Interview Siswa Kelas Recount Text

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The Guideline Questions For Interview To The Student

1. What do you think about English lesson so far?

2. Have you heard about recount text?
3. Have you writing a recount text?
4. Do you have trouble when you writing a recount text?
5. What your opinion about interactive writing strategy?
6. Does interactive writing strategy help you in learning?
7. In your point of view, how does interactive writing strategy help you in writing a recount text?
8. Do you enjoy learning recount text through interactive writing strategy?

Panduan Pertanyaan Unuk Menginterview Kepada Siswa

1. Apa pendapatmu sejauh ini tentang pembelajaran bahasa inggris?

2. Pernah mendengar tentang teks recount?
3. Pernakah kamu menulis sebuah teks recount?
4. Dalam penulisan teks recount, tantangan apa yang kamu temukan?
5. Apa pendapatmu tentang interactive writing strategy?
6. Apakah interactive writing strategy membantumu belajar?
7. menurutmu, bagaimana interactive writing strategy membantumu belajar menulis sebuah
recount text?
8. Apakah kamu menikmati belajar recount text menggunakan interactive writing strategy?

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