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Sponsored by the American Welding Society and the Welding Research Council

Laser­Assisted GMAW Hardfacing

The welding wire was preheated with a laser to reduce the heat input into the substrate


hardfacing applications. The populari-

ABSTRACT ty of this process comes from its sim-
ple operability because of the small
The influence of a laser preheated wire in gas metal arc welding (GMAW) on the number of process control variables
process behavior and deposit characteristics during hardfacing was investigated. There-
by, the continuous and the pulsed waveform of globular transfer mode were investigat- compared to PTAW, the high produc-
ed. Focusing the diode laser beam on the welding wire above the ignited arc enhances tivity, the easiness for automation,
the wire melting. As a result, the welding current decreased proportionally to the in- and the simple and controlled feeding
crease of laser power, and thus the heat input in the workpiece was reduced. This had a of the filler metal in the form of a wire
positive effect on the hardfacing weld metal characteristics, especially the dilution, electrode. This makes GMAW ideal for
which is a very important factor. In this work the welding process was analyzed and use on the construction site, where re-
evaluated by recordings of current and voltage waveforms and high-speed camera docu- pair and welding works cannot be
mentations of the metal transfer. It could be shown, under the same wire feeding rate avoided in constrained positions.
and voltage, that an increase of the laser power resulted in a rise of the arc length and However, the main issue of GMAW is
droplet size. In addition, the welding beads were metallographically analyzed and com-
the correlation between the deposition
pared with the conventional GMAW process. The results showed that the dilution de-
creased by increasing the laser power. rate and welding current, so that in-
creasing the deposition rate will in-
deed result in an increase of the weld-
ing current and consequently lead to
KEYWORDS high dilutions between 15 and 30%
(Ref. 5). This high degree of dilution
• GMAW • Hardfacing • Cladding • Laser Preheating • Preheated Wire decreases the efficiency for hardfacing
• Metal Transfer applications, as the specified proper-
ties and thus wear protection will only
ness of the component (Refs. 1, 2). In be achieved after several layers. Fur-
Introduction thermore, the high level of dilution
order to decrease the costs of wear in
In the mining, oil, extrusion and industrial applications (2 to 7% of the leads to high internal stresses in the
other industries, many components national product of industrial coun- coated layer, so that distortion or
are exposed to excessive tribological tries), many hardfacing processes have cracking during cooling can occur.
conditions (e.g., abrasion, erosion, cor- been developed in recent years (Ref. For this reason, further develop-
rosion), which lead to their quick 3), whereas two processes are of high ments in GMA welding are required in
breakdown. In this context, hardfacing economic importance. Regarding the order to achieve high deposition rates
of engineering components is of high plasma transferred arc welding and low dilutions at the same time. A
economic importance in order to im- (PTAW) process, the deposited materi- method to control the heat input in
prove the tribological properties and al is in powder form, which does not the GMAW process by decoupling the
thus service life. In other words, an ap- require a high heat input. The result is base metal current from the gun cur-
propriate alloy, which meets the de- a high-deposition rate, up to 15 kg/h, rent was investigated (Ref. 6). By
sired tribological properties, is ho- with a low dilution into the substrate adding a GTAW nonconsumable elec-
mogenously deposited on a substrate (< 10%) (Ref. 4). In contrast, gas metal trode to a GMAW consumable elec-
(usually low- or medium-carbon steel), arc welding (GMAW) has also become trode, the welding current will partial-
maintaining the ductility and tough- a well-known welding process for ly flow through the GTAW electrode

Y. ALI, K. GUENTHER, and J. P. BERGMANN are with Department of Production Technology, Ilmenau Technical University, Germany. A. BURT
is with EWM AG, Mündersbach, Germany.


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Fig. 1 — Schematic drawing of the laser­preheated GMAW Fig. 2 — Installation of high­speed camera, GMAW gun, laser, and
process. GTAW torch.

(bypass current) without going both the arc length and droplet size in- laser preheated the welding wire and
through the base metal (main cur- creased (Ref. 12). The problem with helped reduce the arc energy necessary
rent). Thereby, the bypass current con- these methods is that up to a certain to melt the welding wire. The reduc-
trols the heat input into the base met- preheating current, the wire melts par- tion of the arc energy — and the asso-
al. A further development of the tially, bends, and is thus rather diffi- ciated heat input into the substrate —
process where replacing the noncon- cult to feed through the contact tip. positively affected the weld geometry,
sumable with a consumable electrode In this paper the authors propose especially the dilution, which is an im-
(thus, two GMA welding guns with an alternative way to reduce the heat portant factor for evaluating the wear
two power supplies) showed that the input by focusing a laser beam on the resistance of cladding.
deposition rate can be doubled (Refs. filler metal directly after leaving the The experimental system contains
7, 8). The increase in welding current contact tip. This preheating should re- a six-axis KUKA industrial robot,
compared to the process with a non- duce the welding current, which is nec- which provides an accurate and repro-
consumable electrode was approxi- essary to melt the filler metal, so that ducible movement of the welding gun
mately 50 A, and the current flowing the heat input and thus the dilution and laser optic. The welding power
through the base metal was 65% less will be reduced. Compared to GTAW supply was a CV (constant voltage)
than the main current. However, there preheating, as described above, the power supply EWM alpha Q 552 with
was no detailed information about the laser-assisted preheating does not dis- 4-roll drive system PHEONIX Drive 4.
change in the dilution rate. turb wire feeding. Additionally, the The laser source was a 1-kW diode
On the other hand, research laser-induced preheating of the con- laser LDM 1000 with a 300-μm fiber-
showed that by inserting an additional sumable electrode did not cause any optic cable. The laser beam was
resistive heating of the filler metal laser–arc interactions compared to hy- formed by a special focusing optic to
with a separate power supply, the ad- brid-laser GMAW (Ref. 13), in which the desired spot shape in order to
ditional preheating of the filler metal the laser is focused on the welding achieve the preheating effect on a 1.2-
led to a reduced welding current of up bead in order to reach a deep penetra- mm flux-cored filler metal. For this
to 25% and a reduced dilution from tion and high travel speed. The study study, an optic with a 600-μm focal
33% (conventional GMAW) to 4.5% is also different from laser-enhanced beam diameter and a focal length of
(Refs. 9, 10). Furthermore, the weld- GMAW (Refs. 14, 15), in which a low- 200 mm were used. Both welding pow-
ing speed could be increased from 1.14 power laser was directly focused on er supply and laser system were con-
m/min to 2.28 m/min. Other studies the molten wire tip. In this case, the nected to the robot control unit con-
showed that the resistive auxiliary pre- induction of an auxiliary force made it trolling all functions.
heating of the filler metal does not easier to detach the droplet without In order to evaluate the real process
only positively affect the dilution, but any significant change in welding cur- parameters, the real welding current
also the melt-off loss of the alloying el- rent and without preheating effect. and voltage were measured during the
ements compared to conventional process by a Mephisto Scope UM 202
GMAW (Ref. 5). Preheating the filler Experimental Procedures oscilloscope. The scanning rate was 2.5
metal with an additional GTAW torch kHz to obtain a detailed waveform for
instead of resistive heating was inves- Experimental Setup current and voltage. Additionally, a
tigated (Refs. 11, 12). Thereby, the high-speed camera Optronis Cam-
filler metal was preheated by a GTAW Figure 1 shows a schematic drawing Record CR3000x2 was used to record
arc before entering the contact tip. of the laser-preheated GMAW process. and characterize the metal transfer at
The results showed that by increasing A laser beam is focused on the welding 4000 frames per second. The camera,
the GTAW current (preheating tem- wire right below the gas nozzle. In ad- with appropriate filter, was placed per-
perature), the welding current could be dition to the resistance heating (joule pendicular to the plane formed by
reduced to approximately 35% while heating), the heat transfer from the laser beam and welding wire, as shown


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Fig. 3 — Influence of the laser power on the welding current and Fig. 4 — Effect of laser activation on the welding current and volt­
voltage for continuous waveform. age for continuous waveform at 900­W laser power.

in Fig. 2. the activation of

S355 low-carbon steel plates with a the laser.
dimension of 300 ¥ 130 ¥ 10 mm were In order to
employed as substrate material, achieve a preheat
whereas a nickel cored wire Thaloy® effect by laser,
WSC-DUR Ni of 1.2-mm diameter the laser spot was
with WC/W2C (fused tungsten car- focused as high as
bides) particles was used to generate possible. With an
wear-resistant Ni–WC surfacing, i.e., angle of 80 deg
fused tungsten carbides in a nickel- between the filler
based alloy. All plates were cleaned by metal and the
sand blasting and isopropanol in order laser beam, the
to eliminate the oxide layer and laser beam was
impurities. focused 4 mm un-
der the contact
Experimental Conditions tip.
Fig. 5 — Influence of the laser power on the welding current and
The welding parameters used in Evaluation voltage pulsed waveform.
this study are listed in Table 1. In this Methods
research, globular transfer with con- (V), I is the real welding current in (A)
tinuous and pulsed waveform (one The measured values of welding and t is the welding time in (s). To cal-
droplet one pulse) was investigated, current and voltage were used in Equa- culate the heat input H in the sub-
whereas 80-mm-long weld beads were tion 1 to calculate the arc power from strate, taking into account the heat
generated and then evaluated metallo- the welding power supply. loss in the surroundings, the following
graphically. In all experiments, the equation was used:
t UI
laser was always activated 20 mm after P=
( W)
the welding start point in order to dt (1)
demonstrate the difference in current
Where U is the real welding voltage in H = ( J/mm )
and voltage waveform before and after  (2)

Table 1 — Welding Parameters

Parameter Voltage Frequency Wire Welding Gun Stickout Shielding Shielding

Feed Rate Speed Angle Gas Gas Flow

Continuous 26 (V)
Waveform 5 0.3 90 deg 15 Ar + 30% 15
Pulsed 26 (V) 100 Hz (m/min) (m/min) (mm) He (L/min)


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the same time, the welding voltage

shows a slight growth by increasing
the laser power.
Compared to the continuous wave-
form, the pulsed waveform shows a
lower decrease in welding current by
increasing the laser power (approxi-
mately 11 A at 900 W laser power) —
Fig. 5. Thereby, just the background
current is reduced while the peak cur-
rent remains constant during the acti-
vation of the laser — Fig. 6.
Improving the cladding efficiency
requires lower heat input in the base
metal, which reduces the dilution and
Fig. 6 — Current and voltage waveforms of pulsed waveform with and without laser (900 W). improves the welding quality. By ap-
plying a laser as a preheating source, it
the weld were analyzed under the mi- was thus possible to reduce the weld-
Where 𝜂 is the thermal efficiency of croscope, e.g., weld width and height, ing current without changing the wire
the process, which is related to the dilution, and wetting angle. feeding rate. This means that its addi-
welding process. For GMAW and for tional use had an influence on the heat
the used transfer mode, the average input during cladding. As Fig. 7 shows,
thermal efficiency is approximately
Experimental Results the heat input decreases with increas-
73% (Ref. 16).  is the travel speed in ing laser power and thus “preheating
mm/min. The amount of heat transfer Welding Current and Voltage temperature” in the case of the contin-
into the plate is just for the welding uous waveform. As a consequence, a
arc and not for welding arc and laser. In order to evaluate the influence 17% reduction of the heat input could
The explanation will come later during of the laser preheating on the welding be achieved by a laser power of 900 W.
the discussion. current and voltage, the mean current In contrast, the pulsed waveform does
Metallurgical analyses of the weld and voltage values were calculated in not show any substantial changes.
beads were performed to study the ef- dependence on the laser power. For a
fect of wire preheating on the bead continuous waveform, Fig. 3 shows Arc Characteristics and
geometry. For this purpose, three cross that the increase of laser power con- Metal Transfer
sections for each bead were extracted tinuously reduces the welding current
and metallographically prepared. The so that a decline of approximately 31 In order to analyze the arc proper-
specimens were mounted, ground with A was obtained with a laser power of ties and metal transfer, the welding arc
SiC papers from P280 to P2500, and 900 W. It has to be noted that was observed by a high-speed camera
then polished with diamonds using activating the laser during the weld- for different laser powers. As shown in
grain sizes of 6 μ and 3 μ. After polish- ing process leads to a quick decrease Fig. 8, the arc length rises with in-
ing, the required evaluation criteria of of the welding current — Fig. 4. At creasing laser power. The distance be-

Fig. 7 — Influence of laser power on the heat input. Fig. 8 — Influence of laser power on arc length.


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A Metallurgical Results and

Weld Formation

In all cladding processes, high-qual-

ity welds require a low-dilution rate to
reduce the mixing between the filler
metal and the base metal. In this case,
it was aimed to decrease the heat in-
put in the substrate so that a lower
volume of the workpiece melted and a
smaller ratio of the Ni/WC alloy mixed
with the base metal.
As previously stated, the use of
B laser-preheated GMAW reduces the
heat input into the base metal, which
should be positively reflected in the di-
lution rate. Figure 11A, B displays the
metallurgical results of the laser-pre-
heated GMAW. It can be observed that
the dilution reduces with increasing
laser power. The optimal value for the
continuous waveform is a laser power
of 500 W, leading to a reduced dilution
of more than one-half compared to the
conventional process. However, a fur-
ther increase of laser power does not
lead to a continuing effect on the weld
Fig. 9 — Influence of laser power on the arc length. A — Continuous; B — pulsed
dimensions. For the pulsed waveform,
no significant change in the dilution
rate could be observed, since the heat
input was not substantially affected by
the laser.
The metallurgical investigation
showed that the laser-preheated
GMAW has no significant effects on
the bead width, the height of the bead,
and the wetting angle.

Comparison with Other Wire

Preheated GMAW Methods

Compared to the results of arc-

preheated GMAW (Refs. 11, 12), lower
Fig. 10 — Metal transfer of continuous waveform, conventional (top), with 700­W laser
power (bottom).
reduction in welding current and irreg-
ular metal transfer were obtained with
laser-induced preheating. The reason
for this is that the diffraction and re-
tween the two lines in Fig. 9A, B repre- droplet almost increased three times flection of the laser beam on the cylin-
sents the growth of the arc length, but due to the laser application (700-W drical form of the welding wire play an
also the reduction of the free wire end. laser power) compared to the conven- important role, so that just a small
This change in arc length is, for the tional GMAW process. Since the for- amount of laser power was absorbed
pulsed waveform, lower than for the mation of a large droplet during laser- from the welding wire. This means a
continuous one as shown in Fig. 8. preheated GMAW happens irregularly, welding wire with a larger diameter or
It can also be noticed that the pre- it was noticed that the transfer rate a laser optic with smaller spot diame-
heating of the welding wire for contin- decreased to one half due to laser pre- ter will obtain better results. The met-
uous waveform leads to an instability heating. This effect was also observed allurgical results in Refs. 11 and 12
of the droplet size and the droplet de- for pulsed waveform, where the de- showed a reduced dilution rate, but
tachment time compared to the con- tachment of the droplet needs some- without giving any information about
ventional process. Figure 10 depicts times five pulses to take place. the difference. The results in Ref. 5
that the detachment time for one with auxiliary preheating show a re-


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Fig. 11 — Effect of laser power on the dilution. A — Continuous; B — pulsed waveform.

duction in dilution of up to 44% (20.3

to 11.3%), which is lower than the val-
ue achieved by laser preheating (54%,
Fig. 11A). However, the welding cur-
rent and the metal transfer were not
investigated (Ref. 5).

In order to understand the effect of
laser preheating on the GMAW
process, it should first be known that
the welding power source with con-
stant voltage characteristics used in
this study controls its voltage and am-
perage output. Figure 12 shows the be-
havior between the voltage and the
current for a constant voltage power
source. The welding current is deter-
mined by the wire feed rate, so that a
spontaneous change in feed speed will Fig. 12 — Constant voltage welding power supply characteristic.
change the arc length due to the re-
duced melting rate, which in turn
changes the welding current. ing current by a constant wire feed metal due to the laser-induced pre-
Back to the studied case, the laser rate should decrease the wire melting heating effect. Furthermore, high-
beam is focused onto the filler metal, rate so the arc length returns to its laser power melts the affected area of
which eases the melting of the wire normal position. Due to the laser pre- the wire. This rise in melting rate in-
and decreases the energy portion of heating of the GMAW filler metal, this creases the arc length and decreases
the arc, which is used to melt the filler controlling process is disrupted. the free end of the wire. As a result,
metal. The result was an increase in Regarding the laser-preheated wire the total heat input in the base metal
arc length and decrease in welding cur- for GMAW, the arc length cannot re- decreases (Fig. 8), which leads to a re-
rent. According to the controlling turn to its original position despite duction of the dilution compared to
process of the power source, an in- the reduction in welding current and conventional GMAW — Fig. 11A. This
crease of the arc length, for example the constant feeding of the welding reduction in dilution did not affect the
due to geometrical changes, should wire. The point is that focusing the weld width as expected, which might
lead to a decrease of the welding cur- laser beam onto the welding wire in- be explained by the increase of the arc
rent — Fig. 12. This reduction in weld- creases the melting rate of the filler length, widening the arc distribution,


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