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"Why Don’t We Try to Be India’s Most

Respected Company?"
He may not appear to be one, but Murthy is quite the
contrarian. At a time when few Indians felt they could
become entrepreneurs, he founded Infosys with just
$1,000. When no one believed that India could compete in
the high tech arena, he dared to develop software services
for export. In an era when hardly anyone in India
conducted business ethically, he set out to create a
values-based corporation.
Over his 30-year tenure, Murthy has largely succeeded.
He helped create a $6 billion technology firm with over
134,000 employees, pioneered an innovative way of
delivering software services globally, and strove to make
Infosys the epitome of a “good” company.

That’s a reputation that is hard won and easily lost,

especially in India today, where companies are notorious
for their lack of transparency. In fact, public outrage
against corruption reached a flashpoint in August 2011,
with millions taking to the streets in protest.
As businesses gird for change in India, Infosys faces its
own turning point. In August, Murthy stepped down as
chairman, according to plan. In this interview, Murthy
explains that building a values-based firm is a never-
ending process. Leaders must demonstrate that values
matter every day, at every turn. According to his answers
we can summarize the ethical values conducted by him
and Infosys.

“Powered by intellect, driven by values”

 They decided to be different. When the vision was
being discussed they aimed to be India’s most
respected company .In a country where corruption is
very common it’s not easy to go with this type of
 They planned to achieve this respect by fulfilling all of
their promises.
 “If you seek respect from society, you must live in
harmony with it and create goodwill”
 They knew that they would attract customers,
employees, vendors, and investors; revenues, profits,
and market capitalization only if they fulfill their
promises and provide quality and promised services
to them.
 Setting up a values-based company was the main
objective. They were seeking respect not profit.
 They decided that they would not pay bribes in any
case as it is unethical approach.
 It takes time to benefit from putting values first. You
feel the pain immediately and you reap the gains only
in the long run.
 They were successful in making strong ethical image
in front of their customers.
 They stood by their principles; it’s wrong to believe
you have to bribe your way to success. No
compromise on these principles.
 According to them a good company must always go
beyond following the law.
 They adopted zero tolerance policy .No chance of
unethical conduct.
 They also applaud good behavior and honored the
person who demonstrated the best commitment to
values every year.
 Always do investigation about a case before informing
the board about it because the board will make a
considered decision, and implement it immediately.
 Infosys demonstrated complete transparency in
dealing with their investors
 They led a movement to improve the standards of
corporate governance.
 They believed in Maximizing shareholder value
legally, ethically, and fairly.
 Infosys has a three-step process for disseminating the
C-LIFE system: Communication, engagement, and
 Their 700 leaders are constantly reinforcing our
 They guaranteed that Infosys transaction will enhance
their respect and dignity.
 They made it clear that company will conduct itself in
a fair, transparent, and ethical manner.
 According to them listening to your conscience helps
you do the right thing, so every employee as we call
them must be guided by that inner voice in making
every decision.

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