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I-CON Intelligent Consult

Bicycle and Jogging Track RIPRAP (Embankment) Design Proposal

Technical and Commercial Proposal


The lump sum fees (excluding VAT) for the Scope of Services described in Section
3 are presented in Table 1 below.

discuss Table 1: Lump sum fees [AED]

actor in
t. (We can Task Description Fee (AED)
1. Kick-off Meeting and Data Review 17,510.00
2. Basis of Design 26,440.00
sign upon
3. Determination of Design Hydraulic Loads 13,440.00
4. Geotechnical Investigation (OPTIONAL)* 40,200.00
he design 5. Earth Works and Ground Improvement 26,360.00
ry limited. 6. Preliminary Revetment Design 36,490.00
o discuss 7. Detailed Revetment Design 69,280.00
actor in 8. Technical Tender Package 43,300.00
9. Technical Support to Obtain Authority Approvals 29,390.00
TOTAL (including OPTIONAL item) 302,410.00
TOTAL (excluding OPTIONAL item) 262,210.00

(*) Fees for Geotechnical Investigations (GI) include preparation of specification and selection of
specialized subcontractor for the execution of the GI works.

Payment against services fees as quoted in Table 1 shall be as follows:

- For other services:

- Advance payment of 15% of the full value;

- A payment of 65% of the total fees of each deliverable upon submission of

version V1 for Client’s comments;

- A payment of 20% of the total fees of each deliverable upon submission of

version V2, incorporating Client comments.

- Payment to ARTELIA is due within maximum 30 days from invoice issue date.

Comments on the submissions of version V1 is to be received from I-CON no later

than one week after the submission, or the deliverable shall be considered
“approved without comments”.

SGF10040-RPT-GEN-001-00 11

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