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Student’s Name: Amanda Shelton

Date: 7/31/13
Topic: To inform the audience how to be fit and healthy.

General Purpose: To Inform

Specific Purpose: To inform the audience how to be fit and healthy with beneficial information.
Thesis: Maintaining a healthy life style requires a person to remain active, and to consume a
nutritious diet.

I. Introduction
A. Attention Getter: How many of you (audience) would like to be more fit, healthier, and feel
better about your bodies? Did you know that “more than one-third of U.S. adults (35.7%) are
obese?” It is important for everyone to maintain a healthy and fit life.

B. Reason to Listen: Everyone (audience) wants to live as long and as healthy as possible. We
want to be there for our kids, and our kid’s kids. Through a healthy diet and exercise you can
prevent diseases, a shorten life span, and stay younger longer.

C. Thesis Statement: Maintaining a healthy life style requires a person to remain active, and to
consume a nutritious diet.

D. Credibility Statement:
1. What personally connects you to this topic? As a female, I constantly have my weight and health
on my mind, so I want to know want I can do to maintain my weight, and improve my health.
2. What type of research have you done to establish credibility? There are many sites that give
nutritional advice, fitness advice, and facts about obesity.

E. Preview of Main Points: (this preview should reinforce the mode you have selected)
1. First, I will describe … the obesity epidemic.
2. Second, I will examine …what foods you should include in a nutritious diet. You are what you
3. Third, I will discuss… how to maintain an active lifestyle.

II. Maintaining a healthy life style requires a person to remain active, and to consume a
nutritious diet.

A. Obesity is a scary epidemic in the United States.

1. Most of our lives are food centered. Holidays there is food, social gatherings there is food, date
night there is food. Food is constantly being flashed in front of our eyes, from the television, to the
radio. We are constantly program to eat, and to eat not so healthy things.
a. “One-third of Americans are obese” This is an extremely scary statistic.
b. This means there is an increased risk of “heart disease, stroke, type 2 diabetes and certain types
of cancer, some of the leading causes of preventable death.”

2. Obesity can be prevented through exercise, and making more health conscious decisions.
a. People need to put the remote down, put the double cheeseburger down, and be more thoughtful
of their health.
b. A Person needs at least thirty minutes of physical activity three to four times a week to maintain
a healthy body.
3. Physical activity is definitely beneficial in maintaining health, but another important factor is
nutrition. What we decide to put in our bodies, are bodies most definitely reflect.

Transition: Obesity can be prevented through making health conscious decisions.

B. Consuming a nutritious diet helps maintain and improve your overall health.
1. Did you know that “since the 1970s, the number of fast food restaurants has more than doubled?”
This clearly makes it hard for one to make nutritious choices when fast food is constantly being
thrown in your face. One must have discipline and know what is beneficial to their diet.
a. “Scientific studies have shown time and again that choosing healthy foods can reduce the risk of
heart disease, cancer, and other diseases.
b. A person should be eating five to six small meals throughout the day to support metabolism and
crave hunger. These five to six meals should consist of vegetables, fruits, lean protein, and whole

2. It is ok to indulge every once in a while. To avoid a craving is going to just sabotage you later, so
if you are craving something, have it, but keep it in a small moderation.
a. “When you plan a cheat day on your diet once a week, you can look forward to rewarding
yourself for your hard work.”

3. While dining out, keep in mind what the healthy options are the menu.
a. Look at the nutrition guide. Many restaurants are required to provide them.
b. Look for whole grain and plant based options with a portion of lean protein.

Transition: Diet is extremely important aspect in maintain health. To compliant your diet
one must keep fit and active.
C. Be active, and stay active.
1. A fit body helps maintain your overall health and appearance. Everyone likes to look good and
feel good.
a. “More than 80% of adults do not meet the guidelines for both aerobic and muscle-strengthening
activities, and more than 80% of adolescents do not do enough aerobic physical activity to meet the
guidelines for youth.”
b. To avoid being part of the 80% percent, you need to get out and get active. Go to the park, join a
gym, attend a fitness class, and do something that exerts energy.
2. A person should be getting 3-4 days of 30 minute activity.
b. It is important to include cardio and strength training into your routine. If you do not like to run,
get on an elliptical. If gym exercise bores you, join a group fitness class. It is important to be aware
of the many options, and decide what works for you. Being inactive is not an option.

III. Conclusion
A. Review of Main Points:
1. Restate your first main point: Obesity is a scary epidemic in the United States
2. Restate your second main point: Consuming a nutritious diet helps maintain and improve your
overall health.
3. Restate you third main point: Be active, and stay active.
B. Restate Thesis: Maintaining a healthy life style requires a person to remain active, and to
consume a nutritious diet.
C. Closure: It is important for everyone to be aware of what is going in the United States. Fast
Food should not be a part of our everyday diet, and we should not be living sedentary lives. We
must making health conscious decisions, and incorporate some type of fitness in our everyday

1. "Adult Obesity Facts." Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Centers for Disease
Control and Prevention, 13 Aug. 2012. Web. 31 July 2013.

2. "President's Council on Fitness, Sports & Nutrition." Facts & Statistics -. N.p., n.d. Web. 31
July 2013.

3. " :: How Does My Diet Affect My Health?" :: How Does

My Diet Affect My Health? N.p., n.d. Web. 31 July 2013.

4. "The Importance of Having One Cheat Day When Dieting." / Nutrition / Healthy Eating.
N.p., n.d. Web. 31 July 2013.

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