Preface: Adhi Iswantoro, ST., MT

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Thanks be to God Almighty for the blessing of His grace so that I can do
the Desain III : General Arrangement and Safety Plan. I am, Himmawan Aan L as a
student of Marine Engineering Department of Faculty of Marine Technology batch
of 2016 has completed the task of reporting of this Desain III : General Arrangement
and Safety Plan as the obligation of duty authorized by my guidance lecturer, Mr.
Adhi Iswantoro, ST., MT..

I thank Mr. Adhi Iswantoro, ST., MT. and Mr. Ede Mehta Wardhana, ST., MT as a
lecturer who has guided, directed and transferred his knowledge carefully and
with full sense of responsibility also I thank to all my friends and seniors of 2016
and 2015 who are willing to share information so that it helps me deeply
complete this task.

This report is based on my knowledge and my understanding, so after this task is

finished, if there are few or many mistakes that I do not know, please suggest
constructive advice from the lecturers or coordinators.

I as the authors hope the report will be useful to all readers of this report especially
for those who seek references about this Desain III : General Arrangement and
Safety Plan task

I Thank you for all the knowledge and experience I have earned and apologize if
there is a mistake along the process.

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