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Maria wants to plan family with her husband.

The Oby-Gyne prescribed her to take pills, what do you think is the reason?
Answer They contain hormones that control the functioning of the ovaries and uterus

It serves as passageway of eggs from the ovary to the uterus is Oviduct

The following are the functions of the vagina except

A. Admits the penis to let the semen enter
B. An important factor in the development of an infant
C. It is stretch or torn during the first sexual intercourse.
D. Serves as a canal through which the baby passes during birth.
Which best describes the testes? Produce the sperms and the sex hormones testosterone

How is feedback mechanism describe?

High level of one substance may prevent the production of another substance

What is the function of the FSH follicle in the menstrual cycle? Stimulates the ovaries to release estrogen

What most likely to happen when estrogen stimulates the release of LH? Control s the production of progesterone

. Which of the following inhibit the further release of luteinizing hormone? High levels of progesterone

How can the body system maintain homeostasis? Application of the feedback mechanism

Pedro and Mario stand 7 ft and 3 ft respectively, which best explain their condition?
I. Hormonal imbalance
II. Pituitary gland is not producing enough growth hormones
III. Prostate gland cannot make enough growth hormones
IV. A person with excessive secretion of growth hormones
DNA B is copied from DNA A, how can one be sure that replication occurs in the system?
A. They are exactly the same as the original
The following serve as the importance of DNA except-Discover the attitude of a person

What makes the transcription differ from the replication? Only one strand of DNA is used

All RNA types play key roles in protein production except


What implications may occur when there is a change in the genetic code? Results in the production of protein different from
what is needed

What makes DNA strand different from RNA strand?

DNA is compose of complementary strands while RNA is single stranded

A pregnant woman was exposed to a strong Electromagnetic Wave, what will the harmful effect be on the part of the
fetus?.will affect the DNA sequence

In question # 23 which of the following factors that may affect the fetus -. radiation

A chromosome breaks off and attaches to another chromosome, which of the following may happen?
.problems with cell division

A person has only X instead of XX or XY, what characteristic does he possess?

. possesses an underdeveloped female sexual characteristic

Which of the following should be considered in studying the age of invertebrates?. carbon -14 content

How are forelimbs of dog and lizard classified as homologous structures?

A. the same origin with different functions C. different functions and environment
B. different functions same origins. D. same origin and function

How can one prove that horses and zebras evolve from common anatomy?
A. homologous structure.

How are butterflies and bird compared?

A. similar adaptation to similar environment C. unrelated organism with similar function
B. same structure to different function D. related organism with dissimilar function
Rocks A, B, C and D are arranged according to their positions from top to bottom, which is the correct sequence of rocks
from oldest to youngest?
A. A,B,C,and D B. D,C,B, and A C. D,C,A and B D. A,C,D and B
What qualities should an organism possessed if its structure is fitted to survive in a given environment?
A. can compete for food and space. C. likely to produce offspring
B. a great chance of survival D. possess different characteristics and qualities

Lots of people died in Nepal due to earthquake, this refers to. density – independent

Which classification of diversity can you categorize the grape seeds which according to studies are antioxidants?
Answer.. aesthetic value

The following are some human activities that can help to protect and conserve biodiversity Except
A. reduce the use of pesticides, fertilizers and herbicides
B. practice composting
C. use smoke belching car everyday
D. get involved with environmental projects in your community
Which of the following best describes the GnRH (Gonadotropin Releasing Hormone)?
Answer. Commands the pituitary glands to release two hormones

The place where the mature sperm cells stored is-. epididymis

The ff. are functions of the nervous system except

A. controls the mechanism in the body
B. controls the functions of the reproductive system
C. relays messages back and forth from the brain to the various parts of the body
D. Transmits information through the spinal cord which extends from the drain down through the back.
The development of the secondary sex characteristics of male like the deepening of the voice, enlargement of muscles and
appearance is due to the production of Testosterone

Which of the following affects the sperm production? Temperature

The following are the functions of the FSH and LH except

A. Stimulate the egg cells on the ovaries to mature
B. Stimulate the release of testosterone by the testes
C. Stimulate the ovaries to produce estrogen
D. Responsible for the thickening of the uterine wall in preparation for pregnancy

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