First Newsletter

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Jeremiah & Marjorie

Bringing a Message of Hope
To the People of Bolivia

308 Ave. G | Grandview, WA 98930 | 509-830-7226 | Acct.# 2006120 |

Dear Friends & Family,

We are excited to tell you about some big changes that have happened this year, and that will be taking place
this next year. As many of you know, for the last six years, we have had a call on our hearts to work with, and min-
ister to the people of Bolivia. This year God has opened the door for us to go as missionaries. We recently finished
the application process, and we’re stepping out in faith as Jeremiah put in his letter of resignation at the school. He
will finish teaching this school year while we raise our financial support. We are praying for God to provide the
funds for us to leave by August of 2010.
The Need:
Bolivia is one of the poorest and most economically depressed nations in Latin America, where over 60% of the
population is living in extreme poverty. In the city of Cochabamba, where we are going, there are approximately
three children under the age of six that are abandoned daily. The prisons are full of children who are living with
their inmate parent because there is no other place for the children to live. Many times these children have to sleep
on the cold concrete floors, and go hungry. Then when you think it can’t get worse, the older children are randomly
removed from the prison due to overcrowding and many end up on the streets trying to survive.
We will be partnering with missionaries Rich and Sandee Farthing at The Bolivian Hope Center. Below are just
a few of the ways we will be ministering to the needs of the children.
 Providing meals, and education to nearly 500 needy children of Cochabamba.
 Serving at The Bolivian Hope Center, where up to 36 children from the prison have their own beds, a
Godly environment, medical attention, and lots of love and support while their parent is in prison.
 Working with a feeding program for all the remaining children inside the prison.
 And so much more!
Partnering With Us:
There are three ways you can partner with us.
 Pray for God to watch over the children we are going to work with, for our health and safety, and for our
financial support.
If you feel lead to help support us financially, there are two ways to give your tax deductable contribution.
 Donate to help support us financially.
 Become a monthly financial supporter.

We would love to stay in contact with you. Let us know what God is doing in your life! If you would like to be put
on our email list to receive updates and newsletters, please feel free to contact us any time at the phone number or
email address listed above. We look forward to hearing from you!
cont e se
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In Christ, to:

The Campbells A
Acco GWM
1445 u nt
Jeremiah, Marjorie, & Judah N. Bo #2006120
Sprin o
gfield nville Av
, MO e.

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