Advance: Full Syllabus Test-7 - Reports: Kapil Verma

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Kapil Verma 

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Kapil Verma
Course: GATE+ESE
Civil Engineering (CE)
Q. 1

Select the word that is most SIMILAR in meaning to the bold word in capital letters.
FAQ Solution Video Have any Doubt ?
A Admiration

B Respect

REPORTS Contempt Correct Option


Solution :

D Flattery


Q. 2

Select the word that is FARTHEST in meaning to the bold word in capital letters.
FAQ Solution Video Have any Doubt ?
A Commend Correct Option

Solution :

B Pray

C Admonish

D Worship


Q. 3

We do not need today in India extra ordinary specialist but those trained ordinary doctors who are dedicated to their profession.
I : We should promote medical profession on with dedicated ordinary doctors rather than promoting high specialized medical education.
II : Extra ordinary specialists are not dedicated to their profession.
FAQ Solution Video Have any Doubt ?

A Conclusion I follows Correct Option

Solution :

B Conclusion II follows

C Both I and II follows

D Neither I or II follows

Q. 4

Insert the missing number in the given series

12, 25, 49, 99, 197, 395, ___________.
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A 789 Correct Option

Solution :
Each number is twice the previous one with added or subtracted alternatively.

B 1579

C 722

D 812


Q. 5

are 4 consecutive terms of an arithmetic progression. The value of is ________ .

FAQ Solution Video Have any Doubt ?

29 Correct Option

Solution :

Q. 6

At food world super market, built in 2010, the number of successful thefts has risen dramatically in the past few months. Food world has a
reliable electronic security system at all customer exit doors, and this system is always in operation. Therefore, the thefts must be
committed by people who used exit other than the regular customer exit doors.
Which is the following assumption make the conclusion above logically correct?
FAQ Solution Video Have any Doubt ?

A If an employee so wishes, he is allowed to leave through on exit that is not monitored

B If a store has a reliable security system, it is impossible to pass through the system undetected Correct Option

Solution :

C If a super market was built before 2015, it often has exits that can’t be equipped with electronic

D Store must be having employees which are stealing things


Q. 7

If are in AP. Where for all i, then the value of

FAQ Solution Video Have any Doubt ?

A Correct Option
A Co ect Opt o

Solution :

D None of these


Q. 8

If   then value of is

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B 0 Correct Option

Solution :

D None of these


Q. 9

Karan and Arjun run a 100 m race, where Karan beats Arjun by 10 m. To do a favour to Arjun, Karan starts 10 m behind the starting line in a
second 100 m race. They both run at earlier speeds. Which of the following is true in connection with the second race?
FAQ Solution Video Have any Doubt ?

A Karan and Arjun reach the finishing line simultaneously.

B Arjun beats Karan by 1 m

C Arjun beats Karan by 1.1 m

D Karan beats Arjun by 1 Correct Option

Solution :


Q. 10

Out of 120 musicians in a club, 5% can play three instruments, Guitar, Violin and Flute. It so happens that the number of musicians who can
play exactly two of the above instruments is 30. The number of musicians who can play the Guitar alone is 40. The total number of those
who can play Violin alone or Flute alone is ______________.
FAQ Solution Video Have any Doubt ?

44 Correct Option

Solution :


Q. 11

An electric motor delivers 1000 W at 1440 rpm. It will generate a torque equal to
FAQ Have any Doubt ?
A Correct Option

Solution :


Q. 12

Which one of the following statement is INCORRECT?

FAQ Have any Doubt ?

A Flexibility matrix is a square matrix

B Flexibility matrix is a symmetric matrix

C All elements of flexibility matrix must be positive Correct Option

Solution :
The non-diagonal elements can be positive or negative.

D Elements of flexibility matrix are displacements and can be computed only for stable structures.


Q. 13

As per IS 456:2000, as long as the stress in concrete does not exceed times of its characteristic compressive strength, creep may be

assumed to be proportional to the stress. The value of is

FAQ Have any Doubt ?

A 1

B 2

C 3 Correct Option

Solution :
Refer clause 6.2.5 for creep of concrete of IS 456:2000.

D 4


Q. 14

Different types of rolled steel sections like ISLB, ISMB, ISHB are fabricated for same depth of section. This variation is achieved by changing
FAQ Have any Doubt ?

A thickness of web

B width of flange
B width of flange

C thickness of flange

D All of the above Correct Option

Solution :


Q. 15

For the movement of vehicles at the intersection of two roads without any interference, which type of grade separation is generally used
FAQ Have any Doubt ?

A Delta

B Diamond

C Trumpet

D Cloverleaf Correct Option

Solution :


Q. 16

Which of the following statements correctly describes the variation of vertical stress below the center of strip footing with depth?
FAQ Have any Doubt ?
A decreases continuously with depth

B increases first and then decreases Correct Option

Solution :

C decrease first and then increases

D is uniform throughout


Q. 17

Electrostatic precipitator is a device to control

FAQ Have any Doubt ?

A Precipitation of Al (OH)3 in water coagulation

B Particulate emission Correct Option

Solution :

C SO2 emission

D Both particulate and SO2 emission


Q. 18

l d l
Electrostatic precipitator is a device to control
FAQ Have any Doubt ?

A Precipitation of Al (OH)3 in water coagulation

B Particulate emission Correct Option

Solution :

C SO2emission

D Both particulate and SO2 emission


Q. 19

If be the latitude of an observer and declination of a heavenly body respectively, the upper culmination of the body will be south of
zenith if its zenith distance, is
FAQ Have any Doubt ?

A Correct Option

Solution :


Q. 20

The rate of release of heat of hydration of the four Bogue’s compounds in descending order is
FAQ Have any Doubt ?

D Correct Option

Solution :


Q. 21

A string 2 m long is tied to the ends of a uniform rod that weighs 60 N and is 1.6 m long. The string passes over a nail so that the rod hangs
horizontally. The tension produced in the string is
FAQ Have any Doubt ?

A 60 N

B 50 N Correct Option

Solution :
C 42 N

D 35 N


Q. 22

The value of p, for which the function has an extreme point at is

FAQ Have any Doubt ?

A 0

C 2 Correct Option

Solution :
D 3


Q. 23

The number of children in a family in a region are either 0, 1 and 2 with probability 0.2, 0.3 and 0.5 respectively. The probability that each
child being a boy or a girl is 0.5. The probability that a family has no boys is
FAQ Have any Doubt ?

A 0.5

B 0.517 Correct Option

Solution :
C 0.451

D 0.352


Q. 24

The lateral contraction of a round bar of 50 mm diameter and 2.5 m long, when stretched 2.5 mm along the length, is ______ × 10–3 mm.
[Take, E = 120 GPa and = 0.25]
FAQ Have any Doubt ?

12.5 (12 - 13) Correct Option

Solution :
12.5 (12 - 13)


Q. 25

A cantilever beam of width 450 mm and effective depth 550 mm is laterally restrained at a distance L from the free end. The maximum
value of ‘L’ to ensure proper stability is ____________ m.
FAQ Have any Doubt ?

11.25 (11.1 - 11.4) Correct Option

Solution :
11.25 (11.1 - 11.4)


Q. 26

A vertical curve is formed at the intersection of two gradients, +3.0 and –5.0 percent. If the length of summit curve is 298 m, then
approximate radius of summit curve is ______ m.
FAQ Have any Doubt ?

3725 (3720 - 3730) Correct Option

Solution :
3725 (3720 - 3730)


Q 27
Q. 27

On a highway, the speed-density relationship follows the relation Where VSF is 60 kmph and kj is 500 vehicle/hr. When the

highway is operating at its basic capacity then the density as per model is _____________ veh/km.
FAQ Have any Doubt ?

183.93 (182 - 185) Correct Option

Solution :
183.93 (182 - 185)


Q. 28

A fully saturated soil sample has total weight of 0.5 N and a volume of 20 cc. Its submerged density is ____________________ kN/m3.
FAQ Have any Doubt ?

15.19 (14.9 - 15.5) Correct Option

Solution :
15.19 (14.9 - 15.5)

Q. 29

A two hinged semicircular arch of radius 30 m carries a load system as shown below. The horizontal thrust at each support is _____________

FAQ Have any Doubt ?

30.24 (30 - 30.5) Correct Option

Solution :
30.24 (30 - 30.5)


Q. 30

A sample of air analyzed at 0°C and 1 atm pressure is reported to contain 10 ppm of CO. The equivalent CO concentration is ________

FAQ Have any Doubt ?

12500 (12490 - 12510) Correct Option

Solution :
12500 (12490 - 12510)

Q. 31

The normal annual rainfall at stations A, B and C are 170, 180, 165 cm respectively. In 2010, station B was inoperative and stations A and C
recorded annual precipitations of 153 and 145 cm, respectively. The annual rainfall as station B in that year could be estimated as
____________ cm.
FAQ Have any Doubt ?

149 (147 - 152) Correct Option

Solution :
149 (147 - 152)


Q. 32
The hydraulic depth, when flowing half full for a circular pipe is The radius of the pipe is ___________ × r units. 

FAQ Have any Doubt ?

1 (0.99 - 1.01) Correct Option

Solution :
1 (0.99 - 1.01)


Q. 33

The minimum diameter size of glass tube that can be used to measure water level if the capillary rise in the tube is restricted to 3 mm is
___________ cm. Assume surface tension of water in contact with air as 0.075 N/m.
FAQ Have any Doubt ?

1.02 (0.98 - 1.20) Correct Option

Solution :
1.02 (0.98 - 1.20)

Q. 34

The value of the integral is ________.

FAQ Have any Doubt ?

0.785 (0.70 - 0.85) Correct Option

Solution :
0.785 (0.70 - 0.85)


Q. 35

A i di f i f f i d f i d fi d I h F i i i f h ffi i
A periodic function for a of period of   is defined as In the Fourier series expansion of , the coefficient

of will be ________.
FAQ Have any Doubt ?

-0.64 (-0.75 - -0.55) Correct Option

Solution :
-0.64 (-0.75 - -0.55)


Q. 36

A circular rod ABC is subjected to torsion at B as shown below. If the polar moment of inertia of portion AB and BC are 2J and J respectively
then the angle of twist at point B is

Where, G is modulus of rigidity of material.

FAQ Have any Doubt ?

A a Correct Option

Solution :
B b

C c

D d


Q. 37

The degree of static indeterminacy of the frame shown below is

FAQ Have any Doubt ?

A 0
B 2 Correct Option

Solution :

C 3

D 5


Q. 38

The grade of concrete and grade of steel are M20 and Fe415. The ratio of balanced depth of neutral axis as per working stress method to
the balanced depth of neutral axis as per limit state method is
FAQ Have any Doubt ?

A 0.2

B 0.4

C 0.6 Correct Option

Solution :
D 0.8


Q. 39

What is the plastic moment capacity (in kNm) in the portal frame shown in figure? The frame has a uniform cross section throughout.

FAQ Have any Doubt ?

A 12

B 20

C 24
D 28 Correct Option

Solution :

Q. 40

An observer counts 260 veh/h at a specific highway location. Assume that the vehicle arrival at the location is Poisson distributed the
probability of having four vehicle arriving over a 45 sec time interval is
FAQ Have any Doubt ?

A 0.18 Correct Option

Solution :
B 0.36

C 0.24

D 0.14


Q. 41

A unconfined compression test was conducted on an undisturbed sample of clay. The sample has diameter of 37.5 mm and was 80 mm
long. The load at failure was 28 N and the axial deformation of the sample at failure was 13 mm, the undrained shear strength of clay is
FAQ Have any Doubt ?

A 21.2 kN/m2

B 15.9 kN/m2

C 14.1 kN/m2

D 10.6 kN/m2 Correct Option

Solution :

Q. 42

Consider the following statements

1. The coefficient of curvature (Cc) is a measure of symmetry and shape of the gradation curve.
2. The soils having more value of uniformity coefficient (Cu) are considered to be more uniform.
The correct statement(s) is(are):
FAQ Have any Doubt ?

A 1 only Correct Option

Solution :

B 2 only

C Both 1 and 2

D None of these
D None of these


Q. 43

Match List-I (Treatment unit) with List-II (Removal Function) and select the correct answer using the codes given below the lists:

FAQ Have any Doubt ?

A a

B b

C c

D d Correct Option

Solution :


Q. 44

Assume that a beverage company wishes to pay the nearby farmers to accept processed waste water for application to the farmer’s land.
The soil is sandy loam. The waste water has a COD of and will be generated at an average volume of 37.85 m3 per week.
Assuming soil and weather condition permit year-around application, how much area is required to achieve an acceptable organic loading
rate of 110 kg/ha/week?
FAQ Have any Doubt ?

A 4.84 ha

B 4.92 ha

C 5.16 ha Correct Option

Solution :

D 5.34 ha


Q. 45

Match List-I with List-II and select the correct answer using the codes given below the lists:
FAQ Have any Doubt ?

A a

B b Correct Option

Solution :

C c

D d


Q. 46

A rectangular channel is carrying water which is provided with a hydraulic jump type of energy dissipator. It is desired to have an energy loss
of 3 m in hydraulic jump when inlet Froude number is 5.292. Sequent depth after jump is
FAQ Have any Doubt ?

A 4.15 m

B 3.42 m

C 2.72 m Correct Option

Solution :
D 2.15 m


Q. 47

A road embankment 10 m wide at the formation level, with side slope of 2 is to 1 and with an average height of 5 m is constructed with an
average gradient of 1 in 40 from contour 220 m to 280 m. What is the volume of earth work?
FAQ Have any Doubt ?

A 2,40,000 m3 Correct Option

Solution :
B 2,20,000 m3

C 2,00,000 m3

D 1,80,000 m3


Q. 48

Consider the following statements regarding low heat cement:

1. It contains lower percentage of tricalcium aluminate and higher percentage of dicalcium silicate.
2. It has less compressive strength and initial setting time of about one hour.
Which of the above statement(s) is(are) CORRECT?
FAQ Have any Doubt ?

A Only 1

B Only 2

C Both 1 and 2 Correct Option

Solution :

D Neither 1 nor 2


Q. 49

If 1 and 3 are the eigen values of a 2 × 2 square matrix A, then A3 can be written as
(I2 denotes identity matrix of second order)
FAQ Have any Doubt ?

B Correct Option

Solution :

D Data insufficient


Q. 50
The differential equation is solved by using Euler’s method with initial condition assumed to be y = 1 for The value of

y for will be approximately equal to [take the step size of 0.1]

FAQ Have any Doubt ?

A 1.824

B 2.92

C 1.470 Correct Option

Solution :

D 2.391


Q. 51

A steel shaft AB of length 1.5 m and diameter 25 mm carries a distributed torque of intensity where, tB = 200 Nm/m. If the

modulus of rigidity of steel is 80 GPa then the maximum stress induced in the shaft is _______ N/mm2.

FAQ Have any Doubt ?

48 89 (47 51) Correct Option

48.89 (47 - 51) Correct Option

Solution :
48.89 (47 - 51)


Q. 52

The stiffness coefficient ‘k11’ for the beam shown below is ___________

FAQ Have any Doubt ?

0.48 (0.47 - 0.50) Correct Option

Solution :
0.48 (0.47 - 0.50)

Q. 53

Three 20 mm diameter Fe415 grade steel bars are bundled together under compression in M25 grade concrete with a design bond strength
as 1.4 MPa. The minimum development length is _______ mm.
FAQ Have any Doubt ?

773.7 (768 - 779) Correct Option

Solution :
773.7 (768 - 779)


Q. 54

The queue length (in number of vehicles) versus time (in seconds) plot for an approach to a signalized intersection with the cycle length of
100 seconds is shown in the figure.

At time t = 0, the light has just turned red. The effective green time is 45 seconds, during which vehicles discharge at the saturation flow rate
(s). The saturation flow rate(s) is _______ veh/hr.
FAQ Have any Doubt ?

2280 (2275 - 2285) Correct Option

Solution :
2280 (2275 - 2285)


Q 55
Q. 55

For the hottest month (June) of the year 2015, the following data is given:
Summation of maximum temperatures = 1316°C
Summation of mean temperatures = 789°C
Maximum temperature of the month = 46°C
The airport reference temperature is __________ °C.
FAQ Have any Doubt ?

32.15 (31.1 - 33.1) Correct Option

Solution :
32.15 (31.1 - 33.1)


Q. 56

An excavation has to be made in a 10 m deep clay stratum underlain by a bed of sand. In a trial borehole made, the ground water was found
to rise to an elevation of 3.5 m below ground level. The depth upto which excavation can be done safely without bottom becoming unstable
due to uplift pressure of ground water will be ____________ m.
FAQ Have any Doubt ?

6.75 (6.6 - 6.9) Correct Option

Solution :
6.75 (6.6 - 6.9)

Q. 57

A soil profile consists of a 6 m thick clay layer overlain by a 5.5 m thick sand layer with water table at a depth of 3 m from the ground level.
Properties of soils are shown in the figure. A square footing (2 m × 2 m) is to be constructed at a depth of 2.5 m which imposes a load of
1000 kN/m2 at the base of the footing. The settlement of footing due to primary consolidation is ______________ cm.
[Assume the stress distribution as 1H : 2V from the edge of the footing and = 10 kN/m3]

FAQ Have any Doubt ?

28.68 (27.5 - 29.5) Correct Option

Solution :
28.68 (27.5 - 29.5)

Q. 58

The depth of wall footing on a saturated clay is 1 m. The loading due to the wall is 175 kN/m. If for soil, C = 65 kN/m2 and = 18 kN/m3,
then the minimum width of the footing to be used for FOS of 2.5 is _____________ m.
FAQ Have any Doubt ?

1.05 (1 - 1.1) Correct Option

Solution :
1.05 (1 - 1.1)

Q. 59

Primary (PSS) and secondary (SSS) sewage sludge is thickened together in a picket fence thickener. If the PSS is produced at 100 kg/hr at 1
percent dry solids (DS) and the SSS at 150 kg/hr at 3 percent dry solids then the percent of DS of the end product is _____________.

FAQ Have any Doubt ?

2.2 (2.1 - 2.3) Correct Option

Solution :
2.2 (2.1 - 2.3)

Q. 60

The rainfall in 3 successive 6 hours periods is 1.2, 4 and 3 cm. If the initial basin loss is 0.6 cm and the surface runoff resulting from this
rainfall is 4 cm, then the  -index for the storm is ___________ cm/h.
FAQ Have any Doubt ?

0.25 (0.24 - 0.26) Correct Option

Solution :
0.25 (0.24 - 0.26)

Q. 61

Pumps are required to draw water from a deep well under a total head of 105 m. All the pumps are identical and are running at 900 rpm. The
specific speed of each pump is 25 in SI units and the rated capacity of each pump is 0.16 m3/s. The number of pumps required is
FAQ Have any Doubt ?

3 (2.99 - 3.01) Correct Option

Solution :
3 (2.99 - 3.01)


Q. 62

A 2.5 m wide rectangular channel has a flow with a velocity of 1.5 m/s and depth of flow is 1.5 m. A smooth hump is to built at a section to
create critical flow condition over the hump. The resulting change in water level surface elevation is ____________ m.
[Assume energy loss at the hump is negligible and acceleration due to gravity, g = 10 m/s2]
FAQ Have any Doubt ?

0.29 (0.26 - 0.31) Correct Option

Solution :
0.29 (0.26 - 0.31)

Q. 63

The rotation of a rigid body is governed by The angular velocity of the body at time, t = 2 seconds is ___________ rad/s.

FAQ Have any Doubt ?

0 Correct Option

Solution :

Q. 64

It is given that the solution of the differential equation passes through origin. The value of y(2) will be ________.

FAQ Have any Doubt ?

6.40 (6.30 - 6.50) Correct Option

Solution :
6.40 (6.30 - 6.50)


Q. 65

h d ld f h ( ) h d f h h
The directional derivative of at the point (1, 1, –1) in the direction of the tangent to the curve y = sin2t + 1, z = 1 – cost at t =
0, is_______.
FAQ Have any Doubt ?

3.13 (3.00 - 3.25) Correct Option

Solution :
3.13 (3.00 - 3.25)


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