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Ot rHt GAZI : ] [ Ot rNDlAj

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ll,.rk 11hr\riin, S,r!r!:rC t!1.rfi. alllll

r).rr.d:iL-r 04.2018

F. No. 1-112018 SPG: Consequent upon his promotron, Shri Salim Haque, lPoS 1984, has
dssunred the o{1i.. ol Mcmbcf (Tcchnology), Postal Scrviccs Board, Oepartmcnt of Posts,
tulLnistry of Com.nuni.afions ir thc lorcnoon o[ 08.0r.2018 n pufsuance ot Appointrnonts
Comnrlttec of lhe C.rbLne1, DOl,&l communicrtion No ?4/8/2{117 IO(SM.ll) dated01.0ll)017
anC th s l)cp;rtm.rnL's Order of t:ven number dated 05 02.2018.

(Pa-iterraa Dhdwan)
Asslstdnt l)irector Gcneral (SGP)
Ph 23U4 4 791

Govcrnnrcnt o{ ndiJ Prcss,


copY to:

PS to M(lSC{l/(:)
sr PPS to Secretary (1,), Dak shavan, Sansad MarC, New Delhi.
PPS Lo Dircctof General Postal Services.
4 PPS/ PS to all Membcrs, PosialSetuices Eoard
5. Director, Rafi Ahmed Kidwai PostalAcademy, Ghaziabad, Uttar Pradesh.
6. Shrl Arvind Ihakur, Under Secretary iFOSM.ll) wrt. their comnunication No
24/a/2O11 EO lSM. tl dared 01 08 2017
7. Sc.rcLary, P5ll/ DDC{PBl l)
All DDsG/ GM!.
10. GM (CtPl ), Mysorc with a requcst to upload the order in lndia Post Website.
11 oSD lo Sec.et.ry (Posts), Oak Bhawan, New Delhl.
12 Add . DG, APs C/o 56 APO
:1.3 Director, Postil AccoLrnts, Delhi.
All Dirc.lors, Postal I raining Centres.
15 Directof (CP & Admin), Dak Bhawan, New Delhi.
16. All Dircctors in Posta, PL.land Bl)&M Directorates.
1/ ADsG (Admnl/ iGen.Admn )
1{J PtA/C&A/P8lldn!.,/GA,/PE ll,/Padiarnent Sections & NIC/Reception, Dak Bhawan.
\ ln Mpnl,^ l\
19. . \U \ LrLd.u I itp \ I I .
i- rorTEiicj4e-i'-iiy tfA),'
Ii'.,rhi \\dypd \|,,}r, allbur_d 1

';;;;;;;;:,Li];i.i;;ff \cLtion Offircr (S PC)

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