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Product & Service Descriptions

Our main product is Shawarma, as all
of us know shawarma is a tasty food. The quality of the ingredients we are using
specially the vegetables and the meat we are using on making it. Our product has a two
variety which are beef and chicken.

Product Comparisons
Shawarma is a common food specially here in Baguio, but still our product is
unique and we are confident to say that it is more tastier and healthier than the other
shawarma brands. We are also taking the other suggestions of our employees to
improve our style and uniqueness.

Yes, our product is not that expensive, it is affordable specially to students. We
are using a high quality of products and yet it is still affordable to all.

Sales and Distribution Strategies

Our business is just a new and not yet known. We would be putting up just small
stalls around the Baguio City with special promos. We will also be advertising in social
medias because we all know people are now active in technology.

We are sorting out our employees who have the passion on doing these things
connected to their job, so that there will be no conflicts with each other. Each member of
our business can take care of their specific jobs given by the Manager of that branch
and make it faster and easier for us to serve our customers.

We don’t need machines or even technology to make our products. We are using
stoves and kitchen utensils, but of course we also appreciate if there will be a machine
to make this so our work with be much easier.

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