The Power of Personality

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The power of personality

When we talk about the personality, exist a lot of topics what we can find about this theme,
each person has a unique mix of characteristics or thoughts, that make a person what he is.
The human personality is a curious and multifaceted thing what everybody has and in this
case exist a lot of theories and authors, who trait to explain this topic.

Also “In psychological parlance, "personality" refers to a person's unique and enduring
pattern of thinking, feeling, and behaving. “(What is personality, SIMONE HOERMANN,
PH.D., CORINNE E. ZUPANICK, PSY.D. & MARK DOMBECK, PH.D.) this let us understand the
personality is more than a simply an academic exercise and it is complemented by another
psychological subjects. In particular, we can affirm the quality of our relationships is
significantly affected by our personalities and then is when all our feelings, thoughts and
behaviors comes out.

We categorize everything, people, animals and things in every moment. This information is
a subjective evaluation that we make in our mind, based in our internal interpretation about
what we see and hear. In addiction people always been influence by their experiences and
knowledge to interpret their world, and that’s what we call personality, a combination of
feelings, thoughts, experiences and how we are receiving information for then express and
interact to others in our own way.

Psychologists have explored the theory of personality type Carl G. Jung introduced the
concept in the 1910s. Jung identified four basic functions: sensing (S), intuiting (N), thinking
(T) and functioning (F) in either the external (extroverting) or internal (introverting) world.
He used a total of eight cognitive processes, expressed as a capital letter for process (S, N,
T or F), plus a lowercase letter “e” (extroverting) or “i” (introverting) to indicate orientation.
So “Se” indicates extrovert sensing, where sensing relates to engagement with the outside
world. (How to Understand People’s Personality Types, December 17, 2015/John H. Ostdick

people eventually develop habits of interpreting and responding to the environment

In addiction


PSY.D. & MARK DOMBECK, PH.D. recovered from:

 How to Understand People’s Personality Types, December 17, 2015/John H.

Ostdick recovered from:

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