Structural Evolution of Malay Basin, Its Link To Sunda Block Tectonics PDF

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Marine and Petroleum Geology 58 (2014) 736e748

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Research paper

Structural evolution of Malay Basin, its link to Sunda Block tectonics

Md Yazid Mansor a, *, A. Hadi A. Rahman a, David Menier a, b, Manuel Pubellier a, c
Universiti Teknologi PETRONAS, Faculty of Geosciences & Petroleum Engineering, Bandar Seri Iskandar, 31750 Tronoh, Perak, Malaysia
e Europeenne de Bretagne, G
eosciences Marines et G
eomorphologie du Littoral, UMR CNRS 6538, Rue Yves Mainguy, 56017 Vannes cedex, France
Ecole Normale Sup erieure ENS, 24 Rue Lhomond, 75231 Paris cedex 5, France

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Article history: The Malay Basin is located offshore West Malaysia in the South China Sea, within north central region of
Received 1 July 2013 1st order Sunda Block. The basin developed partly as a result of tectonic collisions and strike-slip shear of
Received in revised form the Southeast Asia continental slabs, as the Indian Plate collided into Eurasia, and subsequent extrusion
24 April 2014
of lithospheric blocks towards Indochina. The Sunda Block epicontinental earliest rift margins were
Accepted 5 May 2014
Available online 21 June 2014
manifested by the Palaeogene WeE rift valleys, which formed during NWeSE sinistral shear of the re-
gion. Later Eocene NWeSE dextral shear of (2nd order) Indochina Block against East Malaya Block rifted
open a 3rd order Malay Basin. Developed within it is a series of 4th order NeS en-echelon ridges and
grabens. The grabens and some ridges, sequentially, host WeE trending 5th order folds of later
Sunda Block compressional episodes. The Malay Basin Ridge and Graben Model explains the multi-phased structural
Malay Basin deformation which started with, the a) Pre-Rift Palaeo/Mesozoic crystalline/metamorphic Basement, b)
Miocene Synrift phase during Paleogene, c) Fast Subsidence from Late Oligocene to Middle Miocene, d)
Subsidence Compressional inversion of first Sunda fold during Late Miocene, and e) Basin Sag during Plio-Pleistocene
Inversion with mild compressional episodes. The subsequent Mio-Pliocene folding history of Malay Basin is con-
Ridge nected to the collision of Sunda Block against subducting IndianeAustralian Plate. This Neogene Sunda
tectonics, to some degree after the cessation of South China Sea spreading, is due to the diachronous
collision along the 1st order plate margins between SE Asia and Australia.
© 2014 Published by Elsevier Ltd.

1. Introduction Sunda Block, the subordinate East Malaya block is juxtaposed along
Bentong Suture against Sibumasu (Tjia, 1989; Packham, 1993;
The tectonic configuration of the Southeast Asia continental Hutchison, 2009; Hall, 2009) continental terrane of Peninsular
plate (Fig. 1) is a result of Indian Plate collision into Eurasia during Malaysia and Indonesian Riau.
Eocene, and subsequent extrusion of the lithospheric blocks to- The Malay Basin is predominantly a Tertiary-fill basin with a
wards Indochina which amassed a number of major fault systems general NWeSE axial strike, located offshore in South China Sea. It
and related basins (Tapponnier et al., 1982; Madon et al., 1999; is east of Peninsular West Malaysia, between Latitude 4 e8 N, and
Pubellier et al., 2004; Metcalfe, 2011). The Sunda Block is a het- Longitude 102 e106 E. Its size is roughly 500 km long in NWeSE
erogeneous epicontinental terrane that has a complex structural direction, and some 250 km across. Between 1970s and 90s many
origin due to combination of strike-slip and extensional regimes. It oil and gas companies acquired offshore 2D or 3D data predomi-
is bordered between purely extensional regions such as South nantly down to 5 s TWT, due to shallower target horizons in range
China basin, Celebes basin, and wrench zones as in Andaman basin of 1e3 s TWT, whereas much deeper sections were considered
and Marinduque basin (Pubellier et al., 2004). Within north central uneconomic. In the 1980s, due to this data limitation and difficulty
to image basement profile, early seismic interpretations projected
very deep basin centre depths in excess of 14 km for the pre-
Oligocene sections (reported in Madon et al., 1999).
* Corresponding author. Published models on the Malay Basin tectonic origin proposed it
E-mail addresses: (M.Y. Mansor), hadi_rahman@ as a large synchronous extensional basin along a reactivated (A.H.A. Rahman), (D. Menier),
NWeSE strike-slip zone (Tjia, 1994), as well as a regional mega- (M. Pubellier).
0264-8172/© 2014 Published by Elsevier Ltd.
M.Y. Mansor et al. / Marine and Petroleum Geology 58 (2014) 736e748 737

shear with WeE trending faults from IndiaeAsia early Tertiary the NW of Malay Basin is the Pattani Trough, eastwards is the
indentation (Madon, 1997). These ideas were generally based on Khorat Swell, to SE is Natuna Arch, and westwards is Terengganu
early vintage, simplified broad-spaced contour maps of deep Platform/Tenggol Arch and Penyu Basin. The flanks of the Malay
basement surface, and the extensively mapped Middle to Late Basin are made up of Mesozoic age granitoids, metamorphics and
Miocene WeE compressional folds (Esso, 1985 reported in Madon weathered beds and older Palaeozoic rocks. The pre-rift basement
et al., 1999). In this paper, the authors provide further insight of Malay Basin is estimated to be Late Mesozoic age (Daines, 1985;
based on several refined and infill seismic mapping post-1993 deep Madon, 1997). Oligocene to Mid-Miocene basin thermal cooling
regional data on the basement structure and fault patterns. The and basin sag generated accommodation space, filled by thick
existence of several Oligocene to Early Miocene sub-grabens and sedimentary succession. Successive Indo-Australian Plate oblique
narrow ridges is recognised, underlying the shallow Neogene WeE northwards convergence into southern margins of Sunda Block
anticlines. This paper presents a tectono-stratigraphic overview, a and Southeast Asia caused shortening of the Sunda Block which
description of seismic profiles and structural analysis, and a dis- developed inversion folds from Mid-Miocene to Late Pliocene (Tjia
cussion of the implications of these data and interpretations. and Liew, 1996; Ngah et al., 1996; Hall and Morley, 2004; Metcalfe,
2. Tectono-stratigraphic overview For a long while Malay Basin has been described as an asym-
metrical NWeSE trending elongate basin, related to the Axial Malay
Malay Basin earliest rifts are believed to be Late Mesozoic to Basin Fault as suggested by Tjia (1994). Numerous WeE trending
Palaeogene age WeE axis pull-aparts due to NWeSE sinistral compressional anticlines within the basin are associated with
transtensional faults (Madon, 1997). These rifting episodes devel- Neogene age Sunda Folds. An unpublished report by Wahid Musbah
oped across early Malay Basin, connected northwards to the et al. (2005) summarised the Malay Basin structural model as Fault
Three-Pagodas Fault, and eastwards into East Natuna basins. To Zones and Grabens, shown by the Basement Depth Structure

Figure 1. Map showing location of Malay Basin on the Sunda Block or platform within the Tectonic Setting of Southeast Asia, modified after Madon et al. (1999). The Palaeogene
period HimalayaneTibet extrusion created major shears towards southeast regions. The SE extension of the Three Pagodas Fault underwent sinistral shear in the Palaeogene. 1st
order Sunda Block is bordered by the Sunda-Java-Timor Trench, sea-spreading of Andaman Sea, South China Sea, Celebes Sea, and Eastern Indonesia Archipelago.
738 M.Y. Mansor et al. / Marine and Petroleum Geology 58 (2014) 736e748

configuration (Fig. 2). This map had Tertiary basin depths exceeding also visibly dissected by several prominent fault systems, with
14 km, projected from simple seismic velocity model and influ- narrow horst blocks or ridges separating sub-grabens. To date,
enced by earlier regional seismic interpretations. detection of much deeper lower crust profiles or the Mohorovicic
PETRONAS, in 1993 acquired deep regional 2D seismic data Discontinuity on these data set is elusive (Morley and Westaway,
across Malay Basin. A few of these seismic sections were variously 2006).
described by Tjia and Liew (1996), Madon et al. (1999), Madon and The Malay Basin stratigraphy, as documented in Madon et al.,
Watts (1998). These sparse regional 2D deep data are the only 1999, has been variously described by EPIC (1994), Khalid Ngah
seismics to exceed normal 5 s TWT acquisition limit. This research et al. (1996). The alphabetic-based stratigraphic nomenclature
utilised 8 s TWT sections that cover distances between 160 and (EPIC, 1994 unpublished) is still widely used, hence forms the
220 km across, to nearly 400 km along the basin length in seismo-stratigraphic picks for this research, with modification
Malaysian territory. The quality of seismic data is generally fair in (Fig. 3).
deeper sections, to good in the shallower sections. The interpreted Data on regional tectonics were based on published literature by
sections have been grouped by tectonic phases, from below, Katili (1972), Mazlan Madon et al. (1999), Hall (2009), Cullen
namely as Basement, Early to Late Synrift, Early Subsidence high (2010), and Satyana (2012), as well as earlier unpublished pro-
supply, Fast Subsidence moderate to low supply, Compression prietary PETRONAS Carigali Sdn Bhd regional reports (Musbah
Inversion, and Basin Sag. The basement profile is clearly imaged on et al., 2005).
most of the 1993 2D data set, with deepest part of Malay Basin This research focuses on genetically related tectono-
Tertiary basin at 6e7 s TWT, or 8e10 km depths. The sections are stratigraphic provinciality within Malay Basin. It attempts to

Figure 2. Map showing Malay Basin Basement Depth Structure Map, modified after Musbah et al. (unpublished 2005), with projected maximum depths of some 14 km below mean
sea level using seismic velocities. The key en-echelon fault zones identified in this research are the NeS Laris-Jambu, Melor-Dulang, Pilong-Ular and the NNWeSSE Samudera fault
zones. Inset map indicates the selected 1993 regional 2D seismic lines used in this research.
M.Y. Mansor et al. / Marine and Petroleum Geology 58 (2014) 736e748 739

Figure 3. Chrono-Stratigraphy of the Malay Basin (modified after Madon et al., 1999), indicating Geological Age Range, Depositional Environment and Lithology, inversion events,
local Tectonic Phases, and Seismic Groups, which are also schematically depicted on interpreted seismic sections in Figure 4aef.
740 M.Y. Mansor et al. / Marine and Petroleum Geology 58 (2014) 736e748

Figure 4. a: WSWeENE Regional 2D dipline AeA0 , uninterpreted and interpreted dip section north of Malay Basin. The basin is asymmetrical, only 5 s TWT deep. The Eocene-
eOligocene 4th order NW and Northern Grabens are separated by strike-slip faults of unequal displacements such as along Samudera Ridge and Pilong-Ular Ridge. b: SWeNE
Regional 2D dipline BeB0 , uninterpreted and interpreted dip section north-central of Malay Basin. The basin is 6 s TWT deep. The Hinge Zones on either flanks are steep. The
EoceneeOligocene synrift section has strike-slip faults with a tail-end minor displacement Melor-Dulang Ridge, which separates Northern and Central Grabens. c: SWeNE Regional
2D dipline CeC0 , uninterpreted and interpreted dip section central of Malay Basin. The basin is 6þ sec TWT deep. The basin is asymmetrical, with small half-grabens present on the
Eastern basement flank. The 4th order EoceneeOligocene synrift section has large strike-slip displacements on ridge margins such as Melor-Dulang faults, Laris-Jambu Ridge which
split Central and Eastern Grabens. The Central Graben is about 9 km deep on this section. d: WeE Regional 2D dipline DeD0 , uninterpreted and interpreted dip section south-central
of Malay Basin. The basin is 6 s TWT deep, also asymmetrical, with very steep western Hinge Zone. The Laris-Jambu strike-slip faults have merged along the SW hinge zone. The 4th
Figure 4. (continued).

order Eastern Graben is deep at almost 9 km, and thins to about 2 km on the eastern Belumut-Ledang Ridge. e: SeN Regional 2D dipline EeE0 , uninterpreted and interpreted dip
section south-central of Malay Basin. The basin is much shallower at 5 s TWT deep. The southern basement flank Tenggol Arch, and the north NW and Eastern Escarpment flank has
low relief. The 4th order Eastern Graben EoceneeOligocene synrifts are narrow and numerous, and above each are large relief 5th order anticlines of Miocene and younger
stratigraphic age. f: NWeSE Regional 2D strikeline FeF0, uninterpreted and interpreted strike section along axial Malay Basin. The basin is 7 s TWT deep (10 km) at centre, thinning
to SE towards Natuna to 3.5 s TWT (5 km), and about 5.5 s TWT (8 km) towards Pattani Trough in NW direction. The 4th order ridges, namely Pilong-Ular, Melor-Dulang, Laris-
Jambu, and Belumut-Ledang, are loci of fault zones. Above basement ridges, fault density is higher, with flower structures. The unequal displacement across fault planes suggests
strike-slip mechanism. The structural lows are the 4th order Northern, Central and Eastern Grabens.
742 M.Y. Mansor et al. / Marine and Petroleum Geology 58 (2014) 736e748

Figure 4. (continued).
M.Y. Mansor et al. / Marine and Petroleum Geology 58 (2014) 736e748 743

explain Malay Basin probable structural evolution since the early order Malay Basin. The basin is much shallower at 5 s TWT deep.
Tertiary, its relationship to north central Sunda Block tectonics, and The 2nd order southern basement flank Tenggol Arch on East
possibly to the western margins of mega Plate Tectonics of South Malaya Block, and the north NW and Eastern Escarpment flanks
China Sea region. In this paper, it is proposed that the SE Eurasia on Indochina Block are low relief monoclines. The 4th order
Sundaland continental block (Madon et al., 1999) is a 1st order Eastern Graben EoceneeOligocene synrifts are narrow and
mega tectonic element. It hosts the inter-locking Sibumasu, East numerous. Above each synrift are large relief 5th order anticlines
Malaya, and Indochina Blocks which are 2nd order tectonic ele- of Miocene and younger stratigraphy. The central synrift has the
ments, together with associated major faults, such as the Three- largest anticlinal relief, and the amplitude diminishes towards
Pagoda Fault and Bentong-Raub-Bengkalis Suture. Within these both basin edges. Successive collision of Sunda Block south
2nd order blocks, are large 3rd order Tertiary basins such as Malay margins against IndianeAustralian Plate compressed the
Basin, Pattani Trough, Penyu Basin, Natuna Basins, North, Central Miocene soft sedimentary fills into Inversion Structures above
and South Sumatra, Java Central Deep, and Con Son Basin, to name the early synrifts.
some. Further within Malay Basin, a dozen 4th order tectonic ele- Figure 4f shows a 360 km long NWeSE Regional 2D strike-
ments were identified. These basins and their respective tectonic line FeF0, uninterpreted and interpreted strike section along 3rd
sub-provinces experienced poly-phased deformation, combining order Malay Basin. The basin is 7 s TWT deep (about 10 km) at
extensional rifting, subsidence, strike-slip shearing and compres- centre. Towards NW, the basin is about 5.5 s TWT (8 km) deep in
sional events, and generated even higher order tectono- Pattani Trough, and thins towards SE in West Natuna to 3.5 s
stratigraphic elements. The oil and gas petroleum plays are TWT (5 km). The 4th order ridges, namely Pilong-Ular, Melor-
considered 5th order structural elements, while individual pros- Dulang, Laris-Jambu, and Belumut-Ledang, are loci of local fault
pects and traps are 6th order. zones. Above these ridges, fault density is higher, with flower
structures in the shallower horizons. The unequal stratigraphic
3. Analyses of key structural framework displacement across these fault planes suggests strike-slip
mechanism. The structural lows are the 4th order Northern,
A total of six deep regional 2D Seismic Sections were utilised in Central and Eastern Grabens. The Plio-Miocene, Mid-Miocene
this research, as indicated on Figure 2 inset base map. They are angular unconformities are better developed in SE Malay Basin
Uninterpreted and Interpreted Seismic Sections, as depicted in being proximal to Sunda-fold uplift.
Figures 4ae4f respectively:
As shown in Figure 4a, a 190 km long WSWeENE Regional 2D 4. Discussion
dipline AeA0 , uninterpreted and interpreted dip section north of
Malay Basin. The basin is asymmetrical, only 5 s TWT deep. The 4th 4.1. Pre-rift phase (pree50 Ma)
order EoceneeOligocene NW and Northern Grabens are separated
by strike-slip faults of unequal displacements such as along Pre-Rift Malay Basin basement dates of Jurassic (~154e139 Ma)
Samudera Ridge and Pilong-Ular Ridge. Also visible is the SW age for granitic rocks were reported by Robertson Research, while
extension of a minor Tok Bidan half-graben (left of section) just the metamorphics are early Cretaceous. Basement igneous, meta-
above the Western Escarpment. morphic and sedimentary sections have been observed in field
In Figure 4b, a 180 km long SWeNE Regional 2D dipline BeB0 , outcrops and offshore well penetrations. Triassic limestones were
uninterpreted and interpreted dip section north-central of Malay documented from wells drilled on basin margins (Fontaine et al.,
Basin. The basin is 6 s TWT deep, with few normal faults. The Hinge 1990). The East Malaya Block is represented by the Western Base-
Zones on both flanks are prominent, with small half-grabens. The ment escarpment which forms the onshore outcrops in east coast
EoceneeOligocene synrift section has non-uniform thicknesses Peninsular Malaysia, the offshore resort islands in South China Sea,
across interpreted faults above the 4th order Northern Graben, and the subsea Tenggol Arch in SW of Malay Basin. The Indochina
suggesting strike-slip displacement. Here, the 4th order Melor- Block is represented by the Eastern Basement escarpment which
Dulang Ridge has a minor tail-end displacement that separates extends offshore beneath thin Plio-Pleistocene and younger sedi-
the Northern and Central Grabens. ments towards Con Son/Khorat Swell. This phase defines the
Figure 4c displays a 200 km long SWeNE Regional 2D dipline original plate configuration of 1st order Sunda Block, and its 2nd
CeC0 , uninterpreted and interpreted dip section across the centre order East Malaya and Indochina Blocks.
of Malay Basin. The basin is 6þ sec TWT deep, with clear 3rd order
basement escarpments on both flanks, and associated Hinge 4.2. Synrift phase (50e23 Ma)
Zones. Here, the 4th order Central Graben is about 9 km deep. The
basin is asymmetrical, with small half-grabens present on Eastern The Palaeogene (~50e45 Ma) NWeSE sinistral transtensional
basement flank. The EoceneeOligocene synrift section has large shear of 2nd order Three Pagoda Fault generated early synrifts in
strike-slip displacements on ridge margins such as the Laris- Malay Basin (Fig. 5). These early basin fill material comprises
Jambu Ridge which splits Central and Eastern Grabens. The continental basal conglomerates and boulders, granitic and vol-
Melor-Dulang ridge has merged with Western Hinge Zone as canic wash, some red beds, which are collectively termed as
normal faults. seismic Groups O and P (Shahar, 2008). Middle synrift
Figure 4d is another 220 km long WeE Regional 2D dipline (~45e35 Ma) sections are seismic Groups M and N fluvial sands.
DeD0 , uninterpreted and interpreted dip section south-central of During Late Eocene to Early Oligocene (35e30 Ma), NWeSE
Malay Basin. The basin is 6 s TWT deep, slightly asymmetrical, with dextral shear of the Three-Pagoda Fault created a wider, late-rift
steep western Hinge Zone. The Laris-Jambu strike-slip faults have Malay Basin, and deposited the Oligocene (~30 Ma) age seismic
merged into the SW Hinge Zone. The 4th order Eastern Graben is Group L reservoir quality sands (Fig. 6). Offshore wells drilled in
deep at almost 9 km, and thins to about 2 km on the eastern south SE Malay basin found that Group L sandstones are topped by
Belumut-Ledang Ridge. Two small half-grabens are present on oxidised, reddish continental clay. Elsewhere deeper in Malay
western basement flank of Terengganu Platform. Basin, these L shales stratigraphic equivalent are lacustrine lith-
Figure 4e is a 160 km long SeN Regional 2D dipline EeE0 , ofacies (Muhammad and Jamil, 2010). Each and every seismo-
uninterpreted and interpreted dip section south-central of 3rd stratigraphic group displays sharp erosional base formed by
Figure 5. Conceptual early Malay Basin structural evolution during Palaeocene to Eocene (~50e35 Ma) continental extension, resulted from HimalayaneTibetan extrusion activity
upon NWeSE sinistral shear of major Three-Pagodas Fault zone in 1st order Sunda Block. The sinistral shear upon the SE extension of the Three-Pagoda Fault opened up WNWeESE
strike early synrifts in Malay Basin.

Figure 7. Malay Basin structural evolution during Early to Middle Miocene

Figure 6. Malay Basin structural evolution during Late Eocene to Oligocene (~22e11 Ma). Fast Subsidence Phase from thermal cooling of crustal basement allowed
(~35e30 Ma). Reversal into NWeSE dextral shear, between 2nd order East Malaya Block rapid deposition of seismic Group J fluvial incised valley sandstones, Group I lower
and Indochina Block, widened 3rd order Malay Basin. The generated antithetic Riedel coastal plain sands, widespread swamp coals and mudflats. The eventual drowning of
shears across the basin formed 4th order NeS narrow ridges and adjacent sub-grabens. Malay Basin was during seismic Groups F/H with deposition of thick marine shales.
M.Y. Mansor et al. / Marine and Petroleum Geology 58 (2014) 736e748 745

multiple stacks of fluvial channel sandstones. They are, in turn, Miocene (17 Ma) seismic Group H. The following Upper H is
topped by thinner floodplain clays. Across Sunda Block, the varied mainly siltsones and shales, with biostratigraphic data (Yakzan
spatial distribution, elevation and isolation of these early rift et al., 1994) suggesting earliest true marine incursions across Ma-
systems from plate margin oceanic environments, determined the lay Basin. The Mid-Miocene (15e12 Ma) seismic Group F is almost
type of sedimentary fills, whether they are dominantly lacustrine, entirely marine shales. This phase is mainly marked by extensive
deltaic, fluvial or even marine sequences (Longley, 1997; Phillips and thick basin fill.
et al., 1997). This phase marks the creation of the 3rd order Ma-
lay Basin, and by Eocene times, established the 4th order ridge and
graben tectonic elements within it. 4.4. Compression phase (12e8 Ma)

The rapid subsidence episode of north central Sunda Block

4.3. Fast subsidence phase (22e11 Ma) Malay Basin halted at about 12 Ma. During this period the Indi-
aneAustralian (Sahul Platform) Plate northward subduction and
Thermal cooling of Sunda Block crust caused post-rift Fast collision into Sunda Platform and other eastern regions, caused
Subsidence phase in Malay Basin (Fig. 7). This action created ac- orogenic uplift of SE Asia. Locally, collision occurred in East Sabah
commodation space which was filled by a succession of fluvial into CagayanePalawan, and climaxed into Sabah Orogeny
sands and mudstones. Late Oligocene stacked incised valley sand- (Cullen, 2010). The Sabah orogeny is a protracted event between
stone fills followed, namely the seismic Group K (26 Ma). This 22 and 8 Ma. East of the Sunda Block, rifting of South China Sea
group has a significant lithologic horizon cap, the Terengganu Shale ceased around Middle Miocene (Pubellier et al., 2004; Hutchison,
lacustrine source rock. Subsequent basin fill (Lower Miocene, 2004).
23 Ma) saw another stacked incised valley fill system deposited, the The late Middle Miocene northward collision of Indian-
seismic Group J sands, which are also capped by widespread shales. eAustralian Plate shortened Sunda Block, which resulted in a
During Early Miocene (21 Ma), very thick seismic Group I tidal Compression Phase in SE Malay Basin (Fig. 8). Mild uplift of older
channel sands, coals and tidal mudflats were deposited. The coal Group F shale beds resulted in an erosional unconformity, which
beds are very distinctive on wireline logs, between 1 and 8 m gross was later by the Late Miocene (11.5 Ma) age seismic Group E. This
thickness, averaging 2e5 m and thus, correlatable across the south comprised of shallow tidal channel sandstones, mudstones and
central Malay Basin (EPIC, 1994). Thicker shales occur in Upper coals. In central Malay Basin, this section is further divided into a
Group I, followed by younger infrequent channel sands in Mid- Lower Group E unit and an Upper Group E unit. Successive Malay

Figure 8. Malay Basin structural evolution during Middle to Late Miocene (~12e11 Ma). Early Inversion phase when northward progressive subduction of IndianeAustralian Plate
shortened overlying Sunda Block, which generated early stage 5th order WeE primary compressional anticlines aligned to the older underlying WeE PaleoceneeEocene rift fabric.
Commonly known as Sunda folds, the amplitude is more pronounced in SE Malay Basin due to proximity to collision margins.
746 M.Y. Mansor et al. / Marine and Petroleum Geology 58 (2014) 736e748

Basin shortening due to this southerly plate collision deposited a siltstones and mudstones. This phase is defined by a gentle and
younger lower coastal plain sequence, the Late Miocene (9 Ma) thinner basin fill of Malay Basin.
Group D sandstones, mudstones and coals (Letouzey et al., 1990).
This early stage crustal shortening created inversion anticlines. 5. Conclusion
Subsequent compression created later stage peripheral anticlines
(Fig. 9). These 5th order inversion folds line up the anticlinal pe- The configuration of Malay Basin major tectonic elements across
troleum plays within the grabens of Malay Basin. the basin are controlled by older underlying architecture. Its evo-
lution explains the influence of the Palaeogene tectonics on the
4.5. Basin Sag phase (8e1.8 Ma) structural provinciality of younger Neogene fabric. This research
has recognised that the Tertiary age 3rd order Malay Basin frame-
Thermal subsidence of Malay Basin continued in the late post- work is made up of en-echelon tectonic elements. These 4th order
rift section (Morley and Westaway, 2006; Madon & Watts in tectonic elements are, from SE to NW, namely BelumuteLedang
reply to Higgs et al., 1999). The Mio-Pliocene (5.5e5.2 Ma) Ridge, Eastern Graben, Laris-Jambu Ridge, Central Graben, Melor-
boundary forms the base of seismic Group B, marked with depo- Dulang Ridge, Northern Graben,Pilong-Ular Ridge, NW Graben,
sition of offshore sand bars and marine shales from eustatic and Samudera Ridge. Within these grabens are younger 5th order
changes (Dororbek, 2011). Towards the SE flanks of the Malay Basin, Late Mio-Pliocene WeE Sunda fold structures (Fig. 10).
this Mio-Pliocene angular unconformity is more prominent across
older sections. In the EPIC study, Lower Pliocene Group B sits atop  Major tectonic collision since Cretaceous age docking of Indian -
Mid-Miocene (10.5 Ma) Groups E to H. Across SE Malay Basin Eurasia Plates reactivated major WeE faults in China-Monggolia,
margins, where Exxon was operating then, most of Groups D and and resulted in non-uniform NWeSE shear displacement across
Upper E sections are missing due to massive truncation. This region, 1st order Sunda Block, in Indochina and Southeast Asia. In the
being proximal to collision margins, has some 800 m of Miocene Palaeogene Sunda Block, as its 2nd order East Malaya Block
section peneplained (Ngah et al., 1996). Further close scrutiny of moved faster southeastwards relative to adjacent Indochina Block
some seismic sections enabled the identification of other shallower along the Three-Pagoda Fault, the NWeSE sinistral shear devel-
intermediate unconformities. The lower surface is termed Base of oped the Early Synrift phase of Malay Basin.
Upper Group B (3.6 Ma), while the younger surface is the Lower  By Eocene, the East Malaya Block motion towards SE slowed
Pleistocene (1.8 Ma) seismic Group A, made up of mainly marine down adjacent to Indochina Block which resulted in a direction

Figure 9. Malay Basin structural evolution during Late Miocene to Pliocene (8e4 Ma). Further successive shortening of Sunda Block, reinforced the amplitude of WeE primary
anticlines, and generated later stage 5th order peripheral Secondary Anticlines with broader and lower relief amplitudes, and complementary synclines in-between.
M.Y. Mansor et al. / Marine and Petroleum Geology 58 (2014) 736e748 747

Figure 10. Present day Sunda Block Malay Basin Tectonic Sub-Province map, of en-echelon grabens separated by narrow ridges, flanked by basement escarpments to West and SW
(Terengganu Platform and Tenggol Arch) and NE (Khorat Swell). The thick black arrows indicate shear direction. The main strike-slip fault zones which appear as structural ridges
are the 4th order Samudera Ridge, Pilong-Ular Ridge, Melor-Dulang Ridge, Laris-Jambu Ridge as well as the far SE Belumut-Ledang Ridge. The narrow 4th order grabens are the NW,
Northern, Central and Eastern Grabens. The strong 5th order WNWeESE to WeE structural lineaments within each graben were generated by successive NeS stressed Sunda Block.

reversal to NWeSE dextral shear of the Three-Pagodas Fault. volume and increased in bulk density. The sag is accompanied
This opened up the 3rd order Malay Basin further. Subsequent by very thick succession marginal marine sediments. Towards
shears resulted in generation of high and low relief 4th order end of Mid-Miocene, the Malay Basin became fully marine, and
tectonic blocks, or narrow ridges, and grabens. The Early connected to other large circulating water bodies, possibly the
Miocene thermal cooling of the Sunda region initiated early proto South China Sea.
subsidence. This new accommodation space is later filled by  In early Upper Miocene, the northward dive of Indian-
coastal fluvio-tidal sediments, with drainage axes striking eAustralian Plate underneath the Sunda Block generated early
roughly WeE, confined to some degree by the underlying older stage 5th order compressional Sunda Folds on overlying
basement synrift architecture. Neogene sediments. The proximity of the SE Malay Basin to the
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