Scope Actual Place Where The Study Will Only Be Conducted Duration of The Study Variables Involved or To Be Tested Respondents of The Study

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Actual place where the study will only be

Duration of the study
Variables involved or to be tested
Respondents of the study

Anticipated weaknesses
Ways and means to handle weaknesses
Scope and Delimitation of the Study
The study was focused on the effects of
contextual framing approach on students’
performance in General Physics, specifically in
Modern Physics. The study considered the
student’s personal information such as their
gender and age.
The researchers limited the study to 80 male
and 80 female. The subjects of the study were
two intact classes of second year Bachelor of
Secondary Education students at Pangasinan
State University–Bayambang Campus enrolled
in General Physics during the first semester of
the Academic Year 2013–2014. The topics
covered were Elementary Particles and Nuclear
Energy. The researcher himself taught the two
groups to reduce teacher factor. The schedules
of the classes were also interchanged to reduce
time factor.
In order to assure manageability of the
collected data, the questionnaire only included
multiple choice items, likert scale, checklist and
ranking/rating questions and did not include
open-ended questions.
Example of questions
Are you a vegetarian? Yes/No
What's your favorite food?
Which types of meat do you like?
What's your household income? $0-10k/$10-
What's your favorite beverages? Rank in
order of preference.
On a scale of 1-5, how would you rate our
store cleanliness? 1/2/3/4/5
How much do you like the following:
oranges, apples, grapes?
Three-point Scales
 Good - Fair – Poor
 Agree – Undecided - Disagree
 Extremely- Moderately - Not at all
 Too much - About right - Too little
Five-point Scales (e.g. Likert Scale)
 Strongly Agree – Agree – Undecided /
Neutral - Disagree - Strongly Disagree
 Always – Often – Sometimes – Seldom –
 Extremely – Very - Moderately – Slightly -
Not at all
 Excellent - Above Average – Average -
Below Average - Very Poor
Significance of the Study
Describes the contributions of the study.
The researchers should include themselves.
Cites usefulness of the study to specific
persons and groups.
Explain how those persons and groups can
benefit from the study.
The results of this study are beneficial to the
Physics community because it is geared towards
upgrading the quality of Physics instruction and
appreciation among the following:

Physics Students. The contextual framing

approach helps students have a guided walk
through the world of Physics by seeing how
concepts came to be, to what they could be
likened to, and where in real life they are seen.
Through this, students’ learning and motivation
are expected to improve and misconceptions
about Physics be replaced by eagerness and
desire to see more how Physics relates to their
everyday life.
Physics Teachers. The results of this study
will serve as additional guide for Physics
teachers in presenting Physics in a way that is
more appreciated and valued by students. This
will also serve as guide for teachers even in
other fields in preparing intervention programs
in their respective areas by having a baseline
data on mixed-models instruction.
Administrators. This will inspire school
administrators and other key personnel in
providing the needed leadership in curriculum
development in Physics designed to meet the
needs of the students and demands of time.
Other Researchers. This study will serve as
reference for those who are embarking in the
same endeavor in allied subjects and other
researcher's understanding of how the
particular variables in his study connect with
each other.
RESEARCH PARADIGM is a diagrammatic
illustration of the relationship of variables
involved in your study.
It usually uses boxes, lines and arrows to
indicate the relationship between the
dependent and independent variables in your
This is how you should produce your study’s
research paradigm:
1. The independent and dependent variables
should be appropriately placed in their
corresponding boxes. 2. Use one-headed and
two-headed arrows to clarify which variables are
to be correlated. 3. Write the figure number
under the whole paradigm and label it.
DEFINITION OF TERMS is intended to assist
you in understanding commonly used terms and
concepts when reading, interpreting, and
evaluating scholarly research.
The Conceptual Framework
Figure 1 is the research paradigm of the
present study showing the relationship of the
variables involved. The independent variables
are the two teaching approaches, the
conventional approach and the contextual
framing approach. The dependent variable is the
students’ performance. It was conceptualized
that the contextual framing approach has a
positive effect on the performance of the
students in General Physics.

The Research Paradigm

Definition of Terms
To provide common frame of reference and
to ensure the understanding of the contents of
this study, the following terms are hereby
defines technically and operationally:
Conventional Approach - refers to the traditional
way of teaching wherein most of the time
lecture method is used, most of the information
come from the teacher. Contextual Approach –
it is the opposite of conventional approach, it is
a way of teaching wherein the student is the
center of information and not the teacher.
Performance – it refers to the class standing of
students based on their pretest and posttest

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