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Zoe has stared her first
run way modelling.
She will be modelling
swimwear for women.
She will be going on the
Modelling co run way.

Zoe will be doing it with some other people

that she works with. She will be doing it in
Melbourne at “Modelling Co”. She will be
modelling two nice looking bikinis. And three
full swim suits. Zoe is modelling because she
has been asked to model. Because the people
have seen her model before, and they have
seen how good she is. Zoe became a modeler
because her mum used to do it and her mum
got heaps of money for. And Zoe really loved
watching her mum run the runway. So, she
applied for it and she got in.
As Zoe walked up the runway even one
cheered because she looked really nice in her
swim suits. And bikinis. Zoe loved it she had a
really great time. And wants to do a lot more

Zoe got a lot of money

for modelling on the
run way. Because a lot
of people bought the
swim wear. Because of
Zoe’s amazing
modelling. The company were so happy with
her modelling. They decided that they were
going to upgrade her pay. And so, she can get
a bit more money.

In conclusion Zoe loved it and loved modelling

with all the other people that did it. She
definitely wants to do it again. She was very
happy with her outcome of modelling.

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