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Increase the yield

Rubber Cultivation

Rubber was introducing to Sri Lanka in 1876. Its birth place is Brazil in South America.
At the beginning rubber plant did not attract the farmer as it was entirely strange and
the long time it consumed to bring an income. Unlike coffee, the rubber has to undergo
a very long process to make it viable and profitable.

As this was brought to the country as a suitable to coffee which was destroyed by leaf
decease, people were rather doubtful to accept this new plant.

Specific Introduction

At present, extent of rubber cultivation is about 125000 hectares in small holder sector
and estate sector. The area under rubber is increasing gradually. But yield of the rubber
is at a low level than other rubber growing countries. The world demand for natural
rubber is increasing. The rubber price is also attractive. It has become a cash crop,
which earns foreign exchange to the country. In Sri Lanka the availability of land is
limited for rubber. In the world rubber is grown in a limited number of countries
compared with the increasing demand for rubber the supply is not sufficient. In the
modern world natural rubber has become and essential product to make tires, tubes,
shock absorbers shoes rubber bushes carpets hand glosses, toys, mattress crepe-rubber
used for surgical requirements and various dipped products.
At the moment the synthetic rubber is a challenge for the natural rubber market. But
synthetic rubber is petroleum based product and it is very expensive. A future for
synthetic rubber is limited because it is depending on petroleum. The natural rubber
can be produced for a longer time as it can be reproduced maintains the rubber
cultivation. In our country increasing the yield is the solution for short supply of

Purpose of the study

Rubber is a main economical crop in our country. It is a cash crop. It has timber and
fire wood value. Rubber latex and crepe rubber provide foreign exchange to our
country. It is help for making various end products, tires, home needs etc.

But, in our country rubber yield is not sufficient for our national requirement, year by
year growth of rubber yield is at a low range. As a result we have to import tires, toys,
rubber mixed equipment. The aim of my study to find the solutions to this situation.


Today, world natural rubber consumption is growing up. As I am going to do this

research how we are increasing our rubber yield and how we are going to contribute
our economy. I will hope to pay attention of responsible people to my proposal.

Significance of the study

This is important to increase rubber yield and get lot of foreign exchange and
contribute to develop our economy. This research is different from other researches
because this is a field which involves technology, field extension work and attention of
the farmers.

I will collect data from Rubber Development Department and Rubber Research Institute
publication. I can study their annual reports and progress reports and I hope to get data
from them. After I will analysis it and I will present it by charts and diagrams.

Scope of the study

This research requires a field study. Time and other resources are limited. Therefore I
decided to do the research depending on data of Rubber Development Department and
Rubber Research Institute.

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