Augmented Reality and Virtual Reality: Authors

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Augmented Reality and Virtual Reality

Authors: Aarthi Shinde 15321A0501 IV CSE A

CH. Chathurya 15321A0520 IV CSE A

Augmented and virtual realities both leverage some of the same types of technology, and they each
exist to serve the user with an enhanced or enriched experience. Both technologies enable
experiences that are becoming more commonly expected and sought after for entertainment
purposes. While in the past they seemed merely a figment of a science fiction imagination, new
artificial worlds come to life under the user’s control, and deeper layers of interaction with the real
world are also achievable. Augmented reality and virtual reality are inverse reflections of one in
another with what each technology seeks to accomplish and deliver for the user. Virtual reality
offers a digital recreation of a real-life setting, while augmented reality delivers virtual elements
as an overlay to the real world. Additionally, both virtual and augmented realities have great
potential in changing the landscape of the medical field by making things such as remote surgeries
a real possibility.

Augmented reality:

Augmented reality is the integration of digital images over a user’s view of the real-world,
information with the user's environment in thus enhancing one’s current perception of
real time. Unlike virtual reality, which creates reality. The origin of the
a totally artificial environment, augmented word augmented is augment, which means to
reality uses the existing environment and add or enhance something. In the case of
overlays new information on top of it. It is an Augmented Reality (also called AR),
enhanced version of reality where live direct graphics, sounds, and touch feedback are
or indirect views of physical real-world added into our natural world to create an
environments are augmented with enhanced user experience.
superimposed computer-generated
Types of Augmented Reality: D. Superimposition Based Augmented
Several categories of augmented reality Superimposition based augmented reality
technology exist, each with varying either partially or fully replaces the original
differences in their objectives view of an object with a newly augmented
and applicational use cases. view of that same object. In superimposition
based augmented reality, object recognition
A. Marker Based Augmented Reality
plays a vital role because the application
Marker-based augmented reality (also called
cannot replace the original view with an
Image Recognition) uses a camera and some
augmented one if it cannot determine what
type of visual marker, such as a QR/2D code,
the object is.
to produce a result only when the marker is
sensed by a reader. Working:
B. Markerless Augmented Reality
As one of the most widely implemented In order to understand how augmented reality
applications of augmented reality, markerless technology works, one must first understand
(also called location-based, position-based, its objective: to bring computer generated
or GPS) augmented reality, uses a GPS, objects into the real world, which only the
digital compass, velocity meter, or user can see. In most augmented reality
accelerometer which is embedded in the applications, a user will see both synthetic
device to provide data based on your location. and natural light. This is done by overlaying
C. Projection Based Augmented Reality projected images on top of a pair of see-
Projection based augmented reality works by through goggles or glasses, which allow the
projecting artificial light onto real world images and interactive virtual objects to layer
surfaces. Projection based augmented reality on top of the user’s view of the real world.
applications allow for human interaction by Augmented Reality devices are often self-
sending light onto a real-world surface and contained, meaning that they are completely
then sensing the human interaction (i.e. untethered and do not need a cable or desktop
touch) of that projected light. computer to function.
Implementation Framework: detection, edge detection or thresholding,
and other image processing methods. The
A. Hardware second stage restores a real world coordinate
system from the data obtained in the first
Hardware components for augmented reality
are processor, display, sensors and input
devices. Modern mobile computing devices
like smartphones and tablet
Virtual Reality:
computers contain these elements which
often include a camera and MEMS sensors Virtual reality (VR) is an artificial, computer-

such as accelerometer, GPS, and solid-state generated simulation or recreation of a real

compass, making them suitable AR life environment or situation. It immerses the

platforms. There are 2 user by making them feel like they are

technologies: diffractive waveguides and refl experiencing the simulated reality first hand,

ective waveguides. primarily by stimulating their vision and

hearing. VR is typically achieved by wearing
B. Software
a headset like Facebook’s Oculus equipped
A key measure of AR systems is how with the technology, and is used prominently
realistically they integrate augmentations in two different ways:
with the real world. The software must derive
real world coordinates, independent from the  To create and enhance an imaginary
camera, from camera images. That process is reality for gaming, entertainment, and
called image registration, and uses different play (Such as video and computer
methods of computer vision, mostly related games, or 3D movies, head mounted
to video tracking. Many computer vision display).
methods of augmented reality are inherited  To enhance training for real life
from visual odometry. environments by creating a
simulation of reality where people
Usually those methods consist of two parts.
can practice beforehand (Such as
The first stage is to detect interest
flight simulators for pilots).
points, fiducial markers or optical flow in the
camera images. This step can use feature Virtual reality is possible through a coding
detection methods like corner detection, blob language known as VRML (Virtual Reality
Modelling Language) which can be used to delivered via the HMD can help them escape
create a series of images, and specify what everyday life and explore a far-off land.
types of interactions are possible for them.
C. Telepresence

The Different Kinds of Virtual Reality:

Telepresence is exactly what it sounds
There will remain a number of different types like: tele, “at a distance”, and presence,
of Virtual Reality systems. One way to “being present”.
distinguish one from another will be the The sensors are therefore controlled and
mode with which it interfaces with its users. operated remotely by the user. Consider
The following are just some of those modes. bomb disposal robots, undersea exploration,
and drones as being operated via telepresence

A. Window on World VR.

This particular Virtual Reality system is D. Mixed Reality

perfect for the field of medicine. Typically

using a desktop monitor rather than an HMD, The final kind of Virtual Reality that we will
it allows its user to visualize complex be looking at is Mixed Reality. This is where
medical procedures such a surgeries or computer generated inputs are brought
colonoscopies. What’s more, it can also be together with the previously mentioned
used for the simulation of a number of telepresence inputs or the user’s view of the
training scenarios. real world to create a valuable output.

B. Immersive System Implementation Framework:

A. Hardware
The next step beyond the Window on
World view is the immersion using a virtual Modern virtual reality headset displays are based on
headset. By removing its users from the technology developed for smartphones
physical world, and placing them in a virtual including: gyroscopes and motion sensors for

world, the sharp visuals and crisp audio tracking head, hand, and body positions;
small HD screens for stereoscopic displays; and
small, lightweight and fast computer processors. headset will control the scene as it pans
These components led to relative affordability for across the screen. As long as the user keeps
independent VR developers, and lead to the 2012
the headset on, the scene will continue to
Oculus Rift Kickstarter offering the first
move and interact with them as they move
independently developed VR headset.
their head or use the controllers to look
B. Software around and interact.

The Virtual Reality Modelling Language (VRML),

first introduced in 1994, was intended for the How do Augmented and Virtual Realities
development of "virtual worlds" without Differ?
dependency on headsets. The Web3Dconsortium
was subsequently founded in 1997 for the Purpose
development of industry standards for web-based
3D graphics. The consortium subsequently Augmented reality enhances experiences by
developed X3D from the VRML framework as an adding virtual components such as digital
archival, open-source standard for web-based images, graphics, or sensations as a new layer
distribution of VR content.
of interaction with the real world.
Contrastingly, virtual reality creates its own
reality that is completely computer generated
and driven.
Users will usually start up the application or
have someone get the game or application Delivery Method
going on a PC or console. The VR headset is
Virtual Reality is usually delivered to the user
then plugged in and the user can switch their
through a head-mounted, or hand-held
view over to the headset to immerse
controller. This equipment connects people to
themselves in the experience. Once the
the virtual reality and allows them to control
headset is placed on the user's head and
and navigate their actions in an environment
adjusted to fill their peripheral vision, they
meant to simulate the real world.
can use the motion controls to control the
experience on screen or their own body
Augmented reality is being used more and
movement to move around the scene. As the
more in mobile devices such as laptops, smart
user looks around, motion controls in the
phones, and tablets to change how the real
world and digital images, graphics intersect together, they are undoubtedly opening up
and interact. worlds-both real and virtual alike.

How do they work together? Conclusion:

It is not always virtual reality vs. augmented

In Augmented reality, user experiences
reality– they do not always operate
supplementary features to the real world with
independently of one another, and in fact are
the help of a computer system. He can easily
often blended together to generate an even
identify the difference between the real world
more immersing experience. For example,
and the added computer generated features.
haptic feedback-which is the vibration and
On the other hand, virtual reality isolates the
sensation added to interaction with graphics-
user from the real world and immerses him in
is considered an augmentation. However, it is
a separate virtual computer generated world.
commonly used within a virtual reality
Achieving successful virtual reality is hence
setting in order to make the experience more
lot more complicated and costlier than
lifelike though touch.
implementing an augmented reality system.

Virtual reality and augmented reality are Augmented reality is used for providing a

great examples of experiences and better experience in the field such as

interactions fueled by the desire to become education, sports, architecture, construction

immersed in a simulated land for and even day to day life. Virtual reality will

entertainment and play, or to add a new be preferred for purposes like gaming,

dimension of interaction between digital training and therapeutic use for psychological

devices and the real world. Alone or blended disorders.

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