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Rara Restu Amirohmanar

Adolescent development is important to be
reviewed, because each individual passes through
adolescence in his life span. Adolescents must be able
to develop all the good potential that exists in them so
that they can pass through their development without
being stressed and full of doubt. So the theory that
says adolescence is identical to the age of the storm
and stress is wrong. Today more and more
adolescents experience obstacles in carrying out their
development tasks even though adolescents are
required to be able to adapt to the times while
maintaining a strong faith, not involved in drugs,
addictive to pornography, having free sex, and being
victims of sexual abuse. The goal to be achieved is
how the development of adolescents is able to pass
through the critical phase by not experiencing severe
pressure, so that it impacts on negative behavior.
development tasks if not supported by a healthy
environment. Completion of adolescent problems
requires review by examining integrative and
comprehensive knowledge about how the concept of
adolescents is able to raise their consciousness as the
most valuable creature of God in the world and
become the hope of the nation and state.
Use of gadgets, behavior, promiscuity, teenagers

1. Background
gadgets can have a positive and negative
impact on users. The gadget makes it easy for us to
access various types of sites according to what we
want, such as work, school assignments and
friendships. But in fact, Gadgets can have an adverse
impact on users, especially among adolescents
because accidentally they can suddenly display
pornographic images or content. It's so easy to access
the internet from gadgets and lack of parental
supervision, so teenagers sometimes use the internet
to access pornographic content such as stories, video
images because teenagers have a high sense of
curiosity (Tamburaka, 2013, in Dusra, 2017).
Based on data from the National Family
Planning Coordinating Board, teenagers who have
been dating and how to express affection by feeling /
stimulating 10%, lip kissing 32%, holding hands
88%. The percentage of male adolescents ever dating
who had premarital sex in 2010 was 3.8%, in 2011
there was an increase of 5.3%. The percentage of
female adolescents ever dating who had premarital
sex in 2014 was 1.7%, in 2011 it increased by 2.4%.
married there were 86.7% of 63,048. The results of
interviews with groups of adolescents with unmarried
status showed that in men 3.0% and 1.1% of women
answered having had sex. In Yogyakarta there are
62.7% of adolescents in junior high schools (SMP)
and senior high schools (SMA) that are not virgins
and there are 30% of the two million cases of abortion
carried out by adolescents (sustainable, A. et al, 2015)
The way to reduce the occurrence of
promiscuity in adolescents is the most important,
namely from the supervision of parents. Because the
role of parents is very important in the use of gadgets.
Parents are very much needed to apply some rules in
using gadgets because using gadgets without the
supervision of parents will actually deviate from
being negative (Chusna, 2017).

2. Use of gadgets
2.1 Definition of gadgets
A gadget is a tool or object commonly
used for various fields in life, other electronic
equipment such as mobile phones, televisions and
laptops. Gadgets can be used in positive or negative
terms. The gadget is an electronic device that always
raises new technology so it is very easy for users to
use it.

2.2 Types of gadgets

Some types of gadgets that are currently very popular
and often used by people especially among teenagers
a Iphone
telepone designed to have internet and multimedia
b Ipad
Looks almost like an iPhone, it's just that the display
of the iPad is bigger and has various additional
c Netbook
A combination of portable computers and the internet
d d. Mobile
Electronic communication without using cables and
easy to carry everywhere

2.3 Impact of using gadgets

The impact of using gadgets is very diverse.
According to Derry Iswidharmanjaya (2014: 16) the
impact of using gadgets is:
a Make a closed person
Excessive use of gadgets can lead to a lack of
approach to other people and the environment
because most of the time is used to play gadgets
b Health is disrupted
Looking at the screen of the gadget that is too long
and excessive, so that the eyes become tired and cause
the eyes to become minus
c Sleep disturbance
The majority of children are in the room to use the
gadget until late at night, so that the child's sleep
hours become less and cause sleep disturbances
d The threat of cyberbullying
Cyberbullying is an event where someone is
ridiculed, insulted or humiliated with another child or
teenager through the internet or telephone.

3. Behavior
Behavior is a response to a stimulus or an action that
can be observed and has a specific frequency,
duration and purpose both consciously and
unconsciously. Human behavior is basically an
activity in humans themselves so that human behavior
has a very broad expanse that includes walking,
talking, reacting and dressing.
There are four main categories that can shape one's
social behavior, namely:
1. The behavior and characteristics of others
If someone is more often associated with people who
have polite character, there is a high chance that he
will behave like most polite people in his social
environment. On the other hand if he associates with
arrogant people he will be affected by such behavior.
2. Cognitive processes Memories and thoughts that
contain ideas, beliefs and considerations that form the
basis of one's social awareness will influence their
social behavior
3. Environmental factors
The natural environment can sometimes influence
one's social behavior. For example, people who come
from coastal areas or mountains are accustomed to
saying loudly, then their social behavior is as hard as
well, when in a community that is used to soft and
soft in speaking words, children tend to tend to speak
soft words too.
4. Cultural Tatars
As a place of behavior and social thought that occurs.
For example, someone who comes from a certain
cultural ethnicity might feel strange social behavior
when they are in a community that is of another
cultural or different ethnicity.
4. Free promiscuity
Free association is a behavior carried out outside the
limits of reasonableness or norms that apply in the
community. Free promiscuity is included in deviant
behaviors related to community karma. Free
intercourse is also called deviant behavior. Free social
behavior is considered as the source of the problem
because it is very dangerous for the establishment of
a social system (Pratiwi). The following are some of
the causes of free social behavior including religious
factors, environmental factors and knowledge factors.

5. Teenagers
Teenagers are defined as a period of transition from
childhood to adulthood. According to WHO the age
limit for adolescents is 12 to 24 years old. Meanwhile,
according to the Ministry of Health, adolescents,
those who are 10 to 19 years old and not married.
Whereas according to BKKBN it is said that
adolescents are at the age of 10 to 21 years (Rahma,
2016). There are 6 characteristic components found
in adolescents, namely adolescence as a transition
period, adolescence as a period of change,
adolescence as a troubled age, adolescence as an age
that raises fear, adolescence as an unrealistic period,
adolescence as a threshold adult

6. Conclusion
From the explanation above, it can be
concluded that gadgets can have a positive and
negative impact on everyone, especially among
teenagers. If you have misused the gadget, it will be
able to plunge into free social behavior, because the
occurrence of free social behavior is the main factor
of the gadget.

Chusna, P. 2017, “Pengaruh Media Gadget Pada

Perkembangan Karakter
Anak”, Journal Dinamika Penelitian, Vol 17, No 2

Dusra, P. 2017. Pengaruh Media Internet Terhadap Perilaku

Menyimpang Remaja Di Sekolah Menengah Atas
Negeri 1 Maros. Skripsi. Universitas Islam Negeri
Alauddin Makassar.

Suwuh, F., Rompas, S & Kallo, V 2017, “Hubungan

Penggunaan Smartphone Dengan Perilaku Seksual
Remaja Di SMA Negeri 2 Langowan Kecamatan
Lawongan Utara”, E-Journal Keperawatan, Vol 5, No

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