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ERP 2.50:Configure a New Entity - OpenbravoWiki

Log in / create account Issues Forge University

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ERP 2.50:Configure a New Entity

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The way of creating an entity is by running the "Initial client setup" process. The reason why is because there are many processes to be executed in order to create an entity properly.

Create an entity
Log into Openbravo as Openbravo/openbravo(user name/password) with the System Administration role
Go to General Setup → Client → Initial Client Setup

The main fields of this form are:

Client: The name for the new client.

Client username: The username that is created with the Admin role and System Administration role.
Confirm Password
Currency: Here you can choose the currency for the new entity.
Include Accounting: if this checkbox is selected either an accounting file or an accounting reference data must be selected.
Accounting file : The acconting file defines the accounting schema for the client. There are some predefined files for different countries you can download from our download section.
If the account needed is not available, check the on-going localization efforts for different countries.
Reference Data: to be selected as required
Optional fields: These fields define the data that will be stored to be used at the dimensional analysis.

In our example the following values are used:

Client: Test_Client
Client Username: Test_ClientAdmin
Currency: Euro
Include Accounting : Yes
Accounting file : AccountsESOpenbravo_v2_OB235_v3.csv
Reference Data : "Standard document types for orders, invoices, etc. and settings- Core - English (USA)
Optional fields: Check "Business Partner", "Product" and "Project"

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ERP 2.50:Configure a New Entity - OpenbravoWiki

Once the form is filled, click on the OK button.

Now log into Openbravo with the created user and role.
To test that the "Accounting Schema" import has been correct:

Go to Financial Management → Accounting → Setup → Accounting Schema

Move to Defaults tab and make sure the accounts have been imported

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This page has been accessed 46,039 times. This page was last modified on 3 April 2012, at 11:00. Content is available under Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 2.5 Spain License.

Categories: Templates | Configure your Enterprise

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