Basics of Consumer Behaviour

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Understanding Consumer and Business

Buyer Behavior
Chapter Outline
• Consumer Markets and Consumer Buyer Behavior
• Model of Consumer Behavior
• Characteristics Affecting Consumer Behavior
• The Buyer Decision Process
• The Buyer Decision Process for New Products
• Business Markets and Business Buyer Behavior
• Business Markets
• Business Buyer Behavior
• The Business Buying Process
• E-Procurement
Consumer Markets and Consumer Buyer

Consumer buying behavior refers to the buying

behavior of final consumers – individuals and
households that buy goods and services for
personal consumption.
All of these final consumers combine together to
make up the consumer market.
Important questions

Companies research consumer buying decisions

in great detail to answer questions about:
- What consumers buy,
-Where they buy,
- how and how much they buy,
- when they buy, and
-why they buy.
Model of Buyer Behavior
Factors Influencing Consumer
Factors Influencing Consumer Behavior
Cultural Factors

Culture is the full range of learned human behaviour

Culture is the set of basic values, perceptions, wants
and behaviors learned by a member of society from
family and other important institutions.
Culture constantly changes
Example: The cultural shift toward greater concern about health and
fitness has created a huge industry for health and fitness services,
exercise equipment and clothing, organic foods, and a variety of
Factors Influencing Consumer Behavior
Cultural Factors
Subculture is a group of people with shared value
systems based on common life experiences and
Subculture includes nationalities, religions, racial
groups, and geographic regions.
Discussion Question
How has your culture
influenced you as a
consumer? Your
subculture including
your nationality,
religion, racial group,
and geographic
Social class
• Relatively permanent and ordered divisions in
a society whose members share similar values,
interests, and behaviours.
• Social class is not determined by a single
factor, such as income, but is measured as a
combination of occupation, income,
education, wealth, and other variables.
Factors Influencing Consumer Behavior
Social Class
Factors affecting consumer behaviour
– Social factors

• A consumers behaviour is also influenced by

social factors, such as the consumer’s small
groups, family, and social roles and status.
• Two or more people who interact to
accomplish individual or mutual goals.
Factors Influencing Consumer Behavior
Social Factors
• Small group – Two or more people who interact
to accomplish individual goals.
– Reference groups – serve as direct or indirect points
of comparison or reference in forming a person’s
attitudes or behaviour.
– Opinion leaders – Person within a reference group
who, because of special skills, knowledge,
personality, or other characteristics, exerts social
influence on others.
– Online Social Networks- Blogs, Facebook etc.
Social Factors……
• Family – Family members can strongly
influence buyer behaviour. Marketers are
interested in the roles and influence of the
husband, wife, and children on the purchase
of different products and services.
• Social roles and status - A person belongs to
many groups – family, clubs, organizations.
The persons position in each group consists of
roles and status.
Factors Influencing Consumer behaviour –
Personal Factor

• Age and Life Cycle Stage

• Economic Situation
• Life Style
• Personality and Self Concept
Age and Life Cycle Stage
– Age, People change the goods and services they
buy over their lifetimes.
– Life Stage changes usually result from
demographics and life changing events such as
Marriage, having children, purchasing a home,
divorce, children going to college, changes in
personal income, retirement.
Note: Marketers often define their target markets in terms
of life cycle stage and develop appropriate products and
marketing plans for each stage.
Occupations and Economic
• Occupation – A persons occupation affects the
goods and services bought.
• Economic Situation – A persons economic situation
will affect his or her store and product choices.
• Lifestyle – is a person’s pattern of living as expressed
in his or her psychographics.
• Personality and Self Concept – The unique
psychological characteristics that distinguished a
person or group.
Factors Influencing Consumer Behavior
Psychological Factors
• Motivation – (Motive – A need that is
sufficiently pressing to direct the person to
seek satisfaction of that need)
• Perception
• Learning
• Beliefs and Attitudes
Factors Influencing Consumer Behavior
Psychological Factors - Motivation
A motive (or
drive) is a need
that is sufficiently
pressing to direct
the person to
seek satisfaction
of the need
Factors Influencing Consumer Behavior
Psychological Factors - Perception

Perception is a process by which people

select, organize, and interpret information
to form a meaningful picture of the world.
Factors Influencing Consumer Behavior
Psychological Factors - Learning
Learning - describes changes in an
individual’s behavior arising from
Beliefs and Attitudes – Through doing and
learning, people acquire beliefs and
-Belief is a descriptive thought that a person holds
about something.
- Attitude is a person’s consistently favorable or
unfavorable evaluations, feelings and tendencies
toward an object or idea.
The Buyer Decision Process
The Buyer Decision Process for New Products
Stages in the adoption process




The Buyer Decision Process for New
Discussion Question

Where do you
see yourself on
the Adopter
Curve? Why?
The Buyer Decision Process for New
Characteristics important in influencing
innovations rate of adoption

Compatibility Complexity

Divisibility Communicability
Business Markets and Business Buyer
Business buying behavior refers to the
buying behavior of the organizations that
buy goods and services to:
Use in the production of
other products and services.

Resell or rent them to others

at a profit.
Business Markets
Market Structure and Demand
• There are fewer
but larger buyers
• Demand is
Business Market
• Nature of the buying Unit – A business purchase
usually involves more decision participants and a
more professional purchasing effort, done by trained
purchasing agents.
• Types of Decision and decision process - Business
buyers usually face more complex buying decisions.
– Large sums of money
– Interaction among people at many levels
– More formalized
Business Buyer Behavior
Major type of buying situations
• Straight rebuy – A business buying situation in which
the buyer routinely reorders something without any
• Modified rebuy – A business situation in which the
buyer wants to modify product specifications, prices,
terms, or suppliers.
• New task – A business buying situation in which the
buyer purchases a product or service for the first
Business Buyer Behavior
Major Influences
The Business Buying Process

Purchasing through
between buyers and
sellers – usually

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