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Lung Meridian Points ( 11 )

LU 1: zhong fu / Central Treasury

Function: Regulates Lung Qi and stops cough, stimulates the Lung Qi to
descend, disperses fullness in the chest and stops pain.
Indications: Useful for all Lung issues, especially cough, wheezing, asthma
and fullness in the chest as well as local problems such as pain in the chest,
shoulder and back.

LU 2: yun men / Cloud Gate

Function: Disperses fullness from the chest, stimulates the descending action
of Lung Qi, stops cough.
Indications: Cough, asthma, pain in the chest, shoulder and arm, fullness in
the chest.

LU 3: tian fu / Celestial Storehouse

Function: Clears Lung heat and regulates Lung Qi.
Indications: Asthma, epistaxis, pain in the medial aspect of the upper arm.

LU 4: xia bai / Guardian White

Function: Regulates Qi and blood, relieves pain.
Indications: Cough, fullness in the chest, pain in the medial aspect of the
upper arm.

LU 5: chi ze / Cubit Marsh

Function: Clears Lung Heat, stimulates the descending action of Lung Qi,
expels phlegm from the Lung, benefits the Bladder, relaxes the sinews.
Indications: Cough, hemoptysis, evening fever, asthma, sore throat, fullness
in the chest, infantile convulsions, spasmodic pain of the elbow and arm,

LU 6: kong zui / Collection Hole

Function: Regulates Lung Qi and causes Lung Qi to descend, clears heat,
stops bleeding.
Indications: Cough, pain in the chest, asthma, hemoptysis, sore throat,
spasmodic pain of the elbows and arm.

LU 7: lie que / Broken Sequence

Function: Stimulates the descending and dispersing of Lung Qi, circulates
defensive Qi and releases the exterior, expels exterior wind, opens the
Conception Vessel, benefits the Bladder and opens water passages, opens the
nose, communicates with the Large Intestine.
Indications: Persistent cough, sore throat, headaches, migraines, stiff neck,
facial paralysis, toothaches, pain and/or weakness of the wrist.

LU 8: jing qu / Channel Ditch

Function: Diffuses the Lung and downbears Qi, courses wind and resolves
the exterior.
Indications: Cough, asthma, fever, pain in the chest, sore throat, pain in the

LU 9: tai yuan / Great Abyss

Function: Resolves phlegm, regulates Lung Qi, stops cough, tonifies Lung Qi,
Lung yin and gathering Qi, promotes circulation of blood, influences pulse,
clears Lung and Liver heat.
Indications: Cough, asthma, hemoptysis, sore throat, palpitation, pain in
chest, wrist and arm.

LU 10: yu ji / Fish Border

Function: Clears Lung heat, benefits the throat.
Indications: Cough, hemoptysis, sore throat, loss of voice, fever, feverish
sensation on the palm.

LU 11: shao shang / Lesser Shang

Function: Expels wind (both interior and exterior), stimulates the dispersing
and descending of Lung Qi, benefits the throat, opens the orifices and
promotes resuscitation.
Indications: Sore throat, cough, asthma, epistaxis, fever, loss of
consciousness, mania, spasmodic pain of the thumb.

Primary Functions
The lung meridian is largely responsible for governing respiration, as well as
water and fluids around the body.
It also has a large role in governing the chi of the body in general.
The lung meridian strongly influences the health of the skin and body hair.
It also influences the healthy function of the nose.
Common Uses
 Treating respiratory disorders such as coughing, wheezing, asthma, dyspnoea
(difficulty breathing), and shortness of breath.
 Healing the lungs from damage caused by pathogens.
 Treating nasal problems, such as nosebleeds or nasal congestion.
 Treating issues of the throat, such as soreness, congestion, swelling, dryness,
and pain.
 Treating oedema (excess fluid retention) in cases where it is caused by the
failure of the lungs to regulate fluid in the body.
 Treating vomiting in the cases when it is related to problems of the Stomach

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