 4 gm.
268. Neem Tel 2 to 5 ml.
(17) DAURBALYA (General weakness/Asthenia/Loss of strength)
269. Drakshasava 5 to 30 ml.
270. Sudh Shilajit 250 to 500 mg.
271. Phalasava 10 to 30 ml.
272. Tapyadi Louha 250 to 500 mg.

18:1 Madhumeha (Diabetes mellitus)

273. Trivanga Bhasma 125 to 250 mg.
274. Vasant Kusumakar Ras 125 to 250 mg.
275. Nisha Katakadi Kwath 10 to 30 ml.
276. Nyagrodhadi Churna 5 to 15 gm.
277. Jambavadyarishta 10 to 30 ml.
278. Ayaskriti 10 to 30 ml.
18:2 Visama Meda (Dyslipidaemia)
279. Medohara Churna 5 to 15 gm.
280. Medohar Vidangadi Louha 1 to 2 gm.
18:3 Sthaulya (Obesity)
281. Navak Guggulu 2 to 4 tab.
282. Triphala Churna 5 to 15 gm.
18:4 Shotha (Oedema/inflammation)
283. Rasna-erandadi Kwath 10 to 20 ml.
284. Shigru Varun Kwath 10 to 20 ml.
285. Gomutrarka 5 to 10 ml.
286. Kansa Haritaki 5 to 10 gm.
287. Shoth Kalanal Ras 125 to 250 mg.
288. Grihdhoomadi Lepa For topical use as poste
289. Kokilakshak kashaya 10 to 20 ml.
18:5 Sleepada (Filariasis)
290. Nityanand Ras 250 to 500 mg.
291. Shakhotak Kwath 20 To 40 ml.
292. Sapta parna ghan Vati 500 mg. to 1gm.
18:6 Krimi-upsarg (Infective/Septic
293. Rasanjana Vati ½ to 1 gm.
294. Shudh Gandhak 250 to 500 mg.
295. Nimbadi Tel For topical use
296. Nimbadi Vati 500 mg. to 1 gm.
297. Jaya Vati 250 to 500 mg.
Jatyadi Tail, Shigru Guggal, Swarnvang, Haridra, Gandhak Rasayana.
298. Dantodbheda gadantaka 125 to 250 mg.
299. Balark Ras 62.5 to 125 mg.
300. Kumar Kalyan Ras 62.5 to 125 mg.
301. Bal Chaturbhadra Churna 250 mg. 1 gm.
302. Ras Pipari 250 mg. 500 gm.
303. Gopi Chandanadi Gutika 250 to 500 mg.
304. Tambula Leha 2 to 5 gm.
305. Sankhpuspi Tel For head
306. Arvindasava 5 to 15 ml.
307. Kamal beej gatta churna 1 to 3 gm.
308. Sudha vacha 125 to 250 mg.
309. Jatiphal Churna ¼ to ½ gm.
310. Lakshadi Tel For massage
311. Blal Rasayana 1 to 3 gm.
312. Ayush Ghutti ½ to 1 gm.
313. Ark Pudina 3 to 5 ml.
314. Praval Pishti 125 to 250 mg.
Sr. No. Common English Uses
Name Name
315. Svarn Makshik Copper Anaemia, urticaria, hyperacidity,
Bhasm pyrites tonic
316. Saphatika Alum Haemorrhage, cough, fever,
Suddh antiseptic
317. Tankan Bhasm Borax Cough, tonsillitis, fever
318. Shankh Bhasm Conche Gastrointestinal disorders
319. Kapardika Covries Earache, wound healing,
Bhasm intestinal colic
320. Mandoor Pig iron Anaemia, jaundice, oedema
Bhasm bhasma
321. Lauh Bhasma Iron Anaemia, general debitity,
(30 puti) bhasma pregrancey
322. Mayur puchha Pea Hic cough, irritating couth,
bhasm cock vomiting
323. Godanti Gypsum Cough, cold, fever bodyoche
bhasma bhasma
324. Sringa bhasma Stag Fever, sinusitis, bronchitis,
horn preumonia
325. Abhrak Mica Hyperacidity, anaemia,
bhasma (Biotite) respiratory disorder
Sr. No. Name of the Drugs Uses
Karpoor Ras For acute diarrhoea
Vedanantak Ras For severe pain of musculo-skeletal
or visceral origin
Siddha-makardhwaj For peripheral criculatory failure.
Jwaharmohra For palpitation, syncope, cardiac
Mutka pisti For acute tachycardia, palpitation,
cardiac problems
Mavavatraj ras For neurogenic shock, angina
Sameergajkesari Neurological shock, angina,
ras neuro-muscular pains
Shvaskaschinlamani For severe dyspnoea of pulmonary
ras origin
Suvarn sameer For acute dyspnoea, arthralgia
pannag ras
Mritsanjivani sura For high grade fever, with delirium,
Dhanwantar gutika For acute respiratory distress
Manasmitra vatak For mental disorders, insomnia
Marma gutika For pain and inflammation in vital
Gorochanadi vati For cardio respiratory problems,
Murivenna oil Local application for traumatic pain
and inflammation etc.

Drug mentioned under one disease condition can be used for other clinical
condition as per the advise of the physician.


Sr. Common Botanical Uses

No. Name Name/ English
Brahmi Bacopa Memory & sleep disorders, epilepsy
Arjun Terminalia Hypertension, Ischaemic Heart
arjuna Disease
Ashavgandha Withania Nervine tonic, aphrodisiac, antistress,
somnifera rasayanas
Sarpgandha Rauwolfia Hypertension, insomnia
Haritaki Terminalia Abdominal upsets, constipation,
(harad) chebula oedema, obesity
Haridra Curcuma longa Bronchial asthma, allergic conditions,
(Haldi) skin diseases, urinary diseases,
common cold, trauma
Amalaki Emblica Anaemia, jaundice, haemorrhage,
(Amla) officinalis acidity, burning sensation, immuno
modulator, rasayana
Shunthi Zingiber Gastrointestinal disorder, Bronchial
(Sonth) officinale asthma
Vacha (Sudh) Acorus calamus Obesity, hypertension, speech
disorders, peadiatric problems
Amrita Tinospora Fever, jaundice, gout, acidity,
(Giloye) cordifolia immuno modulator-rasayana
Shatavari Asparagus Aphrodisiac, dysuria, galactogogue,
racemosus leucorrohea, peptie ulcer
Ashok Saraca asoca Meno-metrorrhagia, neuro logical
Pippalimool Piper longum Malaria, insomnia, worms, piles
Nimba Azadirachta Urticaria, skin diseases, gastritis,
(Neem) indica bleeding piles, wounds, fumigative,
Kampillak Mallotus Intestinal worms
(Kamila) philippinensis
Punarnava Boerhavia Urinary-renal disorders, oedema,
diffusa eyediseases
Varun Crataeva Erysipelas, lymphadenopathy, urinary
nurvala disorders, B.P.H.
Gokshur Tribulus Calculus, dysuria, intrinsic
(Gokkru) terrestris haemorrhage, aphrodisiac
Shigru Moringa Abcess, septic conditions, wound
(Sehanjana) oleifera healing, piles, inflammation, neuritis,
joint diseases
Mulethi Glycyrrhiza Cough hyperacidity, haemorrhage,
glabra wound healing peptic-ulcer tonic
Ajwain Trachyspermum Colic, flatulene, emesis, carminative
Hingu Ferula foetida Carminative, dyspepsia, abdominal
(Heeng) colic, tooth ache
Daruharidra Berberis Liver disorders, eye disease,
(Rasaunt) aristata dysentary
Soya Anethum sowa Appetiser, carminative
Kamal Nelumbo Children diarrhoea, D.U.B., all kinds
beej/Kamal nucifera of bleeding
Jaiphal Myristica Poediatric problems, diarrhea,
fragrans abdominal pain


Simple Ayurvedic Remedies For Common Ailments

1. COUGH (Dried frequent cough, pain in the chest, headache, hoarseness

of voice etc.)


1. SITOPLADI CHURNA 3 Grams three times a
day with honey.
2-3 grams 2-3 times a
TALISADI CHURNA day with honey.

Or 250 mg. 3 times a day

with honey.
1 tab. 4-6 times a day.
For chewing, any one of the following.
(For sucking)




2. DIARRHOEA (Loose/watery motions)


1. GANGADHAR CHURNA 2-3 grams with water
twice a day in the
OR morning and evening.

RAMBAN RAS 125-250 mg. TDS

3. COMMON COLD WITH FEVER (Low temp., feeling of warmth, pain in

the body and loss of prespiration)


1. SANJIVANI VATI 125 mg. With 5-10 ml. Ginger
juice 2-3 times a day.

4. HYPER ACIDITY (Sour belching, burning sensation in the throat and

chest, nausea etc.


1. AVIPATTIKAR CHURNA 3-5 gms with water 2 times a
250 mg.-500 mg. With 1
SUTSEKHAR RAS teaspoon of honey twice a
500 mg. –1gm. With honey
DHATRILAUH twice a day.

5.INDIGESTION (Heaviness, gas formation, constipation or loose motion)


1. LASUNADI VATI 2 tabs. Of 250 mg. Each may
be taken with water or be
OR chewed 3-4 times a day.

HINGWASTAK CHURNA 2-3 gms in between meals

with 1 teaspoon of pure ghee.

6. CONSTIPATION (Retention of feces and gas, discomfort in the



1. TRIPHALA CHURNA 10 gms. With lukewarm water
at bedtime.
1-2 teaspoons with warm milk
HUSK OF ISABGOL at bedtime.

OR 3-5 gms. With luke warm

water at bed time.

7. EAR ACHE (Pain in ear)


1. NIRGUNDI TAIL Instil 2 drops in the ear 3-4
times a day.
Instil 2 drops in the ear 3-4
BILWADI TAI times a day.

8. VOMITING (Forceful expulsion through mouth of gastric contents.


1. MAYURPICHA BHASM 125 mg. – 250 mg. To be
taken with water.

Equal parts of dried ginger

(sonth), black pepper (kalimirch), 5-10 ML. 3-4 times a day
long pepper (pipli), rock salt all in before eating.
500 mg. In the form of powder
mixed with honey3 times a day.



9. HEADACHE (Pain in head)


1. GODANTI BHASMA – 250 mg. 2-3 times a day with tea
or warm water
1-2 tabs. Of 250 mg.
PRAVAL PISHTI - 125 mg. Each 2-3 times a day with
125 mg. 2-3 times a day
Instil 1-2 drops in each
ANU TEL nostril 3-4 times a day.

10. JOINT PAINS (Low back ache, pain in neck, joint pains)


1. TRYODASHANG GUGULLU 500 mg. To 1 gm. Twice
a day with luke warm
OR water.

YOG RAJ GUGULLU 500 mg. – 1gm. Twice a

day with luke warm water.

For external use any one of the

following medicated oil to be applied
gently on the affected part





11. ANOREXIA (Lack of appetite and nausea, distaste of mouth)


1. LAVAN BHASKAR CHURNA 3-5 gms. With luke warm
water three times a day.
3-5 gms. With water three

OR 2-3 tabs. 250 mg. Of

each three times a day.

12. COMMON COLD (Sneezing, irritation in the chest and throat,



1. TRIBHUVANKIRTI RAS 1-2 tabs. Of 125 mg.
Each withhoney2-3 times
OR a day.


OR 10-20 gms. Of medicine

should be boiled in a
GOJIHWADI KWATH glass of water reduced
upto ¼ filtered and to be
taken 2-3 times a day.



1. TRIPHALA GUGGULU 500 mg. Twice a day with
warm water.
5-10 ml to be applied on
JATYADI TAIL the effected part.

14. ANAEMIA (General weakness, tiredness, lack of appetite, shortness of

birth, pale of the colour of the face.)


1. PUNARNAVADI MANDUR 500 mg. – 1gm with water
2-3 times a day.
15 ml. –30 ml with equal
KUMARYASAV quantity of water twice a
day after meals.
15 ml.-30 ml. With equal
LOHASAVA quantity of water twice a
day after meals.

15. JAUNDICE (Yellow colouring of eyes and nails, mild fever, lack of
appetite, clay colour stools and yellow colour of urine)


1. AROGYA VARDHINI VATI 250 mg-500 mg with
honey twice a day.
½ gms. Twice a day with

OR 500 mg. – 1gm twice a

day with honey.



1. LAVANGA TAIL 2-3 drops to be applied
with sterilized cotton on
& the root of affected tooth.

HEENG (ASFEOTIDA) Pinch of heeng in the



Statewise Licensed Ayurveda Pharmacies As on 1-4-1999.

1 Andhra Pradesh 556 4
2 Arunachal Pradesh - -
3 Assam 39 -
4 Bihar 228 -
5 Delhi 78 1
6 Goa 5 1
7 Gujarat# 892 125
8 Haryana 210 -
9 Himachal Pradesh 54 -
10 Jammu & Kashmir 10 -
11 Karnataka 241 20
12 Kerala 962 9
13 Madhya Pradesh 225 11
14 Maharashtra 757* 243*
15 Manipur - -
16 Meghalaya - -
17 Mizoram - -
18 Nagaland - -
19 Orissa 160 -
20 Punjab 149 2
21 Rajasthan 388 -
22 Sikkim - -
23 Tamil Nadu 218 17
24 Tripura 1 -
25 Uttar Pradesh 2575 2
26 West Bengal 620 21
27 A & N Island - -
28 Chandigarh 2 -
29 D & N Haveli 10 -
30 Daman & Diu 1 1
31 Lakshadweep - -
32 Pondicherry 24 1
TOTAL 8405 458
Information for the current
year has been received only
from the States of
Goa, Gujarat, Mizoram &
@ = Includes 2 combined
Pharmacies for Ayurveda &
$=The total does not tally as
818 Ayurveda & Unani
Pharmacies have been

Last Updated on 8/3/00

By ismh1


Classical Texts of Ayurveda in Schedule- I, of Drugs & Cosmetics


1. Arogya Kalpadruma
2. Arka Prakashan
3. Arya Bhishak
4. Ashtanga Hridaya
5. Ashtanga Samgraha
6. Ayurveda Kalpadruma
7. Ayurveda Prakasha
8. Ayurveda Samgraha
9. Bhaishajya Ratnavali
10. Bharat Bhaishajya Ratnakara
11. Bhava Prakasha
12. Brihat Nighantu Ratnakara
13. Charka Samhita
14. Chakra Datta
15. Gada Nigraha
16. Kupi Pakva Rasayana
17. Nighantu Ratnakara
18. Rasa Chandanshu
19. Rasa Raja Sundara
20. Rasaratna Samuchaya
21. Rasatantra Sara Va Siddha Prayoga Sangraha Part-1
22. Rasa Trangini
23. Rasa Yoga Ratnakara
24. Rasa Yoga Samgraha
25. Rasa Pradipika
26. Rasendra Sara Samgraha
27. Rasa Pradipika
28. Sahasrayoga
29. Savaroga Chikitsa Ratnam
30. Sarvayoga Chikitsa Ratanam
31. Sharangadhara Samhita
32. Siddha Bhaishajaya Manimala
33. Siddha Yoga Samgraha
34. Sushruta Samhita
Vaidya Chintamani
36. Vaidyaka Shabda Sindu
37. Vaidyaka Chikitsa Sara
38. Vaidya Jiwan
39. Basava Rajeeyam
40. Yoga Ratnakara
41. Yoga Tarangini
42. Yoga Chintamani
43. Kashyapa Samhita
44. Bhela Samhita
45. Vishwanatha Chikitsa
46. Vrinda Chikitsa
47. Ayurveda Chintamani
48. Abhinava Chintamani
49. Ayurveda Ratnakar
50. Yogaratna Sangraha
51. Rasamrita
52. Dravyaguna Nighantu
53. Rasamanjari
54. Bangasena Samhita
55. Ayurvedic Formulary of India (Part-1)
56. Ayurveda Sara Samgraha


Indian Medicines Pharmaceutical Corporation Ltd.

Government of India Undertaking

Mohan, Distt. Almora (VI A, Ramnagar – 244 715) U.P.

About Company: The Company, (manufacturing Ayurvedic and Unani

Medicines having obtained drug licence from Licensing Authority is a
Government of India Undertaking (Under the Administrative Control of
Deptt. of ISM&H, New Delhi, registered as a small scale industry with
district industries centre, almora and Incorporated (on 12.07.78) by the
registrar of companies, Kanpur (U.P.) (Regd. Office initially was at Ranikhet
thereafter shifted to mohan). The company acquired at mohan (on 24.2.82)
38 acres area of land (on lease for 90 years) and already constructed 16
big factory sheds with two buildings (one big and one small) (on purchase
basis) from U.P.S.I.D.C. and with effect from 1983 the regd. Office and
factory started at Mohan. (The proto – trial made in Feb. ’83). The
commercial production started in June, 83. Total strength at present 129
employees. Power load sanctioned 150 horsepower. The company is having
its own diesel Gen.Set of 62.5 KVA. The production process both manual
as well as machanised. (Table, pills making, bottle fillings, cap sealing,
mixing coating – pan, sieving machines, ball mill, end runner, edge runner,
driers, cone mixer etc. are being used under machanised process). Various
bhatties (for boiling karah etc.), Bhasam Putta (for bhasmas), wodden vats
(for various Asavas), distillation plant (for Arak etc.) are being used for
production purposes. Indigenous methods as aforesaid being followed.
Medicines are being produced on the basis of / by following directives
contained in Ayurvedic / Unani Formulary of India and shastras. Certain
patent products also being produced (viz. M.Liv and M. Vasco etc.)

Social Responsibilities: The company had given employment maximum

to local peoples. Around 120 employees out of total strength are from local
area and surrounding hills. The company is purchasing Kanda (Cow dung)
(seasonal) from local villagers thereby also given an indirect employment to
local peoples. The kumaon mandal vikas nigam ltd. is having sole right of
collection of raw drugs and the company is also purchasing (available) raw
drugs locally from K.M.V.N.Ltd. Besides from other income, removal of
inequalities, standard of living raised, improvement in the hills economy &
of national income, Development of ancillaries, upliftment of poor masses
and upliftment of backward area as such to me extent.
General : Mohan, Distt. Almora U.P. a notified backward area of kumaon
hills. 550 meter above sea level. (A valley in a thick forest area on the
bank of Kosi (local name) river, adjacement to correct national park)
(surrounding hills of kumaon are Garhwal / Chamoli Hills). To begin with in
a mall way, a digital system telephone exchange, and a small (Ltd.) branch
of State Bank of India and a temporary small tea shop are made available
at the factory campus. A small Post – Office and a Primary School and few
small shops are there in a nearby Mohan Village, (About 1 ½ K.M. before
factory). The company maintained a very small medicinal Plants Garden.
Ramnagar is the nearest market for day to day requirement.

Revenue to Govt.: The company is contributing by providing revenue to

centre as well as state Ex-chequer by way of Income tax, Trade / Sales tax

Board of Directors: Board of Directors consists of (8) Directors , Chairman

(1), Managing Director (-) part – time official Director (2), part – time
non-official Director (5).

Market: Earlier in view of difficulties faced in procuring standard medicine

by CGHS etc., Govt. of India felt a need of having manufacturing unit
under its own control, therefore the supply of the products of the company
is being made mainly to the Central Govt. hospital & central govt. research
units all over India (i.e. CGHS & CCRAS, CCRUM) and also to related
Deptt. of certain state Govt. (Viz. Haryana, Rajasthan, Uttar Pradesh ,
Madhya Pradesh, Himachal Pradesh Govt. etc.). for the year 1998 – 99
price list of products was vetted by Govt. of India, Ministry of Finance
(Deptt. of Expenditure) cost accounts branch, New Delhi. Sales is also
being made in the open market. In order to promote sales in the open
market to begin with the company had also appointed stockiest. Total
product 307 items (Ayurvedic 197 Unani 110).

Working Capital Loans: The Govt. of India earlier sanctioned a working

Capital loan of Rs. 20 lakhs (Rs. 10 lakhs each in 1983 – 84 & 1984 – 85)
which was repayable in five equal installment of Rs. 2 lakhs each, on
interest @15 ½ % per annum, penal interest @ 0.25% in overdue payment.
The company so far paid Rs. 30lakhs each on 11.3.89, 8.4.92 & 31.3.93 )
to govt. of India which is adjusted against interest and penal interest due
and in part against principal. Principal 9part) (Rs. 15.20 lakhs) and interest
around Rs. 14.00 lakhs upto March ’98 payable by the company.

Share Capital: The Authorized and paid-up share capital is Rs. 100 laks
paid-up share capital 51% owned by the president of India (through Deptt.
viz. Secretary, joint Secretary, Director, Advisor as Ex-officicio) and 49% by
U.P. State govt. Undertaking (i.e. Kumaon Mandal Vikas Nigam Ltd.)
Nainital U.P. (As per decision of Board and shareholders of the company
approval of the President of India sought for increasing Authorized share
capital from Rs. 1 Crore to Rs. 3 Crore.

Distance from Mohan :

To Ramnagar 24 K.M.

To Kashipur 50 K.M.

To Moradabad 110 K.M.

To Delhi 280 K.M.

To Ranikhet 74 K.M.

To Almora 113 K.M.

To Haldwani 80 K.M.

To Nainital 90 K.M. approx.

Profitability: The company is earning profit since the year 1986 – 87. The
net worth of the company reserve and surplus are in positive.
Indian Systems of Medicine & Homoeopathy

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