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Understanding Man with a Movie Camera

Author(s): Anne Nesbet

Source: Film Quarterly , Vol. 59, No. 1 (Fall 2005), p. 3
Published by: University of California Press
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Anne Nesbet

C LO S E U P Understanding Man with a Movie Camera

THE CENTERPIECE of the 23rd Porde- taken at ground level with some taken structure we have come to think of as
none Silent Film Festival was a glorious of the crowd from far above, the point- “Vertovian.” And yet it is again the
retrospective: just about every extant of-view of the famous horse statues amazing atypicality of Man with a
film made by Dziga Vertov. It was partly that grace the Bolshoi’s roof.The mean- Movie Camera that strikes the viewer:
to trouble our comfortable assumption ing of these experiments is in no way how the choice not to use titles
that we already know a thing or two as legible as Man with a Movie Camera’s changes the feel and effect of the
about Vertov that University of Chi- “implosion.” One might argue, in fact, “essay”; how the baby born in Man with
cago film historian Yuri Tsivian under- that the main effect of having State a Movie Camera has becomes a rela-
took this mammoth project, which Kino-Calendar No. 47 in mind as one tively universal Everybaby.
involved bringing hundreds of films views Man with a Movie Camera is to If Man with a Movie Camera remains
(and a few rare manuscripts) to Sacile, underscore the huge gap between the an outlier in Dziga Vertov’s oeuvre, it is
Italy, in October 2004. 1925 newsreel and the 1929 film, both rivalled in interest (if not in sheer aes-
With his customary dry wit, Tsivian thematically and stylistically. thetic brilliance) by a number of more
asks,“Can anyone say one really under- Between the basic newsreels and rarely seen and more overtly political
stands Man with a Movie Camera— the feature films, however, comes a films. The ideological structure of Ver-
even if one knows it like the back sort of evolutionary missing link, the tov’s Shestaia chast’ mira (1926), for ex-
of one’s hand—unless one has seen, astonishing series of experimental Kino- ample, a visual paean to Gostorg (the
say, Kino-Pravda No. 18, or State Kino- Pravda shorts. No. 12 features extra- State Trade agency), with its attempt to
Calendar No. 47?” Having seen all the ordinary 3-D titles constructed out of link visually the fates of the “backward
rare Kino-Pravdas (Nos. 1-23) except for wood and paper by Aleksandr Rod- nations” incorporated into the Soviet
the still-missing No. 19; about 20 news- chenko. No. 18 sends the camera racing world with the fate of industrial capi-
reels from 1918 to 1919; four issues of up the Eiffel Tower, flying into a Soviet talism, reminded me of nothing so
the State Kino-Calendar; all of Vertov’s airport, visiting a House for Workers, much as Eisenstein’s unrealized project
feature-length documentaries from the and then becomes a photo-essay on of filming Marx’s Capital.
silent era—and a number of films made the subject of cooperation between There is something inherently arti-
by Vertov’s rivals, relatives, acquain- workers and countryside, one peas- ficial in sitting down to watch “every-
tances, and admirers—festivalgoers ant’s trip to the city, and “the movie thing Vertov filmed” over the course of
can now try to answer that question. camera that follows him.” Already we a few days. It is a dizzying, even surreal
Following a suggestion made by have moved—at a clip!—from the undertaking (certain shots, reappear-
Aleksandr Deriabin, State Kino-Calendar technological achievements of the Old ing many times in many different films,
No. 47 (1925) was shown on the same World to the construction of the New; began to feel like old friends), and I
program as Man with a Movie Camera this process is then raised to an ecstatic have to say it made for one of the most
(1929). “Poles in top hats; new trains; climax in the portrayal of a “Red Bap- visually exciting weeks of my life. We
100 years Bolshoi,” read my notes. The tism,” as an infant Soviet receives the owe a huge debt of gratitude to the
latter theme is the one that Deriabin blessing of not only a crowd singing Giornate del Cinema Muto and to Yuri
and Tsivian would have us recall as we the “Internationale” but also a kind Tsivian for reacquainting us with Dziga
watch Man with a Movie Camera, in of chorus of machines spinning ever Vertov, the poetry of whose Man with a
which there is a famous image of the faster in his honor. Movie Camera can now be appreciated
Bolshoi made to collapse in on itself by Here we have the theme of birth in a newly visible context.
means of visual tricks (an “implosion”of that holds an important place at the Anne Nesbet, author of Savage Junctures:
the outmoded past, as Tsivian points heart of Man with a Movie Camera Sergei Eisenstein and the Shape of Thinking,
out). But formal experimentation in the combined with (earlier versions of ) teaches film and Russian literature at the
earlier newsreel comes chiefly in the the dizzying montage techniques, self- University of California, Berkeley.
form of the juxtaposition of shots referentiality, and essayistic cinematic © Anne Nesbet

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