Grade 2 DLP Q4 All Subjects 1

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January 16, 2017

7:15 – 7:30 – Flag Ceremony

7:30 – 8:10 – EdukasyonsaPagpapakatao
mitngtalino at kakaya vhan.
Paksa: PagpapakitangPasasalamatsapaggamitngTalino at KakayahannaIbinigayngDiyos
Tema: PananaligSaPanginoon At Preperensya Sa Kabutihan
Kagamitan: MgaLarawan, Tsart, Plaskard, Modyul, CD Tape
Isagawaangkakayahan at talinosaiba‟t-ibanggawainsapamamagitanngkuwentongina at ng mag-
anak. Tingnanmunaanglarawansa LM pahina 152.
(refer to p. 74 of TG)
1. AnoangkakayahannasasalihanniDigna?
A. awit C. pagguhit
B. sayaw D. deklemasyon

2. Bakitbiglasiyangnilagnat?
A. Dahilnaulanansiya.
B. Dahilsasobrangpaligosadagat.
C .Dahildinamdamniyaang di pagsalisasayaw.
D. Dahilgabinasiyanatulog.
3. PaanonawalaangsakitniDigna?

A. Dahilpinasalinasiyasasayaw.
B. Dahildinalasiyasadoktor.
C. Dahilpinainomnasiyananggamot.
D. Lahatnasagot ay tama.
4. AnoangdapatsabihinniDignasakanyangmagulang?

A. Pasalamatanangmagulang.
B. Balewalainangmagulang.
C. Umalisnawalangpaalamsamagulang.
D. Sagutinnawalangpaggalangsamagulang.


8:10 – 9:00 - English

Interpret signs and symbols
Subject Matter: ESL(English as a Second Language) Dialogue Drill and Different Means of
Value Focus: Following the traffic signs on the streets is really important. Let us appreciate the
different community helpers because they can help the people in our neighbourhood
Materials: Pictures of commercially made signs, pentel pen, bond paper, CD, CD player, and
Manila paper
Daily Language Activity
Words for the day (Drill).
Activating Prior Knowledge
Try to read and answer my riddle.
Riddle: You see me on the streets.
I make sure there’s no traffic.
I am kind to law-abiding drivers.
But I give tickets to irresponsible ones.
Who am I? Answer: Policeman or MMDA
What mode of transportation was mentioned in the story? What other means of transportations
do you know? Draw them.
Explain the I Can Do It Activity in their LMs.
Why do we need to follow, respect and appreciate the different community helpers in our areas/
barangay? Let us appreciate the different community helpers because they can help the people
in our neighborhood.


9:00 – 9:10 – Handwashing

9:10 – 9:20 – RECESS
9:20 – 9:30 – Toothbrushing

9:30 – 10:20 – Mother Tongue

Locate specific information in the text to find answers to simple and higher level questions
Subject Matter
Story: “Ang Hardin”
Pre-Reading Activities
1. Preliminary Activity
Singing of a teacher-prepared local song
2. Unlocking of Difficult Words
Provide picture clues for the words:
gutok, margarita, kalabuhi, bukol, ginsagod, duta, bunyag, kudal
3. Motivation
a. Say: Magbayaw sang kamotkon gusto ninyomagpuyodiri. (Show the picture of a house with
dirty surroundings.) Magbayaw sang kamotang gusto magpuyodiri. (Show the picture of a house
with a beautiful garden.)
b. Ask: Konbalaynga may manamingapalibotanginyo gusto, anoanginyodapatobrahon?
Possible answer: Magtanum man kami mgabulak. Palanggaonnamonangmgatanum.) During
1. Let the pupils read the selection.
Ang Hardin
Based on the Original Story of Nazario S. Sumagpao
Modified by Arcsel Gerard Sagge2. Select a pupil who will read aloud the story. Tell the other
pupils to read the selection silently.
3. The selection can be read like a dialog. Ask a pupil to read the narrations. Select other pupils
to read the lines of the characters of the story.
Post Reading Activity

1. Let the pupils answer the comprehension questions.

1. Anoangpangayoni Romeo kayNanay?
2. AnoangsabatniNanay?
3. Ngaabunyagangidang margarita kon mala angduta?


10:20 – 11:10 – Mathematics

Objective: Compare mass in grams or kilograms
Materials: Illustration, weighing scales and real objects, flashcards/picture cards, cut-outs of
food items, baskets
Instructional Procedure
A. Preparatory Activities
1. Drill
Display real objects or cut-outs of food items as if in a store or market.
Call some pupils to pick these objects and place in baskets labeled kg or g. A pupil who has the
most number of correct objects in the right basket wins.
2. Review
Show picture cards as shown below. Let pupils tell the mass of the objects.
Note: Better if the teacher can provide real objects.
3. Motivation
Let pupils form 4 groups. Say: Arrange yourselves from:
- tallest to shortest
- shortest to tallest
- heaviest to lightest
- lightest to heaviest
B. Developmental Activities
1. Presentation
Place pairs of objects on the table with one object heavier than the other.
Call pupils to weigh the objects in the weighing scale.
Ask pupils to tell how heavy the object is.
Ask: Which object is lighter? Heavier?
2. Activity
Let pupils pair with one another.
(refer to p. 308 of TG)
3. Motivation
Let pupils form 4 groups. Say: Arrange yourselves from:

- tallest to shortest
- shortest to tallest
- heaviest to lightest
Note: Better if the teacher can provide real objects
B. Developmental Activities
1. Presentation
Place pairs of objects on the table with one object heavier than the other.
Call pupils to weigh the objects in the weighing scale.
Ask pupils to tell how heavy the object is.
Ask: Which object is lighter? Heavier?
2. Activity
Let pupils pair with one another.
C. Processing of Answers
What is the body mass of your partner? Who is heavier? Lighter?
How did you know s/he is heavier/lighter?
What objects in the room are light/ heavy?
D. Reinforcing Concepts and Skills
Which is heavier? Write the letter of your answer in a piece of paper.
(Refer to LM Leksyon 100, Hilikuton 1)
E. Summarizing the Lesson
Which is heavier? Gram or kilogram?
F. Applying to New and other Situations
Read the story and do the activities.
(Refer to LM Leksyon 100, Hilikuton 2)
G. Evaluation
Look at the picture. Arrange the boys from the lightest to the heaviest. Number them from 1-3.
(Refer to LM Leksyon 100, Hilikuton 3)
H. Home Activity
Look at the pictures. Arrange the fruits from the lightest to the heaviest.
Number them 1-5. Write your answer on a piece of paper.
(Refer to LM Leksyon 100, Hilikuton 4)


1:30 – 2:20 – Filipino

 Natutukoyangmgasalitang may malingbaybaysaisangpangungusap.
 Pagtukoysamgasalitang may malingbaybaysapangungusap
Kagamitan: Larawanngisangtao/batanatumutulongsakapwa

Alambaninyokunggaano kayo kabilismagbasa? Gaanokaramingsalitaang

inyongnababasasaloobngisangminuto? Subukannatingsukatinanginyongbilissapagbasa
(magpapabasaanggurongseleksyon at oorasanitongguro).
Itanong: Anoangmasasabininyosalarawan? Nangyayaribaitosatunayna
A. Basahin at pag-aralanangmgasalitangmagkasingkahuluganmulasabinasa.

 Ipabasasamga mag-aaralangakdanang may bilisna 60 salitasabawatminuto.
 Ano-anongmgasalitasaakdaangmaliangpagkakabaybay?
 Ibigayangmensahe o kaisipanngakdangbinasa.
 Iguhitangkaisipanngakdasaisang manila paper.

Sumasang-ayonkabanaangpaggawangmabuti ay hindi
magbubungangmasama? Ipagawaangbahaging“PahalagahanNatin”, pahina __ ng LM.
1. Ipagawaangbahaging“GawinNatin”, pahina __ ng LM.
2. Patnubayanangmga mag-aaralsapaggawangbahaging
“SanayinNatin”, pahina __ ng LM.
isinulat? Bukodsapagsasalita at pagsusulat, ano-ano pa angmgaparaanna
Tingnanangbahaging“TandaanNatin”, sapahina __ ng LM.
Ipabaybayangmgasalitanatinutukoysamgapahayag. Ipagawasamga mag-
aaralangbahaging“LinanginNatin”, pahina __ ng LM.
Basahinmulinang may katamtamangbilisangakdang “HalinangGumawang


2:20 – 3:00 – AralingPanlipunan

Layunin: Nailalarawankungpaanotumutugonangmgaserbisyongitosamgapangangailanganngtao
at komunidad.
PaksangAralin: MgaPangangailanganng Tao saKomunidad
Sanggunian: Katangiang Pilipino 2; pp. 88-93
PagsibolngLahing Pilipino 2; pp 79-82.
Kagamitan: crayons, larawan
Pagpapahalaga: Pagpapahalagasaanumangmarangalnagawain.
A. Panimulang Gawain
1. Balik-aral
a. Pagwasto o pagtalakaysatakdangaralin.
Kahapon ay pinatalako kayo
Anoangpinagkaibangiyongisinulatsamgaisinulatngiyongmgakaklase? Bakit

2. Pangganyak
Pagpapakitanglarawanngiba’tibangpangangailanganngmgataosakomunidad. Halimbawa:
pagkain, damit, mgadaan, tulay, basurero, paaralan, cellphone, ospital, fire station atbp.
Ipatukoysamgabata kung ano-anoangnakikitanilasalarawan.

B. Panlinangna Gawain
1. Paglalahad
a. Anoangmakikitaninyosalarawan?
b. Sino anggumagawa o nakatutugonsamgabagaynamakikitasalarawan?
2. Pagtatalakay
Pagmasid at pag-usapanangbawatlarawan.Habangipinakikitalarawanngpagkainnanasa mesa,
sabihin: Mgabata, kailanganbanatinangpagkain? Bakit?Saan kaya
nanggagalingangatingpagkain? Sino-sinoangtumutugonsapangangailangannatinsapagkain?
Ganon din anggawinsaiba pang mgalarawanupangmakitangmgabata kung
3. Paglalahat
a. Pangangailangansapagkain
b. Pangangailangang pang-edukasyon
c. Pangangailangangpangkalusugan
d. Pangangailangangpangkasuotan
Angpangangailangansapagkain ay
matutugonansapamamagitanngpagtanimngmagsasakangmgapalay, gulay at pag-
aalaganghayop. Tumutulong din
C. Pangwakasna Gawain
1. Paglalapat
Gumuhit at MagkulayTayo
at kulayanito.


3:00 – 3:40 – P.E

Participate in self-testing activities like Chinese Get-up and Roll with a Ball.
Lesson: Self-testing Activities (Chinese Get-up and Roll with a Ball)
Materials: 4 basketball balls or any kind of ball available, whistle
Value: Carefulness
A. Preparatory Activities
1. Warm-up
Instruct the pupils to form a big circle and let them follow the simple exercises.
2. Review some safety precautions.
a. Wear appropriate P.E. attire.
b. The area must be clear from all dangerous materials.
c. The floor should be clean.
B. Developmental Activities
1. Motivation
―Small Circle, Big Circle‖
(Refer to LM Lesson 1, Hilikuton 1)
2. Presentation
Instruct pupils in pairs to perform the Chinese Get-up by following this procedure. (Please refer
to LM Lesson 1, Hilikuton 2).
Let the whole class follow the demonstrator.
Do you know the name of that activity?
C. Reinforcement Activity
Let the pupils practice the Chinese Get-up and Roll with a Ball in 5 minutes.
D. Generalization
What are stunts?
Stunts are self-testing activities that test one‘s fitness.
E. Application
Game: Wring the Dishcloth
1. Instruct the class to look for a partner with almost the same body size and height as theirs.
2. The partners stand facing each other, arms upward.
3. Join hands and turn around in place.
Instruct the pupils to perform the Chinese Get-up and Roll with a Ball with their partner. Rubrics
for Rating Chinese Get-up


3:00 – 3:40 – Health

OBJECTIVE Identify home hazards, such as household products that are harmful if touched
especially electrical appliances.
CONTENT Home Hazards if Touched
Materials pictures of different materials such as open wires, pail, match, glass, real materials
such as knife, electric fan.
Learning Activities
A. Preliminary Activities
1. Song
Teach the song to the children and let them sing it. Write the song on a cartolina for the pupils to
Tune: This is the Way I Brush My Teeth
Amoiniangmaglaba, manglaba
Maglaba, maglaba
Amoiniangmaglaba, maglaba sang bayo.
Magplantsa, magsuksok
2. Review:
How do you keep your surroundings clean to prevent illness?
3. Introductory Question
Call the attention of the pupils on LM Leksyon 2. ―NakahibaloBalaKamo?‖
4. Presentation/ Discussion
Read the story of ―MaghalongsaPagplantsa‖ to the pupils.
B. Activity Proper
Let the pupils answer the following questions orally.
Activity 1
Let the pupils identify materials that are harmful or not on their Learner‘s Materials Leksyon 2
Hilikuton 1. Let them write their answers on a piece of paper.
Answer Key: 1.Huo, 2.Indi, 3.Huo, 4. Huo
Activity 2
Let the pupils answer the activity on their LM Lekyson 2 Hilikuton 2. They will write the name of
the products which are harmful on a sheet of paper.
C. Post Activities
1. Generalization
What are household products that are harmful if touched? (Anoangmgagamit o
bagaysapanimalayangmakatalagamkonmatandog?) Call attention of the pupils on the LM
Leksyon 2, PanumdumonNaton Box.
2. Valuing
What shall we do to avoid those home hazards?
3. Application
Let the pupils identify which picture on LM, Leksyon 2 Hilikuton 3 are harmful if touched. They
will write the letter of their answer on a piece of paper.
Answer Key: A, B, C
Let the pupils identify situations at home on LM, Leksyon 2 Pagtilaw. They will write M if the
situation shows home hazard and W if non-hazard.
Answer Key: 1.M 2.M 3.W 4.W
D. Home Activity:

Identify three household products in your home that are harmful if touched. Write them on your
Health notebook. (Ilistasa Health Notebook


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