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Advanced FPGA Design Techniques

- Coding for Synthesis

Navid Lashkarian, Ph.D.

San Jose State University

Electrical Engineering Department

Fall 2008

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Decision Trees

Priority Decision Trees

module regwrite (

input reg rout,
input clk,
input [3:0] in,
input [3:0] ctrl);
always @(posedge clk)
Lowest priority
rout if (ctrl[0]) rout<= in[0];
else if (ctrl[1]) rout<= in[1];
else if (ctrl[2]) rout<= in[2];
Highest priority
else if (ctrl[3]) rout<= in[3];
- A bit will only be used to select the priority mux if all bits a head of it
(LSBs) are not set.
- If/else decisions should only be used when the decision tree has a
priority encoding.

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Decision Trees

Parallel Decision Trees

module regwrite (
input reg rout,
input clk,
D4 input [3:0] in,
input [3:0] ctrl);


always @(posedge clk)
D Q rout
in[2] D2

Priority E2
Logic in[1] D1 ctrl[0]: rout <= in[0];

CLR Q ctrl[1]: rout <= in[1];
E0 ctrl[2]: rout <= in[2];
ctrl[3]: rout <= in[3];
- Case structures used in circumstances where all conditions are
mutually exclusive.
- VHDL infers the parallel decision tree for ”case” statement.
- Verilog infers ”case” statement as a priority statement.
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Decision Trees

Synthesis Directive

- Synthesis directive You can get around the problem in Verilog by

using synthesis directives.
- Case structures used in circumstances where all conditions are
mutually exclusive.
- VHDL infers the parallel decision tree for ”case” statement.
- Verilog infers ”case” statement as a priority statement.

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Decision Trees

Parallel Decision Trees-2

- Use of Synthesis directives: Designer can get around this problem
through using synthesis directives
case(1) // synthesis parallel case
- Use of the parallel case directive is generally not a good design
practice. Implications: Synthesis and Simulation behave differently.
Consider the following example :
module mux3a (y,x,a,b,c,sel);
output y;
input [1:0] sel;
input a,b,c;
reg y;
always @( a or b or c or sel)
case (sel)
2’b00 : y=a;
2’b01 : y=b;
2’b10 ; y=c;
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Decision Trees

Parallel Decision Trees-3

- This is not a ”full” case, as the case statement does not define what
happens to the y output when binary pattern 2’b11 is driven onto
the select line.
- The Verilog simulation will hold the last assigned y output value.
- The synthesis will infer a latch on the y output.
module mux3a (y,x,a,b,c,sel);
output y;
input [1:0] sel;
input a,b,c;
reg y;
always @( a or b or c or sel)
case (sel)
2’b00 : y=a;
2’b01 : y=b;
2’b10 ; y=c;
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Decision Trees

Synopsis ”full case”

- Synopsys tools recognize two directives when added to the end of

Verilog case header. "// synopsis full case parallel case".
- The directives can either be used together to separately.
- Verilog Simulation completely disregards this directive and treats this
exactly as a Verilog comment.
- On the other hand Synopsis parses all the Verilog comments that
start with "// synopsis ..." and interprets the ”full case”
directive to mean that if a case statement is not ”full”, the outputs
are all ”don’t cares” for all unspecified items.
- If the case statement includes a case default, the "full case"
directive will be ignored. Consider the following example :

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Decision Trees

Synopsis ”full case”-Example

Consider the following example
module mux3b (y,a,b,c,sel);
output reg y;
input [1:0] sel;
input a,b,c;
always @( a or b or c or sel)
case (sel) // synopsis full_case
2’b00 : y=a;
2’b01 : y=b;
2’b10 ; y=c;
- When the binary pattern 2’b11 is driven onto the select line, Verilog
simulation infers a latch.
- Synthesis treats the y output as ”don’t care” for the same select-line
This causes mismatch betweenVerilog
Lashkarian, Ph.D.
the simulation and synthesis.
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Decision Trees

Non-parallel case statements without parallel case directive

- Consider the following example
module intct11a (int2, int1,int0, irq);
output int2,int1,int0;
input [2:0] irq;
reg int2,int1,int0;
always @( irq) begin
casez (irq)
3’b1?? : int2=1’b1;
3’b?1? : int1=1’b1;
3’b??1 : int0=1’b1;
- This is not a parallel case
- This coding style will simulate like a priority encoder where irq[2]
has priority over irq[1] which has priority over irq[0].
- The synthesis tool also infer a priority encoder.
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Decision Trees

Non-parallel case statements without parallel case directive

- Consider the following example
module intct12a (int2, int1,int0, irq);
output int2,int1,int0;
input [2:0] irq;
reg int2,int1,int0;
always @( irq) begin
casez (irq)
3’b1?? : int2=1’b1;
3’b01? : int1=1’b1;
3’b001 : int0=1’b1;
- This is a parallel case.
- The synthesis tool still treats the above code as a priority encoder.

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Decision Trees

Parallel case statements without parallel case directive

- Consider the following example
module intct12a (int2, int1,int0, irq);
output int2,int1,int0;
input [2:0] irq;
reg int2,int1,int0;
always @( irq) begin
casez (irq)
3’b1?? : int2=1’b1;
3’b01? : int1=1’b1;
3’b001 : int0=1’b1;
- This is a parallel case.
- The synthesis tool still treats the above code as a priority encoder.

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Decision Trees

Non-parallel case statements with parallel case directive

- Consider the following example
module intct11b (int2, int1,int0, irq);
output int2,int1,int0;
input [2:0] irq;
reg int2,int1,int0;
always @( irq) begin
casez (irq) //synopsis parallel_case
3’b1?? : int2=1’b1;
3’b?1? : int1=1’b1;
3’b??1 : int0=1’b1;
- Simulation infers the priority encoder.
- The synthesis tool treats the above code as a parallel case statement.
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Decision Trees

Parallel case statements with parallel case directive

- Consider the following example
module intct12b (int2, int1,int0, irq);
output int2,int1,int0;
input [2:0] irq;
reg int2,int1,int0;
always @( irq) begin
casez (irq) //synopsis parallel_case
3’b1?? : int2=1’b1;
3’b01? : int1=1’b1;
3’b001 : int0=1’b1;
- casez is a parallel case statement.
- If a parallel case statement is added to a parallel case, it will
make no difference.
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Decision Trees

Coding Style for Priority Encoders

- Non-parallel case statements infer priority encoders.

- It is a poor coding practice to code priority encoders using case
statement. Instead, use ”if else if" statements.
- Examine all synthesis tool case-statement reports.
- When a synthesis tool reports that the case statement
is not parallel, change the case statement code.

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Decision Trees

Inferring Latches

- The synthesis directive synopsis full case removes the latches for
missing case items.
- One of the most common ways to infer latch is to make assignments
to multiple outputs from a single case statement but neglect to assign
all outputs for each case item. Even adding the full case directive
to this type of case statement will NOT eliminate latches.

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