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Seat No.: ________ Enrolment No.


D L Patel Institute of Management & Technology, MBA College

Gujarat Technological University
Mid Semester Examination, Sem-1

Subject Name: Economic For Manager (4519202) Date:20/11/2018

Time: 3Hours
Total Marks: 70
1 Attempt all questions.
2 Figures to the right indicate full marks.

Q.1 Define the terms and Explain it With Examples ( 2 Marks Each) 14

1 Implicit Cost

2 Marginal cost

3 Law of Supply

4 Components Of GDP

5 Meaning of Oligopoly

6 GDP Deflator

7 Macroeconomics

Q.2 (a) Explain any Four Principle of economics ? 7

(b) Explain Price Elasticity of demand and when the price of CD increased from Rs.40 to Rs
44, the quantity of CD demanded decreased from 200 to 160. What is Price Elasticity of
Demand for CD ? Draw on Graph 7


(b) Define price Elasticity and its Determinants. 7

Q.3 (a) Fill in the Blank spaces in this table 7


1 100 50
2 50
3 26.67
4 270
5 70
(b) Difference between Monopoly and Perfect Competition. 7


(a) Explain Deadweight loss due to Monopoly in the Market 7

(b) why is LAC curve U shaped ? Explain economic of Scale and Dis-economic of Scale. 7

Q.4 (a ) Give two example of Oligopoly to show how the Prisoner’s dilemma helps to explain
behaviour. 7

(b) explain AR = MR = P in perfect competition with Graph. 7


(a) Explain Philip Curve with examples. 7

(b) Discuss the theory of Liquidity Preference. 7

Q.5 (a) Japan Produces only two items as mentioned below. 7

Year Price per Quantity of Price per Quntity of Biscuit Packets

Packet Bread packet produced
of Bread packets of Biscuits
2013 10 120 12 200
2014 12 200 15 300
2015 14 180 18 275

Based on the above information : Calculate nominal GDP, real GDP and the GDP deflator for
the each year using 2013 as the base year

(b) list and explain the component of GDP. 7


Government Intervention 14

The price of raw sugar recently reached its highest level since 1981 due to problem with
supply. Historically raw sugar has traded at between 10 and 12 US Cent per Pound at the
NEW YORK Bord of Trade, But the price increased to over 18 cents last month.

Growing demand Brazil for sugar to be turned into ethanol for fuel, coupled with a sharp fall
in Indian production have both been factors in the price increase.
Sugar production in india for 2008-09 fell 45 % year due to less rain in the mosoon season
damaging a number of agricultural crops.

The London based international sugar organisation predicts that global consumption of sugar
is likely to outstrip production by 9 million tonnes next year , forcing food companies and
governments to dig into stockpiles , in the US , snack producer including Mars, Nestle and
Krispy Kreme put pressure on the US Government to rlax import controls, warning that
otherwise they might run out of sugar.

Commentators predict that most shoppers will be unaffected because sugar is such a small
part of a consumer’s typical spending in a week that no one will notice an increase in price.

(a) Explain ,using supply and demand analysis , why the price of sugar has been increasing

(b) Do you think a) The supply and b) the demand for sugar is price elastic or Inelastic?
Justify your Choises.

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