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Pathophysiology of

Traumatic B rain Injury

Kirsty J. Dixon, PhD

 Traumatic brain injury  TBI  Pathophysiology  Symptoms  Mild TBI
 Concussion  Blast TBI

 Traumatic brain injury (TBI) has become the signature injury of the military conflict in Iraq
and Afghanistan and also has a high rate of occurrence in civilian populations in the United
 Although the effects of a moderate to severe brain injury have been investigated for de-
cades, the chronic effects of single and repetitive mild TBI are just becoming investigated.
 Data suggest that the different types and severities of TBI have unique long-term out-
comes and thus may represent different types of diseases.
 Therefore, this review outlines the causes, incidence, symptoms, and pathophysiology of
mild, moderate, and severe TBI.



Traumatic brain injury (TBI) may have many different causes, including a blow to the
head, penetration of the skull, fast acceleration or deceleration of the head, or expo-
sure to a blast. In the United States, there are more than 5.3 million people living with
a disability as a result of a TBI, and each year an additional 1.7 million Americans
sustain a TBI.1,2 These injuries have both short- and long-term effects on health,
ranging from symptoms that have a minimal interference on lifestyle, through to phys-
ical, emotional, and psychosocial changes that may interfere with daily activities. As
well as the burden to the individual, brain injuries also have an annual economic
burden of more than US$60 billion, due to both direct and indirect costs, such as
loss of productivity.2 The reasons for the injuries depend on the age of the individual;
for example, more than one-third of brain injuries in the United States are due to
people falling, which is the leading cause of TBI among the elderly, whereas
transportation-related brain injuries are the leading cause for individuals aged 15 to
24 years.2

Disclosures: There are no commercial or financial conflicts of interest to disclose.

Department of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation, Virginia Commonwealth University, 1223
East Marshall Street, Richmond, VA 23298, USA
E-mail address:

Phys Med Rehabil Clin N Am - (2017) -–-
1047-9651/17/ª 2017 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
2 Dixon

In recent years, the media have had a strong focus on the long-term outcomes
of mild TBI (mTBI) or concussions, such as that which may occur to American foot-
ball players and military personnel. Pathophysiologic investigations on the brains of
these individuals have revealed Alzheimer-like symptoms, termed chronic traumatic
encephalopathy (CTE).3,4 Although this disease has been known to occur in boxers
since the 1960s (with numerous names, including dementia pugilistica and punch-
drunk syndrome), the recent media attention has highlighted the high prevalence of
this disease in other athletic arenas. This attention was followed by the Obama
Administration releasing an Executive Order in 2012 to direct the Departments
of Defense, Veterans Affairs, Health and Human Services, and Education to
develop a National Research Action Plan (NRAP) on TBI, posttraumatic stress dis-
order (PTSD), and other common comorbidities. The NRAP was released in August
2013 and aims to (1) accelerate the understanding of the causes and mechanisms
of TBI, PTSD, and other common comorbidities; (2) develop clinical innovations to
detect disorders early and accurately; and (3) develop proven means to prevent
and treat the devastating conditions caused by the injuries. To this end, under-
standing the acute and chronic pathophysiology of TBI is critical to determining
the risk factors for individuals to develop symptoms as well as develop therapeutic
innovations and interventions.
Given that current clinical imaging techniques do not detect minor changes in the
human brain following injury, much of the knowledge on the cellular sequelae in the
injured brain is based on rodent studies. To confirm these findings in the injured human
brain, on arrival at the emergency department, an individual can be assessed for phys-
ical and cognitive functions, have a computed tomographic (CT)/MRI scan performed,
have their intracranial pressure and cerebral blood flow measured, and possibly have
bio-specimens collected for analysis of protein and messenger RNA expression. Sub-
sequently, on autopsy, brain samples can be collected and analyzed.


Causes, Diagnosis, and Symptoms
A mild brain injury is often caused by a blunt head trauma, and/or acceleration or
deceleration forces to the head, and refers to the initial impact of the injury. The diag-
nosis of an mTBI is the subject of constant debate because no single test is available
to definitively confirm the diagnosis. Currently, a combination of tools is used,
including history of the injury, patient symptoms, and CT scans. Although most pa-
tients with an mTBI recover within weeks to months of the injury without specific inter-
vention, 30% to 53% of affected individuals may still have disabling symptoms at least
1 year after the injury,5,6 and this is often referred to as postconcussive syndrome.
Because by definition mTBI is nonfatal and does not alter life expectancy (0.1% mor-
tality7), prolonged symptoms can lead to life-long disabilities. Thus, the term mild brain
injury can be misleading, because it does not refer to the severity or time course of
injury symptoms.
In the acute period following an mTBI, an individual may experience a brief loss of
consciousness (or altered consciousness), transient confusion, disorientation, loss of
memory at the time of the injury (amnesia), and other neurologic and neuropsycholog-
ical dysfunctions, including seizures, headaches, dizziness, irritability, fatigue, and
poor concentration. More specifically, diagnosis is based on the Glasgow Coma Scale
(GCS) that ranks functional ability from 1 (worst outcome) to 15 (best outcome), with a
mild injury defined between 13 and 15.8,9 Subsequently, these symptoms may evolve
into persistent low-grade headaches, pain, poor attention and concentration, fatigue,
Pathophysiology of Traumatic Brain Injury 3

anxiety, and depression, all or some of which may continue for months to years
following the injury.10–13

After a violent hit to the head, the soft brain inside hits the intracranial surface of the
skull, which may damage the area of the brain that comes in contact with the skull.
This damage may occur in both the forward and the reverse locations as the brain
“bounces” within the skull. In American football, which has a high incidence of mild re-
petitive TBIs, most of these impacts are on the side of the helmet, or from ground con-
tact to the back of the head,14 whereas the location of impact from concussions not
related to football are difficult to document.
In addition to the brain hitting against the cranium, any rotational movement to the
brain following the impact may stretch, and sometimes tear, axons within white matter
tracts of the brain, which is known as “diffuse axonal injury.”15–18 Although traditional
CT scans are unable to detect these injuries, modern imaging techniques such as
altered fractional anisotropy using diffusion tensor imaging and MRI show promise
to detect these changes.18–21 Using rodent models, there is recent evidence to sug-
gest this type of injury may impair neuronal function,22 although the causes of this
dysfunction are currently unclear. Some research suggests diffuse axonal injury
may induce neuronal degeneration as evidenced by increased Fluoro-Jade staining,23
whereas other research suggests it may only induce neuronal atrophy due to axotomy
of the axon initial segment.22,24 For the latter, 2 types of axonal abnormality have been
observed. The first is progressive swellings along the axon termed “bulbs” that even-
tually lead to axonal disconnection and loss of function.17,25 The second is a produc-
tion of axonal varicosities and is thought to be due to microtubule breakage, thus
slowing axonal transport to cause the varicosities.17,26 It has been proposed these ab-
normalities may lead to delayed secondary disconnection and/or prolonged neuronal
In addition to these neuronal morphologic and functional alterations, a mild injury
may also induce other pathophysiologic responses. Following mild injury, there is
frequently a sustained proinflammatory cytokine upregulation, a reduction in oligoden-
drocyte cell numbers, and glial reactivity.27–29 Furthermore, a mild injury may also
disrupt the function of the cerebral vasculature. In a healthy brain, cerebral blood
flow is tightly controlled to provide an adequate supply of oxygen and nutrients
through a dense network of arteries and capillaries.30–32 Following a traumatic injury,
there is an initial reduction in cerebral blood flow (within hours of the injury), which can
remain low for days, depending on injury severity.33–36 This reduced blood flow could
be attributed to increased nitric oxide expression after injury, causing vasodilation
instead of a pressure-induced increase in vasoconstriction.37 These changes are
also associated with a reduction in blood vessel density in the perilesional region dur-
ing the first few days after injury.38,39 Over the next few days to weeks, there is usually
a return of normal cerebral blood flow, which coincides with an increase in blood
vessel density in the affected region.36,38,39 Similar to the uninjured brain, the constant
supply of blood then needs to be maintained, and this occurs by cerebral vessels un-
dergoing vasodilation in response to dilatory stimuli, termed cerebrovascular reac-
tivity. Unfortunately, following a brain injury, the cerebral blood vessels may be less
able to respond to dilatory stimuli,40–44 and this can lead to a poor prognosis, including
a terminal event.45
In addition to the immediate effects of axonal injury and cerebral vascular dysregu-
lation, in recent years there has been much attention paid to the discovery of CTE in
athletes and some Veterans, whom have undergone repetitive mild brain injuries
4 Dixon

throughout their careers.3,4,46 This disease is a form of tauopathy and is characterized

by unusually high levels of tau deposition occurring as neurofibrillary tangles.3,4,47 CTE
has been classified into 4 clinical stages ranging from perivascular tangles in the initial
stages of the disease, through to widespread tau deposition decades later.48 Because
only individuals with repetitive mild injuries appear to develop CTE, it is thought that
this type of injury does not simply represent a milder form of moderate to severe
TBI, but rather it represents a separate type of injury that can manifest to a different
disease endpoint. However, unlike other neurodegenerative diseases such as
Alzheimer, the development of CTE symptoms often occurs earlier in life and leads
to an altered neuropathology.46 Unfortunately, at this moment, definitive diagnosis
of the disease can only be performed on postmortem analysis, although current tech-
nological advances with PET imaging may soon be used to detect tau accumulation in
living individuals.49 At present, the risk factors for developing CTE are under


Causes, Diagnosis, and Symptoms
According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, the most common
causes of a moderate or severe TBI are falls (40.5%), motor vehicle accidents
(14.3%), assaults (10.7%), or being struck by or against (15.5%).2 Moderate TBIs
are diagnosed by a possible loss of consciousness lasting up to a few hours, confu-
sion lasting from days to weeks, and physical, cognitive, and/or behavioral impair-
ments lasting for months, or are sustained permanently, with a GCS score between
9 and 12.9 In comparison, a severe brain injury is determined by a prolonged uncon-
scious or vegetative state that can last for days to months, with a GSC score of less
than 9.9 Following a severe injury, patients may experience physical limitations
(eg, headaches, nausea/vomiting, pupil dilation, slurred speech, aphasia, sensory def-
icits), along with cognitive (eg, memory, attention, concentration) and emotional
(eg, motivation, irritability, aggression) dysfunctions. Although a patient with a moder-
ate brain injury has the potential to make a good recovery through treatment, and/or
learning to modify their behavior to compensate for any acquired deficits, a patient
with a severe injury has the possibility of remaining permanently unresponsive.2 There-
fore, a risk factor for subsequent symptoms is injury severity, but also includes the
location of the brain injury as well as the individual’s age and gender.

Similar to a mild injury, a moderate or severe brain injury may cause the brain to hit
against the intracranial portion of the skull, with or without penetration (from either
skull fragments or foreign objects). As indicated above, the location and severity of
the impact, as well as the depth and amount of brain penetration, likely have a signif-
icant impact on the patient’s outcome. Any penetration of the brain’s fragile structure
can mechanically tear apart neurons and shear their axons to disrupt neuronal circuitry
as well as damage the vasculature, allowing movement of blood and leukocytes into
the normally immune privileged brain.50–53 These effects have an immediate impact on
the brain by inducing necrotic cell loss as well as inducing apoptosis of the surround-
ing cells.50,54,55 Within minutes of these changes, a local inflammatory response oc-
curs whereby astrocytes and microglia secrete proinflammatory cytokines, such as
tumor necrosis factor, interleukin-6, and interleukin-1b, into the perilesional re-
gion.56–60 These proinflammatory cytokines mobilize immune and glial cells to the
injury site, causing edema and further inflammation.59,61 This phase is associated
Pathophysiology of Traumatic Brain Injury 5

with gliosis, demyelination, and continued apoptosis. Simultaneously, the cerebral

vasculature is also undergoing further changes. Although there is some discrepancy
within the literature, hypoperfusion may occur acutely after injury, likely caused by
reduced blood pressure, impaired vasodilation (vascular reactivity), and elevated
intracranial pressure.62–65 Over the next few days, this may be followed by hyperemia,
after which hypoperfusion may return and be accompanied by vasospasms.33,66,67 At
the same time, there may also be a reduction in the cerebral metabolic rate for oxy-
gen,33,66 suggesting impairments in energy metabolism; however, there are discrep-
ancies in the literature on this matter, and it is unclear how much this may play a
role in each patient’s injury pathophysiology.


Causes, Diagnosis, and Symptoms
A blast TBI (bTBI) is a unique subtype of traumatic injury that occurs due to direct
or indirect exposure to an explosion, primarily in combat situations. A “blast wave”
generated from an explosion consists of a front of high pressure that quickly
compresses the surrounding air, giving rise to negative pressure, but which rapidly ex-
pands and displaces an equal volume of air. This displacement of air then generates a
“blast wind.”68 The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention have identified 4 types
of injuries caused by exposure to a blast based on how the injury occurred. These in-
juries include injuries from the initial blast pressure wave (primary blast), penetrating or
blunt injuries from flying debris and fragments, and injuries from individuals being
thrown by the blast wind.69 Although blast injuries are typically polytraumatic, here
the focus is entirely on the effects of the pressure wave, because other aspects of
the injury, such as penetration of the brain from flying debris, are covered in other sec-
tions of this review.
In recent years, retrospective studies have identified that approximately half of
combat-related injuries sustained during the conflicts in Iraq and Afghanistan are
due to explosions, of which up to 15% of the affected service members experienced
a primary blast injury, although most are likely polytraumatic in nature.69,70 The Cen-
ters for Disease Control and Prevention have identified that the severity of symptoms
depends on factors such as the type of explosive used, the surrounding environment,
the distance between the individual and the blast, and the presence of any protective
or hazardous items between the individual and the blast. A retrospective study on ser-
vice members shows an increased severity of the blast injury is associated with an in-
crease in disability upon discharge.71 In support of this, rodent data have revealed a
dose-response relationship between blast intensity and behavioral deficits.72 Diag-
nosis of whether the blast injury has caused a mild, moderate, or severe brain injury
may include evaluation of the length of unconsciousness and GCS outcome, along
with identifying any loss of memory at the time of the event, as well as any alteration
in mental state. Similar to a nonblast civilian mTBI, a blast injury may commonly cause
a concussion, with the individual experiencing physical, emotional, and/or cognitive
difficulties. However, individuals with a blast-related concussion are likely to also
experience other comorbid conditions, such as depression or PTSD.73

The blast wave caused by an explosion may interact with the brain in several ways. First,
as the kinetic energy passes through the skull, it may directly induce acceleration or rota-
tion of the brain, causing diffuse axonal injury and subsequent secondary injury mecha-
nisms. Although these types of injuries may at first appear similar to nonblast civilian TBI,
6 Dixon

recent data suggest the type of axonal injury caused by a blast is unique to bTBI. Diffu-
sion tensor imaging of military service members following brain injury indicates the
axonal damage from bTBI is more widespread and spatially variable compared with non-
blast civilian TBI74 and includes brain regions such as the superior corona radiata of the
frontal cortex, the cerebellum, and optic tracts.75–77 In support of this, recent data from
rodent models of bTBI, which induce similar behavioral outcomes to patients, also show
that rotational brain injury produces a different set of behaviors compared with blast-
induced neurotrauma.78,79 Therefore, bTBI-induced axonal damage may need to be
considered a separate type of diffuse axonal injury. Comparatively, the secondary mech-
anisms of injury produced from a bTBI appear to be similar to non-blast TBI, whereby a
robust inflammatory response occurs that includes increased proinflammatory cyto-
kines expression and glial reactivity.80–83 In addition to these effects, edema and vaso-
spasms are also far more prevalent following bTBI, compared with nonblast civilian
mTBI,80,84,85 which has been proposed to be due to narrowing of primary arteries,75
and are supported by reduced vascular integrity following a blast injury in rodents,72
thus providing support for a vascular-related mechanism of tissue damage.
In addition to the direct effects of a blast wave on the brain tissue, the blast wave may
also act indirectly through 2 possible mechanisms. First, the blast may cause gas-
containing compartments in the brain to compress, and subsequently expand, leading
to damage of surrounding tissues.86 Second, the blast wave may also cause shock
waves in the blood or cerebrospinal fluid to be delivered to the brain within seconds
of the impact.86–89 This shock wave can lead to an acceleration of the elements of the
tissue from their resting state to a rate dependent on the density of the medium, which
may subsequently cause deformation and/or rupture of the affected brain tissue.90


This review has outlined the causes, incidence, symptoms, diagnoses, and patho-
physiology of mild, moderate, and severe TBI, including bTBI. Although many studies
have attempted to link the brain’s pathophysiology following injury to acute and sub-
acute symptoms, individuals with a brain injury may suffer debilitating symptoms for
months, if not years, following the incident or incidents. Unfortunately, at present,
there is a dearth of knowledge regarding the long-term (chronic) effects of brain injury;
specifically, the risk factors for long-term symptoms are unknown, as are many of the
underlying pathophysiologic mechanisms. With the development of improved imaging
techniques, and the expansion of longitudinal research studies, such as the Depart-
ments of Defense and Veterans Affairs–funded Chronic Effects of Neurotrauma Con-
sortium, it is hoped these knowledge gaps can be filled.


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