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Management Aptitude Test

Time Allowed : 150 min Max. Marks : 200

1. There are five sections in this solved paper and each section contains 40 questions.
2. For every correct attempt the student will be awarded with 1 marks and for every incorrect attempt 0.25 mark
will be deducted.
3. All questions are in MCQs form and each having four options.

Directions (Q. Nos. 1-20) Read the following passages carefully and answer the question below.

Passage I
Rising inflation, coupled with a new packaging legislation, will make price hikes of packaged foods inevitable, says the
Divisional Chief Executive of ITC’s foods division. On one hand the costs of inputs such as raw material, furnace oil
and packaging material and even logistics have gone up, while on the other, the new packaging law that bans
producers from reducing the quantity inside the packet, will leave them with no choice but to raise prices.
This new Legal Metrology Act is likely to come into force shortly. At present, FMCG companies rely on reduced
quantity to tackle rising inflationary pressure on input costs rather than changing the price points owing mainly to
coinage issues. The new Act will make the price-point concept impossible, he said. On the demand-supply side, he
said the company had to make a lot of efforts to meet the spurt in demand for its cream biscuits.
Giving an example, he said the company's premium range offerings such as Dark Fantasy and Dream Cream Bourbon
have witnessed a growth of 118% in the second quarter over the first. Even other Sunfeast premium creams have
shown a growth of 72 percent in Q2 over Ql. Responding to a question on competition from global brands such as
Oreo (from Kraft Foods), McVitie‘s from (United Biscuits), and domestic brands such as Parle and Britannia, he said
international competition is a reality.
It is good, as it aids ‘premiumisation’ of the category. He said this has actually enriched Sunfeast‘s portfolio last year.
On the domestic front, given the emerging trends in consumption patterns, the biscuit market offers enormous
opportunities, scope for improvement both in terms of new products and segments and also in terms of operational
‘The field of play is large and we are encouraged and really excited about the years ahead,’ he said. At present ITC’s
Sunfeast is the third largest national player after Parle and Britannia. The brand has 10% cent share of the ` 15000
crore biscuit market. And, within this, in the creams segment (which accounts for over ` 3500 crore) Sunfeast
commands 15% share.
2 Solved Paper 2014

1. The new Legal Metrology Act is in respect of Ê (c) Only option (b) can be inferred from the passage. It is
(a) the legalities involved in weather forecasting implied in the lines, ‘on the domestic front, given the
(b) anything that has to be marketed in Metro cities emerging trends in consumption patterns, the biscuit
(c) packaging of biscuits only market offers enormous opportunities, scope for
improvement both in terms of new products and
(d) packaged foods in general
Ê (d) Refer to lines, ‘the new packaging law that bans
producers from reducing the quantity inside the 3. The price-point concept discussed in the passage is
packet, will leave them with no choice but to raise referring to
prices. This new Metrology Act is likely to come into (a) fixing prices of packaged foods in round figures for
force shortly.’ ease of payment at the point of purchase
The very first line of the passage makes it clear that the (b) prices to be fixed by the government
reference is to the packaged foods in general. (c) variations of prices from point-to-point in any city
(d) None of the above
2. How has competition from foreign brands affected
the Indian biscuit market? Ê (a) The answer can be inferred from the lines, ‘At present.
FMCG companies ...... coinage issues.
A. Only the three largest manufacturers survived; while
the smaller ones withered away. 4. It can be accurately inferred from the passage that
B. The range of categories available to the Indian (a) Parle is the largest selling brand of biscuits in India
consumers has expanded. (b) Sunfeast is the third largest selling brand of cream
C. The foreign brands got restricted to premium biscuits in the country
categories only; leaving the field open to domestic (c) competition from foreign brands has adversely
brands in non-premium categories. affected the sales of Sun feast
(a) A and B (d) All of the above
(b) B and C
(c) Only B Ê (a) Clearly, mentioned in the passage in the lines, ‘A
(d) A, B and C present ITC's Sunfeast is the third largest national
player after Parle and Britannia.

Passage II
The discoveries of the white dwarf, the neutron star, and the black hole, coming well after the discovery of the red
giant are among the most exciting developments in decades because they may well present physicists with their
greatest challenge since the failure of classical mechanics. In the life cycle of the star, after all of the hydrogen and
helium fuel has been burned, the delicate balance between the outer nuclear radiation, pressure and the stable
gravitational force becomes disturbed and slow contraction begins. As compression increases, a very dense plasma
forms. If the initial star had mass of less than 1.4 solar masses (1.4 times the mass of our Sun), the process ceases at
the density of 1000 tonnes per cubic inch, and the star becomes the white dwarf.
However, if the star was originally more massive, the white dwarf plasma can‘t resist the gravitational pressures, and
in rapid collapse, all nuclei of the star are converted to a gas of free neutrons. Gravitational attraction compresses this
neutron gas rapidly until a density of 10 tonnes per cubic inch is reached, at this point the strong nuclear force resists
further contraction. If the mass of the star was between 1.4 and a few solar masses, the process stops here, and we
have a neutron star. But if the original star was more massive than a few solar masses, even the strong nuclear forces
cannot resist the gravitational crunch.
The neutrons are forced into one another to form heavier hadrons and these in turn coalesce to form heavier entities,
of which we as yet know nothing. At this point, a complete collapse of the stellar mass occurs. Existing theories
predict a collapse to infinite density and infinitely small dimensions. Well before this, however, the surface
gravitational force would become so strong that no signal could ever leave the star. Any photon emitted would fall
back under gravitational attraction and the star would become black hole in space. This gravitational collapse poses a
fundamental challenge to physics.
When the most widely accepted theories predict such improbable things as infinite density and infinitely small
dimensions, it simply means that we are missing some vital insight. This last happened in physics in the 1930s, when
we faced the fundamental paradox concerning atomic structure. At that time, it was recognised that electrons moved
in stable orbits around nuclei in atoms.
However, it was also recognised that if charge is accelerated, as it must be to remain in orbit, it radiates energy; so,
theoretically, the electron would be expected eventually to spiral into the nucleus and destroy the atom. Studies
centred around this paradox led to the development of quantum mechanics. It may well be that an equivalent advance
awaits us in investigating the theoretical problems presented by the phenomenon of gravitational collapse.
Solved Paper 2014 3

5. The primary purpose of the passage is to 7. The author asserts that the discoveries of the
(a) offer new explanations for the collapse of stars white dwarf, the neutron star and the black hole
(b) explain the origins of black holes, neutron stars and are significant because these discoveries
white dwarfs (a) demonstrate the probability of infinite density and
(c) compare the structure of atoms with the structure infinitely small dimensions
of solar system (b) pose the most comprehensive and fundamental
(d) explain how the collapse of stars challenges problem found by the physicists in decades
accepted theories of physics (c) clarify the paradox suggested by the collapse of
Ê (d) The primary purpose of the passage is to explain how electrons into atomic nuclei
the collapse of stars challenges accepted theories of (d) establish the relationship between the mass and
physics. gravitational pressure

6. According to the passage, an imbalance arises Ê (b) Refer to the opening lines of the passage. It is clear
from the lines that option (b) is the correct answer
between nuclear radiation pressure and
gravitational force in stars because 8. The author introduces the discussion of the
(a) the density of a star increases as it ages. paradox concerning atomic structures in order to
(b) radiation pressure increases as a star increases in (a) show why it was necessary to develop quantum
mass mechanics.
(c) radiation pressure decreases when a star‘s fuel has (b) compare the structure of an atom with the
been consumed structure of star
(d) the collapse of a star increases its gravitational (c) demonstrate the analogy that a vital insight in
forces astrophysics is missing.
Ê (c) Refer to lines, In the life cycle of the star, after all of the (d) illustrate the contention that improbable things do
hydrogen and helium fuel has been burned, the happen in astrophysics
delicate balance between the outer nuclear radiation, Ê (c) Refer to lines, ‘when the most widely accepted theories
pressure and the stable gravitational force becomes ………… some vital insight’.
disturbed and slow contraction begins.

Passage III
The villager has customarily been very conservative in his attitude and approach. He is reluctant to change his
traditional way of thinking and doing things. His attitude, in many respects, is ‘home-made is best’. For instance, most
cattle-farmers in the villages, prefer to feed their cows and buffaloes with a home-mix comprising local oil-cakes like
mustard or cottonseed, pulses, jaggery, salt, etc. It takes numerous visits, hard-convincing, daily trials and
experiments to convince the rural cattle farmer that compound feeds, scientifically formulated, improve the yields of
milk, without any incremental costs.
The age-old values and attitudes towards caste, creed, women, time and money take time to change. The villager has
traditionally been a believer in the philosophy of 'Karma' or fate. He has found it more convenient to blame his
economic destitution, poor living conditions, and straitened social status on 'bhagya’, ‘karma’ or ‘fate’. The security
that the villagers find in the ‘status quo’, acts as a discentive to change and experiment, in the short run. Many of
these antiquated attitudes, value-systems and outlooks are changing, due to improved levels of awareness and
education. However, the rate of change is sluggish. Attitudes that have fossilised over the centuries, do take time to
9. When will you call a person conservative in his 10. What does the phrase home-made is the best,
attitude and approach? imply?
(a) When he would like to try out every new idea (a) Whatever is being practised is better than what is
before accepting it new
(b) When he sticks to old ways of thinking and doing (b) The best should not be discarded
(c) When he solves his problems through tried out (c) Change for the sake of change is not good
methods (d) People should go in for Swadeshi because it is
(d) When he imputes motives to change-agents home-made
Ê (b) A conservative person sticks to old ways of thinking Ê (a) Among the given options, option (a) appears to be the
and doing. It is given in the lines, ‘He is reluctant to most appropriate. It is also opt according to the tone of
change his traditional way of thinking and doing passage.
4 Solved Paper 2014

11. What is the best method to convince the average 12. Which of the following is not the usual reason
Indian villager about the superiority of a new offered by an average Indian villager for his
cattle-feed? poverty?
(a) Home-visits (a) It is his destiny
(b) Field demonstration (b) It is because of his resistance to new ideas
(c) Discussion (c) It is God's will
(d) Distribution of related literature (d) It is a result of some of his bad deeds committed in
Ê (a) It is mentioned in the passage that to convince the this or the previous birth
average Indian, frequent home visits have to be made. Ê (b) Except for the option (b), an average Indian villager
Refer to lines, ‘It takes numerous visits, hardconvincing, puts forth all the other excuses, given options as a
daily trials ……… without any incremental costs’. It is reason for his poverty.
nowhere given in the passage that field demonstration,
discussion or distribution of related literature is required
for the purpose.

Passage IV
Nearly two thousand years have passed since a census decreed by Caesar Augustus became part of the greatest story
ever told. Many things have changed in the intervening years. The hotel industry worries more about overbuilding
than overcrowding, and if they had to meet an unexpected influx, few inns would have a manager to accommodate the
weary guests. Now it is the census taker that does the traveling in the fond hope that a highly mobile population will
stay put long enough to get a good sampling. Methods of gathering, recording, and evaluating information have
presumably been improved a great deal.
And where then it was the modest purpose of Rome to obtain a simple head count as an adequate basis for levying
taxes, now batteries of complicated statistical series furnished by Governmental agencies and private organisations are
eagerly scanned and interpreted by sages and seers to get a clue to future events. The Bible does not tell us how the
Roman census takers made out, and as regards our more immediate concern, the reliability of present-day economic
forecasting, there are considerable differences of opinion.
They were aired at the celebration of the 125th anniversary of the American Statistical Association. There was the
thought that business forecasting might well be on its way from an art to a science, and some speakers talked about
newfangled computers and high-falutin mathematical systems in terms of excitement and endearment which we, at
least in our younger years when these things mattered, would have associated more readily with the description of a
fair maiden.
But others pointed to the deplorable record of highly esteemed forecasts and forecasters with a batting average below
that of the Mets, and the President-elect of the Association cautioned that ‘high powered statistical methods are
usually in order where the facts are crude and inadequate, the exact contrary of what crude and inadequate
statisticians assume.’
We left his birthday party somewhere between hope and despair and with the conviction, not really newly acquired,
that proper statistical methods applied to ascertainable facts have their merits in economic forecasting as long as
neither forecaster nor public is deluded into mistaking the delineation of probabilities and trends for a prediction of
certainties of mathematical exactitude.

13. The passage would be most likely to appear in 14. According to the passage, taxation in Roman times
(a) a journal of biblical studies was based on
(b) an introductory college textbook on statistics (a) mobility
(c) the annual report of the American Statistical (b) wealth
Association (c) population
(d) a newspaper review of a recent professional festivity (d) census takers recommendations
Ê (d) The passage in general and last part of the passage in Ê (c) It is implicit in the lines, ‘And where then it was the
particular make option (d) as the most appropriate modest purpose of Rome to obtain a simple head
choice. count as an adequate basis for levying taxes.’
Solved Paper 2014 5

15. The author refers to the Mets primarily in order to

(a) show that sports do not depend on statistics
(b) provide an example of an unreliable statistics
(c) contrast verifiable and unverifiable methods of record keeping.
(d) illustrate the failure of statistical predictions
Ê (d) The reference to the Mets illustrates the failure of satistical predictions.
16. On the basis of the passage, it can be inferred that the author would agree with which of the following
(a) Computers have significantly improved the application of statistics in business
(b) At present time, statistics is not a science
(c) It is useless to try to predict the economy
(d) Most mathematical systems are inexact
Ê (b) Only option (b) can be inferred from the passage. Refer to the last lines of the passage, here the author cautions that statutical
trends and predictions are not certain and exact. It implies that he is of the few that statistics is not a science because it is not
certain and exact.

Passage V
Woodrow Wilson was referring to the liberal idea of the economic market when he said that the free enterprise system
is the most efficient economic system. Maximum freedom means maximum productiveness: our ‘openness’ is to be the
measure of our stability. Fascination with this ideal has made Americans defy the ‘Old World’ categories of settled
possessiveness versus unsettling deprivation; the cupidity of retention versus the cupidity of seizure, a ‘status quo’
defended or attacked.
The United States, it was believed, had no status quo ante. Our only ‘station’ was the turning of a stationary wheel,
spinning faster and faster. We did not base our system on property but opportunity—which meant we based it not on
stability but on mobility. The more things changed, that is, the more rapidly the wheel turned, the steadier we would
be. The conventional picture of class politics is composed of the Haves, who want a stability to keep what they have,
and the Have-Nots who want a touch of instability and change; in which to scramble for the things they have not. But
Americans imagined a condition in which speculators, self-makers, runners are always using the new opportunities
given by our land. These economic leaders (front-runners) would thus be mainly agents of change.
The non-starters were considered the ones who wanted stability, a strong referee to give them some position in the
race, a regulative hand to calm manic speculation; and authority that can call things to a halt, begin things again from
compensatorily staggered ‘starting lines.’ ‘Reform’ in America has been sterile because it can imagine no change
except through the extension of this metaphor of a race, wider inclusion of competitors, ‘a piece of the action,’ as it
were, for the disenfranchised.
There is no attempt to call off the race. Since our only stability is change, America seems not to honour the quiet work
that achieves social interdependence and stability. There is, in our legends, no heroism of the office clerk; no stable
industrial work force of the people who actually make the system work. There is no pride in being an employee; Wilson
asked for a return to the time when everyone was an employee.
There has been no boasting about our social workers—they are merely signs of the system’s failure, of opportunity
denied or not taken, of things to be eliminated. We have no pride in our growing interdependence, in the fact that our
system can serve others, that we are able to help those in need; empty boasts from the past make us ashamed of our
present achievements, make us try to forget or deny them, move away from them. There is no honour but in the
Wonderland race, we must all run, all trying to win, none winning in the end (for there is no end).
17. According to the passage, ‘Old World’ values were 18. In the context of the author’s discussion of
based on regulating change, which of the following could be
(a) ability most probably regarded as a ‘strong referee’ in the
(b) property United States?
(c) family connections (a) A school principal (b) A political theorist
(d) guild hierarchies (c) A federal court judge (d) A social worker
Ê (d) ‘Old World’ values were based on guild hierarchies Ê (c) In the lines, ‘These economic leaders ……… starting
according to the passage. lines’, ‘a strong refer’ is a regulative hand and an
authority that can control things, therefore, a federal
court judge, i.e., option (c) appears to be the most
appropriate answer.
6 Solved Paper 2014

19. The author sets off the word ‘Reform’ with Directions (Q. Nos. 24-27) Choose the order of the
quotation marks in order to sentences marked A, B, C, D and E to form a logical
(a) emphasise its departure from the concept of settled paragraph.
possessiveness 24. A : A brain child of the Bihar Government, Bihar
(b) show his support for a systematic programme of Diwas was first celebrated in 2010
B: The state Government declared a holiday to
(c) underscore the flexibility and even amorphousness
mark the occasion
of United States society
(d) assert that reform in the United States has not been C: On 22 March 2012, Bihar turned 100 years old,
fundamental as on this day the British carved out the state
in 1912
Ê (b) In order to show his support for a systematic
programme of change, the word ‘Reform’ is given in D: Termed Bihar Diwas, the Government
the quotation marks. decorated the state capital with blue lights
E: Now, Government has decided to celebrate this
20. It can be inferred from the passage that the author
day every year with equal enthusiasm
most probably thinks that giving the
disenfranchised ‘a piece of the action’ is a/an (a) CEDAB (b) BDACE (c) CBDAE (d) ECABD
(a) compassionate, if misdirected, legislative measure Ê (c)
(b) example of Americans’ resistance to profound social 25. A : I studied at a premier convent school, where I
change was the athletics champion and the football
(c) innovative programme for genuine social reform
(d) monument to the efforts of industrial reformers
B : School is a great leveller where you are known
Ê (b) The point in question can be deciphered from the not by the money you have, but by how good
lines, ‘Reform’ in America has been sterile ………… for you are in sport, not even studies
the disenfranchised. Most probably the implication or
hidden meaning of the lines is that the author thinks C : My father is a Protestant and mother, an
that giving the disenfranchised ‘a piece of the action’ is Iranian
an example of Americans’ resistence to profound D : While I believe in the presence of a supreme
social change. being, I am agnostic
E : From the age of four, my father always told me
Directions (Q. Nos. 21-23) Fill in the blanks that ‘to be a good man, you don’t need to go to a
21. There was a ____ all about the palace, and the ____ temple, church or mosque, you just need to be
concerned the security guards. good’
(a) gift, distribution (b) silence, quiet (a) DBACE
(c) tranquil, temper (d) feast, circulation (b) CEDAB
Ê (b) As the palace was in complete silence, the quietness
was a cause for concern for the security guards.
Ê (b)
22. Most young children are highly conformist and will
____ a classmate whose appearance or manners 26. A : I refused to wear traditional wedding clothes,
are_____. our backdrop was a caricature of the happy
(a) ostracise, conventional (b) emulate, different couple and there was no stage
(c) shun, unusual (d) deride, ordinary B : Even when I got married two years ago, my
first idea for a reception was a pool party
Ê (a) Because most young children are very conformist or
conform to established practice, they will shun or C : I am not a fan of Indian weddings
dislike a classmate who is unusual in any respect. D : That idea, of course, got rejected, but we did
23. Though the law’s ____ purpose is to curtail false tinker with quite a few traditions and I did not
advertising, its actual result is to free ____ speech. wear a typical wedding dress
(a) erroneous, eschew E : Even now, friends tell us it was one of the best
(b) ostensible, characterise weddings they attended
(c) illicit, reconcile (a) CEABD
(d) recalcitrant, repress (b) CBDAE
Ê (b) Ostensible means apparent, i.e., seemingly the (d) BDACE
purpose of the advertisement is to curtail false
advertising, it also helps in freeing speech. Ê (b)
Solved Paper 2014 7

27. A: India, however, remains the front runner in economic growth in any cross-country comparison
B: Political turmoil in the Middle East and rise in crude oil prices were other reasons for this situation
C: For Indian economy, recovery was interrupted last year due to intensification of debt crisis in Euro zone
D: As a result, growth moderated and fiscal balance deteriorated due to tight monetary policy and expanded
E : Monetary and fiscal policy response for better part of last three years aimed at taming domestic inflationary
Ê (c)

Directions (Q. Nos 28-30) Rearrange the jumbled alphabets in the following four options and find the odd word among
28. (a) RARCTO (b) NIATCRU Ê (d) (a) is APPLE (b) is PAPAYA
(c) BACGEBA (d) ILBJARN (c) is GUAVA (d) is RADISH
So, ‘Radish’ is the odd word as it’s different from
Ê (b) (a) is CARROT (b) is CURTAIN
apple, papaya and guava, which are fruits.
(c) is CABBAGE (d) is BRINJAL
So, the odd word is ‘curtain’ as the others are 30. (a) LIWLOP (b) RSTESMTA
vegetables. (c) TSROFE (d) UTQLI
29. (a) LPAEP (b) AYAPAP Ê (c) (a) is PILLOW (b) is MATRESS
(c) AVGAU (d) SRAHDI (c) is FOREST (d) is QUILT
So, the odd one is (c), i.e., forest.

Directions (Q. Nos. 31-34) In each of these questions, choose the option that best captures the essence of the text.
31. No organisation can depend on genius; the supply (a) The person who gives bribe is as much responsible
is always scarce and unreliable. It is the test of the for corruption as the person who takes it
organisation to make ordinary human beings (b) It is not easy to wipe out corruption from the world
perform better than they seem capable of, to bring (c) To tackle the epidemic of corruption, measures like
out whatever strength there is in its member, to electoral reforms, choosing people of integrity and
use each man’s strength to help others perform. focusing on moral values in youth can help to some
The purpose of the organisation is to enable a extent
common man to do uncommon things. (d) Corruption can be rooted out only if every citizen
vows to keep himself clean.
(a) Most of the persons have average Intelligent
Quotient (IQ) Ê (c)
(b) Motivation and training can improve the
performance of an average employee
33. The world was once an easier, more familiar place.
Through the Cold War years, India rarely, if ever
(c) Genius is a rare commodity
strayed from its basic foreign policy template:
(d) A good organisation transforms its average worker
non-alignment. It had few interests-(beyond its
into a star performer
timeless favourites Kashmir and Pakistan) - and
Ê (b) fewer choices. After two decades of economic
32. Corruption is an intractable problem. Like growth, India finds itself in the vortex of dizzying
diabetes; it can be controlled but can’t be change. The game has become a lot more complex
eliminated. Despite of moaning about corruption, with very high stakes.
we don’t hesitate to vote back the same tainted (a) Economic growth has put India at the forefront of
persons. Choosing honest and dedicated people, the global political map
electoral reforms and controlling electoral expense (b) Before financial reforms India was just a developing
can combat corruption to some extent. Inculcating country with little say in global politics
values in our young children might give us some (c) The policy of non-alignment does not always work
hope in future. Corruption has to be rooted out in the present day scenario
from the roots. (d) As an emerging economic power, India can no
longer ignore new strategic challenges
Ê (a)
8 Solved Paper 2014

34. After three centuries of relentless damage to Earth’s delicately balanced ecology, humanity finally appears to be
waking up to the havoc it has wrought. The past decade saw the most clinching evidence ever that human activity
has pushed the greenhouse gas concentration in the atmosphere to almost the tipping point. Another few decades
of business as usual and our planet will hit an irreversible slide into catastrophic climate changes, destroying
civilisation as we know it
(a) Reckless industrialisation has contributed to climate change
(b) The emission of manmade greenhouse gases is raising temperature on Earth
(c) Reduction of carbon emission in atmosphere can help in saving Earth from further damage
(d) Ignoring this problem will result in dangerous climatic changes on Earth
Ê (d)

Directions (Q. Nos. 35 - 37) Choose the option which gives the best way of writing the sentence ensuring that the message
is correctly conveyed.
35. (a) It appears you have come here with a view to insult me
(b) It appears you have come here with a view to insulting me
(c) It appears you have come here with a view of insulting me
(d) It appears you have come here with a view for insulting me
Ê (a) It is the correct answer and the best way of conveying the sentence.
36. (a) Budget hotels are to be set in the country to provide travelers with accommodation at reasonable rates
(b) Budget hotels are being set-up across the country to provide travelers with accommodation at reasonable rates
(c) Budget hotels will be set-up in the country to provide travelers with accommodation at reasonable rates
(d) Budget hotels were set-up through the country to provide travelers with accommodation at reasonable rates
Ê (b) Option (b) presents the sentence in the most convincing and correct way.
37. (a) Did the court not intervene the matter many students would have been denied admission
(b) Until the court had intervened the matter many students would have been denied admission
(c) Had the court not intervened in the matter many students would have been denied admission
(d) If the court intervened between the matter many students would have been denied admission
Ê (c) It is grammatically and structurally the correct way of writing and conveying the sentence.

Directions (Q. Nos. 38-40) Rearrange the following jumbled word and select the word which is opposite in meaning to the
rearranged word.
(a) Small (b) Healthy (c) High (d) Deep
Ê (a) The jumbled word is ENORMOUS, which means large, so its opposite is ‘small’.
(a) Wise (b) Intelligent (c) Distant (d) Transparent
Ê (d) The jumbled word is OPAQUE, which means not clear, so its opposite is ‘transparent’.
(a) Big (b) Flat (c) Hot (d) Firm
Ê (b) The jumbled word is ELEVATED, which means fine, noble and its opposite is ‘flat’.
41. ‘Arti’ and ‘Saurabh’ are the children of Mr and Mrs Ê (d) The direction diagram of Manu is as below
Shah. ‘Ritu’ and ‘Shaki’ are the children of Mr and 80 km
Mrs Mehra. ‘Saurabh’ and ‘Ritu’ are married to
each other and two daughters ‘Mukti’ and ‘Shruti’
40 km 30 km 30 km
are born to them. ‘Shakti’ is married to ‘Rina’ and
two children ‘Subhash’ and ‘Reshma’ are born to 50 km E
them. How is ‘Arti’ related to ‘Shruti’? F
80 km D
(a) Mother (b) Mother-in-law
(c) Sister (d) Aunt 10 km 10 km

Ê (d) Making relating tree from given information,

G 50 km A
Mr & Mrs Shah Mr & Mrs Mehra N

Arti Saurabh Shakti

Sister Ritu
Wife W E

Mukti Shruti
Sister S
Subhash Reshma
Aunt Let A is the starting point of Manu and G is the last point
of his journey.
It is clear from above relation tree that Arti is the aunt of
Shruti. Now, BC = ED = 80 km, FG = AE = 10 km
CD = BE = 30 km, AB = 40 km
42. A train runs 120 km in West direction, 30 km in
EF = GA = 50 km
South direction and then 80 km in East direction
before reaching the station. In which direction is Clearly, from diagram atlast, distance between Manu’s
the station from the train’s starting point? starting point and last point = GA = 50 km
(a) South-West (b) North-West 44. If the third day of a month is Monday, which of the
(c) South-East (d) South following will be the fifth day from 21st of that
Ê (a) The direction diagram of train is as below: month?
N (a) Tuesday (b) Monday
B 120 km NW
A NE (c) Wednesday (d) Thursday
30 km Ê (c) Third day of a month = Monday
W E i.e., in that particular month date 3, 10, 17, 24 will fall on
C D Monday.
80 km
SW SE Now, fifth day from 21st of that month 5 + 21 = 26 th of
S that month
Let A is the starting point of train and D is the last point of Q 24th of that month fall on Monday.
train where it was stopped. ∴ 26th of that month will fall = 24 + 2
It is clear from the above diagram that the station is in = Monday + 2 days
South-West direction from the train’s starting point. = Wednesday
43. Manu goes 40 km North, turns right and goes 80 45. ‘A’ is B’s brother, ‘‘I have as many sisters as
km, turns right again and goes 30 km. In the end, brothers’’, tells ‘B’ to one of her friends. How many
he turns right again and goes 80 km. How far is he brothers and sisters are there in this family?
from his starting point if he goes straight ahead (a) Two brothers and two sisters
another 50 km and turns left to go his last 10 km? (b) One brother and one sister
(a) 10 km (b) 30 km (c) One brother and two sisters
(c) 40 km (d) 50 km (d) Two brothers and one sister
10 Solved Paper 2014

Ê (c) Given, A is brother of B. 48. Assertion (A) Indira Gandhi was the Prime
So, A is a male and B is a female from statement given in Minister of India for many years.
question. Reason (R) Indira Gandhi was the daughter of
From option (c), if total one brother and two sisters in the Jawaharlal Nehru.
family, then the condition given in question is satisfied for
B i.e., B has one brother and one sister but total they are 49. Assertion (A) India is a ‘Sovereign’ country.
one brother and two sisters. Hence, option (c) is right Reason (R) Policies of India are decided by USA.
50. Assertion (A) Mahatma Gandhi is considered as
46. ‘Ravi’ and ‘Dinesh’ are the sons of Mr and Mrs ‘Father of the Nation’ in India.
Gupta. ‘Ravi’ has married to ‘Surya’ and this
couple is blessed with ‘Tarun’, ‘Vinni’ and ‘Minni’. Reason (R) Mahatma Gandhi was the first
‘Seema’, is married to ‘Tarun’ and they are blessed Governor General of independent India.
with ‘Zeena’, a beautiful daughter. How is ‘Dinesh’
related to ‘Tarun’? Solutions (Q. Nos. 47-50)
(a) Brother (b) Father Ê 47. (c) The common value of all religion should be taught
(c) Uncle (d) Brother-in-law to the children in our schools will help inculcating
moral values amongst the children our country.
Ê (c) Making relation tree from given information,
Hence, both A and R are true and R is the correct
Mr & Mrs Gupta explanation of A.
Ê 48. (b) Indira Gandhi was the Prime Minister of India for
many years but she was the daughter of
Jawaharlal Nehru is not related to the first one.
Hence, both A and R are true but R is not the
Ravi Dinesh correct explanation of A.
Ê 49. (c) India is a ‘Sovereign’ country means India is a
Surya independent country and it has it’s own policy,
rules and regulations.
Hence, A is true but R is false.
Ê 50. (c) Mahatma Gandhi is considered as ‘Father of the
Tarun Vinni Minni Nation’ in India but he never made the Governor
Wife Un General of independent India.
Hence, A is true but R is false.
Daughter Directions (Q. Nos. 51-53) Answer these questions based
on the information given below.
Surinder, Prem, Wasim, Bishamber and Chauhan
It clear that from above relation tree that Dinesh is uncle are five players of a college cricket team and their
of Tarun. home towns are Sikandrabad, Panipat, Warangal,
Banaras and Chennai (not in the order of their
Directions (Q. Nos. 47-50) Each of these questions has names). The five specialist slots of spinner,
an Assertion (A) and a Reason (R). pace-bowler, wicket-keeper, batsman and captain
are held by them (not in order of their names
Give answer stated above). Their names, home towns and
(a) if both A and R are true and R is the correct specialities don’t start with the same letter.
explanation of A Neither Prem nor Wasim is the captain and they
(b) if both A and R are true but R is not the correct don’t belong to either Sikandrabad or Banaras.
explanation of A Panipat is not Bishamber’s home town. The player
(c) if A is true but R is false who hails from Banaras is a wicket-keeper. The
(d) if A is false but R is true captain’s home town is Panipat while the batsman
does not hail from waragal. Surinder is neither a
47. Assertion (A) The common value of all religion
wicket-keeper nor a batsman.
should be taught to the children in our schools.
Reason (R) Yes, it will help inculcating moral
51. Who is the wicket-keeper?
values amongst the children of our country. (a) Wasim (b) Bishamber
(c) Chauhan (d) Surinder
Solved Paper 2014 11

52. The spinner’s home town is 56. Who was wearing the red saree?
(a) Chennai (b) Banaras (a) Miss Jharkhand (b) Miss Uttar Pradesh
(c) Warangal (d) Panipat (c) Miss Delhi (d) Miss Madhya Pradesh
53. Who is the pace-bowler?
Solutions (Q. Nos. 54-56)
(a) Prem (b) Bishamber
(c) Surinder (d) Chauhan
Black Saree Red Saree blue Saree Orange Saree

Solutions (Q. Nos. 51-53)

Miss Delhi Miss Jharkhand Miss UP Miss MP
Players Specialization Home Town
Surinder Captain Panipat Winner Runner up
Prem Spinner Warangal
Ê 54. (c) From above, we can say that
Wasim Batsman Chennai
Miss Uttar Pradesh was the runner up.
Bishamber Pace bowler Sikandrabad
Ê 55. (b) From above, it is clear that black saree was worn
Chauhan Wicket-keeper Banaras by Miss Delhi.
Ê 51. (c) From above table, it is clear that wicket-keeper is Ê 56. (a) From above, it is clear that Miss Jharkhand was
Chauhan. wearing the red saree.
Ê 52. (c) From above table, it is clear that spinner’s home
town is Warangal. Directions (Q. Nos. 57-59) Answer these questions
based on the information given below.
Ê 53. (b) From above table, it is clear that Bishamber is the
A blacksmith has five steel balls J, K, L, M and N each of
pace bowler.
which has different weights.
J weights twice as much as K.
Directions (Q. Nos. 54 -56) Answer these questions
based on the information given below.
K weights four and a half times as much as L.
L weights half as much as M.
There were four participants from Delhi, Uttar l
M weights half as much as N.
Pradesh, Jharkhand and Madhya Pradesh taking l
N weights less than J but more than L.
part in a beauty contest.
All the participants were sitting in a row. 57. N is heavier than which of the two steel balls?
All of them were wearing sarees of different (a) M and K (b) J and L (c) L and M (d) J and K
colours i.e., blue, black, orange and red.
One who was wearing the black saree won the 58. Which of the following is the lightest in weight?
contest. (a) K (b) J (c) L (d) D
There was one runner up and she was sitting 59. Which of the following is the heaviest in weight?
beside Miss Madhya Pradesh. The runner up was
wearing blue saree. (a) L (b) K (c) J (d) M
Miss Jharkhand was not seated on the extreme
ends and was not the runner up. Solutions (Q. Nos. 57-59)
The winner and the runner up were not seated 1 9 M N
Given, J = 2k, k = 4 L = L, L = , M =

adjacent to each other. 2 2 2 2

Miss Madhya Pradesh was wearing the orange If we put N = 1, then
saree. 1 1
N = 1, M = = 0.5, L = × 0.5 = 0.25
Miss Delhi was not wearing the blue saree. 2 2
Participants wearing black saree and orange saree K = × 0.25 = 1.125, J = 2 × 1.125 = 2.250
were seated at the extreme ends. 2
Now, we see that, 2.250 > 1.125 > 1 > 0.5 > 0.25
54. Who was the runner up? i.e., J> K> N> M> L
(a) Miss Delhi (b) Miss Madhya Pradesh
Ê 57. (c) From above, it is clear that N is heavier than balls
(c) Miss Uttar Pradesh (d) Miss Jharkhand
L and M.
55. Which saree was worn by Miss Delhi? Ê 58. (c) From above, it is clear that L is the lightest in the
(a) Blue (b) Black weight.
(c) Orange (d) Red
Ê 59. (c) From above, it is clear that J is the heaviest in the
12 Solved Paper 2014

Directions (Q. Nos. 60 - 62) Answer these questions based on the information given below.
The capital New Delhi is the seat of power of the Central Government. It has over 50 renowned colleges to cater to
the needs of (10+2) passed out candidates. The competition for admission still remains very tough. Students look for
reputation of college, faculty, members, location, hostel facilities, past alumni and so on. Five studious and intelligent
students who scored more than 94% in the XII board exam were asked to give their four options out of seven top
colleges of Delhi.
Their options in order of preference were as follows.
Student A opted for U, Y, X and W. Student B for Z, V, X and T. Student C wanted to join V, W, Y and U.
Student D desired admission in W, U, T and Z. Student E was keen for V, T, Y and X.
60. Which pair of students opted for colleges V and X Solutions (Q. Nos. 60-62)
but did not want to go to U and W? Students A B C D E
(a) B and E (b) A and D
Colleges U, Y, Z, V, V, W, W, U, V, T,
(c) B and C (d) B and A
X, W X, T Y, U T, Z Y, X
61. Which pair of students did not opted for college X
but both of them opted for college U? Ê 60. (a) It is clear from the above table that the student B
and E opted for colleges V and X but did not want
(a) A and C (b) B and C
to go U and W.
(c) C and D (d) D and E
Ê 61. (c) Student C and D did not opt for college X but both
62. Which student opted for colleges X and Y but did of them opted for college U.
not opt for T and Z?
Ê 62. (d) There are only one student A who opted for
(a) D (b) C
college X and Y but did not opt for T and Z.
(c) B (d) A

Directions (Q. Nos. 63-65) Answer these questions based on the information given below.
Gurgaon is an important part of the National Capital Region (NCR Delhi) and is a very progressive town of Haryana
State. Of late, it has come to be known as Town of Malls and high rise buildings. Now, it can easily be compared to
Dubai. The malls in Gurgaon have become very popular and daily footfall is around 1 lakh which goes up to 1.5 lakh
during first week of the month. A survey conducted on five prominent malls as to the four vital items on which the
sale amounts to more than 60% of total revenue, revealed the following information.
Mall A earns from ladies garments, artificial jewellery, cosmetics and electronics. Mall B earns mostly from furniture,
cosmetics, sports and footwear. Mall C’s greatest earnings are from electronics, sports, artificial jewellery and ladies
garments. Mall D’s main revenues are from furniture, footwear, ladies garments and cosmetics. Mall E’s main earning
departments are electronics, artificial jewellery, ladies garments and sports.

63. Which pair of malls earns mostly from electronic Solutions (Q. Nos. 63-65)
items and artificial jewellery but not from Mall Item
furniture and footwear?
Ladies garments, Artificial jewellery cosmetics and
(a) A and B (b)C and D Mall A →
(c) A and C (d)B and E
Mall B → Furniture, cosmetics, sports and footwear
64. Which of the following malls earns most from
sports and electronics but not from cosmetics and Mall C → Electronics, sports, artificial jewellery, ladies garment
furniture? Mall D → Furniture, footwear, ladies garments, cosmetics
(a) A Mall E → Electronics, artificial jewellery, ladies garment, sports.
(b) B
(c) D Ê 63. (c) From option (c), it is clear that Mall A and Mall C
(d) E earns mostly from electronic items and artificial
jewellery but not from furniture and footwear.
65. Which mall does not earn much from ladies
garments and artificial jewellery but gets Ê 64. (d) It is clear from the above data that the Mall E earns
maximum from footwear and furniture? most from sports and electronics but not from
(a) A cosmetics and furniture.
(b) B Ê 65. (b) It is clear from the above data that the Mall B earns
(c) C maximum from footwear and furniture.
(d) E
Solved Paper 2014 13

Directions (Q. Nos. 66-68) These questions have a Directions (Q. Nos. 69-71) In each of these questions,
statement followed by two Conclusions I and II. Decide which two Statements I and II are provided. These may have a cause
of the conclusions follows from the statement. and effect relationship or may have independent causes or be
Give answer the effects of independent causes.
(a) if Conclusion I follows Give answer
(b) if Conclusion II follows (a) if the Statement I is the cause and statement II is
(c) if neither Conclusion I nor II follows its effect
(d) if both Conclusions I and II follow (b) if the Statement II is the cause and statement I is
its effect
66. Statement A man must be wise to be a good (c) if both the Statements I and II are effects of
wrangler. Good wranglers are talkative and independent causes
boring. (d) if both the Statements are effects of some common
Conclusions cause
I. All the wise-persons are boring. 69. Statement I There is a sharp decline in the
II. All the wise-persons are good wranglers. production of oilseeds this year.
67. Statement All good athletes win. All good athletes Statement II The Government has decided to
eat well. increase the import quantum of edible oil.
Conclusions 70. Statement I The Government has decided to
I. All those who eat well are good athletes. make all the information related to primary
II. All those who win eat well. education available to the general public.
Statement II In the past, the general public did
68. Statement All roads are water. Some water are not have access to all this information related to
boats. primary education.
Conclusions 71. Statement I There have been heavy rains in the
I. Some boats are roads. catchment area of the lakes supplying drinking
II. All water are boats. water to the city.
Statement II The municipal authorities have
Solutions (Q. Nos. 66-68) suspended the proposed cut in water supply to the
Ê 66. (c) According to the statement, good wranglers are city.
wise-men. But it does not mean that, all wise-men
are good wranglers. So, neither I nor II follows. Solutions (Q. Nos. 69-71)
Ê 67. (b) All those who win eat well follows. So, only Ê 69. (a) Statement I is the cause and Statement II is the
Conclusion II follows. effect of given cause.
Ê 68. (d) According to the statement, Ê 70. (d) Both the statements are the effect of some
common cause.
Ê 71. (a) Statement I is the cause and Statement II is the
effect of given cause.

Roads Boats
Directions (Q. Nos. 72-75) Each of these questions
consists of a pair of words bearing a certain relationship. From
amongst the alternatives, pick up the pair that best illustrates
a similar relationship.
So, neither Conclusion I nor II follows.
(a) Ink : Pen (b) Cock : Hen
(c) Teacher : Student (d) Poet : Poetry
14 Solved Paper 2014

73. THRUST : SPEAR 78. BA 2500 ZY, DC 1600 XW, FE 900 VU,‘?’,
(a) Scabbard Sword (b) Mangle Iron JI 100 RQ
(c) Bow Arrow (d) Fence Epee (a) GH 600 ST
(c) HG 500 TS
(a) Life : Death
(d) HG 300 TS
(b) Water : Drink
(c) Ideas : Exchange Ê (b)
(d) Language : Conversation +2 +2 +2 +2
−1 −1 −1 −1 −1
(a) Parsis : Temple (b) Jains : Fire Temple B A 2500 Z Y, D C 1600 X W, F E 900 U V, H G 400 T S J I 100 R Q,
(c) Buddhists : Pagoda (d) Hindus : Vedas
(50)2 (40)2 (30)2 (20)2 (10)2
Solutions (Q. Nos. 72-75) opposite opposite opposite opposite opposite
letters letters letters letters letters
Ê 72. (d) As, Spider is related to Web in the same way Poet
is related to Poetry. ∴ ? = HG 400 TS
Ê 73. (c) As, thrust is related to Spear, in the same way Bow 79. 31 MN 97, 37 PQ 89,41 ST 83,‘?’, 47 YZ 73
is related to Arrow.
(a) 43 VW 79 (b) 45 VW 80
Ê 74. (d) As, Money is used for Transaction, in the same (c) 43 VW 81 (d) 44 YW 82
way Language is used for Conversation.
Ê (a)
Ê 75. (c) As, Synagogue is the holy place of Jew, in the +2 +2 +2 +2
same way Pagoda is the holy place of Buddhists.
31 M N 97, 37 P Q 89, 41 S T 83, 43 V W 79 , 47 Y Z 73
Directions (Q. Nos. 76-80) Complete the series by
+1 +1 +1 +1 +1
replacing the question mark ‘?’. −8 −6 −4 −6

76. 27 CD 72, 26 FG 62,25 IJ 52,‘?’, 23 OP 32 +6 +4 +2 +6

(a) 24 HI 42 (b) 24 LM 42 (c) 24 KL 42 (d) 24 MN 42 ∴ ? = 43 VW 79

Ê (b) 80. 71 XW 13, 67 UT 17,‘?’, 59 ON 23, 53 LK 29
+1 +1 +1 +1 +1 (a) 65 RQ 18
27 C D 72 26 F G 62 25 I J 52 24 L M 42 23 O P 32 (b) 63 RQ 19
(c) 61 RQ 19
+2 +2 +2 +2
(d) 60RQ126
∴ ? = 24 LM 42 Ê (b)
−2 −2 −2 −2
77. 86 XW 68, 85 UT 58, 84 RQ 48,‘?’, 82 KL 28
(a) 83 ON 38 (b) 83PO38 (c) 83 RP 38 (d) 83 NO 38 71 X W 13, 67 U T 17, 63 R Q 19 , 59 O N 23, 53 L K 29
Ê (a)
+1 +1 +1 +1 +1
−1 −1 −1 −1 −1 −4 +2 +4 +6
−4 −4 −4 −4
86 X W 68 85 U T 58 84 R Q 48 8 3 O N 38 82 L K 28
−2 −2 −2
∴ ? = 63 RQ 19

∴ ? = 83 ON 38
81. Two numbers are in the ratio P : Q. When 1 is Ê (b) ` 350 kg ` 400 kg
added to both the numerator and the denominator, ` 380 kg
the ratio gets changed to R/S. Again, when 1 is
20 30
added to both the numerator and the denominator,
1 ∴ Required ratio = 20 : 30
it becomes . Find the sum of P and Q.
2 =2:3
(a) 3 (b) 4
(c) 5 (d) 6 84. The expenses of an all boys’ institute are partly
Ê (c) Let P = 1 constant and partly vary as the number of boys.
Q K The expenses were ` 10000 for 150 boys and ` 8400
Then, on adding 1 to both numerator and denominator for 120 boys. What will the expenses be when there
1+ 1 R are 330 boys?
the ratio changes as = .
K+1 S (a) ` 18000 (b) ` 19600
2 R (c) ` 22400 (d) None of these
K+1 S Ê (d) Total number of boys = 150 + 120 = 270
When 1 is again added the ratio changes as Total expences = 10000 + 8400 = ` 18400
2+1 R+1 1 Q R + 1 = 1 ,given Now, expences of 330 boys =
× 330 = ` 22488
= =  
K + 1+ 1 S + 1 2  S+1 2  270
2+1 1 3 1 85. In a company XYZ Ltd. a certain number of
or = ⇒ =
K + 1+ 1 2 K+2 2 engineers can develop a design in 40 days. If there
⇒ 6=K +2 were 5 more engineers, it could be finished in 10
∴ K=4 days less. How many engineers were there in the
So, Q = K = 4 and P = 1
(a) 18 (b) 20 (c) 25 (d) 15
∴ P : Q = 1 : 4 and P + Q = 1+ 4 = 5
Ê (d) Let there were x engineers in the beginning.
82. Three containers A, B and C are having mixtures Now,
of milk and water in the ratio 1 : 5, 3 : 5 and 5 : 7,
respectively. If the capacities of the containers are Days Number of Engineers
in the ratio 5 : 4 : 5, find the ratio of milk to water, if 30 x+5
the mixtures of all the three containers are mixed
together? 40 x
(a) 53 : 115 (b) 23 : 123
(c) 11: 4 (d) None of these ⇒ 40 : 30 = (x + 5) : x
⇒ 40 × x = 30 × (x + 5)
Ê (a) If we assume that quantity of mixture in all three
⇒ 40x = 30x + 150
containers are 5, 4 and 5, then total quantity of milk
1 3 5 ⇒ 10x = 150
= ×5+ ×4+ ×5
6 8 12 ∴ x = 15
5 3 25 86. A tank of capacity 25 L has an inlet and an outlet
= + +
6 2 12 tap. If both are opened simultaneously, the tank is
10 + 18 + 25 53 filled in 5 min. But if the outlet flow rate is doubled
= = L
12 12 and taps opened the tank never gets filled up.
53 115 Which of the following can be outlet flow rate ?
and quantity of water = (5 + 4 + 5) – = L
12 12 (a) 3 L/min (b) 4 L/min
53 115
∴ Required ratio = : = 53 : 115 (c) 5 L/min (d) None of these
12 12
Ê (c) Capacity of tank = 25 L
83. In what ratio should tea at ` 350 per kg be mixed
and time taken to filled the tank by both pipes = 5 min
with tea at ` 400 per kg in order that the mixture Capacity
be worth ` 380 per kg? ∴ Outlet flow rate =
Times taken
(a) 3 : 2 (b) 2 : 3 25
(c) 1 : 2 (d) 2 : 1 = = 5 L /min
16 Solved Paper 2014

87. A and B completed a work together in 5 days. Had Ê (c) Distance between telegraph pole = 50 m
A worked at twice the speed and B at half the 1000 m
Number of telegraph poles in 1 km = = 20 poles
speed, it would have taken them 4 days to complete 50 m
the job. How much time would it take for A alone to
Speed of train = 45 km/h
do the work?
Distance covered by train in 4 h = 45 × 4 = 180 km
(a) 10 days (b) 20 days
(c) 15 days (d) 25 days ∴ Number of poles counted by a passenger
1 = 180 × 20 = 3600
Ê (a) ( A + B)’s one day work =
5 90. Ram and Shyam run a race of 2000 m. First, Ram
1 gives Shyam a start of 200 m and beats him by
⇒ ( A + B) = …(i)
5 30 s. Next, Ram gives Shyam a start of 3 min and is
By given condition, beaten by 1000 m. Find the time in minutes in
1 1 which Ram and Shyam can run the race
2A + B= …(ii)
2 4 separately?
1 (a) 8 min, 10 min (b) 4 min, 5 min
On multiplying Eq. (i) by , we get
2 (c) 5 min, 9 min (d) 6 min, 9 min
1 1 1 Ê (b) Let the time taken by Ram to finish the race = t min
⋅ A + ⋅B = ...(iii)
2 2 10
Case I
On Eq. (iii) subtracted from Eq. (ii), we get
1 1 Ram gives Shyam a start of 200 m and beats him by 30 s
2A + B = 1
2 4 i.e., min.
1 1 1 2
⋅A + ⋅B= 2000
2 2 10 ∴ Speed of Ram =
− − − t
2 − 1  A = 1 − 1 and speed of Shyam =
 
 2 4 10 t +
3 5−2 3 3 2
⇒ A= ⇒ A=
2 20 2 20 Case II
A 1 Here, Ram gives Shyam a start of 3 min and losses to
⇒ =
2 20 Shyam by 1000 m.
∴ A = 10 ∴Time taken by Shyam − Time taken by Ram = 3 m
Hence, A alone would do that work in 10 days. 2000 1000 2000 t
− =3 ⇒ − =3
1800 2000 1800 × 2 2
88. A cistern is normally filled in 6 h but takes 4 h 1 t 2t + 1
t +
longer to fill because of a leak in its bottom. If the 2
cistern is full, the leak will empty it in how much 2000 × (2 t + 1) t
time? ⇒ − =3
1800 × 2 2
(a) 20 h (b) 15 h (c) 23 h (d) 17 h 5 t
⇒ (2 t + 1) − = 3
Ê (b) Let cistern will be empty in x h. 9 2
Then, due to leak time taken, 10(2 t + 1) − 9t
⇒ =3
1 1 1 1 1 1 18
− = ⇒ − =
(6 + 4) x 6 10 x 6 20t + 10 − 9t = 18 × 3
1 1 1 1 10 − 6 4 ⇒ 11t = 54 − 10
⇒ = − ⇒ = =
x 6 10 x 60 60 44
∴ t = = 4 min
1 4 1 1 1 11
⇒ = = ⇒ =
x 60 15 x 15 So, time taken by Ram to finish the race is 4 min.
∴ x = 15 h Again, speed of Shyam =

1 1
89. A railway passenger counts the telegraph poles on t + 4+
2 2
the rail road as he passes them. The telegraph 1800
poles are at a distance of 50 m. What will be his = ×2
(8 + 1)
count in 4 h, if the speed of the train is 45 km/h?
(a) 600 (b) 2500 = 400 m/min
(c) 3600 (d) 5000 So, to cover 2000 m Shyam will take 5 min.
Solved Paper 2014 17

91. Two swimmers started simultaneously from the Ê (a) Let the filling capacity be x m3 /min.
beach, one to the South and the other to the East. So, the discharging capacity = (x + 10) m 3 /min
Two hours later, the distance between them Time taken to fill the tank =
turned out to be 100 km. Find the speed of the x
faster swimmer, knowing that the speed of one of and time taken to discharge the fuel from tank
them was 75% of the speed of the other. 4800
= min
(a) 30 km/h (b) 40 km/h x + 10
(c) 45 km/h (d) 60 km/h Now, according to the given conditions
4800 4800
Ê (b) Let the speed of faster swimmer be x km/h. ⇒ − = 16
75 x x + 10
Then, speed of slower swimmer = ×x 4800x + 48000 − 4800x
100 ⇒ = 16
3x x(x + 10)
= km/h
4 ⇒ 48000 = 16 (x 2 + 10x )
Now, distance covered by both in 2 h. ⇒ 3000 = x 2 + 10x
Faster swimmer = 2x km ⇒ x + 10x − 3000 = 0
3x 3x
and slower swimmer = ×2 = km ⇒ x + 60x − 50x − 3000 = 0
4 2
After, 2 h the distance between them is 100 km. ⇒ x(x + 60) − 50 (x + 60) = 0
3/2x ⇒ (x − 50)(x + 60) = 0
O E ⇒ x = 50, −60
∴ x = 50, because x cannot be negative.
∴ Filling capacity of pump = 50 m3/min
100 km 93. The length, breadth and height of a room are, in
the ratio of 3 : 2 : 1. If its volume be 1296 m 3, find
its breadth.
S (a) 24 m
(b) 15 m
From the figure, (c) 16 m
(OE)2 + (OS)2 = (ES)2 (d) 12 m
⇒  3x  + (2 x )2 = (100)2 Ê (d) Let length, breadth and height of a room are 3x, 2x
 
 2  and x, respectively.
[Here, S = South direction, E = East direction, Then, volume of room = 1296
O = Origin] ⇒ 3x × 2 x × x = 1296
9x 2 ⇒ 6x 3 = 1296
⇒ + 4x = 10000
4 ⇒ x 3 = 216
9x 2 + 16x 2
⇒ = 10000 ∴ x=6
4 ∴ Breadth of room = 2 x = 2 × 6 = 12 m
⇒ = 10000
4 94. Seven equal cubes each of side 5 cm are joined end
10000 × 4 to end. Find the surface area of the resulting
⇒ x2 =
25 cuboid.
10000 × 4 100 × 2 (a) 750 cm 3
∴ x= =
25 5 (b) 1500 cm 3
= 40 km/h (c) 2250 cm 3
∴ Speed of faster swimmer = 40 km/h (d) 700 cm 3
Ø Direction of faster swimmer can also be taken towards Ê (a) Since, seven equal cubes are joined and made a
East. cuboid.
3 So, length of cuboid = 7 × 5 = 35 cm
92. A tank of 4800 m capacity is full of water. The breadth of cuboid = 5 cm
discharging capacity of the pump is 10 m 3/min and height of cuboid = 5 cm
higher than its filling capacity. As a result the Now, surface area of resulting cuboid = 2(lb + bh + hl )
pump needs 16 min. less to discharge the fuel then = 2 (35 × 5 + 5 × 5 + 5 × 35)
to fill up the tank. Find the filling capacity of the = 2 (175 + 25 + 175)
pump. = 2 × 375
(a) 50 m 3 /min (b) 25 m 3 /min = 750 cm3
(c) 55 m 3 /min (d) None of these
18 Solved Paper 2014

95. If the curved surface area of a cone is thrice that of 97. There is a number lock with four rings. How many
another cone and slant height of the second cone is attempts at the maximum would have to be made
thrice that of the first, find the ratio of the area of before getting the right number?
their base. (a) 104 (b) 255 (c) 104 − 1 (d) 256
(a) 9 : 1 (b) 81 : 1
(c) 3 : 1 (d) 27 : 1 Ê (c) The lock contains 4 rings, so any place can have
number from 0 to 9.
Ê (b) Let curved surface area of first cone is CS1. ∴ Total ways to getting a code = 104
and curved surface area of second cone is CS 2 . ∴ So, maximum attempts before getting the right
As per the question, number is 1 less than total ways i.e., 104 − 1.
CS1 = 3CS 2
⇒ πr1l1 = 3( πr2 l2 ) 98. There are 10 persons P1, P2,...., P9, P10. Out of these
⇒ πr1l1 = 3 πr2 l2 10 persons, 5 persons are to be arranged in a line
⇒ r1l1 = 3r2 l2 such that in each arrangement P1 must occur
⇒ r1l1 = 3r2 × 3l1 whereas P4 and P5 do not occur. The number of
⇒ r1l1 = 9r2 l1 such possible arrangements are
∴ r1 = 9r2 (a) 7C 4 × 5! (d) 9C5 × 5!
πr12 r  (c) 8C5 × 5! (g) 9C5 × 4!
Now, required ratio of base area = =  1 
πr22  r2  Ê (a) There are total of 10 persons of which P1 is always
2 selected and hence P4 and P5 are not be included in
 9r  2
=  2  =  
the arrangement.
 r2   1 Now, person left = 10 − 3 = 7 (as P1 is already
81 selected and P4 and P5 are not selected)
= = 81 : 1
1 ∴ To select 4 persons from 7 persons
total ways = 7C 4
96. Two circles touch internally. The sum of their
areas is 116π cm2 and distance between their Also, these 5 persons can be arranged in 5! ways.
centres is 6 cm. Find the radii of the circles. ∴ Required ways of arrangement = 7C 4 × 5!
(a) 10 cm, 4 cm (b) 11 cm, 4 cm
(c) 9 cm, 5 cm (d) 10 cm, 5 cm
99. Two fair dices are thrown. Given that, the sum of
the dice is less than or equal to 4, find the
Ê (a) Let the radius of smaller circle be r cm probability that only one dice shows two.
and radius of larger circle = R cm. 1 1 2 1
(a) (b) (c) (d)
4 2 3 3

Ê (d) The sum on faces of dice is either 4 or less, so such


ways are (1, 1), (2, 1), (1, 2), (2, 2), (3, 1), (1, 3) = 6
Total ways in which only one dice shows 2 are (2, 1)
(1, 2) = 2
∴ Required probability that only due dice shows two
Difference between the area = 116π 2 1
πR 2 + πr 2 = 116 π = =
6 3
R 2 + r 2 = 116 …(i)
100. A person draws a card from a pack of 52, replaces it
Also, the difference between their centres = 6 cm
and shuffles it. He continues doing it until he
i.e., R−r=6
draws a heart. What is the probability that he has
or R = (6 + r ) …(ii)
to make 3 trials?
From Eqs. (i) and (ii),
9 3 5 1
(6 + r )2 + r 2 = 116 (a) (b) (c) (d)
64 64 64 64
⇒ 36 + r + 12 r + r = 116
2 2

⇒ 2 r + 12 r + 36 − 116 = 0
2 Ê (a) There are 13 hearts in the deck of 52 cards.
According to the question,
⇒ 2 r + 12 r − 80 = 0
A person stops when he draws a heart and for that he
⇒ r + 6r − 40 = 0
make 3 trails.
⇒ r + 10r − 4r − 40 = 0
In the first trial does not get a heart.
⇒ (r + 10)(r − 4) = 0 39
So, probability = (Q 39 cards are non-heart cards)
∴ r = − 10, 4 (radius cannot be negative) 52
∴ Radius of smaller circle = 4 cm Again in second trial he does not get a heart, so
Radius of larger circle = 4 + 6 = 10 cm 39
probability =
Solved Paper 2014 19

and in the last trial he picked a heart card Ê (d) Let, number of deers = x
so probability = . and number of ducks = y
52 Total head counted = 180
∴ Required probability, so that he has to make 3 trials ∴ x + y = 180 …(i)
39 39 13 9 Total legs counted = 448
= × × =
52 52 52 64 ∴ 4x + 2 y = 448
⇒ 2 x + y = 224 …(ii)
101. 400 students took the mock test 60% of the boys
On solving Eqs. (i) and (ii), we get
and 80% of the girls cleared the cut off in the, test.
x = 44 and y = 136
If the total percentage of students qualifying is
∴ Number of deers = x = 44
65%, how many girls appeared in the test?
(a) 100 (b) 120 (c) 150 (d) 300 104. What will be the ratio of petrol and kerosene in the
400 × 65 final solution formed by mixing petrol and
Ê (a) Total number of students qualifying the test = kerosene that are present in three vessels in the
= 260 ratio 4 : 1, 5 : 2 and 6 : 1, respectively?
Let number of girls = x (a) 166 : 22 (b) 83 : 22
and number of boys = (400 − x ) (c) 83 : 44 (d) None of these
x × 80 4x
Now, cut off cleared by girls = = Ê (b) Solution in first vessel = 4 : 1 = 5 × 7
100 5 Solution in second vessel = 5 : 2 = 7 × 5
and cut off cleared by boys Solution in third vessel = 6 : 1 = 7 × 5
(400 − x ) × 60 1200 − 3x
= Now, ratio in first, second and third vessel are
100 5 respectively 28 : 7, 25 : 10 and 30 : 5.
4x 1200 − 3x ∴ Required ratio 28 : 7
Now, + = 260
5 5
25 : 10
4x + 1200 − 3x
⇒ = 260 30 : 5
83 : 22
⇒ x + 1200 = 1300
⇒ x = 1300 − 1200 = 100
∴ x = 100 105. The cost of manufacture of an article is made up of
Hence, one hundred girls appeared in the test. four components A, B, C and D which have a ratio
of 3 : 4 : 5 : 6, respectively. If there are respective
102. A cistern contains 50 L of water. 5 L of water is changes in the cost of + 10%, − 20%, − 30% and
taken out of it and replaced with wine. The process + 40%, then what would be the percentage change
is repeated again. Find the proportion'of wine and in the cost?
water in the resulting mixture.
(a) 2.22% (b) 1.80%
(a) 1 : 4 (b) 41 : 50 (c) 3.28% (d) 0.95%
(c) 19 : 81 (d) 81 : 19
Ê (a) Let the cost of components 3x, 4x, 5x and 6x,
Ê (c) After 5 L water taken out, remaining water respectively of A, B, C and D.
= 50 − 5 = 45 L 3x × 10 33x
Change of cost in component A = 3x + =
Q Water is replaced with wine. 100 10
∴ Quantity of wine = 5 L 4x × 20
Change of cost in component B = 4x −
Now, in next step same process is done and 10% of 100
water and 10% of wine take out from mixture. 16x
∴ In mixture, remaining water = 45 − 4.5 = 40.5 L 5
and remaining wine = 5 − 0.5 = 4.5 L 5x × 30
Change of cost in component C = 5x −
Now, 5 L of wine is added. 100
So, total quantity of wine in final mixture 7x
= 4.5 + 5 = 9.5 L 2
and remaining water in final mixture = 40.5 L 6x × 40
Change of cost in component D = 6x +
∴ Required ratio = 9.5 : 40.5 100
= 95 : 405 = 19 : 81 42 x
103. In a zoo, there are healthy deers and ducks. If the Now, total cost before change = 3x + 4x + 5x + 6x
heads are counted, there are 180, while the legs = 18x
are 448. What will be the number of deers in the 33x 16x 7 x 42 x
zoo? Total cost after change = + + +
10 5 2 5
(a) 156 (b) 68 184x
(c) 22 (d) 44 10
20 Solved Paper 2014

184x 4x 175 175 175

∴ Total change in cost = − 18x = = 0.4x ⇒ 3x = ⇒x = =
10 10 2 2×3 6
0.4x 40 20
∴ Percentage change = × 100 = = = 2.22% ⇒ x = 2916667
. ≈ 30%
18x 18 9 ∴ x = 30% (approx)
106. A shopkeeper allows a discount of 10% on the 109. A person saves 6% of his income. 2 yr later, his
marked price of an item but charges a sales tax of income shoots up by 15% but his savings remain
8% on the discounted price. If the customer pays ? the same. Find the hike in his expenditure (in
680.40 as the price including the sales tax, then approx per cent).
what is, the marked price of the item?
(a) 13.65% (b) 12.45%
(a) ` 630 (b) ` 700 (c) 14.85% (d) 15.95%
(c) ` 780 (d) None of these
Ê (d) Let, the person’s income = ` 100
Ê (b) Let, the marked price on item = ` 100
and savings = 6% of ` 100 = ` 6
Discount allowed = 10% = ` 10 ∴ Expenditure = 100 − 6 = ` 94
∴ Discounted price of item = 100 − 10 = ` 90 2 yr later, his income = 100 + 15% of 100
90 × 8 72 = 100 + 15 = `115
Sales tax = 8% on ` 90 = = = ` 7.20
100 10 Now, savings = ` 6
∴ Total paid amount = 90 + 7.20 = ` 97.20 ∴ Expenditure = 115 − 6 = ` 109
When ` 97.20 is paid, then the marked price = ` 100 109 − 94
So, percentage like in expenditure = × 100%
100 94
and ` 1 is paid, then the marked price = `
97.20 15
= × 100%
when ` 680.40 is paid, then the marked price 94
100 = 15.95%
=` × 680.40
97. 20
100 × 6804 110. A reduction in the price of petrol by 10% enables a
=` = ` 700 motorist to buy 5 gallons more for ` 180. Find the
original price of petrol (in ` per gallon).
107. In a business, A and C invested amounts in the (a) 20 (b) 30
ratio 2:1, whereas the ratio between amounts (c) 40 (d) 50
invested by A and B was 3 : 2. If ` 157300 was their
profit, how much amount did B receive? Ê (c) Let original price of petrol = ` x per gallon
90 9x
(a) ` 24200 (b) ` 36300 After deduction, price of petrol = ` x × =`
(c) ` 48400 (d) ` 72600 100 10
Now, according to the question
Ê (c) Given, A : B = 3:2 and A :C = 2 :1 1800 1800
− =5
∴ A : B:C = 6: 4: 3 9x x
Total profit = ` 157300 10
4 2000 1800 200
∴ B’s share = × 157300 = ` 48400 ⇒ − =5 ⇒ =5
13 x x x
⇒ x=
108. After receiving two successive raises, Ajitha's 5
salary became equal to 15/8 times of her initial ∴ x = ` 40
salary. By how much per cent was the salary Hence, original price of petrol = ` 40 per gallon
raised the first time if the second raise was twice
as high (in per cent) as the first? 111. Aditi bought an article and spent ` 110 on its
repairs. She then sold it to Samir at a profit of 20%.
(a) 15 (b) 20
(c) 25 (d) 30
Samir sold it to Vikas at a loss of 10%. Vikas finally
sold it for ` 1188 at a profit of 10%. How much did
Ê (d) Let, Ajitha’s initial salary = ` 100 Aditi pay for the article?
15 375
Now, after raises the salary = 100 × =` (a) ` 890 (b) ` 1000
8 2 (c) ` 780 (d) ` 840
375 175
So, Raises in the salary = − 100 = `
2 2 Ê (a) Let Aditi pay for the article = ` x
Let, first raise in salary = x % She spent ` 110 on its repair, so its total cost
and second raise in salary = 2x % = ` (x + 110)
175 Now, she sold it to Samir at a profit of 20%.
∴ x + 2x = 20
2 So, sale price = (x + 110) + (x + 110) ×
Solved Paper 2014 21

(x + 110) 113. A driver of an auto-rickshaw makes a profit of 20%

= (x + 110) +
5 on every trip when he carries three passengers and
5x + 550 + x + 110 6x + 660 
= = `   the price of petrol is ` 30/L. Find the percentage
5  5 
profit for the same journey if he goes for four
Now, Samir sold it to Vikas at a loss of 10%. passengers per trip and the price of petrol reduces
6x × 660  6x + 660 10
So, sale price =   − × to ` 24/L? (Assume that revenue per passenger is
 5  5 100 the same in both the cases).
6x + 660 6x + 660 (a) 33.33% (b) 65.66%
= −
5 50 (c) 100% (d) Data inadequate
60x + 6600 − 6x − 660 54x + 5940
= =` Ê (c) Let the price paid per trip by a passenger be ` x.
50 50
and auto rickshaw consumes y L petrol
Now, finally Vikas sold it for ` 1188, at a profit of 10%.
54x + 5940 54x + 5940 10 Total expenditure in a trip = 30 × y = ` 30y
So, sale price = + × Total earning in a trip = 3 × x = ` 3x
50 50 100
54x + 5940 54x + 5940 According to the question,
⇒ 1188 = +
50 500 3x − 30 y = 20% of 30y
540x + 59400 + 54x + 5940 20 × 30
⇒ 1188 = ⇒ 3x − 30 y = y
500 100
594x + 65340 ⇒ 3x − 30 y = 6 y
⇒ = 1188
500 ⇒ 3x = 36 y
4(148.5x + 16335) ∴ x = 12 y
⇒ = 1188
500 Now, the price of petrol are reduced to ` 24 and
⇒ 148.5x + 16335 = 148500 passenger taken by auto-rickshaw are four.
⇒ 148. 5x = 132165 ∴ Total expenditure in a trip = 24 × y = ` 24y
⇒ x=
132165 Total earning in a trip = 4 × x = ` 4x
148.5 Total earning − Total expenses
Profit per cent = × 100%
∴ x = ` 890 Total expenses
So, Aditi bought the article for ` 890. 4x − 24 y
= × 100%
24 y
112. A carpenter wants to sell 40 chairs. If he sells them 4 × 12 y − 24 y
at ` 156 per chair, he would be able to sell all the = × 100 [Q x = 12 y]
24 y
chairs. But for every ` 6 increase in price, he will be 48 y − 24 y
left with one additional unsold chair. At what = × 100
24 y
selling price would he be able to maximize his 24 y
profits (assuming unsold chairs remain with him)? = × 100 = 100%
24 y
(a) ` 198 (b) ` 192
(c) ` 204 (d) Cannot be determined 114. After selling a watch, Sultan found that he had
Ê (a) Let the carpenter increases the price x times, made a loss of 10%. He also found that had he sold
then the total increase in price would be ` 6x. it for ` 27 more, he would have made a profit of 5%.
Also, the chair sold at increased price = (40 − x ) The actual initial loss was what percentage of the
To maximize the profit the selling price of chair with profit earned, had he sold the watch for a 5%
increase price must be greater than original selling profit?
price, (a) 23% (b) 150%
∴ (156 + 6x )(40 − x ) > 156 × 40 (c) 180% (d) 200%
156 × 40 + 240x − 156x − 6x 2 > 156 × 40
Ê (d) Let the cost price of watch = ` x
84x − 6x 2 > 0 Now, loss = 10%
Differentiate the above equation and putting = 0 x × 10 9x
∴ Sale price = x − =`
84 − 12 x = 0 ⇒ 84 = 12x 100 10
84 Now, according to question,
∴ x= =7
12 9x x×5
To check, if value of x will maximize or not we will + 27 = x +
10 100
against differentiate the above equation and put the 9x x
value of x and if the result is negative, then the profit ⇒ + 27 = x +
10 20
is maximized and if positive, then profit is minimum x 9x
So, on differentiating 84 − 12 x = − 12 ⇒ x+ − = 27
20 10
So, the result is negative, hence the profit is maximum. 20x + x − 18x
The maximum selling price = 156 + 6 × 7 ⇒ = 27
= 156 + 42 = ` 198
22 Solved Paper 2014

3x 20 × 27 Ê (a) Let first part of money = ` x

⇒ = 27 ⇒ x =
20 3 and second part of money = ` (6000 − x)
∴ x = ` 180 Now, according to the question,
∴ CP = ` 180, Loss = 10% of ` 180 = ` 18
x × 6 × 2 (6000 − x ) × 8 × 3
and profit = 5% of ` 180 = ` 9 =
18 100 100
∴ Required percentage = × 100% = 200%
9 ⇒ x = 12000 − 2 x
⇒ 3x = 12000
115. Find the principal if compound interest is charged ∴ x = 4000
2 So, first part of money = ` 4000
on the principal at the rate of 16 % per annum for and second part of money = ` 2000
two years and the sum becomes ` 196. 118. A part of ` 38800 is lent out at 6% per six months.
(a) ` 140 (b) ` 154 The rest of the amount is lent out at 5% per annum
(c) ` 150 (d) None of these after 1 yr. The ratio of interest after 3 yr from the
Ê (d) Here, A = ` 196, r = 16 % =
% per annum
time when first amount was lent out is 5 : 4. Find
3 3 the second part that was lent out at 5%.
n = 2 yr (a) ` 26600 (b) ` 28800
A = P 1 +
r  (c) ` 7500 (d) ` 28000
∴ 
 100 
Ê (b) Let the first amount lent out @ 6% = ` x
 50   1
and the second amount lent out @ 5%
⇒ 196 = P 1 +  = P 1 + 
 3 × 100   6 = ` (38800 − x )
2 Ratio of interest = 5 : 4
196 = P ×  
⇒ x × 6 × 6 (38800 − x ) × 5 × 2
 6 ∴ : = 5: 4
49 100 100
⇒ 196 = P × x ×6×6
36 5
196 × 36 ⇒ 100 =
∴ P= (38800 − x ) × 5 × 2 4
∴ P = ` 144 36x 5
⇒ =
116. Ashok borrows ` 1500 from two moneylenders. He (38800 − x ) × 10 4
pays interest at the rate of 12% per annum for one ⇒
loan and at the rate of 14% per annum for the (38800 − x ) × 5 4
other. The total interest he pays for the entire year ⇒ 72 x = 970000 − 25x
is ` 186. How much does he borrow at the rate of ⇒ 97 x = 970000
12% ? ∴ x = 10000
(a) ` 1200 (b) ` 1300 ∴ So, second part of money that was lent out @ 5%
(c) ` 1400 (d) ` 1000 = 38800 − 10000
= ` 28800
Ê (a) Let the loan @ 12% = ` x
and the loan @ 14% = ` (1500 − x ) 119. Mukesh borrows a certain sum of money from the
Interest for 1 yr = ` 186 ABC Bank at 10% per annum at compound
Now, according to the question, interest. The entire debt is discharged in full by
x × 12 × 1 (1500 − x ) × 14 × 1 Mukesh on payment of two equal amounts of
+ = 186
100 100 ` 1000 each, one at the end of the first year and the
⇒ 12 x + 21000 − 14x = 18600 other at the end of the second year.What is the
⇒ 2 x = 2400 approximate value of the amount borrowed by
2400 him?
⇒ x=
2 (a) ` 1852 (b) ` 1694
∴ x = ` 1200 (c) ` 1736 (d) ` 1792
Hence, the loan @ 12% = ` 1200
Ê (c) Installment (I) = ` 1000
117. Divide ` 6000 into two parts, so that simple r = 10% and t =2
interest on the first part for 2 yr at 6% per annum Principal = ?
may be equal to the simple interest on the second I I
Principal = +
part for 3 yr at 8% per annum? R 1 + R 
100  
(a) ` 4000, ` 2000 (b) ` 5000, ` 1000  100 
(c) ` 3000, ` 3000 (d) None of these
Solved Paper 2014 23

1000 1000 1000 1000

= + = + Ê (d) Let the share of Ramesh, Shiv and Bhuwan be ` 4x,
10  1 + 10 
2 1 1 + 1 
1+ 1+ ` 6x and ` 9x after the reduction of money.
100  
100  10 

10  Now, according to the question,
1000 1000 Ramesh’s actual share = ` (4x + 28)
= × 10 + × (10)2
11 (11)2 Shiv’s actual share = ` (6x + 37 )
10000 1000 × 100 Bhuwan’s actual share = ` (9x + 18)
= + and their sum = ` 5783
11 121
∴ 4x + 28 + 6x + 37 + 9x + 18 = 5783
= 909.09 + 826.44 = ` 1736 (approx)
⇒ 4x + 6x + 9x + 28 + 37 + 18 = 5783
120. ` 5783 is divided among Ramesh, Shiv and ⇒ 19x + 83 = 5783
Bhuwan in such a way that if ` 28, ` 37 and ` 18 be ⇒ 19x = 5700
deducted from their respective shares, they have 5700
∴ x= = 300
money in the ratio 4 : 6 : 9. Find Ramesh’s share. 19
∴ Ramesh share = 4x + 28
(a) ` 1256 (b) ` 1084 (c) ` 1456 (d) ` 1228
= 4 × 300 + 28 ⇒ ` 1228


Directions (Q. Nos. 121-125) Each of these questions P× r ×t 10000 × 8 25
∴ SI = ⇒ 10000 = ×
consists of a question and two statements I and II. Decide 100 100 2
whether the data provided in the statements are sufficient to ⇒ 10000 = 10000
answer the question. Hence, only Statement I alone are sufficient to answer
Give answer the question.
(a) if the data in Statement I alone are sufficient to 122. What is the height of the triangle?
answer the question, while the data in
Statement II alone are not sufficient to answer the I. The area of the triangle is 20 times its base.
question II. The perimeter of the triangle is equal to the
(b) if the data in Statement II alone are sufficient to perimeter of a square of side 10 cm.
answer the question, while the data in Statement I Ê (a) Let the height of triangle = h m
alone are not sufficient to answer the question and base of triangle = b m
(c) if the data in both Statements I and II are required
From Statement I,
to answer the question
(d) if the data in both Statements I and II together are Area of triangle = 20 × b m
not sufficient to answer the question Now, we know that
Area of triangle = × h × b
121. How much money did X invest? 2
7 1
I. An increase in the rate of interest from 4
% ⇒ 20 × b = × h × b ⇒ h = 40 m
8 2
to 5 % per annum increases his yearly So, height of triangle is 40 m.
8 Hence, only Statement I alone are sufficient to answer
income by ` 25. the question.
II. The sum invested gets doubled, when
1 123. A spherical ball of given radius x cm is melted and
invested at 8% annum for 12 yr. made into a right circular cylinder. What is the
height of the cylinder?
Ê (a) From Statement I, I. The volume of the cylinder is equal to the
1 7
Increase rate of Interest = 5 −4 volume of the ball.
8 8 II. The area of the base of the cylinder is given.
41 39
= −
8 8 Ê (a) Let height of the cylinder = h cm
= =
2 1 Given, radius of spherical ball = x cm
8 4 From Statement I,
Increased income = ` 25 Volume of cylinder = Volume of spherical ball
4 4
Now, let money invested be ` x. ⇒ πr 2 h = πr 3 ⇒ πx 2 h = πx 3
1 1 3 3
Then, 25 = x × × ⇒ x = ` 10000 4
4 100 ∴ h= x
From Statement II, 3
1 25 Hence, only Statement I alone are sufficient to answer
Here, SI = ` 10000, t = 12 = , the question.
2 2
P = ` 10000, r = 8%
24 Solved Paper 2014

124. What is the speed of the train whose length is 210 126. In a leap year there are 366 days, whereas in a
m? non-leap year there are 365 days.
I. The train crosses another train of A. The probability of encountering 54 Tuesdays
300 m length running in opposite direction in in a leap year.
10 s. B. The probability of encountering 53 Tuesdays
II. The train crosses another train running in in a non-leap year.
the same direction at the speed of 60 km/h in Ê (a) Quantity A = Probability of 54 Tuesday in leap year
30 s.
54 9
= = = 0147541
Ê (d) Given, length of train = 210 m 366 61
From Statement I Quantity B = Probability of 53 Tuesday in non-leap
Let speed of train = S1m/s year
300 53
Speed of another tratin = S 2 = = 30 m/s = = 0145205
10 365
L1 + L2 From above, it is clear that
Now, S1 + S 2 = [opposite direction]
T Quantity A > Quantity B.
210 + 300 510
⇒ S1 + 30 = = 127. Amit has sold a book at a profit of 20% which cost
10 10
him ` 56.25. Rita has sold a book at a loss of 5%
⇒ S1 + 30 = 51
⇒ S1 = 51 − 30 = 21 m/s
which cost her ` 80.40.
∴ S1 = 21 m/s A. The selling price of book with Amit sold.
From Statement II, B. The selling price of book which Rita sold.
Now, L2 = S 2 × T Ê (b) Quantity A = SP of book sold by Amit
60 × 1000 100 ± Profit / Loss 
⇒ L2 = × 30 = 500 m ⇒ SP = CP × 
60 × 60 
 100 
L + L2  100 + 20  120
∴ S1 − S 2 = 1 ⇒ SP = 5625
. ×  = 5625
. ×
T  100  100
60 × 1000 210 + 500
⇒ S1 − = ⇒ SP = 5625
. × =
6 337.50
60 × 60 30 5 5
50 710 71 50 121 ∴ SP = ` 67.50
⇒ S1 − = ⇒ S1 = + = m/s
3 30 3 3 3 Quantity B = SP of book sold by Rita
121 100 ± Profit / Loss 
∴ S1 =
m/s ⇒ SP = CP ×  
 100 
Hence, both the statements are not sufficient to  100 − 5 
answer the question. ⇒ SP = 80.40 ×  
 100 
125. What is the man’s speed in still water? 95
⇒ SP = 80.40 ×
I. The speed of the stream is one-third of the 100
19 1527.60
man’s speed in still water. = 80.40 × =
II. In a given time, the man can swim twice as 20 20
far with the stream as he can against it. ∴ SP = ` 76.38
From above, it is clear that
Ê (d) From Statement I, Quantity B > Quantity A
Speed of stream = × Man’s speed
3 128. If 5 people are transferred from Z to Y, further 5
⇒ Man’s speed = 3 × Speed of stream more people are transferred from Y to X, then 5 are
From Statement II, transferred from X to Y and finally, 5 more are
Man’s speed = 2 × Speed of stream transferred from Y to Z.
Hence, both the statement are not sufficient to answer A. The maximum possible average of class Y.
the question. B. The maximum possible average of class X.
Ê (c) Let in each class there are 100 peoples.
Directions (Q. Nos. 126-130) In each of these question
∴ After shifting, number of people in each class
two quantities A and B are given. Compare the two quantities.
X = 100 + 5 − 5 = 100
Give answer Y = 100 + 5 − 5 + 5 − 5 = 100
(a) if quantity A is greater than quantity B Z = 100 − 5 + 5 = 100
(b) if quantity B is greater than quantity A Finally, we get 100 people in each class.
(c) if quantities A and B are equal
∴ Quantity A = The maximum possible average of
(d) if comparison cannot be made
class Y.
Solved Paper 2014 25




2009 2010 2011 2012 2013
26 Solved Paper 2014

Ê (b) For company Q = lakh tonnes
70 − 50 3
Per cent change in 2010 = × 100% 230
230 × 3 23
× 100% = 40% ∴ Required ratio = 3 = = = 23 : 25
50 250 250 × 3 25
70 − 70 3
Per cent change in 2011 = × 100% = 0
80 − 70 Directions (Q. Nos. 136-140) Study the table below to
Per cent change in 2012 = × 100%
70 answer these questions.
10 100
= × 100% = % Rate of interest, dividend payout ratio and the
70 7 retained earnings of five companies
100 − 80
Per cent change in 2013 = × 100% Company Interest Rate of Dividend Payout
80 (` 000) Interest (%) Ratio (%)
= × 100% = 25%
80 A 234 18 22.50
From above we can say that change in production in B 576 24 19.60
company Q is in the year 2010.
C 129.6 16 8.75
134. The percentage of production of company R to
D 144 9 32.50
production of company Q is the maximum in the
year E 180 15 28.00
(a) 2010 (b) 2009 Profit earned is either paid out as dividend or
(c) 2011 (d) None of these ploughed back in business as retained earnings.
Ê (a) The production of company R to production of Interest is paid on borrowings.
company Q in the year 2010
136. By how much do the borrowings of company B
(70 + 80) − (50 + 70)
= × 100% exceed that of company A?
(70 + 50)
(a) ` 1210000 (b) ` 1320000
30 (c) ` 1000000 (d) ` 1100000
= × 100% = 25%
Ê (d) Let the borrowing of company A be `x.
(70 + 90) − (70 + 80)
In the year 2011 = × 100% Borrowing × Rate
(70 + 80) Then, interest paid =
10 20 x × 18
= × 100% = % ⇒ 234000 =
150 3 100
(80 + 70) − (70 + 90) 234000 × 100
In the year 2012 = × 100% ⇒ =x
(70 + 90) 18
−10 −25 x = ` 1300000
= × 100% = %
160 4 Similarly, let the borrowing of company B be ` y
(70 + 100) − (80 + 70) Borrowing × Rate
In the year 2013 = × 100% Interest paid =
(80 + 70) 100
y × 24
× 100% =
% ⇒ 576000 =
150 3 100
576000 × 100
From above, we can say that the percentage of ⇒ = y
production of company R to production of 24
company Q is the maximum in the year 2010. ∴ y = ` 2400000
∴ Required difference = 2400000 − 1300000
135. The ratio of the average production of company P = ` 1100000
during the years 2011 to 2013 to the average
production of company Q for the same period is 137. By how much does the dividend paid by company D
exceed the dividend paid by company B?
(a) 23 : 23 (b) 27 : 29
(c) 15 : 17 (d) 9 : 11 (a) ` 23 lakh (b) ` 32 lakh
(c) ` 320 lakh (d) ` 230 lakh
Ê (a) Average production of company P during the year
50 + 100 + 80 250
Ê (b) For company B,
2011 to 2013 = = lakh tonnes Divdend pay out ratio = 19.6%
3 3
∴ Retained earning ratio = 100 − 19.6% = 80.4%
Average production of company Q during the year 402 × 100
70 + 80 + 100 ∴ Total profit of compnay B = = ` 500 lakh
2011 to 2013 = 80.4
3 So, dividend paid = 19.6% of 500 lakh
Solved Paper 2014 27

19.6 × 500 139. What is the sum of profits made by companies A

= = ` 98 lakh
100 and B?
For company D, (a) ` 500 lakh (b) ` 600 lakh
Dividend pay out ratio = 32 .5% (c) ` 700 lakh (d) ` 800 lakh
∴ Retained earning ratio = 100 − 32 .5% = 67 .5%
270 × 100 155 × 100 15500
∴ Total profit of company D = = ` 400 lakh
Ê (c) Profit of company A = − = ` 200 lakh
(100 − 22 .5 ) 77 .5
So, dividend paid = 32 .5% of 400 lakh Profit of company B = ` 500 lakh
[calculated in Q. 137]
32 .5 × 400
= = ` 130 lakh ∴ Required sum = 200 + 500 = ` 700 lakh
∴ Required difference = 130 − 98 = ` 32 lakh 140. What is the sum of the borrowings of all five
138. The profit of E is more/less than that of C by ………
(a) ` 146 lakh (b) ` 14.6 lakh
per cent.
(c) ` 14.6 crore (d) None of these
(a) 33.3% less (b) 33.3% more
234000 × 100
(c) 25% less (d) 25% more Ê (d) Borrowing of company A = = ` 1300000
365 × 100 365 × 100 576000 × 100
Ê (c)Profit earned by company C = = Borrowing of company B = = ` 2400000
(100 − 875
. ) 91.25 24
= ` 400 lakh 129600 × 100
Borrowing of company C = = ` 810000
216 × 100 216 × 100 16
Profit earned by company E = = 144000 × 100
(100 − 28) 72 Borrowing of company D = = ` 1600000
= ` 300 lakh 180000 × 100
Borrowing of company E = = ` 1200000
∴ Profit of company E is less than that of C by 15
400 − 300 ∴ Total borrowings = 1300000 + 2400000 + 810000
= × 100%
400 + 1600000 + 1200000
100 × 100 = 7310000 = 731
. lakh
= = 25% less

Directions (Q. Nos. 141-145) The following pie charts show the distribution of students of graduate and post-graduate
levels in seven different institutes namely P, Q, R, S, T, V and W.
Total Number of Students Total Number of Students of
of Graduate Level = 25400 Post-Graduate Level = 18600

18% 13% 15% 12%
11% 13%
14% Q 20%
10% Q
W W 16%
15% 17% P

141. What is the total number of students studying at Ê (d) Required ratio
post-graduate and graduate levels in institute S? =
Number of students at post - graduate level in R
(a) 5534 (b) 5084 (c) 5764 (d) 5246 Number of students at under - graduate level in R
Ê (a) Total number of students in institute S 18600 ×
= Graduate level + Post-graduate level = 100
13 12 25400 ×
= 25400 × + 18600 × 100
100 100 186 × 13
= 3302 + 2232 = 5534 =
254 × 11
142. What is the nearest ratio between the number of 93 × 13 93 × 13
= =
students studying at post-graduate and graduate 127 × 11 1397
levels in institute R? 13 13
= ≈ = 13 : 15
(a) 6 : 7 (b) 3 : 4 (c) 4 : 5 (d) 13 : 16 15.021 15
28 Solved Paper 2014

143. What is the nearest ratio between the number of 144. How many students of institutes P and W are
students studying at post-graduate level in studying at graduate level?
institute V and graduate level in institute T? (a) 7486 (b) 8636 (c) 9046 (d) 9256
(a) 8 : 9 (b) 4 : 5 Ê (b) Total number of students in institute P and W are
(c) 6 : 7 (d) 3 : 4 studying at graduate level
Ê (b) Required ratio 19 15
= 25400 × + 25400 ×
Number of students at post -graduate level in V 100 100
Number of students at under - graduate level inT = 254 × 19 + 254 × 15
20 = 254 (19 + 15) = 254 × 34 = 8636
18600 ×
= 100 = 186 × 20 145. Total number of students studying at
25400 ×
18 254 × 18 post-graduate level from institutes T and V is
93 × 10 31 × 10 (a) 6070 (b) 6890 (c) 6510 (d) 6230
= =
127 × 9 127 × 3 Ê (c) Total number of students in institute T and V are
310 77.5 × 4 studying at post-graduate level
= = 15 20
381 77.5 × 4.92 = 18600 × + 18600 ×
4 4 100 100
= ≈ = 4: 5
4.92 5 = 186 (15 + 20) = 186 × 35 = 6510

Directions (Q. Nos. 146-150) Study the following table and bar graph to answer these questions.
Air India’s Performance Indicators
2009-10 2010-11 2011-12 2012-13

Total revenue (` crore) 893.88 925.46 1023.95 1205.11

Net profit/loss (` crore) 66.00 30.16 43.41 3.41
Available tonne kms (million) 2842.565 2919.512 3180.207 3176.00
Capacity utilization (million) 2109.959 2206.287 2386.111 2372.300
Overall load factor (%) 74.2 75.6 75.0 74.70
Passenger load factor (%) 56.0 68.6 69.3 66.40

2012 2013
8.73 8.91 9.07
8 7.48

April May June July
Air India’s Yield per Tonne km (`)

146. Air India’s yield per tonne kilometre from April to 147. The average increase in the passenger load factor
May 2012 increased by over the 4 yr was
(a) 0.26% (b) 36% (c) 0.29% (d) 0.31% (a) 2.6% (b) 1.2%
7.48 − 7.46 (c) 3.466% (d) None of these
Ê (a) Percentage increased = × 100%
7.46 Ê (d) Increase passenger load factor in 2010-11
0.02 200 68.6 − 56
= × 100% = % = 0 . 26% = × 100%
7.46 746 56
Solved Paper 2014 29

12.6 149. Between 2012 and 2013, the increase in yield per
× 100% = 22.5% =
56 tonne kilometre in April as a ratio to the increase
Increase passenger load factor in 2011-12 in yield per tonne kilometre in July is closest to
69.3 − 68.6
= × 100% which of the following?
(a) 3 : 4 (b) 3 : 8
= × 100% = 102
. % (c) 4 : 7 (d) 7 : 4
(8.31 − 7.46) 0.85
Increase passenger load factor in 2012-13 Ê (*) Required ratio = =
(10 − 873
. ) 1. 27
66.4 − 69.3
= × 100% 85 14 × 6.07
69.3 = =
−2.9 127 14 × 9.07
= × 100% = − 418
. % 6.07 6
69.3 = ≈
Now, average increase 9.07 9
6 2
0 + 22.5 + 102
. − 418 = = =2:3
= 
. 
% 9 3
 4 
% = 4.835% 150. Air India’s average profit from 2009-10 to 2012-13
4 was
148. The average increase in yield per tonne kilometre (a) ` 3304.5 lakh (b) ` 3574.5 lakh
(c) ` 24015.5 lakh (d) None of these
in 2013 from April to July is
(a) 00.32 per tonne km (b) 0.42 per tonne km Ê (b) Average profit
66 + 3016
. + 43.41 + 3.41
(c) 0.24 per tonne km (d) None of these = `   × 10000000
 4 
Ê (a) Average increase in yield per tonne km in 2013 142.98
0 + (8.91 − 873
. ) + (9.07 − 8.91) + (10 − 9.07 ) =` × 10000000
= 4
4 1429800000
. + 016
018 . + 0.93 127 . =` = ` 357450000
= = 4
4 4 35745000
=` lakh = ` 3574.5 lakh
= 0.3175 ≈ 0.32 per tonne km 100000

Directions (Q. Nos. 151-155) A train runs through cities A, B, C, D, E, F, G and H. The line-graph indicates the time
schedule of the train including times of arrival and departure,
900 Train Schedule H 860
800 750 a
Cumulative Distance (in km)

700 a d
600 F 574
a d
500 E 468
400 D 380 a d
a d
300 C 231
200 B 140 a d
100 a d
A d
7:00 8:40 8:50 10:10 10:12 11:55 12:00 13:20 13:30 14:45 15:00 17:00 17:10 18:25
151. The total stoppage time at the cities in the first half Distance covered in first half = 400 km
and second half of the total distance is in the ratio Distance covered in second half = 500 km
(a) 1 : 3 Stoppage time in first half = 10 + 2 + 5 + 15 = 32 min
(b) 3 : 1 Stoppage time in second half = 10 + 15 + 10 = 35 min
(c) 2 : 1 32
× 100
(d) 1 : 2 8
∴ Required ratio = 400 = = 8:7
35 7
Ê (*) There are two half of the train is 5 h and 45 min each. × 100
30 Solved Paper 2014

152. Between how many pairs of consecutive stations Time increased by 50% = 20.8 + 162. = 37 min
does the speed run below the overall average speed Now, new schedule = 18 : 25 + 0.37 = 19 : 02
of the entire trip? 154. The overall average speed of the entire trip
(a) 2 (b) 1 (c) 3 (d) 4 excluding stoppage time is nearly
Ê (b) From given graph we can say that on one station (a) 75 km/h (b) 81 km/h
speed of train is run below overall average speed of (c) 46 km/h (d) 65 km/h
the entire trip. Total distance 860 km
Ê (a) Average speed = =
153. If the train stops at each city for 50% more time Total time taken 11.3 h
than what it is at present, then at what time will it = 7610
. km/h ≈ 75 km/h
arrive at city H after departing from city A as per 155. What per cent of time of the entire trip was
schedule? actually spent travelling between the cities?
(a) 20.16 (b) 19.02 (c) 18.51 (d) 18.59 (a) 91.8% (b) 7.6% (c) 76% (d) 24%
Ê (b) Average half time on every station is 2.6s. Ê (d) Required percentage =
× 100%
∴ Total time of stoppage = 2.6 × 8 = 20.8 min 113.
Now, as per information given in question. = 23.893% ≈ 24%

Directions (Q. Nos. 156-160) Study the following bar graph to answer these questions.
Results of B.Tech Students in an Engineering College

2011 25 60 35 20
First Division

Second Division
2012 30 60 40 45
Third Division
2013 40 70 50 40

0 50 100 150 200 250

Number of students
156. The GATE examination is a prerequisite for ∴ Percentage of students who do not get admission
admission to M.Tech programme. If in every year, 28 .25
= × 100 = 87 .5968%
50%, 30% and 5% of the students who secured the 32 .25
first, second and third division respectively qualify Similarly, number of strudents qualified gate in 2012
for the GATE examination and out of them only = 50% of 30 + 30% of 60 + 5% of 40
four students get admission to M.Tech = 15 + 18 + 2 = 35
programme, then find the aggregate percentage of Students who do not get admission = 35 − 4 = 31
GATE qualified students who are not able to get ∴ Percentage of students who do not get admission
admission to M.Tech programme. = × 100 = 88.5714%
(a) 89.2%
Number of students qualified gate in 2013
(b) 10.8%
= 50% of 40 + 30% of 70 + 5% of 50
(c) 12.3%
= 20 + 21 + 2 .5 = 43. 5
(d) 68.4%
Students who do not get admission
Ê (a) Number of students qualified gate in 2011 = 43.5 − 4 = 39.5
= 50% of 25 + 30% of 60 + 5% of 35 Percentage of students who do not get admission
50 × 25 30 × 60 5 × 35 39.5
= + + = × 100 = 90.8045%
100 100 100 43.5
= 12 .5 + 18 + 175
. = 32 .25 ∴ Required aggreaget percentage
Only 4 student gets admission, so students who do 87 .5968 + 88.5714 + 90.8045 ~
= − 89. 2%
not get admission = 32 .25 − 4 = 28. 25 3
Solved Paper 2014 31

157. The aggregate pass percentage during the years 115

= × 100 = 82 .14%
2011 to 2013 is nearly 140
Percentage of students deprived from MBA
(a) 75% (b) 85% (c) 80% (d) 70%
programme in 2012
Ê (c) Percentage of students passed in 2011 145
= × 100 = 82.85%
120 175
= × 100 = 8571
. %
140 Percentage of students deprived from MBA
percentage of students passed in 2012 programme in 2013
130 160
= × 100 = 74 .29% = × 100 = 80%
175 200
percentage of students passed in 2013 So, maximum percentage is for year 2012.
= × 100 = 80% 159. What was the pass percentage in the year 2012?
∴ Required aggregate percentage (a) 94% (b) 65%
. + 74 .29 + 80 240
8571 (c) 85% (d) 74%
= = = 80%
3 3 Ê (d) Pass percentage in 2012 (approx)
158. Only students who secured the first division are = × 100 = 74%
permitted to join the MBA programme. In which
year is the maximum percentage of passed 160. How many per cent passed in the second division
students deprived of the admission to the MBA in the year 2013?
programme? (a) 65% (b) 35% (c) 55% (d) 45%
(a) 2012 (b) 2011
Ê (b) Percentage of students passed with second division in
(c) 2013 (d) None of these
Ê (a) Percentage of students deprived from MBA 70 × 100
= = 35%
programme in 2011 200


161. Which one of the following automobile companies 164. Who has been awarded the DSC Prize for South
recently launched a new scooter ‘Vespa S’ in India? Asian Literature in January 2014?
(a) Bajaj (b) Yamaha (c) Piaggio (d) Suzuki (a) Jhumpa Lahiri (b) Mohsin Hamid
(c) Cyrus Mistry (d) Reza Aslam
Ê (c) Automobile company, Piaggio has launched a new
scooter ‘Vespas’ in India on March 4, 2014. Piaggio’s Ê (c) Cyrus Mistry won the DSC prize 2014 for South Asian
headquarter is located in Pontedera, Italy. literature for his book ‘‘Chronicles of a Corpse Bearer’’
on January 18, 2014.
162. The 2014 Lok Sabha general elections of India will
be/was held over ......... poll days. 165. Which among the following countries won the
(a) seven (b) eight (c) nine (d) ten inaugural Hockey World League held recently in
New Delhi?
Ê (c) The Indian general election of 2014 was held to
constitute the 16th Lok Sabha, electing members of (a) Belgium (b) Germany
parliament for all 543 parliamentary constituencies of (c) Australia (d) Netherlands
India. It was held in nine phases from April 7 to May Ê (d) Netherlands, on January 19, 2014, won the inaugural
12, 2014. Hockey World League by defeating New Zealand in
New Delhi.
163. In January 2014, approximately, how many Legal
‘Services Clinics’ have been opened by the 166. Which one of the following companies has
National Legal Services Authority (NALSA) in successfully launched the Aadhaar linked
villages across India to ensure that no citizen disbursal of salary to its employees leveraging
starves from hunger of justice? Aadhaar Payment Bridge (APB) in January 2014?
(a) 2648 (b) 2014 (c) 1776 (d) 1385 (a) Bajaj Finance (b) Trident Group
Ê (a) National Legal Services Authority (NALSA) launched (c) Raymond Group (d) None of these
the 2648 village legal service clinics across the country Ê (b) Ludhiana based Trident Group, a leading manufacturer
on January 24, 2014. The move aims to bring legal of Terry Towels, Paper, Yarn and Chemicals, has
services to the doorsteps of the weakest section of the successfully launched the Aadhaar linked disbursal of
country. salary to its employees leveraging Aadhaar Payment
Bridge (APB) on January 13, 2014.
32 Solved Paper 2014

167. What is the theme of the India Post 2014 Calendar 172. Name the mascot for the 2014 Asian Games to be
released by the Department of Posts, Ministry of held at Incheon, South Korea?
Communication & Information Technology? (a) Seal (b) Hare
(a) Sculptural Heritage of India (c) Bear (d) None of these
(b) Wild Flowers of India Ê (a) The spotted seals will be the mascot of the 2014 Aisan
(c) Astrological Signs Games, which is scheduled to take place in Incheon,
(d) None of the above South Korea from September 19-October 4, 2014.
Ê (b) Department of posts on January 2, 2014 has released
India post 2014 calendar, which is based on the theme
173. In February 2014, who has been appointed as the
of ‘Wild Flowers of India’.
Chairman of the 7th pay commission by the
Government of India?
168. The Lokpal and Lokayuktas Bill, 2013 after (a) Vivek Rae (b) Rathin Roy
receiving the assent of the President of India is (c) Ashok Kumar Mathur (d) None of these
published in the Gazette of India as
Ê (c) Ashok Kumar Mathur, on February 4, 2014, has been
(a) Act Number 10 of 2013 appointed as the chairman of the 7th pay commission
(b) Act Number 4 of 2014 by the Government of India.
(c) Act Number 1 of 2014
(d) Act Number 27 of 2013 174. Who among the following became the 37th Prime
Ê (c) The Lokpal and Lokayuktas Bill 2013, an
Minister of Nepal?
anti-corruption Act of Indian parliament in India, has (a) Sushil Koirala (b) Girija Prasad Koirala
received assent from president Pranab Mukherjee on (c) Khil Raj Regmi (d) None of these
January 1, 2014 and came into force from January 16, Ê (a) Sushil Koirala became the 37th prime minister of Nepal
2014. It is published in Gazette of India as Act NO. 1 of on February 11, 2014.
175. In which one of the following Indian states, has the
169. Which one of the following parties gained the 130 MW Solar Power Plant launched with an
majority in the 10th parliamentary elections held investment of ` 1100 crore in February 2014?
recently in recent past in Bangladesh?
(a) West Bengal (b) Rajasthan
(a) Bangladesh Nationalist Party (c) Odisha (d) Madhya Pradesh
(b) Jaityo Samajtantrik Dal
(c) Workers Party of Bangladesh Ê (d)
(d) Awami League Party 176. Who won the International Gandhi Peace Prize for
Ê (d) Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina’s Awami League party the year 2013 awarded by Government of India?
has won 104 seats of the 147 contested in the 10th (a) Chandi Prasad Bhatt
parliamentary elections of Bangladesh. (b) Angela Merkel
170. Who among the following sports person has (c) M S Swaminathan
become the brand ambassador of Canara Bank in (d) None of the above
March; 2014? Ê (a) Chandi Prasad Bhatt, the noted Gandhian environ-
(a) Deepika Kumari mentalist and social activist won the Gandhi peace
(b) Sushil Kumar prize for the year 2013 on February 28, 2014.
(c) Shikhar Dhawan 177. Which one of the following teams has won the
(d) Viswanathan Anand Ranji Trophy for the season 2013-2014?
Ê (c) Shikhar Dhawan became the brand ambassador of (a) Maharashtra (b) Tamil Nadu
Canara Bank on March 12, 2014. (c) Karnataka (d) Mumbai
171. Microsoft has announced the discontinuation of its Ê (c) The 2013-14 Ranji Trophy was the 79th season of the
support to which one of the following Computer Ranji Trophy. Karnataka won the trophy after defeating
Operating Systems with effect from 08 April 2014? Mahrashtra in the final.
(a) Windows OS 7 (b) Windows XP 178. What is the projected economic growth rate of
(c) Windows OS Vista (d) None of these India for 2014-2015 as per the International
Ê (b) Microsoft has announced the discontinuation of Monetary Fund (IMF) annual report released in
computer operating system ‘‘Windows XP’’ with effect February 2014?
from April 8, 2014. This is because Window XP (a) 5.4% (b) 4.1% (c) 6.2% (d) 4.9%
increase the risk of cyber crime.
Ê (a)
Solved Paper 2014 33

179. Name the author of the book ‘Footlights’ which was 185. The rate of interest approved by GoI on the small
launched in February 2014? savings scheme ‘Five Year Recurring Deposit’,
(a) Khushwant Singh (b) Charlie Chaplin effective from 01/01/2014 for the financial year
(c) Satya Nadella (d) None of these 2014-15 on the basis of the interest compounding /
payment built-in in the schemes is
Ê (b)
(a) 8.5% (b) 8.4%
180. Which among the following industrial cities of (c) 8.7% (d) None of these
India popularly called as the Manchester of the
Ê (b)
East, turns 211 years in March 2014?
(a) Surat (b) Kolkata 186. In February 2014, the NGO ‘Navbharat Sewa
(c) Kanpur (d) None of these Samiti’ and the foundation ‘YOUWECAN’ began a
campaign named ‘Cancer Mukt Purvi Dilli’. Name
Ê (c) After 1857, Kanpur became an important center of the
Leather and Textile Industries. It is also known as the
the founder of ‘YOUWECAN’?
Manchester of the East. On March 24, 1803, Kanpur (a) Manisha Koirala (b) Yuvraj Singh
declared as a district. Abraham Beland was the first (c) Lisa Ray (d) Anurag Basu
district magistrate and district judge of Kanpur. Ê (b) YOUWECAN is a foundation established by Indian
181. How much penalty was recently imposed by the cricketer Yuvraj Singh meant to fight cancer by
Competition Commission of India (CCI) on Bengal spreading awareness about the fatal disease.
Chemist and Druggist Association (BCDA) and its 187. The Reserve Bank of India (RBI) and Bank of
office bearers for anti-competitive practices? Japan (BOJ) recently agreed to expand the
(a) ` 1.52 crore (b) ` 18.38 crore amount of the Bilateral Swap Agreement (BSA) to
(c) ` 6.73 crore (d) ` 12.12 crore ......... US dollars.
Ê (b) (a) 15 billion (b) 35 billion
(c) 50 billion (d) 75 billion
182. Name the partner country in the International
Exhibition and Conference on Civil Aviation, India Ê (c) The Bank of Japan (BOJ) and Reserve Bank of India
(RBI), on January 11, 2014, agreed to expand the
Aviation-2014 organised by Government of India
maximum amount of the Bilateral Swap Agreement
and FICCI at Hyderabad in March 2014?
(BSA) to 50 billion US dollars between the two
(a) France (b) The UK countries.
(c) The USA (d) China
188. Who among the following has been appointed as
Ê (c) the new Chairman of Microsoft by the Board of
183. What growth rate (in rupee terms), did the Directors at a meeting held in Washington, US in
cumulative value of exports (including re-exports), February 2014?
from India for the period April-February 2013 -14 (a) Satya Nadella (b) Paul Alien
registered over the same period last year? (c) Steve Ballmer (d) John W. Thompson
(a) 10.12% (b) 8.17% Ê (a) Satya Nadela is the current chief Executive officer of
(c) 13.33% (d)16.645 Microsoft. He was appointed as CEO on February 4,
Ê (d) 2014, succeeding Steve Ballmer.

184. In which one of the following South-East Asian 189. As per the Rail Budget of 2013-14, Braille stickers
countries, did the Festival of India showcasing our were be introduced for visually-challenged
Classical and Folk Dance, Recital, Food, Mehendi, passengers. Name the first train in India with a
Yoga, etc., take place in March 2014? Braille-embedded AC coach?
(a) Vietnam (b) Indonesia (a) Delhi- Howrah Rajdhani Express
(c) Thailand (d) Cambodia (b) Delhi- Puri Purushottam Express
(c) Delhi-Mumbai Rajdhani Express
Ê (a) Festival of India showcasing our classical and folk (d) Delhi-Chennai Rajdhani Express
dance, Recital, Food, Mehndi and Yoga etc was held in
Vietnam in March 2014. Ê (b)
34 Solved Paper 2014

190. To cure blindness of the eye due to glaucoma a 196. Who became the Governor of Kerala in March
doctor in UK recently discovered a 15 microns 2014?
ultra-thin layer hidden in the human cornea. The (a) Margaret Alva (b) Girija Vyas
layer is named after him as (c) Sheila Dikshit (d) None of these
(a) Davis layer (b) John’s layer Ê (c)
(c) Dua’ slayer (d) Jacob layer
Ê (c) To cure blindness of eye due glaucoma, professor
197. International Women’s Day is celebrated every
year on
Harminder Singh Dua from the Nottingham University
discovered an Ultra-thin layer hidden deep in the (a) March 8 (b) April 2
human cornea that can help to treat glaucoma. This 15 (c) January 16 (d) February 23
microns thick new layer is also known as Dua’s layer. Ê (a) International Women’s Day (IWD), also called
191. In January 2014, at which place in Rajasthan did International working women’s day, is celebrated on
an International team of 34 scientists spot the March 8 every year.
footprints of dinosaurs? 198. In which of the following Indian Navy warships,
(a) Karoli (b) Jaisalmer (c) Kota (d) Jaipur fire broke out in the sailor’s compartment and
Ê (b)
damaged the ship in February 2014?
(a) INS Sindhurakshak (b) INS Konkan
192. China marked the arrival of its New Year on 31 (c) INS Sindhughosh (d) INS Sindhuratna
January 2014. This is celebrated across the world
Ê (d) On February 26, 2014, smoke was detected on Indian
by Chinese people as the Lunar New Year of
Navy Submarine INS Sindhuratna off Mumbai coast,
(a) Horse (b) Pig (c) Fish (d) Tiger and onboard 4-5 Sailors were airlifted to a Mumbai
Ê (a) hospital after they fell unconscious from Suffocation.
The two officers killed in the accident were
193. Who won the Australian Open women’s Tennis Lt Commander Kapish Muwal and Lt. Commander
Championship singles title in January 2014? Manoranjan Kumar.
(a) Dominika Cibulkova (b) Li Na 199. Which company has decided to buy the popular
(c) Serena Williams (d) Ana Ivanovic
messaging service ‘WhatsApp’ for $19Bn?
Ê (b) Li Na (China) won the Australian open women’s Tennis (a) Google
championship singles title 2014 after defeating (b) Twitter
Dominika Clbulkova (Slovakia). (c) Skype
194. The Union Finance Minister of India in his interim (d) Facebook
Union Budget 2014, agreed to ‘one rank one Ê (d) In February 2014, Facebook has bought messaging
pension’ for defence personnel. The scheme will be app ‘Whats App’ in a deal worth a total of $19 billion in
effective from the year cash and shares.
(a) 2013 (b) 2014 (c) 2015 (d) 2012 200. Which among the following movies won the Best
Ê (a) Picture Award in the 86th Oscars in March 2014?
(a) Dallas Bayers Club
195. Name the activist and founder of Gulabi Gang– the
(b) 12 Years A Slave
extraordinary women’s movement in the Banda (c) Blue Jasmine
District of Uttar Pradesh. (d) Gravity
(a) Bacchi Devi (b) Sampat Pal Devi
(c) Gaura Devi (d) None of these Ê (b) 12 years a Slave is a 2013 historical drama film and on
adaptation of the 1853 slave narrative memoir 12 years
Ê (b) The Gulabi Gang is a group of Indian women vigilantes a slave by Solomon North up. This is the third feature
and activists originally from Bundelkhand, Uttar film directed by Steve Mcqueen.
Pradesh. It was founded by Sampat Pal Devi.

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