Detailed Description of Primary and Secondary Target Market

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Detailed Description of Primary and Secondary Target Market

Vegica Pastry will focus its marketing strategies and

activities on reaching Parang High School students and the faculty.
The primary customer groups are the students that are likely to
buy pastry products age ranges from 14 years old and above. We
divided the groups into three different classification in
accordance to their social status: High, Middle, and Low levels.
With this classification, the identification of students that are
most likely to buy our product is visible. The students who are
from the classification of high level have the highest tendency to
acquire our product greater than our expected acquisition because
these students have bigger daily allowances than the two other
clusters. The second group which is the students from the middle
level can afford our product and acquire more because their
allowances are extra-sufficient for their own personal needs and
wants. Lastly, the students which are belong to the low level can
still afford our product although their allowances are not big and
great as the two mentioned groups. All these three classifications
prefer a new appearance, taste, and trend to the market. They
prefer to buy a product that is new to them and is unique to their
eyes and preferences. Although, most students do not like a
nutritious-themed pastry, some of the students prefer a
delectable, sweet pastry with a healthy ingredient.
The secondary customer groups of Vegica Pastry are the Parang
High School faculty. These groups are the teachers who are most
likely to buy our pastry products. In order to easily classify our
secondary target customers, we divided the secondary customer
groups into three parts mainly the high-income, middle-income, and
the low-income groups. The teachers who are belong to the high-
income group have the highest tendency to acquire our product bulky
than any other groups. Those teachers who are covered in the
classification of middle income, on the other hand, also have a
high tendency to buy our product greater than the usual
acquisition. Even in the low-income groups, they can still afford
and buy our product even though they have low income compared to
other clusters but not as great obtainment as the other arrays.
Just like in the primary target customers, these particular
clusters also prefer newness and peculiarity in a product. But,
compared to the primary target customers, these secondary target
customers who are labeled as adults, favor more the theme of
nutritious and healthy benefits that they could get from the baked

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