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“We make change work for women”

Previous years of oppresion, women across the world

are occupying key positions in all spheres of society.
The ever-evolving human desire drives the development
of men and women alike. Over the past years, we have
witnessed a conspiscious change in womens desire. Women
wish to be less and less involved in household
management and child care, and the continious
increasing or expanding their involvement in other ares
of society.

Indeed, the world is pushing towards greater

equality, and women assume roles and responsibilities
previously only filled by men. Technology also plays a
significant role in helping free up women’s time. Just
as the baby’s needs were are tremendous help for
mothers, emerging technologies will be the solution to
reduce the burden of household management to a level we
have seen. However, in the ancient era we have practice
the gender inequality where the women has no right to
look for a discent job instead they are the one’s who
is taking the responsibity in the household management
and childhood care. But it’s no wonder that women
integrate seamlessly into hyper connected world. As the
world becomes more interdependent , it demands the
intervention of women as though it were asking them to
put their inique qualities into practice. A woman’s
character is much more responsible , stable and
consistent. Women is capable in absorbing life long
challenges – a naquality that comes from her natural
ability to carry an embro and develop life within her.
On the other hand, a man is better at short term moves.
Men and women are two different things especialy in
terms of attitude to failure in life. Figuratively
speaking, a man can be as strong as iron and yet one
blow can brek him. Women are easier to bend but like a
flexibletree branch , she is much harder to break. The
mutual completion of each other’s qualities is the key
to building a healthy society in the new era.
The Wedding Dance
‘Wedding Dance’ written by Amador Daguio is a story about Awiyao and Lumnay, a long
married couple. They’ve been married for seven harvest periods yet the couple weren’t able to
produce any child. Awiyao, who in spite of being in love with his wife, Lumnay, feels the need
to marry another woman in order to have a son. Awiyao couldn’t bare the sadness seen in
Lumnay’s face anymore. He has to decide between himself and his beliefs or culture. On the
other hand, Lumnay was very sad because of the situation they’re in. She doesn’t want Awiyao
to left her. But later in the story, as Awiyao have decided to marry another woman just to have a
child, leaving Lumnay behind; Lumnay also decided to let go of him. Even though it’s painful
for her part, Lumnay sets him “free” because she loves him.

On reading the story, I felt pity for Lumnay. I think it’s not right for Awiyao to leave Lumnay
just for the sake of having a child. But in Awiyao’s part, he just can’t do anything so he just did
the ‘right’ thing- to follow his beliefs and culture, so he could redeem himself and have a child. It
is indeed a complicated thing. Since the culture of the characters shows that a man should have a
child of his bloodline for the society to accept him and recognize him. But really, Lumnay is the
most affected in the story. She was left by her husband thus she returns again to her parents. Just
letting Awiyao to follow what he has decided. Because in her heart, she will still love Awiyao.

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