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Materials Today: Proceedings 2S (2015) S697 – S700

International Conference on Martensitic Transformations, ICOMAT-2014

Transformation characteristics and properties of B steel 22MnB5

M. Zhanga,*, Z. Wanb, L. Lia
School of Materials Science and Engineering, Shanghai University, No.149, Yanchang road, Shanghai 200072, China

Technical Center, Shanghai Huizhong Automotive Manufacturing Co. Ltd., No.1493, S.Pudong Road, Shanghai 200122, China


Continuous cooling transformation characteristics of steel 22MnB5 were studied in detail using dilatometer method. The
influence of hot forming procedure parameters, such as heating rate, austenizing temperature, and holding time on microstructure
transition was analyzed. Microhardness was tested afterwards. The microstructure obtained from the dilatometer samples reveals
that for heating temperatures above 850ºC samples fast heated for 10s holding couples with full austenite transformation and can
get a fully martensitic microstructure after immediately quenching with 30ºC/s cooling rate. The same is for samples heated with
10ºC /s to 930, 900, 880, 860, and 840ºC for 300s holding conditions. In the studied cases, hardness of the samples is around
500HV. Hot stamping V-type automotive parts were subsequently manufactured using a self-designed special tool set with
cooling system in it, heating to 860, 880, 900, and 920ºC for 300s holding correspondingly, following die quenching as soon as
possible. The tensile strength of the parts reaches 1500MPa, and total elongation A80 achieves 8%. It is found that heating
temperature lower to 880ºC is good for getting a much finer fully martensitic microstructure, and a better property combination.
© 2014 The Authors. Published by Elsevier Ltd.
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Selection and Peer-review under responsibility of the chairs of the International Conference on Martensitic Transformations 2014.

Keywords: Steel 22MnB5; transformation characteristics; Vickers microhardness; Tensile strength; total elongation

1. Introduction

Nowadays, more and more attention is paid to automotive ultra high strength steel (UHSS) for the characteristics
of lightweight and safety beneficial in automobile industry. The application of UHSS has great importance in

* Corresponding author. Tel.: +0086-21-56331620; fax: +0086-21-56337035.

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2214-7853 © 2015 The Authors. Published by Elsevier Ltd. This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND license
Selection and Peer-review under responsibility of the chairs of the International Conference on Martensitic Transformations 2014.
698 M. Zhang et al. / Materials Today: Proceedings 2S (2015) S697 – S700

reducing the vehicle weight, improving crashworthiness qualities and safety [1-3]. Hot stamping is a new technology
that can solve the problem of poor formability of UHSS at room temperature. In the industrial process, the blank is
heated in the range of 850 to 950 ºC and then transferred to the press where the whole deforming stage should take
place in fully austenitic conditions; the use of cooled dies assures a rapid cooling of the sheet during the deformation
in order to obtain a martensitic microstructure in the sheet component at room temperature [1-3].
In practical hot forming process, the most important heating parameters include heating temperature and holding
time. Too low heating temperature leads to part of original ferrite not transform into austenite, and finally the part
obtain inhomogeneous structure with partial martensite after quenching. It then affects the properties of the parts.
Too high heating temperature induces the surface oxidation of the sheet, and grain grows, thus affect the quality and
performance of the products. This study investigates the effects of heating temperature and holding time on the
microstructure and properties of actual hot stamping chassis parts to optimize hot forming process [4].

2. Experimental

The chemical composition of the investigated steels is 0.24C-1.33Mn-0.18Cr-0.025Ti-0.004B (in mass %).
Critical transformation temperature of the steel is Ac3=811 ºC and Ac1=736 ºC [5]. The base material consists of
75% ferrite (vol. %) and 25 % pearlite with a tensile strength (TS) of 515 MPa, yield strength (YS) 285 MPa, and
Vickers hardness 180HV. The dilatometry specimen was with a size of 3.8*4.0*10 mm 3. During test, the specimens
were protected from oxidation with a vacuum of 3*10 -3 mbar. Heated the specimen at a rate of 10 ºC/s (or 50 ºC/s) to
temperatures such as 930, 900, 880, 860, and 840 ºC for 300 s (or 1100, 1050, 1000, 950, 900, and 850 ºC for 10 s),
and then cooled to room temperature with 30 ºC/s, respectively. To be aware of the influence of heating temperature
on the microstructure and properties, chassis components were hot formed in a special forming tool with water
cooling system in it. Samples for property and metallographic tests were cut from hot pressed components and
examined using tensile test machine, MH-3 type hardness tester and Nikon 300 type light optical microscope

3. Results and discussion

Fig.1 shows the microstructure of samples heated with 50 ºC/s to different temperature, for 10 s holding, and then
quchened immediately. The steel gains fully lath martensitic microstructure of size grade 8, 7, 6, 5 and 1 in Figs.
1(a)-(e). Overall, the grain size gets coarser and coarser with heating temperature increasing. Fig. 1(c) and Fig. 1(d)
show that the steel finally gains fully fine martensite for 1000 and 950 ºC heating cases. Fig. 1(f) shows a certain
amount of ferrite. For 800 ºC condition, it is the evidence that too low heating temperature leads to part of original
ferrite remaining during heating stage, and further influences the final microstructure.

Fig. 1. Microstructure of samples heating with 50 ºC/s to temperature (a) 1100 ºC; (b) 1050 ºC; (c) 1000 ºC; (d) 950 ºC; (e) 850 ºC; (f) 800 ºC.
M. Zhang et al. / Materials Today: Proceedings 2S (2015) S697 – S700 699

Figure 2 shows the microstructure of samples heating with 10 ºC/s to different temperature for 300 s holding and
then quenched immediately. The grain size gets coarser and coarser with heating temperature increasing. Fully lath
martensitic microstructure of size grade 8, 6, 5, 2 and 1 was obtained in Fig. 2 except Fig. 2(f) (820 ºC heating). Hot
stamping V-type automotive chassis parts were produced using austenizing temperature 920, 900, 880, and 860 ºC
for 300s holding, following transfer the component to the die in 30 s, and then die quenched immediately
respectively. Microstructure of the specimens was in Fig. 3. The steel all obtains fully lath martensite of size grade 8,
6, 5 and 4 respectively. Overall, the grain size gets coarser and coarser with heating temperature increasing. Figs.
4(a) and (b) show Vickers hardness of samples heated under different conditions and then quenched immediately.
The steel obtains a hardness value of around 500HV in all cases except 800 ºC and 820 ºC cases. In Fig. 4(a), for
hardness reaches 500HV cases, the maximum hardness couples with fully fine lath martensitic microstructure (see in
Figs. 1(c) and (d)). Oppositely, coarse martensite does not gain the highest hardness value. In Fig. 4(b), it is clear
hardness shows good agreement with the microstructure in Fig. 2. In temperature range 840-930 ºC, the steels gain
the highest hardness value of above 480 HV.

Fig. 2. Microstructure of samples heating with 10ºC /s to temperature (a) 930ºC ; (b) 900ºC ; (c) 880ºC ; (d) 860ºC ; (e) 840ºC ; (f) 820ºC.

Fig. 3. Microstructure of hot stamping exponents heating to temperature (a) 920 ºC , (b) 900 ºC , (c) 880 ºC , (d) 860 ºC.
700 M. Zhang et al. / Materials Today: Proceedings 2S (2015) S697 – S700

2000 600 20
(a) (b) (c)
520 500
HV 15
1500 TS 400

E longation %

S trength M P a
460 300 10

400 EL
1000 200
420 22M nB 5-50ഒ /s-10s 22M nB 5-10 C /s-300s YS
400 100
300 500 0 0
800 850 900 950 1000 1050 1100 820 840 860 880 900 930 860 880 900 920 940
T emperature ഒ T emperature C T emperature C

Fig. 4. Vickers hardness and properties with different heating rates (a) 50 ºC/s-10 s holding; (b) 10 ºC/s- 300 s holding; (c) Hot stamped

Fig. 4(c) shows tensile test results and Vickers hardness of samples cut from practical hot stamping parts die
quenched in 30s.
In Fig. 4(c), influence of heating temperature in practical hot stamping operation on mechanical properties shows
that all of the hot formed 22MnB5 components get fully lath martensitic microstructure, and have good mechanical
property combinations, with tensile strength of 1500 MPa, total elongation A80 8%, and hardness around 470 HV.
In this study, for the 3.8 mm thick 22MnB5 chassis component, 880 ºC is the recommend heating temperature
with 5min holding to obtain outstanding properties, even though the transfer time is up to 30 s.

4. Conclusions

(1) For the studied fully austenization cases, the grain gets coarser and coarser with heating temperature
increasing, which finally influences the strength and ductility of the steel due to the coarse martensitc microstructure.
(2) Heating temperature has a certain influence on properties. For 10 ºC/s heating rate to different temperature
and holding 300 s conditions, 840 °C is the critical and the most economical choice without considering the transfer
time. For 50 ºC/s rapid heating rate and holding 10s conditions, 850 ºC is the critical choice. But considering the
transfer time necessary in practical hot forming cases, a little bit higher temperature, for example, 860, or 950 ºC is
the recommendation, to avoid ferrite formation during transfer and forming procedure.
(3) The steel in practical hot forming gets martensitic microstructure when using heating temperature of 860, 880,
900 and 92 ºC with 300 s holding, following die quenching respectively. The tensile strength reaches 1500 MPa,
yield strength 1000MPa, total elongation A80 achieves 8%, and hardness above 470 HV. The process obtained in this
study can provide a basis to meet the lightweight requirements of chassis productions.
(4) For 3.8 mm thick Boron steel 22MnB5, a heating temperature lower to 880 ºC in practical chassis component
hot forming operation is good for getting a finer fully martensitic microstructure, and a better property combination.


This work is financially supported by National Key Basic Research, Development Project of China “973
Program” (Grant No. 2010CB-630802), and the National Natural Sciences Foundation of China (Grant No.


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