Inbound Marketing Vs Content Marketing: A Hubspot Survey

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Mind mapping in education is a powerful technique that enables students to learn faster, take

better notes and brainstorm more effectively. Mind mapping is a skill that can be used in pretty
much all fields of education: Students can create grammar mind maps to learn a second
language; they can brainstorm their essays and stories in a mind map before starting the actual
writing process; they can use mind maps to summarize books and articles, create information
pools for subjects, collaborate on group projects, and much more. Similarly, teachers can use
mind maps to visualize complex information and provide a quick overview of a new subject to
their students. Mind maps are a must-have tool in every teacher’s repertoire that will help them
engage their students and make their presented content more memorable.This
may be in
the form of a change in personal behavior or, as most marketers
hope, it could be in the form of a purchase decision.

In other words, it's the marketing of a business or brand through the

sharing of educational, entertaining, or insightful information that will
ultimately help readers improve their lives.

It's not about forcing a sales pitch at people, but helping them move
towards the best course of action (that just may be buying from you).

Content marketing is also defined as a strategic marketing approach

focused on creating and distributing valuable, relevant, and consistent
content to attract and retain a clearly-defined audience — and,
ultimately, to drive profitable customer action."

f you've read any of our content, you've probably heard us throw

around the term "inbound marketing." Content and inbound are often
used interchangeably, but for the sake of minimizing confusion I will
explain the difference.

Inbound Marketing vs Content

The difference between inbound marketing and content marketing
depends on who you ask. In fact, a HubSpot survey found that most
marketers agree that content marketing is a subset of inbound
ore specifically, however, content marketing refers to the act of sharing
knowledge, advice, or entertainment in a consumable format that may

 Blog articles
 Videos
 Podcasts
 Social media marketing
 Emails
 Webinars
 Infographics
 Cartoons
 Quizzes
 Generators/Calculators
 Assessments
 Apps

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