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NAME:__________________________________________________________ SCORE __________

SECTION:________________________________________________________ DATE: _________


General Directions: Read each item carefully and follow directions. Write the letter of the most
appropriate answer on your answer sheet.

For items 1-3, write the three writing process cycle on the diagram below.
The writing process cycle


2._____ 3.______

Directions: Match each term in column B with the most appropriate description in column A.
___4. Argument A. what needs to be proven by fact
___5. controlling idea B. central idea of a work of literature
___6. Mood C. the feeling created in a reader by a literary work
___7. opinion D. a core idea or focus of a written work
___8. Tone E. contains the body of evidence used to
___9. theme support a point of view F. refers to the attitude of the writer towards his subject

C. Grammar Modals
Directions: Choose from the pool of answers the writer’s/speaker’s intention as hinted by each underlined
A. ability B. obligation C. probability D. willingness
10. It’s true that sorrows in life may bring despair.
11. We must find courage even in the small things that we do.
12. We will endure even the greatest sufferings that will come our way.
13. Ordinary trials can be turned into extraordinary moments.

D. Intensive and Reflexive Pronouns

Directions: Determine whether each underlined word is used as an intensive or reflexive pronoun.
Write In for intensive pronoun and Re for reflexive pronoun.

14. You can see yourself more clearly.

15. Judge how much you know about yourself.
16. Life itself offers you many opportunities.

For nos. 17 to 21
1.) The best way to overcome a disability is to face it head-on and not to let it
prevent you from achieving great things. 2.) This is the lesson I draw from the lives of
two people whom I admire - the musician Stevie Wonder and the track-and-field star
Jackie Joyner-Kersee. 3.) I respect them for their courage and strength in overcoming
obstacles. 4.) Both are persons with disabilities who defied obstacles in order to be
successful in their fields. 5.) They taught me never to give up no matter how intimidating
the obstacles I face in life.
from: “Overcome an Obstacle to Succeed” by Eddie Harris

17. The word “fought” is a/an _______ of the word “defied” in sentence no. 4.
A. connotation B. denotation C. opposite D. symbol
18. This passage would most probably interest a/an __________.
A. adolescent B. adult C. child D. old man
19. The passage is most probably a part of a/an __________.
A. anecdote B. autobiography C. letter D. persuasive essay
20. To support his claim, the writer uses ____.
A. facts B. opinion C. reasons D. statistics
21. An effective persuasive technique used by the author to emphasize his point is through appealing to ________.
A. emotion B. moral C. reason D. both A and C
For nos. 22 to 24
“ When the world looks hopeless,
And life is not fair,
Throw back your shoulders
And do not despair.”

22. The expression to “throw back your shoulders” means________.

A. exercise your shoulders C. be confident and brave
B. forget your responsibilities D. show your feelings
23. The passage appeals more to the sense of ________ .
A. feeling B. sight C. sound D. taste
24. Most probably, the writer’s purpose in this passage is to ____.
A. express a feeling B. give an advice C. reveal the truth D. win other’s approval

For nos. 25 to 27
An excerpt from: Rabbi Ben Ezra
by Robert Browning
Then, welcome each rebuff
That turns earth’s smoothness rough,
Each sting that bids nor sit nor stand but go!
Be our joys three-parts pain!
Strive, and hold cheap the strain’;
Learn, nor account the pang; dare, never grudge the throe.

25. The word in the poem which is the opposite of “acceptance” is _____.
A. bids B. joys C. pangs D. rebuff
26. Line nos. 5 and 6 appeal more to the sense of _______.
A. feeling B. sight C. taste D. touch
27. The tone of the poem is more of _______.
A. admiration B. criticism C. inspirational D. pride

Part III. Process

Logical Organization. (nos. 28 to 31)
Directions: Arrange the following sentences logically to form a coherent paragraph.

__28. A. Let’s ask help from other students to repair the existing damage.
__29. B. Finally, encourage all to maintain cleanliness and beauty of our surrounding.
__30. C. We can restore the beauty of this wall.
__31. D. First, let’s raise funds for the repair.

Read the song “What a Wonderful World” by Louis Armstrong, then answer the questions that follow.

I see trees of green, “I love you.”

And I think to myself, I hear babies cry,
red roses, too.
What a wonderful world. I watch them grow,
I see them bloom,
The colors of the rainbow, They’ll learn much more,
for me and you.
So pretty in the sky Than I’ll ever know.
And I think to myself,
Are also on the faces, And I think to myself,
what a wonderful world. Of people going by
What a wonderful world.
I see skies of blue, I see friends shaking hands
Yes, I think to myself,
And clouds of white. Saying, “How do you do?”
What a wonderful world.
The bright blessed day, They’re really saying,
Oh yeah.
The dark sacred night.
32. What do trees of green symbolize?
a. Hope and life b. Freshness and freedom
c. Cleanliness and purity d. Health and wellness
33. The blooming of red roses signifies
a. sharing of glory b. bountiful blessings
c. love for the people d. wealth that abounds
34. The bright blessed day and the dark sacred night are symbolisms for
a. challenges and trials b. triumphs and dreams
c. sorrows and problems d. successes and failures
35. The colors of the rainbow are on the faces of people convey
a. happiness and contentment b. lasting relationship among spouses
c. friendship and camaraderie d. generosity and serenity
36. The speaker in the song has
a. no dreams to carry on b. a positive outlook in life
c. a pessimistic idea about nature d. lousy disposition towards life

Read the passage and write the letter of the correct theme.

A crow perishing with thirst saw a pitcher and hoping to find water flew to it with delight . when
he reached it, he discovered to his grief that it contained so little water that he could not possibly get at it.
He tried everything he could think of to reach the water, but all his efforts were in vain. At last he collected
as many stones as he could carry and dropped them one by one with his beak into the pitcher, until he
brought the water within his reach and thus saved his life.
37. What is the message of the passage?
a. Nobody is perfect.
b. if at first you don’t succeed try and try again
c. Physical activity will help you when you least expect it.
d. You can lead a horse to water but you can’t make it drink.

Salmon are born in fresh water but travel to salt water to live their lives and then travel back upstream to
where they spawn more salmon before they die. Salmon traveling upstream are very determined to get back to
where they were born. They fight against currents, whirlpools, and waterfalls; even though man has placed some
obstacles in the salmon’s way by building dams or rivers. Once the salmon reaches its birthplace, it lays eggs. These
eggs hatch, and the process begins again.
38. You can conclude that
a. salmon fight against water currents
b. salmon is a lazy fish
c. salmon like to stay where they are born
d. when man develops more land, it will be more difficult for the salmon to survive
39. You can conclude that salmon
a. are born in saltwater
b. live for a very long time
c. is an expensive fish to eat
d. can’t survive in fresh water

For nos. 40 to 42, read the passage below and then answer the questions that follow.

Justin was always prepared. His motto was “Never throw anything out, you never know when it might
come in handy.” His bedroom was so full of Àat bicycle tires, bent tennis rackets, deÀated basketballs, and games
with missing pieces that you could barely get in the door. His parents pleaded with him to clean out his room.
“What use is a ¿sh tank with a hole in the bottom?” his father asked. But Justin simply smiled and repeated his
motto, “Never throw anything out, you never know when it might come in handy.”
40. What does Justin’s motto mean?
a. Being organized is a good trait.
b. Keeping old things might help you become rich.
c. It is always nice to keep things of no use already.
d. Things WKDW you think are useless may be of use again in urgent cases.
41. Justin’s parents are
a. happy with Justin’s ingenuity.
b. annoyed with Justin’s untidiness.
c. proud with what Justin has in his room.
d. worried with the junk that Justin stored in his room.
42. What character trait does Justin show?
a. carefulness b. frugality c. perseverance d. resourcefulness

For nos. 43-45 Read the passage below and answer the questions that follow.
When Justin was away from home, he always carried his blue backpack. He liked to think of it as a smaller
version of his bedroom — a place to store the many objects that he collected. It was so worn out and stretched that
it hardly resembled a backpack anymore. It was full of the kinds of things that seemed unimportant, but
when used with a little imagination, might come in handy. Justin had earned a reputation for ¿guring things out
and getting people out of otherwise hopeless situations. Many of his classmates and neighbors sought him out
when they needed help with a problem.

43. Justin’s backpack is

a. recyclable b. an antique c. a magic bag d. a smaller version of his bedroom

44. Justin’s ingenuity has been proven by

a. being generous and helpful
b. lending money
c. saving a lot of people
d. helping people out of their problem through the use of what he kept.
45. Justin’s reputation is
a. worth emulating. b. shameful. c. disgusting. d. worth remembering.

III. Grammar
Choose the best pronoun to use in each sentence

46. Both magazines featured the President on _____ covers.

a. her b. his c. its d. their

47. Neither John nor Andy has finished _____ English test.
a. her b. his c. their d. they’re

48. Neither the cat nor the dogs had eaten _____ meal.
a. its b. their c. there d. his or her

49. Everyone should report to _____ cabin soon.

a. her b. his c. their d. his or her

50. The football team has been awarded _____ letters.

a. its b. him c. their d. there

51. Was it Gladys or (he, him, we, they) who lost the turtle?

52. I think it was (we, her, she, they).

53. (Each, Many, Everyone, Everybody) like potato salad.

54. (That, They, Those, These) is a good idea.

55. Norman is a photographer (who, where, which, whose) does great work.

Items no. 56-60. Writing

Choose one question below and answer it in 5 to 7 sentences only.

What can I do to help sustain Mother Earth?

How can I contribute to the preservation of the Earth?

Prepared By:




Secondary School Principal II

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