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Estimating the Approximate Solutions

of the Fornberg-Whitham and

Gokilam R1 , Thanamani R1
Department of Mathematics, Bharathiar University, Coimbatore-641 046, India.

In this paper we study the initial value problems of Fornberg-Whitham(FW)
and Oskolkov-Benjamin-Bona-Mahony(OBBM) equations which are lo-
cally wellposed in the Sobolev space H s for s > 32 . we define the ap-
proximate solutions of FW and OBBM equations and compute the errors.
Then we estimate the H σ -norm of this errors.

Keywords: Sobolev space, Approximate solutions, Well-posedness, Non-local


1 Introduction
The Fornberg-Whitham(FW) equation introduced as a model to study breaking
of non-linear dispersive water waves. In mathematical physics, the Whitham
equation is a non-local model for non-linear dispersive waves. We consider the
initial value problem for the Fornberg-Whitham equation
9 3 3
uxxt − ut + ux uxx + uuxxx − uux + ux = 0 (1)
2 2 2
u(x, 0) = u0 (x), x ∈ T, t ∈ <
where u(x, t) is the fluid velocity, t is the time and x is the spatial co-ordinate.
The FW equation was written by Fornberg and Whitham in 1978 as a model for
breaking waves. The FW equation can be (and is more conveniently) written
in the following non-local form
ut + uux = (1 − ∂x2 )−1 ∂x u (2)

The non-local form can be obtained from FW equation as follows,
9 3 3
uxxt − ut + ux uxx + uuxxx − uux + ux = 0
2 2 2
3 3
ut + uux − utxx − [uuxxx + 3ux uxx ] = ∂x u
2 2
3 3 ∂ ∂
ut + uux − utxx − [ (uux )] = ∂x u
2 2 ∂x ∂x
∂2 3
(1 − 2 )(ut + uux ) = ∂x u
∂x 2

Multiply bothsides by (1 − ∂x2 )−1 , we get

ut + uux = (1 − ∂x2 )−1 ∂x u
Next, We consider the initial value problem (i.v.p) of the Oskolkov-Benjamin-
Bona-Mahony Equation

ut − ux − uxxt + uux = 0 (3)

u(x, 0) = u0 (x), x ∈ T, t ∈ <

The OBBM equation derived from the water wave model. Non-local form of the
OBBM Equation can be written as,

ut + uux = (1 − ∂x2 )−1 ∂x (u − u2x − uuxx ) (4)

The non-local form can be obtained from OBBM equation as follows.

Adding and subtracting the terms uuxxx and 3ux uxx , we get

ut − ux − uxxt + uux + uuxxx − uuxxx + 3ux uxx − 3ux uxx = 0

(1 − ∂x2 )(ut + uux ) = ux − 3ux uxx − uuxxx

ut + uux = (1 − ∂x2 )−1 ∂x (u − u2x − uuxx )

Written this way, the FW and OBBM equations are become a special case in
the family of nonlinear wave equations of the form

ut + auux = L(u)

This work studies the initial value problems of FW and OBBM equations. The
paper is structured as follows. In section 1 we give the introduction and pre-
liminaries. In section 2 we define approximate solutions and compute the error,
while in section 3 we estimate the H σ -norm of this error.
Lemma 1
Let σ ∈ <. If λ ∈ Z + and λ >> 1 then

kcos(λx − α)kH σ (T ) ≈ λσ , α ∈ <
the above relation is also true if cos(λx − α) is replaced by sin(λx − α). Finally,
for any s ≥ 0 we have

kuω,λ (t)kH σ (T ) = kωλ−1 + λ−s cos(λx − ωt)kH σ (T )

kuω,λ (t)kσH (T ) ≤ λ−1 + λ−s+σ

where λ >> 1.
For any s ∈ < the operator
Ds = (1 − ∂ 2 x) 2 is defined by
d s f (ξ) = (1 + ξ 2 ) 2 fˆ(ξ),

where fˆ is the Fourier transform

fˆ(ξ) = e−ixξ f (x)dx

The inverse relation is given by

1 X ˆ
f (x) = f (ξ)eixξ


Then, for f ∈ H s (T ) we have

1 X
kf k2H s (T ) = (1 + ξ 2 )s |fˆ(ξ)|2


= kD2 f |2L2 (T )

2 Approximate FW and OBBM Solutions

We shall consider approximate solutions of the form

uω,λ (x, t) = ωλ−1 + λ−s cos(λx − ωt) (5)

Where ω is bounded subset of < and λ is in the set of positive integers Z .
Next , we compute the error of the approximate solution of (4).
Differentiating (4) with respect to t,

∂t uω,λ = 0 + λ−s (−sin(λx − ωt))(−ω)

∂t uω,λ = ωλ−s sin(λx − ωt) (6)

Differentiating (4) with respect to x,

∂x uω,λ = 0 + λ−s (−sin(λx − ωt))(λ)

= −λλ−s sin(λx − ωt)
∂x uω,λ = −λ−s+1 sin(λx − ωt) (7)

Approximate FW Solutions:
Substituting (6) and (7) into the Burgers part of the FW equation, we get
∂t uω,λ + uω,λ ∂x uω,λ = ωλ−s sin(λx − ωt)
+ [ωλ−1 + λ−s cos(λx − ωt)][−λ−s+1 sin(λx − ωt)]
= ωλ−s sin(λx − ωt) − ωλ−s sin(λx − ωt)
3 −2s+1
− λ cos(λx − ωt)sin(λx − ωt)
−1 −s 3
= ωλ sin(λx − ωt) − λ−2s+1 sin2(λx − ωt)
2 4
= F1 + F2

Next, we compute the error resulting from applying the non-local perturbation
part of the FW equation to the approximate solution. That is, we form the
quantity (1 − ∂x2 )−1 ∂x uω,λ .
We shall write this term by using the operator Ds .

[−(1 − ∂x2 )−1 ]∂x uω,λ = [−D−2 ∂x (ωλ−1 + λ−s cos(λx − ωt)]
= D−2 λ−s+1 sin(λx − ωt)
= F3

To summarize the error F of the approximate solution (5)is,

F = ∂t uω,λ + uω,λ ∂x uω,λ − D−2 ∂x uω,λ (8)
= F1 + F2 + F3 (9)

Where Fj are defined as above.

Approximate OBBM Solutions
we substituting (6) and (7) into the’Burgers part of the OBBM equation we get,

∂t uω,λ + uω,λ ∂x uω,λ = ωλ−s sin(λx − ωt) + [ωλ−1 + λ−s

cos(λx − ωt)][−λ−s+1 sin(λx − ωt)]
= ωλ−s sin(λx − ωt) − ωλ−s sin(λx − ωt)
−λ−2s+1 cos(λx − ωt)sin(λx − ωt)
= λ−2s+1 cos(λx − ωt)sin(λx − ωt)

∂t uω,λ + uω,λ ∂x uω,λ = − λ−2s+1 sin2(λx − ωt)
= F1

Next,we compute the error resulting from applying the non local perturbation
part of the OBBM equation to the approximate solution.
that is we form the quantity

− (1 − ∂x2 )−1 ∂x (u − u2x − uuxx )

= −D−2 ∂x (uω,λ − (uω,λ 2
x ) −u
ω,λ ω,λ
uxx )
= −D−2 ∂x (uω,λ + D−2 ∂x (uω,λ 2
x ) +D
∂x (uω,λ uω,λ
xx )

Now consider

−D−2 ∂x (uω,λ ) = −D−2 (−λ−S+1 )sin(λx − ωt)

= D−2 (λ−S+1 )sin(λx − ωt)
= F2

Now consider

(∂x (uω,λ ))2 = (−λ−S+1 sin(λx − ωt))2

= λ−2S+2 sin2 (λx − ωt)
1 1
= λ−2S+2 [ − cos2(λx − ωt)]
2 2
−2S+2 1
∂x (∂x (uω,λ ))2 = λ [0 − (−sin2(λx − ωt))2λ]
= λ−2S+2 λsin2(λx − ωt)
= λ−2S+3 sin2(λx − ωt)


D−2 ∂x (∂x (uω,λ ))2 = D−2 λ−2S+3 sin2(λx − ωt)

= F3

Now consider D−2 ∂x (uω,λ uω,λ

xx )

xx = −λ−s+1 cos(λx − ωt)λ
= −λ−s+2 cos(λx − ωt)

uω,λ uω,λ
xx = [ωλ−1 + λ−s cos(λx − ωt)][−λ−s+2 cos(λx − ωt)]
1 1
= −ωλ−s+1 cos(λx − ωt) − λ−2s+2 [ + cos2(λx − ωt)]
2 2

since cos2 θ = 2 + 12 cos2θ

∂x (uω,λ uω,λ
xx ) = −ωλ−s+1 (−sin(λx − ωt)λ) + 0 − λ−2s+2
( (−sin2(λx − ωt)2λ))
∂x (uω,λ uω,λ
xx ) = ωλ (sin(λx − ωt)) + λ−2s+3 sin2(λx − ωt))

D−2 ∂x (uω,λ uω,λ

xx ) = D−2 ωλ−s+2 sin(λx − ωt) + D−2 λ−2s+3
sin2(λx − ωt)
= F4 + F5

To summarize, the error F of the approximate solution (5) is

F = F1 + F2 + F3 + F4 + F5 (10)

Where Fj ’s are derived as above.

3 Estimating the Error of Approximate solu-

tions of FW and OBBM equations
Next we shall estimate the H σ -norm of the error F in (9) and (10) by estimating
separately the H σ norm of each term Fj .
Estimating the H σ -norm of error of FW equation:
Estimating the H σ -norm of F1

−1 −s
kF1 (t)kH σ (T ) = k ωλ sin(λx − ωt)kH σ (T )
1 −s
= ωλ ksin(λx − ωt)kH σ (T )
1 −s+σ
≤ ωλ
since by Lemma (1), λ >> 1
Estimating the H σ -norm of F2

kF2 (t)kH σ (T ) = k − λ−2s+1 sin2(λx − ωt)kH σ (T )
3 −2s+1
= λ ksin2(λx − ωt)kH σ (T )
3 −2s+1+σ
≤ λ

since by Lemma (1), λ >> 1
Estimating the H σ -norm of F3

kF3 (t)kH σ (T ) = kD−2 λ−s+1 sin(λx − ωt)kH σ (T )

= kλ−s+1 sin(λx − ωt)kH σ−2 (T )
≤ λ−s+1 ksin(λx − ωt)kH σ−2 (T )
≤ λ−s+1 λσ−2
= λ−s+σ−1

since by Lemma (1), λ >> 1

Putting the above estimates together gives the following H σ -estimate for the
error of the FW approximate solution.
1 −s+σ 3 −2s+1+σ
kF kH σ (T ) ≤ ωλ + λ + λ−s+σ−1 (11)
2 4
Estimating the H σ -norm of error of OBBM equation:
Next we shall estimate the H σ -norm of the error F in (6) by estimating sepa-
rately the H σ norm of each term Fj
Estimating the H σ -norm of F1

kF1 (t)kH σ (T ) = k − λ−2s+1 sin2(λx − ωt)kH σ (T )
1 −2s+1
= λ ksin2(λx − ωt)kH σ (T )
1 −2s+1 σ
≤ λ λ
≤ λ−2s+σ+1

since by lemma(1), λ >> 1

Estimating the H σ -norm of F2

k F2 (t) kH σ = k D−2 λ−s+1 sin(λx − ωt) kH σ

= λ−s+1 k sin(λx − ωt) kH σ−2
≤ λ−s+1+σ

Estimating the H σ -norm of F3

k F3 (t) kH σ = k D−2 λ−2s+3 sin2(λx − ωt) kH σ

= λ−2s+3 k D−2 sin2(λx − ωt) kH σ
= λ−2s+3 k sin2(λx − ωt) kH σ−2
≤ λ−2s+3+σ

since by lemma (1), λ >> 1
Estimating the H σ -norm of F4

k F4 (t) kH σ = k D−2 ωλ−s+2 sin(λx − ωt) kH σ

= ωλ−s+2 k D−2 sin(λx − ωt) kH σ
= ωλ−s+2 k sin(λx − ωt) kH σ−2
≤ ωλ−s+2+σ

since by lemma (1), λ >> 1

Estimating the H σ -norm of F5

k F5 (t) kH σ = k D−2 λ−2s+3 sin2(λx − ωt) kH σ

= λ−2s+3 k D−2 sin2(λx − ωt) kH σ
= λ−2s+3 k sin2(λx − ωt) kH σ−2
≤ λ−2s+3+σ

since by lemma (1), λ >> 1

Now putting the above estimates together gives the following H σ -Estimate for
the error of the OBBM approximate solution.

k F (t) kH σ ≤ λ−2s+1+σ + λ−s+1+σ + λ−2s+3+σ + ωλ−s+2+σ + λ−2s+3+σ (12)

Hence, we derived the approximate solutions of FW and OBBM equations and

compute the error of the approximate sloution of FW and OBBM equation.
Also we estimated the H σ norm of the error.

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