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(Το answer key ετοιμάστηκε από τους καθηγητές του φροντιστηρίου μας και

προσφέρεται δωρεάν)


PART ONE: A long snooze

1. A (Could you stand the boredom ..)
2. B (.. of not being allowed to get up?)
3. D (That was the task that faced…)
4. B (…14 volunteers when they started out on a bed-rest…)
5. C (…experiment conducted by the European…)
6. A (to investigate the changes that take place..)
7. B (what effect periods of weightlessness will have…)
8. D (That’s even tougher than it sounds…)
9. B (when you realize that no visitors…)
10. A (as well as access to the latest films..)
11. D (everyone was in a good mood at the end of …)
12. C (but we knew we were contributing to medical research)

PART TWO: History from the sea

13. The ship , which sank off the coast of… (ΟΧΙ that)
14. fresh insights into trade and diet…
15. The remains of the ship were found last …
16. undertaken by American scientist…
17. Three of his team, who were using…(ΟΧΙ that)
18. One of the jars was brought….
19. the ship had been following a trade route…
20. when it sank, probably in a storm.
21. … so that he can conduct further…
22. making use of a new robot…
23. in this way create an accurate picture…
24. an accurate picture of what the ship looked like.

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PART THREE: Sport in society
Derivatives (Original form of the words)
25. enjoyment (enjoy)
26. leading (lead)
27. competitions (compete)
28. financial (finance)
29. wealthy (wealth)
30. unusual (usual)
31. generally (general)
32. significant (signify)
33. Professional (profession)
34. pleasure (please)

35. I haven’t seen Tom since his wedding day in 1995.
36. In spite of the good performance given by the main actor, the critics…
37. My uncle does not live far away from the sea.
38. The children had not expected chess to be such a complicated game.
39. If John hadn’t forgotten his map, he wouldn’t have lost his way.
40. Melissa had to take a decision about where the family would go for …
41. Everyone blamed me for the fact that we lost the match.
42. Peter wished he had sold his sports car for more money.

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