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An English Course for Senior High School Students Grade XI

Copyright by Penerbit Erlangga 2014

1. Listen to the dialogue. Decide which picture best describes the dialogue.
Dialogue 1:
Woman : Dad, the iPod I bought yesterday isn’t working. What do you think I
should do about it?
Man : Why don’t you try taking it back to the store?
Woman : Well, I was thinking of that, but don’t you think you could look at it
Man : OK, but not now. Maybe later.

Dialogue 2:
Woman : What should we do to prevent floods in our surrounding?
Man : I think citizens should be warned about garbage again and again.
Woman : Yes, I agree with you. The government had better make a healthy
lifestyle campaign.

Dialogue 3:
Man : Mrs. Simatupang, what do you think I should do about my English class?
Should I drop it or continue with it?
Woman : If I were you, I’d talk with my instructor. Try talking with her about the
problem, and see what she suggests.
Man : What if she says I should continue with the class?
Woman : Then follow her advice.

Dialogue 4
Woman : Arif, are you busy? I really need some advice about a problem I have.
Man : I’m listening. What’s wrong?
Woman : My friend always asks me to copy my homework. I want to tell her to do
her own assignments but…I’m afraid she will be angry with me.
Man : I think you shouldn’t always lend your homework all the time. Why
don’t you help her to do the assignments until she can do them

3. Close your book. Listen and repeat these questions or statements. Then write them on a
piece of paper.

a. Why don’t you take it back to d. You can ignore her for a while g. You should continue your
the store? English class.

b. What about canceling your e. Do you need someone to take h. Why don’t you send this mail
appointment? care of your mother? by express mail?
c. You should try to talk to him f. Can I give you some advice? i. Do you need anything to cure
about this matter again. the pain?

4. Listen to the questions or statements and choose the correct responses.

a. Do you think I should call the policeman?

b. We should evacuate the flood victims to a safe place.

c. I failed my test

d. You can tell your idea to your boss.

e. When should we call the SAR Team to rescue us?

f. It’s really cold outside.

g. Do you have any recommendation for me?

h. Everybody should know how to keep their environment clean and healthy.

Giving a recommendation/an offer in interpersonal dialogue

7. Listen to the following talk show. Answer the following questions.

You will hear a radio presenter taking calls during a segment of ‘Beautiful World’. Two senior high
school students, Sarah and Tuti call to talk about ‘quitting litter-bug habits’.

Ketut: It’s ten to three and it’s time for our special program today ‘Beautiful World’…!! Hello,
everybody, I’m Ketut Sutiono. I’ll be your host for about 15 minutes ahead and now we already
have two senior high school students, Sarah and Tuti on the line ready to debate about our
topic of the day: ‘Quitting litter-bug habits. ‘If you do care to your environment, please join the
show by sending us an SMS. All you have to do is to type BW space Sarah, S-A-R-A-H, or BW
space Tuti, T-U-T-I, and send to 2345. Remember, tomorrow, at the end of the segment we will
give a cool gift for the luckiest listener. Okay, back to our topic today: ’Quitting litter-bug
habits.’ Listeners, the problem of littering reflects a lack of responsibility on all sides. Although
heavy penalty has already been arranged under government regulation, many people still drop
broken bottles or empty cans to public places, like parks or streets, even in the river. It’s always
interesting to know how the youth are concerned about social problems like littering. First on
the line is Sarah. Hello, thank you for being part of our program. Please tell us what do you
think of this bad habit?
Sarah: I am against this bad habit 100%. I personally believe that throwing litter on the ground is a very
bad habit. Everybody knows that. Unfortunately, many people do it. I think that because they
don’t care about a clean and healthy environment. I would say that these kinds of people are
really selfish. I mean, don’t they realize the effect of throwing litter carelessly.

Ketut: Okay Sarah, hold on one second. Now the question is: ‘What is your suggestion or advice for
these people?’

Sarah: Well, honestly, I don’t have anything to say to such people who don’t aware about the
environment. Maybe we should just let them do whatever they want but when there are
disasters, like floods or disease, don’t help them!

Ketut: Well, well, well…. I don’t know how to comment on that. How about you listeners, are you
going to support Sarah’s opinion? Send your SMS to 2345. And now, our next participant is Tuti.
Hello Tuti… sorry, you’ve been holding on very patiently. Do you have any different opinion
about this bad habit?

Tuti: Honestly, I always feel so bad every time I see people throwing litter carelessly. Don’t they
understand that this bad habit is a dangerous thing? If we step on a banana skin, for example,
we can slip and fall down and get injured. And the worst thing of throwing litter carelessly is
that our environment will get dirty and the air will full of bad odors. Really, it isn’t good at all.

Ketut: You’re right, Tuti. So, what’s your recommendation to overcome this bad habit?

Tuti: It’s so simple, Ketut. I believe that we can start it from our homes and slowly but surely we will
keep our neighborhood clean.

Ketut: All right, Tuti. Now dearest listeners, are you going to support their opinions? It’s all up to you,
dearest listeners. Just send your SMS as many as possible. And the luckiest listener will be
announced tomorrow at the same time and the same program here in ‘Beautiful World’. So,
don’t miss it, okay. And thank you very much, Sarah, Tuti. All in all, time’s up, I’m Ketut Sutiono
signs out. Bye.

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